#also him doing silly magic tricks with his ability to entertain the younger ones :’)
littencloud9 · 4 months
thinking abt kunikida in the sheep au…
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patilsurvivor · 4 years
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⧼   alia bhatt, , cis woman, she/her /  the archer by taylor swift + hypnotising flames dancing in an open fireplace ; crushed tea leaves at the bottom of the tea cup ; wind howling in empty corridors  ⧽   ━━   hey, isn’t that PARVATI PATIL? i read a daily prophet article on them, once ; the TWENTY FOUR year old [ pure blood ] WITCH  is a [ GRYFFINDOR alumnus who has gone on to be a STORE ASSISTANT AT WEASLEY WIZARD WHEEZES ]. i’ve heard they can be quite  BRAVE & PRINCIPLED, but i don’t know… they came off very BLUNT & CATTY in that interview. it really is hard to know what to believe these days though, isn’t it?   [   plume, 26, gmt+1, she/her + tw snake and suicide ]
Hey I’m Plume and I’m super excited to join this group. It’s been too long since I wrote in the HP universe. I can’t wait to plot with you all. Here you have my vision of Parvati in this AU !
Parvati and Padma were born to second generation Indian wizards immigrants. Their mother, Nusrat, worked in Saint Mungo and their father, Prajeet, had a shop specialised in magical items from India and other parts of Asia in Diagon Alley. Prajeet was a ravenclaw alumni and Nusrat a hufflepuff alumni. Prajeet insisted on choosing a name starting with a p for the twins to follow a family tradition. The twins had a great childhood and comfortable home life with two loving parents.
Honestly I did not change anything from what is canon in the books.  Parvati was a lively girl who enjoyed gossiping, pretty and girly things. She was best friend with Lavender Brown. She loved divination and transfiguration. She had even planed on making a career in divination after graduating. She dreamed of opening a shop with Lavender under Professor Trelawney’s guidance. She was a popular and pretty girl who knew her place in the school’s social hierarchy. (Dean did call her and Padma “the best looking girls in the year”) Yet she was compassionate and stood up for what she believed was right and for people she cared about (defending Neville or Harry for example). Being full of contradictions, Parvati defended people but also mocked others and spread rumours. She had a catty side and Lavender and her could be truly irritating to be around.  
People who did not know her viewed her as shallow but if one paid closer attention they could see that there was more to her than petty gossip. Parvati cared about her grades and school work. She was a good student not as brilliant as Hermione but was serious about her studies and performed well. 
She was excited to go with Harry to the Yule Ball, and could have gone with anyone as she was popular among the boys. She agreed to go with Harry out of vanity. He was champion and she liked the attention. Since Harry proved to be a terrible date she abandoned him to finish the evening with a handsome Beauxbâtons student who was actually interested in dancing and entertaining her. She ended up dating him for the rest of the year.    
During the fifth year, she joined the Dumbledore’s Army because she believed it was the right thing to do and that Umbridge’s actions were intolerable. She was also selfishly motivated by wanting to perform well in her OWLs. She believed that they needed to practice before their exam and they were not allowed to do it in class so if she had to break rules, then she would. Being a member of the DA actually made her grow and some people realised that she was not that shallow. She had talents and was not simply Lavender giggling partner. 
She was greatly pained not to be picked to be a member of the Slug Club. It bruised her ego to not be considered special enough. She wished that she could have been part of the elitist gatherings. During that year, after Katie Bell’s attack, her parents wanted to withdraw their daughters from the school. Both girls had to fight and argue to remain in Hogwarts. Parvati was also a bit uncomfortable with Ron and Lavender’s relationship at times. (Gross) public display of affections were too much for her. Although she was furious when they broke up and both best friends could be heard frequently cursing Ron until more dramatic events made his behaviour insignificant.
