#also for those who were wondering about elias
meo-eiru · 29 days
what’s elias family life like? does he have friends? i’m wondering if he’s more introverted. i’m just so curious about what elias is like outside of his relationship/obsession with us!
Elias was born into a very normal family. A normal mom, a normal dad, no siblings. They are not rich but they are not poor. Both the mom and dad are average looking. His dad is a salary man and his mom is a housewife. Nothing noteworthy. Incredibly normal, incredibly boring.
Elias was weirdly beautiful from the moment he was born. His unnatural beauty as a newborn who came to this word 3 minutes ago left even the doctors stunned. Growing up that face of his pretty much gave him a free ride at everything. He was popular in elementary school, people usually preferring to play with him. The teachers would favor him for his face and getting extra snacks was easy peasy. His family didn’t really have the means and connections for making use of those looks though. They weren’t able to afford high brand clothes and private schools, they also didn’t really want him to appear in TV because they believed it was pretty unsafe. Thanks to that he stayed pretty under the radar except in his own close circle.
Elias didn’t really feel the need to try out hobbies, he was able to get most things he wanted with his face anyway. He didn’t have the desire to go after new adventures and try out activities. His parents also didn’t try pushing him into anything because they weren’t very knowledgable about this stuff and assumed he was doing fine.
During middle school is when Elias’ problems started. Right off the bat he SUCKED at making friends with other boys. They either found him too feminine looking or too boring to hang out with. He couldn’t even play football without falling the second the ball touched him. They were also jealous of how popular he was with the girls. This bothered Elias a bit but he also didn’t mind too much because he was still getting the attention he needed to live a sorta comfortable school life, with all the girls running after him and giving him gifts. Yes people kept talking behind him, but he wasn’t outright bullied or anything right?
Elias was used to getting love confessions but towards the end of middle school he was asked outright for the first time, and by the school’s most popular girl at that. Elias thought she really wasn’t as pretty as him and didn’t care much about her but people around him expected him to accept her confession. So he did. He got a girlfriend for the first time, someone he didn’t really like, and he got broken up with by that same girl he didn’t care about just a few months after starting dating. She called him boring saying he either refused to go on dates or when he did, he refused to properly engage in the activities. This confused Elias because he thought just being there and looking pretty as always would get him by.
Fast forward to high school, Elias went to a pretty normal one, he didn’t particularly care about the school’s name or location. It was normal and good enough in his opinion. Unfortunately for him around this time his lack of personality really started shining. Boys were extra cruel with their name calling and there were even instances of inappropriate touching which disgusted Elias. He was too pretty to be a boy they said. But despite all that he was also probably living his most popular life. He was getting his growth spurt and his height quickly went above 175cm. His hair was pretty a shiny, he started growing it out for the first time and most girls thought it gave him a mysterious and pretty vibe. He also got his left ear pierced as an extra touch.
It became a usual occurrence for girls to ask him out publicly around this time. Elias mostly declined them though, he found them uninteresting. There was one girl who talked with him often though. Not the most popular one but she was one of the popular girls. Elias didn’t care about her that much as a person but he also didn’t find him too annoying. Everyone around him was falling in love around this time and when that girl asked him out Elias decided to accept. He didn’t show it much but Elias didn’t like looking like he was behind the “trends”.
They dated for a while and Elias thought it was at least more bearable than his last gf. It didn’t last too long as well though.
Elias was going home from the market after buying the groceries his mom wanted from him, he didn’t usually go out during that time but his mom said he really needed something for a new recipe she was trying so he had to. That’s when he saw it, purely by coincidence, by chance, he saw his girlfriend holding hands and kissing with some unknown guy in the cafe he was walking by. Elias was stunned, he didn’t care about the girl but something about that irritated him.
He confronted the girl later in school and she confessed the whole thing saying, he just wasn’t exciting like she expected. It was his fault for getting her hopes up with his appearance. Yes he was pretty, but that other guy was just much more interesting and fun than him. They were actually able to do stuff together and Elias started feeling more like a pretty toy to her.
Elias hated that, he didn’t understand why these words hurt him as much as they did and he hated it so so much. He didn’t understand how she could prefer some random average looking guy over him. Was he that boring? Was being fun that important? He didn’t understand. He never cared about that stuff so he couldn’t comprehend this.
It was the first time Elias felt self conscious.
He tried to distance himself a but through the rest of high school. His notes weren’t so good so his parents were pressuring him into studying anyway. They couldn’t afford a good uni but Elias really didn’t want to study. It wasn’t interesting.
At the end he couldn’t get into a good college. It felt weird. In his head he believed he could just… do it. Everything else came to him so easily even if he didn’t particularly want them so he thought the same would happen. But turns out having no hobbies, successes or at least good exam notes in life actually makes it pretty damn hard to get into a good uni.
He ended up going to a normal community one in a major he didn’t really care for. Fucked around for 2 years, dropped out, got scouted for modeling, his manager discovered him and started taking care of most of his jobs
And then found you💜
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bothoutsiders · 6 months
Jason had seen it happen multiple times in the past. He would see how people pretended to be friends with Tim, telling him how funny he was, or flattering him some way or another, only for them to later stay quiet, pull away and ‘turn’ into him.
It was almost at a cosmic level. It didn’t matter where they were, or who he was pretending to be. It would happen.
It wasn’t that Jason was always watching, but … it was pretty obvious to him.
This time it wasn’t any different. Although, if he were to be honest, it was kind of a funny scene.
Tim had been working on a case for a while at Gotham’s hospital and Caroline Hill had been back for months now. Working hard to help around, and collecting valuable information while playing the role perfectly. She even got some weird, flirty comments from male nurses and doctors.
Of course Caroline had made new friends. Connections are a must when they are working undercover. Pretending to be another pawn, to not know what is going on and go to a new friend for some gossip. A very common and normal behavior between humans. Between those people who have nothing to do with the event, but want to know what is going on anyway.
Between those new friendships though, Caroline had met a particular person. They got along immediately and seemed to have the same taste in video games. While Tim was conscious that their friendship was fake and it applied only to Caroline, it was still nice. It made the role more believable and easy to play.
Jason had heard everything about it. It made Tim wonder if he could keep the friendship after the case. Yes, it meant he would have to hang out with them as Caroline, but he was down for dressing in different clothes other than the blue scrubs with the white nurse coat. Because of Tim’s consideration of this new friendship, his boyfriend had even offered himself to go buy clothes together for that occasion. 
