#also fwiw in my Misspent Youth (tm) I definitely made my share of 'ironic' antisemitic jokes
kaesaaurelia · 2 years
I am begging people to stop making "ironically" homophobic jokes on social media. Every single instance I've seen of this has actual homophobes, transphobes, and white supremacists who eat that shit up and reblog/qrt with transphobic suibait and eugenicist dogwhistles. I just saw an actually funny post with a homophobic dog meme added into the reblogs and the dude who added it was fully a homophobic antivax transphobe who also reblogged a joke about how mass shootings are false flags. He is not your fucking friend and he didn't add the homophobic dog meme in the spirit of gentle intracommunity ribbing. He wants you and your friends to die.
Make your "lol I'm homophobic! It's funny 'cause I'm gay!" jokes among friends if you want to -- in-group humor can be great! -- but remember that on the wilds of the internet or when directed at strangers it all just looks like regular homophobia out of context, and also, sometimes what you assume is just ironic is actually earnest homophobia.
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