Seventh year was hell. Parvati hated every second of it. She banded together with Dumbledore’s Army members to protect younger students and resist. She lived day to day until the battle of Hogwarts. She was a pureblood and could have stood by and let the death eaters do their horrible deeds but it was not who she was. Her family had never believed in blood purity and the Patil twins were fighters. They would not watch their peers being tortured or abused. They had to do something about it, even if it cost them greatly. She worried about Dean and her muggleborn friends who had to hide. She also worried about Harry, Hermione and Ron. When the time came, she fought the finale battle.
After the battle of Hogwarts
Losing Padma shattered her. Something broke inside of Parvati. The battle had taken her twin and many friends from her. It also made her a killer. She was lost and aimless. She did not see herself keep on with her life as if the world had not ended. She ditched her plan of opening a divination shop with Lavender. She could not see herself going on with the future she had planed for years. It felt wrong. It was a dark time for everybody and she could not find comfort in any of her friends or her family. They were all so broken. She could not stand the shadow of a life they were all living. 
To escape it all, she put her transfiguration and DA training to use and became a curse-breaker for Gringotts. It was a miracle they recruited her but she guessed that extraordinary times called for exceptions. For a few years, she was constantly travelling and working. It was her way to cope with the trauma. The irony was that she tried to escape the war by entering a career that required her to fight all the time. It was not really a smart move or the best way to recover. However it was all she knew and it had the benefits of taking her away from home. She could not stand seeing the sadness in her parents eyes or wandering in places that reminded her of Padma. It was even hard to look at herself in a mirror and see her sister’s image. She avoided her reflection for years. Nusrat and Prajeet disapproved of her job as they were afraid of losing the only daughter they had left.  Parvati was constantly risking her life. 
She tried to shed everything that used to make her “her”. Her last year of school had already stripped her of her bubbly personality. Losing Padma finished erasing that lively side. War had changed everybody. It was particularly noticeable in people like Parvati. Gone were the giggles and sparkling eyes. At times she missed the girl she used to be. She would give anything to be able to just one more time, sit with Padma and Lavender and laugh about Luna’s radish earrings or roll her eyes at Dean and Seamus being silly in the common room. She tried not to think or dwell about the past because it only hurt. 
However time started to heal her wounds. She would never forget what had happened to her, her sister and her friends but it became easier to live with the trauma. She found herself enjoying her visits back home more than dreading them. During those times, she would visit old friends as what felt like a mandatory task and was bittersweet. Eventually just as she longed for breaks between missions, she realised that she longed for her friends and a kinship. She had been alone for too long and it was time that she tried to live her life again instead of escaping it. 
She recently decided to settle down and quit her job at Gringotts. She needed to try to figure out what to do for the rest of her life. Did she want to go back to her original plan or not ? She could not really decide. George Weasley who like her had lost a twin and was the only person who she felt understood her pain and struggles, kindly offered her a job at his Wizard Wheezes shop. She took it knowing that working in a joke and tricks shop would not be boring and that George and her could support each others. 
Parvati did not join the Order of Phoenix as she wanted nothing to do with wars anymore. She had had enough. She remained a member of the Dumbledore’s Army but was not actively participating in anything. She simply promised to be there if another battle happened. 
I kept everything book canon until the battle of Hogwarts. Padma’s death broke Parvati. She abandoned her plans of opening a divination shop. She shut people down and left to become a curse-breaker to escape her pain and trauma. For years she rarely visited home and kept very little contact with her friends. Time healed her a little. She recently came back to the UK and decided to try and live a peaceful life. George Weasley offered her a job at Weasley Wizard Wheezes. She wishes to reconnect with her friends or make new ones. She is still a member of the Dumbledore Army but not an active one. 
Working as a curse breaker made Parvati a better witch and she continued to develop her magic and abilities. She has plenty of spells in her sleeves. She is now able to cast a corporeal patronus. 
