#also hi holyheart let's both go to scotland
tagged by @holyheart!
relationship status: in a long term relationship with someone i met in high school
favourite colours: phthalo green (or the color of splat midnight jade hair dye on my hair which only i know but it's okay <3), dark grey, deep purples/blues.
song stuck in my head: "defeated" - babyland
last song i listened to: "around every corner" - nin
three favourite foods: this is such a cursed question because i really love food all kinds of food. but the three foods i am craving this very second are potato and onion pierogis, frozen raw cookie dough my partner's mom makes, and deviled eggs
last thing googled: "pancreatitis and hypocalcemia" lol
dream trip: scotland and portugal
anything i want right now: abolition of higher education debt and more hours in the day and more confidence in my writing
i'm tagging everyone who wants to share about themselves <3 let's goooo
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