And after Tim had already decided to keep the friendship– it began to happen.
That said friend suddenly stopped talking to Caroline. They didn’t eat together, they didn’t share gossip or spoke about video games anymore. Everything was gone as soon as it had come.
Even if Caroline tried to start the conversation, it wasn’t working. There was a moment where Tim wondered if he had done something wrong.
But tonight, everything made sense, and Jason couldn’t help but snort when he saw it.
The hospital charity ball wasn’t that big, and he already knew the face of Caroline’s friend. And they were there, with the same hair color as Caronline, a very similar tone of voice.
“If you were to buy any of these pieces, which one would you get?” Jason– Elias asked.
“Mmm… I would go with this one.” Caroline’s friend pointed at one particular painting. “The back story is rich and the colors are nice. The artist knows how to utilise shading interestingly, too.”
Elias nodded. That was definitely Caroline’s tone of voice. And some nerdy comments, too.
“I like it. You definitely have good taste.”
“Thank you,” the friend smiled.
Elias looked back at the painting. While this was only Tim’s mission, he also knew about the case. He knew the real name of the staff in the hospital, the target and anyone involved.
“What’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking. I would like to know the name of the only person here who has good taste– other than me, of course.” 
Elias couldn’t help but grin. 
Of course it was Madeline.
based on some stuff i've seen in fandoms i follow. including this fandom. people getting close to others and then stealing their personality blatantly. wow wow wow.
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martellspear · 9 months
We don't know the entire story yet, so it's impossible to make a judgement like you're doing.
I'd argue that Elia was in fact in on all of Rhaegar's schemes to bring about prophecy. They both knew she couldn't have anymore kids, and so she allowed him to seek out a woman who could...Lyanna.
A crown prince must have more than 2 kids, Elia failed her only purpose. No wonder Rhaegar turned to Lyanna.
I mean, Dorne seems OK with anything so long as there's an agreement between all parties involved.
Robert didn't love any of the women he slept with. His vows meant nothing.
Rhaegar meant everything. He cared for Elia and his children, but also seemed to be in love with Lyanna. His vows had meaning, even if they were interpreted differently.
Hi, anon. I'll assume you've read "tolerate it" and that's what made you come here.
We don't know much about them but I highly doubt Elia was 100% on board with everything. I think he shared some aspects of the prophecy but can you, honestly, tell me that she would take part in the most humiliating moment of her life? Willingly?
"Jon Arryn and Robert and Lord Hunter joking a moment before what was happening dawned on them, Ned watching as Rhaegar was about to stop in front of his sister, mad Aerys glowering in the distance, Elia stiff-backed and trying to act as if nothing was wrong, Jon Connington probably looking vaguely sad, and so on." — source
That's what Paolo Puggioni, an artist George hired, said the author himself told him.
One of my darling moots put in words, better than I would ever be able to, thoughts about Elia and the polyamory relationship some people like to insert her into, you can read it here.
Yes, Elia could be accepting and supportive of others who do it, it's their life. But she's the Crown Prince's wife and future queen. Why would she even consider adding one more person to their relationship? Especially knowing the consequences of those? And not only for her personal life and her children; think about Dorne, the Stormlands and the North's reaction to such insult and pair it up with everything the war cost (Brandon and Rickard died before it even truly started). "But with Rhaegar being king-" George has made clear how fragile monarchy in Westeros actually is.
Elia would put her children in a dangerous position if she not only fully agreed to Rhaegar's plans but also welcomed Lyanna and his bastard. Additionally, I'd love it if you could point it out for me where it says a crown prince can't have only two children (seriously, I'd like to know). Elia gave him two healthy kids and it almost cost her her life, she didn't fail anything.
(consider this to be about book!rhaegar and lyanna; my thoughts on their show version couldn't be more different)
I don't think Rhaegar loved Lyanna at all. And sometimes it honestly felt like he'd rather if she died after giving birth. She was a means to an end. Personally, I believe he manipulated her and then either kept information from her (she wouldn't stay if she knew what happened to her brother and father) or kept her there against her will; two disgusting scenarios. Rhaegar was obsessed with the prophecy, he changed his entire lifestyle for it. If it was love, he could've abandoned his crown and gone to Essos 🤷🏻‍♀️.
If Elia was aware, why wasn't she in Dorne and completely safe? Why didn't Oberyn know of this? "No, but he goes after the Lannisters-" he wanted justice. Even if the person who set them up was Rhaegar, the one who gave the order was Tywin and the one who did it was his beast. Aerys and Rhaegar were not people he could go after, maybe in his afterlife.
More importantly, and I'll be repeating myself here, it doesn't matter if she loved Rhaegar or not or how deeply she did it. Rhaegar's bastard is a direct threat to her children and their future and I doubt Elia - or anyone who hasn't lost their wits - would happily comply with that.
I have done nothing but gathering information and filling voids, what most do in this fandom tbh. There's little we know of how it was like but Rhaegar did hurt Elia again and again; and I do believe he was fond of her, which only makes things worse.
I don't have to know his thoughts to know that some of his actions were disrespectful, hurtful and disgusting; Elia doesn't have to agree or be aware of his plans for crowing another woman QoL&B (and later run away with her) to be humiliating.
Rhaegar, and Rhaegar alone, handled everything with all the sensitive and grace of a reversing dump truck.
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beedreamscape · 2 years
Evandrin laughs increases and so does Zerxus' worry.
His amber eyes follow as he paces their living room. "Is everything alright?"
Evandrin nods, unable to stop his laughing. "Perfect, this is... this is wonderful."
Zerxus takes a deep breath and leans back on the armchair, the invitation pinched between his fingers, allowing his husband the time to settle down. It was one piece of the most luxurious invitation box both had ever seen, parts now layed out over their dinner table.
The nervous laughter settles into a pained sound, deep dimple between his fair brows. "Oh my, I'm a terrible person."
"No, you're not." Zerxus leans forward, elbows to his knees, that look so close to the one he makes when Elias is misbehaving. "What is worrying you?"
"I'm not... worried, per se. I- I'm not ready to let go of Laerryn."
"She'll still be your best friend. She's just getting married, Van, she's not leaving for war. She's not even leaving the neighborhood!"
"That lucky bastard Loquatius. You know how long she and I had to hunt for even the crappiest apartment when we first got here? We almost slept on the streets cause everything was too expensive but we would've done it if it meant staying in Avalir..."
His smile slowly fades as the wave of nostalgia recedes, leaving just the memories on the sand.
