#also hed just do what anyone else would to prep for winter
deerspherestudios · 9 months
First of all I hope you are doing well and I love your game and Mychael 💗 you are amazing. And my question is: does Mychael happen to be intolerant of the cold? You mentioned that when he is sick he seeks warmth, I was curious to know if he, even when he is healthy, has any sensitivity to the cold or the temperatures drop? And what does he do about it in the winter seasons in the forest? Sorry if I don't make myself understood 🙏 I'm using the translator, but have time to answer my question I love you 💗
He's not intolerant, but he definitely prefers warmth, like a "do you like summer or winter" kind of thing. Back during his days of being a nomad, he's had plenty of nights sleeping outside in the cold, so he cherishes being warm and cozy now that he has a proper home.
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