#also fuck King Leopold and his extreme exploitation of the Congolese people i would say your my most hated monarch but i live in England
brittie-frog · 4 months
Finally left my room to go into the living room and to see a movie start playing talking about King Leopold in the Congo thinking it was a documentary and then find out it was Legend of Tarzan live action so stuck around to watch because I just spent part of a semester learning about the Congo Free State.
It's decent, I was a little confused because it's after Tarzan has left Africa and joined high society so is a brand new plot to the Disney movie but I get into.
My racist dad then comes in and starts watching:
"It's these types of movies that cause those woke idiots to get their ideas when we never went into the interior of Africa it was Africans enslaving other blacks and bringing them to the coa-"
"This is set during the scramble for Africa in the the Congo Free State where there was definitely white Belgians exploiting the Congolese people." And my dad shut the fuck up and didn't say a word for the rest of the movie.
I love small victories.
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