#also i already said kurt slapping the bag wasnt an issue for me lmao he never gets mad i wanted to see him mad
angelhummel · 4 years
Hi, I'm the anon that said that Klaine was unhealthy in season 5. Some of their arguments were pretty normal but there were other things, like their actions in Tested (Blaine trying to manipulate Kurt into gaining weight, Kurt shutting down communication with Blaine and then getting mad that Blaine wasn't being honest, that gross fencing fight) that made me think they were unhealthy. Also, Kurt slapping that bag in the piano scene in 5x20 and Blaine yelling at Elliott were both kinda gross.
Anon 2:  What’s weird to me is when people create this weird healthy or unhealthy binary. There is so much more to most relationships beyond slapping either label on it and calling it a day. Did both Kurt and Blaine do and say some shitty things? yeah. but that doesn’t make the entire relationship unhealthy. if you expect every person to go through life doing and saying all the “right” things that is.....unrealistic lmfao
Anon 3:  I think what's also important to acknowledge w s5 klaine is that their issues were primarily w themselves, not the relationship. Kurt keeping his walls up and closing off existed way before Blaine was even a character. And Blaine had been a people-pleaser from the start. They both projected their issues themselves onto the relationship and that's why they struggled. Them together wasn't the problem, them working on themselves individually solved most of their relationship issues
I’m just putting these all together bc I feel like I’ve been talking about this for forever and while everyone is making points I don’t wanna keep talking about it for forever lol so I’m doing a catch all and then that’ll be it 
Actually I kinda think the second and third anons answer the first but still. Once again I’m just gonna say that these are two teenagers and no matter how mature they seem sometimes, they’re going to do dumb teenager-y things whether we like it or not. Like am I the biggest fan of them getting too rough in fencing class? Or of Blaine confronting Elliott like he did? Or of Kurt calling Blaine a psycho? no one even brought that up i brought it on myself No of course not. It’s not like those are my favorite Klaine moments or anything, but it’s just them handling their own issues in a dumb and immature way. And they can be dumb and immature bc they’re 19 it’s fine they’re still learning and growing. 
And honestly Anon 1 the fact that you said you like them in s6 just proves that they did learn and they did grow. And they had to have their rough and messy time to figure themselves and each other out. And without that then we wouldn’t have had the “healthy” times again in s6 so it was all working towards something. It’s a process, like I said before 
And like 3 said how their issues are more within themselves than with the actual relationship. Like they both have normal problems that crop up in a relationship, and they sometimes handled them in less than brilliant ways. Because they’re still dumb teenagers and they’re allowed to make mistakes
But idk it’s like even with everything we’ve talked about, they’re still the best couple to me. On their own, and also in comparison to everyone else. 
Blaine manipulated Kurt into eating a little extra at a time when Kurt was working out and dieting like crazy? Finn fed meat to his vegan girlfriend bc he forgot she was vegan. Santana manipulated Brittany into cheating on Artie with her lmao
Blaine went to yell at Elliott and it immediately deescalated after he got his feelings out? Finn physically attacked/beat up Puck, Jesse, Brody, Puck again, and tried it with Sam and Joe 
Kurt hit a bag? Again, violent Finn and his constant furniture kicking which is brushed off as a running gag. Or Santana hurting Rory to the point bleeding after he was interested in Brittany
And like I’m not saying Klaine was perfect bc everyone else was worse. And I’m not saying you can’t critique the bad stuff just bc it wasn’t as bad as everyone else’s stuff. Idk man sometimes I just feel like Klaine gets scrutinized extra hard bc they’re like THE couple of the show meanwhile everyone else gets away with such bullshit?? Idk I guess I’m just explaining why these things don’t bother me as much but your feelings are still valid and you obviously don’t have to like those things about them but I do think that a few bad issues in the span of like 5 episodes isn’t the end of the world for a fictional tv couple
So yeah those are my thoughts
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