Zerxus offers a kind smile. "You never told me that."
"Didn't I? I guess it just never came up before this." He casts his eyes upon the now empty velvet and gold invitation box.
"This is worrying me, you haven't had these doubts about them before."
"Because I didn't comprehend the depths of her feelings for him. I thought he was just a fun pastime, a spice to her life, a trinket of a friend. Yes, they've spent so much time together that even I started to get a little jealous, but I had imagined sooner or later she'd get sick of him. Laerryn is my twin soul but she doesn't talk to me about those big feelings. When she tried to explain it to me last week, when she told me they were getting married, I genuinely thought she was joking."
"Is Loquatius the cause of your worry?"
"No. Well, not exactly. I trust Laerryn's judgment. Even though he's quite the character... not to mention his newspaper thing is growing crazy fast and you know how these people in big media are! It was their own hubris that toppled the Zenith News before him."
"And you think it's a bad thing that he's successful?"
"Of course not. So long as he doesn't let it go to his head! Zerxus, I swear if he steps out of line and hurts Laerryn, I don't know what I'm capable of."
Zerxus gets up, towering over Evandrin by a few good inches, and places those heavy hands of his over his shoulders.
"I don't know Laerryn as much as you do, I never will, but if I know one thing about her is that she's a force to be reckoned with. She's also a really smart woman. It's takes a man of character and courage to claim her heart. Loquatius apparently has both."
"I wonder if he knows what he's getting into. She's a wonderful woman, but she's a challenge. I've told her as much many times before."
"They are quite different people but I don't think that's news to anybody."
Evandrin looks deep into his husband's eyes. "Love makes fools out of us."
Zerxus gives a hearty laugh. "Yes, you married me after all."
After a long laugh, he makes an exasperated sound, throwing his hands up. "Who would've thought!? Laerryn Coramar falling in love! Loving that person enough to get married! And so young..."
"Isn't she 130 something?"
"142. Which is quite young for a high-elf, not immature by any means but with centuries ahead of her. She's a sturdy one, I wouldn't be surprised if she lived well beyond a millennia. Which changelings certainly don't."
"Won't that mean she'll then be free to pursue other people in the future?"
"But she'll carry the grief of his loss with her. If he doesn't decide to whisk her away to the Fey realm, that is. Oh Zerxus, I don't even like thinking about it."
"I think it'd take more than an army to drag Laerryn away from the city she calls hers. I'm glad someone could find home here." Before Evandrin can comment on that, he continues. "I think the best way to put your soul at rest would be to talk to Laerryn herself. No one will be more straightforward about this."
"Maybe later, this is probably already enough pressure over her. Her first replenishment as Architect Arcane and now this, she doesn't need the added weight of me questioning the complex puzzle of her feelings."
Zerxus offers his hand which Evandrin takes readily.
"Do you trust her?"
Evandrin doesn't hesitate, not even for half a second.
"With my life."
"Then you can trust, whatever the either very simple or extremely convoluted explanation to this decision might be, that she knows what she's doing."
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zabala0z · 1 month
Okay. So. Hi. I’m your host who is rethinking life??? Or just thinking a lot right now, my brain got so much information. I would’ve posted sooner but I needed a couple hours to get my bearings yall ⛹️‍♀️ anyways! The final 4 episodes of TMA s2!!!
I’m not gonna do my usual format but to start with: I knew Elias was a bastard. I knew it, I CALLED IT. I mean it was pretty obvious but I’m just happy I figured it out. Although I’m very destroyed over the fact Sasha is definitely dead. Like I heard Dekker in MAG 78 and even then I was still in denial until Leitner said “yeah no she’s dead”
In MAG 79, I’m mostly pissed at Michael. Like the moment it put Tim and Martin through its creepy ass doors, I was just like full wheezing out of shock. I wheezed a lot today. Michael does not seem to know shit about humans too since it was like “I…I think it’s called a sport”. Love Michael but also stop being so cryptic oh my god. Also Not Sasha was low key horrifying. Like props to Michael and Not!Sashas voice actors because man I have never felt my muscles seize up like I did when hearing them.
Not Sasha mentioned like being sent to the house of its enemy that had the biggest eyes you ever saw. I thought the enemy was the institute but later I found out…no. Oh yeah! Mag 80! What the hell!
Jurgen Leitner being like “yeah my assistants kinda were killed a lot” like okay go supporting boss. I did not predict it was LEITNER who was living in the tunnels. It’s nice he worked with Gertrude though.
Also, these entities. Again, I was vaguely aware of some since their name was thrown around but I didn’t really realize the extent. Jon mentioned Michael and Leitner refers to it as “The Distortion” and that’s its part of “The Spiral”. AND THATS WHERE FRACTALS COME FROM. God.
Also, when Leitner and Elias are talking, Leitner talks about “the Stranger” and Elias asks what they call it which is “The Unknowing”. The last episode, Not Sasha says that Jon will miss the Unknowing but he wouldn’t understand so I’m assuming the replacement things fall under The Stranger
One final thing I noticed was that he mentioned his assistants getting killed on that day of the attack and all the ways they got killed or I dunno attacked, corresponds with different themes from other statements
“Stabbed through the throat by something with too many teeth and weird limbs”- the replacement things (The Stranger)
“Pulled into a cavernous maw that opened beneath her”- I think this is related to The Butchers Window where Jared Hopworth would throw bones down that pit with teeth
“Gregory Todd ran into a door that shouldn’t have been there”- Michael. What are you doing 💀 (The Spiral)
“A great hand reached down through the roof” -I actually don’t know. Thought it was Freefall but misremembered it.
“Pulled into a great, pulsating pile of meat”- literally every episode with a meat theme. (EDIT 9/2/24: this is related to MAG 18 actually!)
“Doors with darkness and doors on fire”- so the cult I think is related to the darkness but with the fire, I know that Burned Out and that statement with Agnes could be related
So I’m guessing every way an assistant like got killed is one of those entities. I know The Vast is somehow related because Michael Crew mentioned that name before throwing himself out the window and then like changing. Guess he’s like a servant now or something?
Oh god that’s most of it. I’m wondering where Jon is now and I hope Tim and Martin don’t like fully believe he murdered a man. Also I swear to god, Elias, if I catch you. Like Leitner was not a super good guy but come on. I’m glad Not Sasha is gone but…my OG girl 😔😔😔
if you got this far in reading me descend down into my little obsession thank you 🫶🫶🫶 like all this is for fun but everyone I talked to in this fandom is so chill and doesn’t try to spoil which is nice. As someone who was in crazy fandoms, this is pretty calm for such a horrifying media. I’ll probably continue these posts for s3 but I’ll try to condense it I swear guys.
