#also hope you don’t mind op 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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homosexuality reblog if you agree (from this post by @thehappyromeo)
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alyjojo · 2 years
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March 👵🏻 2023 Monthly - Aquarius
Whole of your energy: 4 Cups
Your first card of every row is a major arcana, and while I don’t know for sure whether progress is actually happening or a conversation is taking place, you have a desire to make sweeping changes in one particular relationship, and that dominates your energy in March. If anything, you’re frustrated and conflicted over how to even approach the subject, you’re not feeling any inspiration, or desire to be the one to have to step forward and speak up in the first place. Your Oracle with the sandwich shows you’re not interested in wasting your time, lay IT ALL out there or just forget it, there’s no middle.
What’s going on in March:
The Star:
This is your hope, wishes, dreams, or healing, and it could involve a Cancer or water sign. Probably family with the later cards. You want to rush in and talk to this person and feel frustrated they haven’t spoken up, called back, you may not feel like a priority to them. Or they could feel that way about you too. There are a group of Aquarians that are dissatisfied to have to be the pot stirrer to get it going, and the other group are on the receiving end, are also dissatisfied because it’s more “ope, shit” and they have to address feelings by being put on the spot…not their favorite place to be. You’re both not thrilled.
The Moon rev:
But you do value clarity and clear communication, no more questions 🙏 This may be a mother figure for some, maybe how you’re related, or they may have children. This could be either/both of you being transparent about your relationships within the family, home, how things have been since you’ve been out of touch with each other and generally catching up. Nothing but honesty & clarity.
The World:
Whether it actually happens or if it’s just what you wish would happen, you want to put the past behind you. The following cards describe this further. Any toxic bs, everything that’s not been said or addressed, any hurt feelings or stagnation, the shit’s old & it’s gotta go. 6 Wands shows where you actually are in your mind, you’re above this and have gotten past it, you want to help other people involved get to this mind space and join you. You miss them, love them, want the best for them, want them in your presence and life. But you’re past something that holds them back, making it difficult. You could have Capricorn in your chart with that energy, their reading was similar in this respect.
The Devil:
You’ve been held back from them, or they’ve been held back from you because of a toxic relationship with finances, debts, addictions, jealousy or lustful things in their life. Could be any number of things but seems to be money related, however that plays out. One of you could be afraid of being used for money. Or one of you is an obsessive workaholic that doesn’t make time for people and…may have had plenty of opportunities, but uses money as their excuse. Messed up priorities, toxic behaviors, addictions, this could be so many things, just apply it how it fits.
Holding back from messaging this person has caused a lot of hurt feelings, betrayal, confusion and chaos in the brain to even cause this Moon card to ever exist upright. If you’re not talking to each other, then it’s assumed you don’t care, and more is assumed from there with no clarity, it’s a downward spiral. People may have held back during very painful times, which hurt you. You may have done that to them too, either way. If you love people, tell them. Or maybe you want to. There are apologies here too, you could want one and want to give them one, genuinely. You’re tired of old baggage and wish everyone would get on your page, but you don’t know how to access them without arguing or drama, or how to even bring it up. If they’re the ones moving toward you, you’re uncomfortable because you don’t want to fight, and may not see it coming, but also grateful for the opportunity if things go positively. If you’re surprised by confrontation, be careful of fight or flight responses, and the same applies if you surprise someone else.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini & Aquarius
Oracles: ✨
“Make me one with everything 🥪”
39 Creativity 🖼
This is a profoundly creative time period for you - whether it is in the traditional arts, music, or writing - or it could be a new curiosity about exploring a way to funnel your creative urges. To be creative, you need to access your right brain - your emotional, sensing, feeling center. Do this by trying things you’ve never done before - get physical, dance, doodle.
When we acknowledge and act upon our impulse to create, we are aligning our will with Spirit. In this we can experience the flow of being on your highest path. Start creating and notice his time has no meaning anymore. Hours fly by before you realize it. It is not a struggle. It is pure inspiration. This card can also signify the birth of a child, or of a whole new way of being!
We enter into March as:
Rhonda Rhino of Amethyst 🦏:
“The road to divinity is paved in forgiveness.”