Wanted connections
Perhaps someone who tried to be there for Parvati but she shut them down and was not really responsive to the friendship and support given to her 
Other curse-breakers 
Flings (Parvati was not in a head space to date but she could have had flings here and there while she was back home)
Former Beauxbâtons boyfriend ?? (i don’t know if anyone is an alumni and fits the age range)
Hogwarts/Gryffindor/DA rekindling friendships. Seriously my girl was like bye everyone and only sporadically came home for years. She feels super guilty of abandoning her friends to go on her own journey. And she wants to make amends and rebuild relationships. She also feel bad for how she treated Luna and Hermione at times when they were in school. 
Perhaps a new friend she made recently
Someone she does not vibe with
Someone she was not friend with in school but they are seeing each others in a new light ? 
Cousin ? If anyone has indian or part indian character we could try to work something 
Former Hogwarts boyfriend(s). We know nothing in canon about Parvati’s love life but it’s easy to speculate that she dated a few people. 
Enemies from Hogwarts that remained enemies 
Perhaps someone who had an unrequited crush on her at school ? 
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royvdhelart · 6 years
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So...as I've been sick for the last week, I kind of needed something to cheer me up a bit and something to get the Art-passion flowing again. So, I decided to finally redo Emil's reference sheet, as I never liked the old one, after designing him a new outfit <3
This was a bunch of work but boy, I can not recall having this much fun with a drawing and I'm actually hella proud of it for once :D I hope you like it as well!
--- Just to be clear btw: This Art is NOT for free use. ---
Callname: Emil/Baltazar Full-Name: Baltazar Emil A'zam Duman Jaren Qazir Languages: Common, Dwarfish (future: draconic)
Age: 26, born on the first day of June Sex/Gender: Male Height: 1,95m/6'4 Race: Human Class: (Lore) Bard (level 9) (future: Draconic sorcerer)
Background: Entertainer/Noble Sexuality: Bi-Romantic
Favorite Instrument: Violin. Alignment/Personality: Neutral Good, optimistic, Drama Queen, charismatic, polite, group-mom, party-guy, curious, creative. Flaws: Drama Queen, has a big mouth and turns into an awkward/clumsy dork when he has a crush on someone. More about his family: https://sta.sh/014wc8gu8y2p Background: Baltazar was born on the first day of June in the city Setus. He was the 7th and youngest son of a wealthy merchant family, having 4 brothers ( (35) Amin, (33)Kareem, (30)Jarah, (27)Gabriel, and ( and 2 sisters (Farah (31) and Iris (35) above him.  Baltazar had always been the "runt of the litter". Tall but lanky, Emil wasn't strong, and always out searching for trouble. This often caused him to clash with his parents, who really wished Emil would become more serious instead of going on about silly adventures and hanging around in inn's every night. Actually just fearing for his well-being.
As a proper noblemen's son Baltazar was learned etiquette from a young age, getting schooled by a wise old teacher (Nazim), who had years of experience teaching his older brothers and sisters. Emil wasn't the best student however and caused quite the frustration to his teacher. He skipped classes, pulled tricks on his teacher and rarely did the work he was expected to or find some kind of way to do his tasks with the least effort possible. Emil was much too busy learning plays out of his head, creating new songs or just dreaming about what it would be like to be actually free, to travel the lands, slay monsters, be a hero, to do such boring and repetitive tasks. It didn't matter anyway, he was the youngest, he would one day be married of to a rich woman/man and that would be it. He often worried about this future, a future, which in his opinion, could only become boring. The moments he spent on stage, telling people silly stories when he played his violin, were the moments he actually felt alive, at those moments he could feel a kind of power flowing through him, which could vaguely be described as a warmth but different. To him, it seemed that all that they wanted to do is take that from him, make him "more serious" as he would never honor his family's name as a simple entertainer. One day Emil had pushed his parents too far, he missed his teacher's lessons again and had a big fight with his father. All Emil's frustration and fear for the future came out at that point. Which ended with Emil, angerly saying that he was going to leave the city and that he would prove them