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elia-nymmeros · 7 months
""A start?" said Ellaria Sand, incredulous. "Gods forbid. I would it were a finish. Tywin Lannister is dead. So are Robert Baratheon, Amory Lorch, and now Gregor Clegane, all those who had a hand in murdering Elia and her children. Even Joffrey, who was not yet born when Elia died. I saw the boy perish with mine own eyes, clawing at his throat as he tried to draw a breath. Who else is there to kill? Do Myrcella and Tommen need to die so the shades of Rhaenys and Aegon can be at rest? Where does it end?" "It ends in blood, as it began," said Lady Nym. "It ends when Casterly Rock is cracked open, so the sun can shine on the maggots and the worms within. It ends with the utter ruin of Tywin Lannister and all his works."" The Watcher, ADwD
Rereading ADwD, one of the most interesting aspects of the Dorne plot for me is that constantly, over and over again, the elder Sand Snakes mock Doran for his perceived weakness, for being slow to act, for planning and disguising and lying instead of outright fighting, claiming that he was a lesser man compared to Oberyn, and yet part of me wonders what they thought/might've thought of Elia while she lived, especially when Gregor's head was brought back to Dorne and the Sand Snakes demanded vengeance not only for Oberyn, but also for Elia and her children.
"Her sister Tyene gave answer. "What he always does," she purred. "Delay, obscure, prevaricate. Oh, no one does that half so well as our brave uncle."" The Watcher, ADwD
It's hard to know because we only have second-handed accounts, but we've been told that Elia was someone agreeable, kind, with a good heart, someone precisely like Doran and very unlike Oberyn. No account of Elia presents her as a bold, outspoken, bloodthirsty, or vengeful woman, which of course doesn't mean that she wasn't, but it means that she didn't choose to present herself as one in front of Dorne and King's Landing court; in fact, some people even remember her as "drab" and "frail". It's very poignant to see the Sand Snakes asking to spill blood and kill innocent people in the name of a woman dead some 17 years ago who, as a matter of fact, probably never wanted to see the entirety of Casterly Rock and Oldtown destroyed and slain, children and smallfolk included.
"Princess Elia was a good woman, Your Grace. She was kind and clever, with a gentle heart and a sweet wit." ADwD, Daenerys IV
""We could kill him, to be sure," said Tyene, "but then we would need to kill the rest of his party too, even those sweet young squires. That would be … oh, so messy."" ADwD, The Watcher
It's interesting for me that they learned this bloodthirsty attitude from Oberyn, who of course had almost two decades of virulent resentment because the brutal rape and murder of his sister and her children went unpunished, but who was also the man who probably knew Elia the best and what ideas she held about retribution, not some idealized version of a woman who they probably don't remember. Part of me wonders if the Sand Snakes wouldn't have found Elia cowardly and weak and useless too, simply because she displayed the same ideas about politics and power than Doran, because all accounts of Elia (all three of them) shows us a genuinely gentle and easy-going person who did not murder and poison her way to power as it is common in the royal court.
"I am not blind, nor deaf. I know that you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better (...)" The Watcher, ADwD
"It must have been the madness that led Aerys to refuse Lord Tywin's daughter and take his son instead, whilst marrying his own son to a feeble Dornish princess with black eyes and a flat chest." AFfC, Cersei V
I'm not saying that Elia wouldn't have wanted The Mountain dead or that the Sand Snakes were in the wrong for wanting their family members avenged, because Tywin Lannister and his lackeys were evil men who committed several crimes against the Martells and faced no direct repercussions, but the extreme level of hatred that the Sand Snakes show towards everyone who happens to be named Lannister, their willingness to go to a war they cannot hope to win with allies they aren't sure they can trust without any kind of well-thought plan, and the constant derision they show towards Doran and his attitudes... part of me feels like Elia has already been forgotten by them, replaced by an empty figurehead who they can rally around and use to justify their cruelty, while at the same time disdaining the same attitudes that Elia herself was known for...
"Written? If you were half the man my father was—" AFfC, The Captain of Guards.
""Obara would make Oldtown our father's funeral pyre, but I am not so greedy. Four lives will suffice for me. Lord Tywin's golden twins, as payment for Elia's children. The old lion, for Elia herself. And last of all the little king, for my father." "The boy has never wronged us."" AFfC, The Captain of Guards.
Something something about letting vengeance and senseless violence consume you, about a woman dead so many years ago and yet still loved by her people and her family, about the attitudes we teach our children and how they might end up twisted without a specific contextualization in time and space...
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strawberrysugasoba · 4 months
update i am on 100.5 and i personally don’t think i’d be able to handle going through all this shit in 2018. just could not be me, i would be unhinged, feral, rip me out the cage- 100.5?! are we serious right now. to leave on that note with that weird ass episode, it’s a mid season break- who posts on a mid season break? that’s when you update your socials but genuinely these guys go crazy. rustyquillgamingpodcast i am coming for you. when i find friends who are committed to letting their freak fly and role play i will be you. can’t want to listen and fall asleep to that but i can’t because i still have to finish tma. do not get me wrong i love love love the special, but i would loose it in 2018!! and the winners of the rusty fear’s competition congrats those stories were scrumdilyisous i love that, but what is going on at the archives guys :0! i have so many thoughts on that as well because so much has happened, and i came in so blind.
i literally had no clue, not even an inkling as to what tma was about except for some pinterest meme mentionings when i was in a deep welcome to nightvale phase. since then i’ve tried to keep spoilers to a minimum but i love drawing so i was looking for inspo on pinterest.
does tim get better? is he cured of his contain of being an asshole? i thought they were all friends before (kind sorta) all that weird shit was going on which makes me also wonder why jon’s always dogging on martin. aren’t those two supposed to be in love, don’t they confess and get married in the institute and have freak babies? idk what’s going on with them. but sasha is really just dead, and the two sasha thing only lasted a season? i felt like it would have ate to draw that out more. and then elias is hot, i love psychopaths (not really, maybe, this is just jokes!!), yes you slay that man with a pipe. trap innocent people into being a part of your cult. serve cunt and don’t get your hands dirty, i love you. and jon, please get it tf together. i thought we were much stronger than this. i held out hope you’d be chill and just rolled with the punches but you’re a pussy jon. jon you’re a pussy and i need you doing more statements because martin is too pathetic at the end! i do love martin though, you stand up for your potential love interest and say fuck you to dickhead (the most sensible guy around) tim. lastly what is with all the jurgen leitner hate? i love him, he just wanted experience shit bro let the man live. i used to make potions in my bathroom so if you want to play pretend monster and have a book collection go ahead. like my guy is chill asf.
i feel like i’ve ranted enough but i feel bad for the people who experienced this as it was coming out. y’all would have had to lock me up!!
