#also hello tdc nation
punkcalf-art · 7 months
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"Stay out of the forest. A warning engulfed in a stories, told with frevor and passion around the campfires across your peaceful planet. No clans, just You. You and your siblings many. A story of eons past when They came to Your planet. When They thought They needed your essence to surivive. A miscalculation, nothing more. They never needed You. But They had drank from You had they not? Such a grievious mistake They hade made. Angering the planet You live on. Angering the Mother that watches over You. They did not need You. And their punishment, not reward was life eternal. They stalk the forest, unable to die. Unable to live. They were terrified of death and sought to evade it. Their wish has become truth. Walking, eternal on the planet They invaded."
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zenaquaria · 7 years
On Werebeasts/Therianthropes: The Coalition
The major organization for the werebeasts in my setting is known as the Therianthrope Defense Coalition, acronym TDC.
Mission Statement/Creed: To defend and protect therianthropes across the globe from exposition and genocide.
How are they organized? The global leader is known as the Alpha; other top officers of smaller branches of the whole are also known as Alphas, as are the mobile task force units’ mission leaders. Branch officers have a site descriptor in front of their designation, like Baltimore, Rio (de Janeiro), or Vatican. There are various departments set up underneath these Site Alphas. Infiltration, Enforcement, Interrogation, Dispatch, and The Packs are a few of these. 
Enforcers are small, specialized teams of 2-5 members that are usually deployed to single-target objectives. A feral werebeast drawing too much attention to themselves, a vampire out to start trouble, or a trueborn in distress are all mission types typically undertaken by Enforcers.
The Packs are deployed if a mission consists of multiple objectives or is otherwise greater than an Enforcer team should handle alone. The Packs are the mobile task force units of the Coalition, and answer to a squadron officer called a Pack Alpha. They are cadres of werebeasts mostly containing canine, vulpine, or feline members, with the occasional porcine or ursine members who opted not to go Enforcement, and more rarely, other various species who didn’t choose another department. Each cadre consists of 5-10 werebeasts, though seven seems to be the most common.
Dispatch are the officers who stay on-base to help direct mission objectives in relative safety. They may have already served as Enforcers or Pack soldiers, or some handicap prevents them from serving as such. 
Additional departments Some of these departments do not require more than one or a small handful of staff. Data Archival, Strategics, and Nations Liaison are a few of these, and their personnel serve more as advisory bodies than anything else.
Do they adhere to pack hierarchy since they use the Alpha term for leaders? The TDC only uses “Alpha” out of the outdated pack hierarchy terms to have a species-specific term for their commanding officers. Everything else about pack hierarchy cannot be applied to the many species that make up the Coalition, and even the Canid Therians reject the idea of it. “Why does so much human fiction about our kind focus on this dumb rank crap? Also, hello, humans? Yeah, us bitches exist, you know! We’re the scary ones! Timber, don’t laugh at me or I’ll punch you!” ~Jackal, TDC Enforcer, to Pack Alpha Timber “Yeah you’re the scary ones, damn straight. But what else do you expect, Jackie? It’s their fiction. Let them run wild with all their misconceptions. Keeps them from finding us out for real.” ~Timber, Alpha of Pack Four, to Jackal
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