that he would become worth something, he would become a great entertainer, a Hero even, his name would become known! With that, he packed his stuff and left the next morning. Quite quickly Emil found out that traveling was definitely not as easy or fun as he expected and regretted his decision quite quickly as he started to run out of gold, the city Setus was mostly surrounded by desert and small villages, where there was no way for him to make any profit. After traveling for days, he decided that he really wasn't ready to cross an entire dessert after having a nasty run-in with Goblins. He finally reached a cross point between three larger cities. He decided to travel between the cities, to try out work as an entertainer to earn some gold. For a few years, he played music at inns, took on small roles in plays and did some odd jobs to earn some extra gold. In these years he discovered the kind of power within himself again, a power which he studied and could control more and more each day as he got mentored by another bard called "Rafael". Who saw potential in him. Eventually, he learned how to control magic with his voice, movements, and music. Even though he enjoyed entertaining, with his new found powers and being able to do whatever he wanted, he realized he became somewhat stuck there, unable to grow, he was running out of ideas for songs or tales. But what was he supposed to do? He couldn't go back home and wasn't confident enough of his abilities yet to go on actual adventures alone, as he and Rafael split up after a year, his powers seemed mostly passive, supporting at most. Contemplating his options, he almost stumbled over a black panther which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. He looked back at the table which the large black cat was laying against, sitting around it he saw what could only be described as a perfect example of a knight in shining armor drinking a large pint of... milk? and a younger somewhat odd hooded figure, bright red with a large bird emblem depicted on his back in gold. Emil was immediately intrigued by the curious figures, decided to buy them a round and started talking to them. The knight was apparently the Paladin called Adil Fahd, somewhat of a folk hero, who he actually recognized by name as he had heard it before. The hooded young man was called Yashan, a Phoenix sorcerer from far away, this apparently meant he knew a lot about setting things and himself... on fire, he was apparently on a holy mission to find a religious artifact called the Sun-Stone. He spends the rest of the evening talking with the adventurers and eventually convinced them to let them join their group. A few months later, they met their newest members to the party "Kakaah" a odd but smart Kenku Rogue and a sassy Fighter called Ustrom and with the party complete they would face many adventures, from fighting as gladiators in the area of a savage dwarf Island, to Dyeing Ogers hair to get out of trouble, surviving many of Adil's bad ideas, dangerous sea-trips, a trip to the Underdark, meeting the Evil beholder called Kazejux, retrieving priceless artifacts,  fighting a Demon called Kalahai who is wanting to take over the world... and many more and many more more to come. Extra/Random Facts about Emil: - Emil is a very charismatic and likes to flirt but is absolutely terrified of sex because of a mix of bad/silly experience and anxiety. He gets nervous about the subject and panics as soon as things become too hot and heavy. - Emil has a huge weakness for smart and dorky, guys/girls <3 - He learned the tips and tricks about being a Bard from a Bard called Rafael, with whom he has a somewhat competitive-love/hate friend-relationship as their friendship got a little complicated at the end of their showbusiness-partnership. Rafael is a stereotypical bard, very charismatic, party-animal and somewhat of a nymphomaniac. - Emil used to own a tiger when he was younger, who he shared with his brother Gabriel, which is supposed to be depicted on his bracers. Gabriel, after being reunited with Emil again 3 years after Emil left home, decided to also engrave his name into the bracers, in a way, so he'd be with him on his adventures. -Emil grew up with two mothers and a father, his biological mother is called Anjah, she is smart, smoll and scary, his second mother is called Dolunay, Cool, collected and wise, and his father's name is Azam who is intimidating but too sweet for his own good. His parents are in a Poly-romantic relationship and don't appreciate the "He is rich so he has more than one wife"-talk/ habit, the relationship is shared between all of them and they all love each other equally.