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dcartcorner · 1 year
The elsewhere kid au has my whole heart and soul
Would you mind infodumping about it
aah! thank you! i'm incredibly glad to hear that people like it so much. in all honesty i don't have that much to infodump about! the idea came out from a prompt about local kids befriending a strange eye monster around town, and my brain took that idea and thought: what if, amongst those kids, were elias, peter, and simon - who, in this Elsewhere, are... just kids! just friends running around, having a good time, getting into shenanigans, and chasing down local legends.
are the fears lingering around the edges of the town, drawing the three of them to themselves? possibly! are they fated to walk the same paths that lead them to the entities? perhaps! only time will tell.
all in all, i mostly just want to keep this AU as free and open as possible, so if anyone else is inspired by it and wants to play around with it, they can! i know that there has been talk about a fic in response to this art already, so it'll be interesting to see how that is interpreted!
though i guess what i can say is that these are some hc's i've had in mind while doodling:
Peter is homeschooled and his mother does not approve of him spending time with Elias and Simon.
Simon and his mother moved from Venice and they live with his stepfather.
Elias is a straight-A student who often helps Simon with his homework, as Simon struggles in school.
Maxwell Rayner has a Super Secret Cool Kids Only cave where he hangs out and reads books about space - he wants to be an astrophysicist when he grows up.
not a hc but just a fun additional fact: lots of inspiration for the pieces has come from listening to the Stardew Valley OST ^^
thank you again for the kind words and support - you, and everyone else who has also reblogged with wonderful tags, and who has left comments on the bundles. y'all really brighten my days
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agerefandom · 6 months
not a request but question..saw you were against Content Police and was wondering if you allow proship requests (agere related for when your asks are open again ofcc)
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Combining these asks to minimize the shipcourse mentions on this blog, but also thank you for both of the asks!!!
In response to the question, I will gently reinforce that the label 'proship' is a belief about fiction, and not a specific genre of content. Even if it was a genre, I've seen a massive range in what would fall under that terminology (for example, self-identified antis who run Hannibal blogs).
I originally decided to put antis on my DNI when I posted some imagines for caregiver!Gaston, from Beauty and the Beast.
In these headcanons, I did include some caregiver dynamics that are little nods to his canon tendency to try and control the people around him, and how those toxic traits might reflect in his behaviour as a caregiver.
In my opinion, it's very important when you read villain imagines to remember that it's okay to fantasize about caregivers who take away your control and agency to make you feel small and cozy and protected, but it's a big red flag and completely unacceptable if a caregiver ever does that without your explicit permission and expressing that it's something you want from them!!!
So the answer is that yes, I will write some stories that reflect dynamics that I don't want people to think are healthy IRL: for example, anything with Hannibal Lecter, or Elias Bouchard. I will occasionally write about manipulation and control and helplessness, and I will do my very best to tag those dynamics so that people can avoid them if they so wish. (ie. my Alois and Claude fic)
I don't write explicit content or very much romantic shipping content, so I don't think that the most traditional 'proship' associated things are a risk/relevant discussion for this blog. But I do sometimes write about unhealthy relationships (ie. Rick and Morty are an abusive familial relationship, but I might write about how Morty feels complicated love and dependence towards Rick). Again, all of this material will be tagged, and I think I heavily lean towards the more fluffy kinds of dynamics.
As my rule has always been, you can request anything SFW you'd like when requests are open, and I'll make my decisions about what I'm comfortable writing! I turn down requests for many reasons, but I try to never be judgmental or rude about it.
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
so if lyanna had lived and Robert had died and Rhaegar had lived..... and yknow what someho so did Elia and her kids
WHAT HAPPENS THEN? your hcs please l love them <3
thank you for the compliment <3
I've essentially answered this one before here and here with the general answer being that Lyanna's best bet is always the rebels winning, and Rhaegar does not have a clean "win" on his side (and also Ned dying makes me sad for Catelyn and Lyanna so I try not to think about that scenario lmao). Since you didn't say Ned dies, let's get more specific and also I’m just gonna make some executive decisions in a few places here-
Rhaegar kills Robert at the Trident, the Northern host breaks and runs for the hills to regroup. The nearest castle to the Ruby Ford is Harrenhal and while the Whents are friends to Rhaegar they are also related to the Tullys. I can't recall any specific information on what the Whents were doing during the war but I do wonder if there's a kind of Dayne situation going on here ie Oswell is still loyal to Rhaegar and the rest of the Whents are like "dude what is your problem he kidnapped a teenager." I think Ned probably takes what's left of his host to Harrenhal to regroup and figure out what the hell he does from here.
Again, Catelyn is at Riverrun, pregnant (just about to give birth even? the timeline here is a little fuzzy) and the moment she hears the Trident didn't go their way, she's gearing up for a siege. Probably she's trying to figure out how to get into contact with Jon Arryn, Ned, Hoster, and the Blackfish, if only to get an idea of where their heads are.
Poor Stannis and Renly are at Storm's End, increasingly desperate and increasingly stubborn. Stannis is now Lord of Storm's End and technically speaking, Robert’s claim to kingship has fallen to him.
Rhaegar imo doesn't bother following anyone after the battle though, he goes straight back to the capital to deal with his father. He only came out of hiding because the Kingsguard came to get him and said "hey your dad has Elia and the kids at King's Landing, they're all in serious trouble." Still likely imo that Jaime has killed Aerys (he was planning on blowing up KL long before Tywin showed up at the gates) so Rhaegar is now King.
Now king...and facing three separate sieges. Regardless of the Westerlands joining Rhaegar, the Stormlands, the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands are still in open rebellion, and he's got a hysterical teenaged Kingslayer who his wife is insisting be spared.