The true essence of Rhonda is that her dreams came true because she never harbored resentment, this card is about forgiveness. Because she didn’t take her mother’s suffering personally, she didn’t have to work it out. There is a lightness to staying reasonably detached from another’s anger & pain. We only need to forgive ourselves if we have judged others. Rhonda focuses on what her dream is, not what others have done to her, she is the essence of goodness and forgiveness, nothing changed that about her.
What is to be learned in March:
Rose Without Thorns 🌹:
“It is time to face my true feelings.”
You are most fortunate. As we mature, we learn that to enjoy the beauty of a rose, we must occasionally risk getting pricked by a thorn. You are not facing “the same situation”, this is the dawn of feelings being awakened and a new truth being born. You’re being presented with a different way to live. Trust you will know what to do. Stay open. Time changes us all if we’re lucky, it’s time to surrender and make the change. The best incentive to change is often love.
Red may be a lucky color ❤️
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 1 year
good day/evening OP! got a question if you don’t mind! how long have you been drawing art? and what keeps you motivated to draw? do you also do commissions? and do you ever feel tired or exhausted staying in one fandom?
thanks for answering! take your time and you don’t have to answer these if you’re not comfortable ☺️
((btw anon here is in early 20’s just to be clear ^^))
Good evening/day, Anon! And thanks for clarifying your age, as it really does mean a lot 🙏💖
No problem at all to answer these! For drawing, traditionally, it’s ever since I got my hands on my first set of crayons as a babby.
1) If it’s digitally, I started doing more of that when I bought my first surface pro tablet with the remaining art scholarship money at 18-19 years old back in 2015, I believe! Medibang was a game changer because I felt it was a good starter drawing software when I couldn’t afford Paint Tool Sai at the time (I eventually bought a license for Clip Studio instead because of a friend’s recommendation lol).
2) What motivates me to draw? I have many reasons. First one to spite a kindergarten classmate who said my drawing of a Pokémon wasn’t good xD (don’t remember which). Second, to tell stories because I couldn’t write a cohesive plotline. Third, it’s the cheapest entertainment I got lol.
I remember I tried to adapt excepts from the novels I read into comic form and they were pretty fun. Especially when I was inspired by the 39 Clues fanart in the wiki page at the time.
I think if people online made them look fun, it makes me wanna join in too, and that makes me forget that my skills suck~ Which is very important in having the motivation to draw. When focusing on quality, or perfectionism , I tend to be very harsh towards myself, which what leads to my occasional art blocks.
3) Ay I do commissions, but currently closed atm! I still have two more to go and thus, I promise myself not to reopen until I get them done!
You can find the list in my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/rttnpnkpmpkn/commissions
I may have to increase the prices a bit to account for inflation, which is disappointing but every penny counts in this trying times sorry! qwq
4) It depends! While I can enjoy a content for as long as I can before I move on to the next, the main deciding factor is whether to be involved in a community.
Every fandom I came across as a lurker always seem to follow a pattern, so I’m very reserved in joining new communities socially.
I came for the experience, so I gotta make the most out of it before I do leave to find my next hyper fixation. I’m drawing until I can find my “finale” if that makes sense ^^;
Peeps can come and go in a fandom, but inspo strikes when no one asks!
For the particular fandom I’m in, It’s definitely a mixed bag, but I’ll focus on the positives!
I have many things to be grateful for as they’re the ones who got me out of an art rut for the past year and so. I learn so many new skills and life lessons from them, where I couldn’t imagine it being any different if I didn’t meet them otherwise. I met the nicest peeps who made me forget I’m not too fond of group chats, and were very nice and supportive in their own way!
I’m returning the favor for the inspo they brought me as it’s the least I can do ^^
Also, I never truly leave a fandom, I just wander around as a lurker until I find a reason to come back again. I don’t really make an account dedicated to a specific fandom, because they don’t usually last long, so I tend to sample from other places to make the candle last longer. It wasn’t obvious mostly because I was more of a lurker then and an OC artist xD
I began drawing lots of fanarts mainly because peeps made drawing pr0n for a stickman fun 🤣
Hope that answers your question, and thank you for your time! 🙇💖
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