- Aside from the strings, his Violin is made out of Wood, Gold, and Ivory. It's called "Yarro" and is named after the Yarrow Plant. - He was thought to shoot his crossbow by his older brother Amin, who is good at handling most weapons known to that region, and an avid collector. Currently, Baltazar owns a magic Heavy Crossbow which is able to cast the spell "Tenser's transformation". - Emil is familiar with wearing drag or being scarcely clothed on stage as he used to be a part of a show in an "Entertainers-bar" for about a year. His drag is now one of his costumes next to his dessert robes... this job wasn't one of his favorites... but it was where Rafael discovered him, which would change his life forever. (He is dangerous with a pair of heels.) - Emil recently acquired a sentient cape, called Thanatos, a cured copper dragon with a ton of attitude. He allows Baltazar to Fly, be resistant to fire and look very extra. - His feather ear-ring is supposed to resemble a phoenix feather, however, he has no clue if it's real, as he bought it on a market from a somewhat sketchy guy. - Emil lost his finger for a while after using a magic artifact to save his ass... (Future: luckily he was able to get it back!) - Emil has a birthmark on his left hip. - (When compared to the real world) Emil would have a combination of Arabic/Indian/maybe a bit of Egyptic heritage. - Emil Knows gods exist but isn't necessarily a follower of any. More Baltazar: - https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/art/OC-Spectrum-Meme-DnD-Characters-724820026 - https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/art/DND-Reference-Baltazar-Emil-Qazir-707607613 - https://romyvdhel-art.deviantart.com/art/DnD-Sketchdump-VIII-717548901
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our-legacy-rp-blog · 8 years
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GRACE has been accepted for the character CHARLIE CRAWFORD
It’s such a pleasure to have you back, Grace, and with such a wonderful character! You wrote Charlie so beautifully, from his family background to his interests and passions, and we know that you’re going to fit right back in in no time. Welcome back to the roleplay, and be sure you fill out the checklist HERE.
OOC name & pronouns: Grace, she/her Age: 20 Timezone: GMT
Character’s name: Charlie Crawford.
FC choice: Bob Morley
Position request: Chaser on the Quidditch team.
Birthday: May 1st. // Positive Taurus traits include reliability, patience, practicability, and ambition – with excellent communication skills. Negative traits include stubbornness, self-indulgence, and a temper.
Wand: 14 inches, Black Walnut, Phoenix Feather. // A wand wood tempted towards those who are honest and self-aware, and a core that allows for the greatest breadth of skill.
Patronus: A goat. // Representing great amounts of energy and often associated with new climbs and projects, the goat represents Charlie’s desire to seek new heights, as well as his ability to be surefooted and dignified. Goats are also associated with masculinity and exploration, as well as intelligence, courage, and independence. Charlie was a little disappointed at first, wanting something a bit more impressive, but he’s grown to see the likeness, and can feel the energy coming from the animal when he casts it.
Boggart: His mother, crying, telling him he’s just like his father. // It’s a combination of things, really. Disappointing his mother, and turning into his father. It’s the double-whamey of fears, and the last thing that Charlie wants. He can take anything in life - hold on through any rough ride - but the thought of waking up in twenty years and being his father, being the lying, cheating, unromantic asshole, is terrifying to him. With his mother’s natural capacity for love, he’s terrified of hurting the people he’s close to - and terrified of hurting her the most. In order to banish the boggart, he usually deals with it by dressing it in a unicorn costume – though its words often haunt him for a few days afterwards, tossing and turning as he remembers the image.
&;; Charlie doesn’t fall in love often, but when he does, he falls in love hard. He may enjoy watching girls blush and flutter their eyelids at him, but when he meets somebody he likes, he’s the one stammering and flushing. For a boy full of confidence and honesty, his true crushes are the things he does his best to hide – but with his love-sick stares, inability to talk, and bright red cheeks at the mere mention of their name, it’s incredibly obvious regardless. If he gets rejected, he’s respectful, of course – but that doesn’t stop sorrowful sighs as he attempts to move on, thinking of the sonnets his mother read to him when he was younger.