If Rhaegar wants to seem different from his father, he might send terms: something like Ned (probably Stannis too) goes to the Wall, Renly becomes Lord of Storm's End, Lyanna is given equal status to Elia as a Queen, Catelyn and Ned's kid can be Lord of Winterfell. But the thing is - Dorne is gonna be pissed off at the idea of Lyanna being an equal Queen, they will want Jon to stay a bastard and probably raised not just far away from Lyanna but far away from King's Landing as well. Ned, Stannis, and Catelyn are not stupid enough to accept those terms though - they will all assume it’s a trap and they’ll be brutally tortured to death like Rickard, Brandon, and the others.
I’m not super great with “rhaegar lives” aus simply bc i do not like that man and i just want Jaime to get stab happy and kill him too lmao and also. Like ultimately what i WANT to happen is for Ned to find Lyanna, take her and Jon North, and the rest of Westeros to give Rhaegar the middle finger. If Ned lives, that might be possible but….
But I think if enough of the Northern host (and whatever of the rest of them is left) can get to Harrenhal, they can probably coordinate with Riverrun, the North, and the Vale as well. HOWEVER. The Iron Islands are likely to start raiding, and the Westermen are likely to try to sack several Riverlands towns as they march. I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say the rebels manage to take back most of the major castles in the Riverlands while Rhaegar is dealing with the capital but more likely, I think everyone just settles in for a long and hopeless siege.
And MEANWHILE while Ned is figuring out what to do in the Riverlands…well the thing is we don’t know who told him about Lyanna, or why, or when. My personal theory is Ashara said something but we don’t know! If Ned is perhaps somewhere easier to locate than just running his ass to Storm’s End, does he get the message sooner? Make a play to get to Lyanna but brings an entire host with him to take the Tower?
Idk I’m not really great at like ~battle~ stuff and that’s essentially what it comes down to if Robert dies - Can Ned outsmart Rhaegar? Ned is smarter than that man but he just lost a lot of his men, basically every leader of his rebellion, and he still doesn’t know where Lyanna is. At the same time, while the Dornish host is heavily depleted, the Westerlands and the Reach are mostly untouched. There’s the Vale, and considering Bronze Yohn wanted to side with Robb, it’s possible he wants to continue fighting with Ned and i’m assuming it’s mostly the Royce’s calling the shots right now with basically every Arryn dead and Harry the Heir like a literal toddler. The issue is basically just strategy vs brute force.
But. idk okay let’s just agree that Ned manages to get the Vale to back him up and he starts to take back most of the Riverlands, then marches on the Tower early to save Lyanna. Smart thing is to take some guys, grab Lyanna, and book it back out of Dorne. Safest to set her in Riverrun with Catelyn, resupply, then keep fighting (would it be easier to set up with Riverrun as the main base of operations? I suppose it depends on how the fighting with the rest of the Dornish faction and the Westerlands go). Maybe he tries to force Rhaegar to terms by being like -well now i’ve got my sister and your fucking baby so give me something good and i’ll calm down. But what terms can possibly end the fighting at this point?
Rhaegar will not give up his crown, he's convinced the prince will come from his line
Ned is not handing over Lyanna
Dorne will not accept Elia and Lyanna as co queens
Stannis and Renly are still starving at Storm’s End
It’s an awful stalemate. No one will give in. The fighting will continue. It has to. If Ned gives in, he’s thinking he’s getting burned alive. If Rhaegar gives in, he very likely loses his crown and maybe his head. Rhaegar has all these lofty ideals about being a good king and it’s hard to keep insisting on that while he’s fighting this war when Ned had a VERY VALID reason to rebel. I THINK finding out Jon is a boy might force Rhaegar to come to the table. His prophecy was wrong, his line is not chosen, and he’s just destroyed the realm for nothing. But he’s also got Tywin in his ear telling him that it’s better to be feared than laughed at, and he’s lost most of the Kingsguard who were probably the ones keeping him mostly centered before he lost it over Lyanna. BUT. He also has his MOTHER. He has ELIA. He has his other fucking kids to think about.
I don’t know that anything could convince Ned to come to the table here if he’s offered anything less than a full pardon and the ability to take everyone back home. He agrees to the Wall at the end AGOT only because of Sansa - otherwise he was perfectly willing to go to the block swearing Joffrey is no true king and he'd do it here too. I think it’s the same scenario as the end of the war of five kings - these pockets of rebellion keep cropping up until the seven kingdoms are forced to split or Rhaegar just takes Tywin’s advice and utterly decimates what’s left is the rebellion. But again. Elia and Rhaella!
Probably maybe idk this stalemate ends in splitting the kingdoms but the thing is, while the Riverlands, Vale, and North are all grouped together, the Stormlands are on the opposite side of the Crownlands. So you can't really split it up. So probably maybe idk either Rhaegar makes some incredible concessions here or Ned loses his head eventually.
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captainjacklyn · 9 months
Another DOL post..I'm never stopping with these, it's just fun for me to share my characters which I am disappointed to not be able to draw. My art skills can be easily bested by that of a six year old's hand paint.
He indeed identifies as a male though if you saw the previous post about him (the first post about him really) Elias can change his genitals, due to his human DNA being mixed with several different animals.
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Degrees of Lewdity :
ReLaTiOnShIpS :
"Robin? You better be careful with him, if I find out that you're planning something- Uh? Oh, you just want to get to know him? Very well, I guess that's alright, I'm not even sure why I got worked up. It's his fault if he gets into trouble...doesn't mean I wouldn't go out of my way to protect him."
Looks after Robin.
Acts like a mother for him, highly strict and demanding when interacting face to face but behind the scenes, he does everything he can to look after him and make sure he's safe.
The only one Elias genuinely cares for.
*pat pat* you stay there and play games while I sell my body to take your debt okay?
Manipulates this one like crazy, "I'M DOING ALL OF THIS FOR YOU HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME-"
His words not mine.
"He's my partner if that's what you were wondering, I've spent quite a good amount of time with him. Don't fill his mind with too many lewd thoughts if you plan on seducing him, his purity is rather useful. He even gifted me a dress last week..Mhm? Yes..I am fond of Sydney."
Elias doesn't particularly understand his own emotions.
He just likes having Sydney since his privileged life/status makes it easier for him as well.
Did go out of his way to spend time with him at the beach, proceeded to question every single idea which led him to do so.
"Whitney tried to use me for quick money making on multiple occasions, you ram your knee in the balls and run, he doesn't take hits there very nicely."
Yeah no.
They don't get along.
Elias just ignores him whenever he tries to interact, will dismiss him when the time comes.
I've tried to allow it, but from the shaming to the constant abusive scenarios, there isn't much to allow.
