#also i Did have to include roman inspo because ABM is about Roman Catholicism explicitly
nicosraf · 1 year
Fun question for you! What architecture inspired your take on heaven? I was getting hints of ancient Rome with how the bath houses and fountains are described. However, I'm really curious and I've gotta know!
I sorta referenced this a while back but I can be specific about the architecture now !
ABM Heaven is, actually, mostly inspired by colonial Latin America, particularly south-central Mexico — the painted tiles and the sunny colors of the houses (all so smushed together that they resemble one) and hidden gardens and balconies. Rosier's house, for ex, is a house I stayed at for a little while in Mexico. This is what I mean (!):
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I was envisioning a typical Mexican town plaza at the center of Heaven, actually. Why? Because it's funny, and also basing Heaven's architecture on a colonial force is definitely saying something I think sksk
Though I focus on the above, Heaven is a mix of a lot of architectural style though! One time I visited Spain (which, as you might realize, relates to my interest in colonial architecture) and I found the clash of architecture on the older streets really interesting (because of Spain being Roman, then under Muslim rule, then Christian (etc)). On the note of mixing Rome, Islam, and Christianity:
The observatory was inspired by Islamic architecture.
The cathedral was pure gothic Christian.
The colosseum was, obviously, Roman.
Oh, and I was actually inspired by Turkish baths for the bathhouse, though Turkish baths come from Roman baths (allegedly) so the connection makes sense!
Michael's house is literally a typical Latin American house with a flat roof and a bunch of random stuff on top.
The architecture question for Heaven was really interesting when I was drafting. I wanted it to be a mix of stuff -- almost nonsensical -- to make it feel familiar but still strange. So yeah it's a little Roman, but it's a little bit of everything.
Very much any architecture that the humans will invent, the angels have already done it, I think.
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