&;; Mother’s Day is Charlie’s favourite day of the year. While he and Eoin celebrate each others’ mothers on Father’s Day (a tradition that started as a joke when Charlie was 9), feeling lucky enough to essentially have two mothers, Mother’s Day itself is for him and his mum. Raised by a strong, honest, doting mother, Mother’s Day allows Charlie to truly spoil his mum, taking her out for a fancy dinner (paid for with the money he earns selling his inventions), buying her countless gifts and bouquets of flowers. He does his best to appreciate her all year round, but that one day is a chance to make sure she truly knows his gratitude.
&;; Charlie loves spicy food. It’s not so common at Hogwarts, but he makes sure to eat as many hot curries as possible whenever he’s home. He also enjoys cooking – he has a flair for flavour, but tends to go a bit off book. The mess he makes (and leaves for his mum to clear up) is also a reason to keep him out of the kitchen, although his baking is to die for.
The Crawfords are an unusual family to say the least. Raised by his mother and his father’s mistress, Charlie’s memories of his father and few and in between – and good riddance to him. Rather than having their lives marred by the terrible actions of a cowardly man, the Crawfords built their family around respect and honesty, a shared betrayal leading to a shared happiness. It is truth and loyalty that are most highly valued in Charlie’s life – taught from a young age that being sincere was the most important thing he could be, that being a good friend was the mark of a good person. Of course, while the unusual set-up drew raised eyebrows from others, it was wonderful for Charlie – allowing him to grow up with his three favourite people in the world, able to play with his brother every day and curl up with his mother and Aunt Amelia every night. As far as he’s concerned, his life was blissful – growing up on the South coast, climbing trees in the woods and splashing his brother in the sea. The older and bolder of the two boys, Charlie had a habit of leading the charge, always the one orchestrating, Eoin his playmate, best friend, and adoring audience. He was the louder one, the cheekier one – always pushing the limits of what he could do, and (with good reason) always the one getting blamed. But with a cute smile and smart apology, Charlie found it was very hard for his mothers to stay mad for long – able to get them smiling again before bedtime, no matter what his schemes were. He has nothing but fond memories of his childhood – the occasional visits to see his father the only dark shadow cast over his extreme happiness – before Charlie learnt what had truly happened to his mother and Aunt Amelia, and put his foot down. Then his father disappeared from his life, and there was nothing to worry about anymore.
Always bright and inquisitive, school was - in theory - a place of great excitement for Charlie. Yet the classes weren’t as interesting as he’d have hoped, a willing student but a handful when bored – which was most of the time. His mother was called in a few times – but Charlie found that pairing good grades with bad behaviour usually stopped his teachers worrying, and he found himself in less trouble. Of course, school proved a popularity contest, and Charlie’s confidence was a great asset. Loud and proud, and more verbose than his peers, Charlie quickly won over a group of friends, happy to be their leader. Of course, his social group wasn’t complete without his brother, and while Eoin was perhaps quieter than most of Charlie’s friends, he strove to include him in everything. Being protective of him was Charlie’s natural state – no matter what his more popular friends thought. When Charlie first developed his magic, the first thing he did was show Eoin – and try to teach him how to do the same. While he lived to entertain his friends, every silly trick was simply to amuse his brother – every gag to make him laugh. When he found out about the house system at Hogwarts, Charlie spent a few anxious nights worrying that he and Eoin were going to be separated – their paths (and therefore lives) diverging. It was a great relief to find out they’d share a dorm and all their classes for the next seven years, clearing a space on the Slytherin bench next to him for his brother, excited to share it all with his best friend. But so busy worrying about being separated from Eoin, what Charlie hadn’t anticipated was how difficult it would be to be separated from his mother. His rock in life, adjusting to being so far away from he was difficult for Charlie – countless nights in first year spent curled under his duvet, willing himself not to cry. Having Eoin made it easier, but Scotland was a long way from the South coast, especially since his mother only had muggle transportation available. With age has come a greater appreciation for independence, but that doesn’t stop him from writing to his mother with updates on his life at least twice a week, updating her and Amelia on all elements of his and Eoin’s lives.