"He got his ass thrown into prison, and for all I know, he just belongs to the asylum. I assure you that I attempted to aid him, he wasn't treated very kindly so I assumed to have found someone I can understand and relate to. Turns out he was a perverted psycho...Oh really ? I'll give you this one fact, Kylar never loved me, he just wanted to keep me as a possession."
Dismissed Kylar.
You think this guy wants to make out with the equivalent of a pathetic wet rat ? He doesn't even know if he likes the librarian who treats him with kindness.
Stans are coming after me, but my boy openly defended a dude who decided to stalk him in response.
"...What about Bailey? He has done many things for me as a child, I know that our hearts have never been one, I see that now. But if it means seeing her again..I'll pay him off, I'll pay Robin's debt along with my own and we'll run from this god forsaken swill of a town."
The first reason as to why Elias is so hardworking is because he believes that once his debt is fully repaid, he'll be able to see Monika.
Otto Hightower and Alicent toxic dad and daughter~
Woohoo and the line of trauma doesn't stop there cause Elias also treats Robin like SHIT-
The pressure of needing to save those he cares for is so great that it causes him to install his own suffering on them as well.
You're stronger than you think Elias, you're strong enough to stand as a wall between Robin and Bailey, between Sydney and Himself, between the Orphans and this Fucked up Place.
Burn your feelings to the ground and carry on.
Woah too emotional on the last one chill-
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somuchbetterthanthat · 7 months
Now that I've read several theories about Celia, the tapes, Chester's voice, the email, etc. i'm trying to envision a sort of broader picture of what could be happening here. I really love @cirrus-grey's theory about where the voices could have been coming from and i'm wondering how this could be all link to the O.I.A.R, but also the Institute, and also Starkwall, the security society that was linked to the O.I.A.R (I THINK? if i remember properly?) before they were separated, closely after the Magnus Institute burnt.
So, what if. With the Web and the fears came the tapes, cause the tapes (Jon's voice) were the Tether allowing them to spread across universes. Those tapes ended up at the Magnus Institute or at Hill Top first perhaps then at the Magnus Institute somehow; the Magnus Institute was doing experiments on kids - that part could be non-related to the tapes, although if the tapes arrived at any point where Jonah could have found and study them first, he might have taken another field of study...Somehow, I dunno - BUT THE POINT IS, amidst that, you've got a governmental agency linked to a possible secret task force for the paranormal that's like "something's funky is happening here"
They get the Magnus Institute. They find the tapes. And they're like: "Oh hell no. We're going to try to figure this shit out (and maybe punch fears in the face and train agents to deal with those paranormal events. with fire and guns.)"
At the same time, of course, computers are BOOMING; someone, somewhere, has the brilliant idea to try to get more preventive info on how the fears might work/how they might strike by building a program using the voices from the tape (Why Augustus, then? Maybe they tried to pick Elias's voice, and for some reason the voice shifted to another one. with no explanation. hush. let me dream.)
But then something shift between Starkwall and the O.I.A.R; conflict of interest? some people on top are like "how could we USE this tho" instead of "how we can stop them"? So they become two very different entities, and maybe Starkwall keeps the tapes, but O.I.A.R has the voices. And they keep. feeding. the machines. Intel. Data. They keep making them grow, until a year ago, the Voices Wake Up.
(In this scenario, I'm thinking Celia might be alternate reality!Lynn, - maybe Lynn used that name coz in the apocalypse lines blurr, maybe her parents had hesitated until her birth and in one universe her mum picked Celia, in another her dad picked Lynn who knows - point is, Celia might be an infiltred agent from Starkwall, coming back to the O.I.A.R to see what is UP because they heard about the voices. Or there is ANOTHER governmental branch that's VASTLY interested in this).
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sansacherie · 2 years
I was on a Aria fan blog because I hate myself and wanted to see what they were posting (the Sansa obsession is real like every other post was literally just made to hate on Sansa to uplift Aria) when I saw a few posts about Elia and, I shit you not, this person was arguing that Elia and Ratgar were totally chill with each other and PolITiCal ParTnErS and Elia totally knew about him crowing L/yanna as QLB and supported it because Elia must have thought it was unfair L/yanna couldn't participate in the tourney cause she was a woman (which lmaooo). I just.....I mean....wow. Never thought I lived to see the day people try to Cool Girl-ify Elia but here we are. They weirdly claim it's because they don't want her to be seen as a "victim" so instead they're......depicting her as a doormat with no self-respect who would be fine with her husband's nasty behavior and being humiliated up and down because I guess that's better???? They also argued that Jon would in no way be a threat to Aegon or Rhaenys' places in the line of succession so Elia would be chill about that too (which again lmaooooo). I am amused at the lack of any and all critical thinking, media literacy, or reading comprehension skills but am also flabbergasted and want to start swinging.
The people who seriously believe Elia would have defended Rhaegar's completely inane actions are very young or very dumb.
"All the smiles died." There is literally nothing, not a whisper, ZILCH that Elia knew what was going to happen at that tourney or that she approved it. Wasn't there an artwork that was commissioned by George where he approved of the artist's depiction of Elia sitting stiffly in the stands while Rhaegar pissed off the North, Stormlands, & Dorne? Unless they think she was pretending?
And that's such a nonsensical argument for Elia being OK with it. To be blunt, Lyanna not being able to participate openly wasn't Elia's problem. Lyanna not being able to participate openly is not justification for Rhaegar to publicly insult his wife like that - because that is exactly what it would have looked like to outsiders. Not to mention the offence to Lyanna - its kind of a wonder that Rickard didn't rush the wedding after so he could see Lyanna safely wed & have the protection of the title 'Lady Baratheon', but he was probably afraid of particular rumors starting if she fell pregnant too quickly. Ugh...
If I was Elia I would not breathe easy unless I knew that Jon Snow was
a) fostered away from court with people that were unfailingly loyal to me. And unfailingly kind as well. Being smart doesn't require being a monster *cough* Tywin
b) entered the Night's Watch or the Faith when he came of age. Is it fair? Not really- but it's a kinder fate than the one Rhaenys got.
But yeah the people who cry over how its wrong to accept that Elia was a victim dress it up as empowerment, when really it's all just about protecting Rhaegar. If Elia was in on it, then Rhaegar can't be the villain! Are they going to argue next that Aerys was justified in murdering Brandon & Rickard the way he did because he actually knew of Rhaegar's plans & that it was super importance he impregnante the teenage girl he kidnapped/ran off with? Be for real.