Always one to take things in his stride, Charlie took to the magical world like a duck to water. With a whole new world to explore, he made the most of his magical education – though he always felt book learning had its limits, sometimes skipping lessons to explore Hogwarts instead. Quidditch was the first thing he got involved with that he really loved – making his childhood dreams of flying come true, and in a competitive manner. From the moment he first played the sport, he knew he was a born chaser – right in the heart of the action, reaping all the glory from scoring the goals. All the magical and supernatural creatures were incredible to Charlie, too – gawping at the existence of hippogriffs and centaurs, his imagination running wild at the thought of vampires and werewolves. While he’s grown into a confident, charming young man, learning from those in his house, a small part of Charlie maintains this incredible wonder. But there are parts of the wizarding world Charlie isn’t so keen on. The ideas of blood purity and certain species being superior is particularly ridiculous to him – coming into the wizarding world with his eyes entirely open. Despite the occasional whispers of Slytherins, he can see the problems of the muggle world echoed in the wizarding one – thinking the prejudice is ridiculous in both. Always one to express his opinions, he’s clear about this – eloquent and charming, and responsible for changing the minds of a few of his peers. But this isn’t necessarily his aim – as his mother taught him, his aim in life is to be honest, and to be himself. No matter where that gets him, or what that does.
Charlie may be a natural wordsmith, but he’s also a practical person. In his mind, the two fit together – then again, he’s always working out how things fit together. More hands-on than his literature-loving parents, Charlie is an inventor – constantly taking things apart only to put them back together. Growing up in the muggle world has given him a healthy appreciation of mechanics, and it’s that element that makes his magical inventions unique. It’s one of the reasons he thinks he’s an excellent speaker, too – able to deconstruct what makes something work, and reapply it to the next thing that comes along. When Charlie looks at an object, he doesn’t look at the whole – instead, he’s looking at each tiny part, and the role it plays. He sketches new inventions in his spare time, his desk often covered with springs and latches as he brings his creations to life. But he’s not one to coop himself up inside, tinkering away in the dark. He enjoys travel, too – spending his summers kayaking down rivers and hiking in mountains. Exploring the outdoors is one of Charlie’s greatest loves – intensely peaceful, but also hugely challenging. Though, after making a few tweaks to his cameras, he makes sure he photographs everything to send back to his mum.
With his warmth, practicality, and love of the outdoors, some question how Charlie ended up in Slytherin. He’s heard whispers that he’d be better off in Gryffindor. But what his doubters they don’t realise is the limits that Charlie pushes – challenging magic and mechanics by inventing new creations, pushing his own limits in testing his endurance. With an analytical nature, Charlie is always calculating the outcomes of situations – and then testing what he can change. And while he’s occasionally frustrated with being underestimated, he realises that this is a strength in itself – able to push without appearing to push, able to challenge without being threatening. With a warm nature and a golden tongue, there are those that think Charlie would make an excellent politician. And while he doesn’t disagree, he thinks inventing and exploring is more his place in the world.
This combination of brains and brawn seem to be attractive to the girls at Hogwarts, and that’s something Charlie definitely makes the most of. Unlike his father, he’s honest – there are very few of them he wants anything more with, and he’s not going to mislead them. But he does enjoy seeing them blush and smile, does enjoy seeing what a compliment - an honest, unassuming compliment - can do to somebody’s mood. He knows the line between friendly and flirty, and knows when to tread it. That doesn’t change that there’s a part of Charlie that worries – a part that looks into the mirror and sees his father. Like his mother, when he’s in love, he’s entirely sold – and yet he’s afraid that he’ll wake up one day and become his father, afraid that he’ll spoil things for himself. Torn between these contrasting feelings, Charlie never knows how to act when he truly falls in love.
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