Anyway I would just avoid those blogs or be like me, get yourself blocked by them as many as you can looool
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300yearschallenge · 9 months
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5
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"My God!" Charles Elias said. "That's awful! The poor girl..."
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"Oh, yes, yes," the maid said, "Very tragic. But to see a troll! Could you imagine? There's whispers she might be cursed, troll-touched as she is."
"Are you done?" A voice rang out across the kitchen and a bolt of ice ran down Charles Elias' spine.
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"Oh, Laura!" The maid said. "This young man here was waiting for you."
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"I can see that," Laura said, glaring daggers at the maid, "You didn't think to come fetch me?"
"Oh, no," the maid said, "I was sure you would turn up soon enough. Besides, the poor man ought to know what he's getting himself into, don't you think?"
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Laura and the maid both turned to look at Charles Elias at once, and he desperately wished for the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
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"I see..." Laura said. "So he's a gossip too, then? That's good to know."
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"A gossip, hah!" The maid laughed. "He seems perfectly fine to me. Don't you agree, young man?"
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"Oh, forget it!" Laura snapped. "Come on, Mr. Park. We're leaving."
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5
Summary of Part 3:
The maid told Charles Elias about an incident in Laura's childhood. Her and her mother and father had been traveling by wagon back home when their horse startled and the wagon fell off a cliff. In the aftermath only Laura survived, albeit wounded, and when she was rescued she told people that what had startled their horse had been a troll.
Historical Info
Let's talk about trolls and superstition!
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Art by John Bauer (1882 - 1915)
So the troll in Scandinavian folklore/superstition is a creature of the wilderness. There's like a quintillion different troll stories and their appearances and behaviour can be quite varied from place to place, story to story. Sometimes they're hostile, sometimes they're friendly. Sometimes they're human-like, sometimes they're very not.
In The Genre of Trolls by Camilla Asplund Ingemark, she summaries the varied views of trolls based on location in the following way:
"The Central Swedish trolls dwell in mountains, those in Southern Sweden inhabit mounds, and Norwegian trolls live in the high mountains. The looks of the troll may be pictured in various ways, but its ugliness is a common feature. In Central Sweden the troll can be of human height, whereas the Northern and Western parts of the country favour huge trolls (Hartmann 1936: 60–65)"
Since there's a lot of research that has been done into folklore by smarter minds than me, I won't make any further proclamations on the workings of trolls as a whole. Other than to keep in mind that views and stories were varied and different, but the throughline seems to be that trolls are often to be feared and avoided.
In the story of what happened to Laura's family we have a horrific and traumatising accident attributed to a troll. Obviously trolls aren't actually real (although Laura and others believe them to be) and so whatever she truly saw was most likely twisted by trauma and injury into something she had heard of in stories.
In my pictures I chose to have the troll look like a mix between a goat and a man, inspired by the following quotes from the previously quoted text:
"The ambiguity between human and animal characteristics is an important one"
"One troll from the Åland Islands shows itself as a he-goat with terrible horns and a beard enveloping the entire hill where it lives (SLS 59: 48–49)"
It intentionally looks almost like very typical depictions of the Devil, since after Sweden became Christian "the troll was assimilated into the image of the Devil"
Now you may be wondering why Laura is being treated so poorly when she was simply the victim of a horrible accident (and supposed troll encounter).
Partially this is just basic human cruelty. Laura, for one reason or another, was seen as an acceptable person to mistreat.
It is also a matter of people fearing those who have had encounters with trolls. People surviving a troll encounter can be viewed in a few different ways. Sometimes they are simply victims of unfortunate circumstances, other times they are transgressors who get punished.
Often in the stories mentioned by The Genre of Trolls the people who have encounters with trolls where they survive (relatively) unscathed are in some ways tied to the trolls. Whether it be a troll expecting a future favour or gift, or wishing to re-capture a previous victim. Sometimes in stories where someone has a non-deadly encounter with a troll they may be gifted a "second sight" of sorts, allowing them to see through troll-made illusions or tricks. In these cases the people are "trapped between different versions of otherness, first a supranormal otherness, then a socially defined alienness".
In Laura's case she is not quite thought to possess any supernatural abilities, but the people in the village see her as someone who could be at risk of either a repeated troll encounter (which could put others at risk) or someone who could unknowingly owe the troll something since she lived when others didn't.
In essence her being mistreated by others is them seeing her connection to trolls as a sort of 'otherness', and as we all know many people in the past and now don't appreciate those who do not fit in.
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Seven snippets, seven people
Was tagged by @lonsdalewrite forty bazillion years ago, finally have enough material and spoons to actually share stuff. Thank you for the tag!!
Gonna do the elf marriage wip (Nettle and Song if you're pretentious (and I am)) cuz it's the freshest one
Tagging (lmk if you want off this ride or onto it)
@hanna-writes, @nabanna, @croaceian, @angelofthemornings, @descent-of-stars
@rrrawrf-rewrites, @scribble-dee-vee, @forthesanityofsome @meanceclosetohell and YOUUUUUUU!
Putting the snippets under a cut cuz I can't be bothered to edit them rn but I might feel up for it later also it got kinda long oops
“Relax. As long as you don’t murder anyone, these talks will be the most peaceful interaction we’ve had with humans since the war ended,” Del mumbled while they waited. “It’ll be fine even if you don’t speak. Or smile. Or make any sort of positive impression.”
“Uh-huh. I’m sure they’ll love giving their princess away to the meanest-looking asshole in the Given Earth.”
“Meanest-looking? No-no, dear prince, you’re a pretty elf boy. Humans find elves irresistible, you know. Just pout and bat your little eyelashes, and they’ll let you get away with just about anything.
Roel grimaced, hand tightening around the hilt of his sword.
Mother sat down next to Teddy, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Nobody can force you to marry against your will, Theodosia. No matter who says what, no matter the so-called political benefits or diplomacy. You are not cattle to be traded.”
Mother glared at Elias, who winced, “Stop. I didn’t bring Teddy up to trade her.”
“Then why did you?”
“And why not? Is this better? What’s left for her here, where she’s not allowed into the royal palace without an invitation? Where her own mother and siblings can’t see her without sneaking behind the king’s back like criminals? She didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Ted? Is everything alright?”
He put rubbed her back gently. It made the tears sting harder, and she blinked them away stubbornly. If people noticed Efra, they’d notice her and her expression, and that would lead to gossip. Better to have the elves be the main talking point rather than the queen’s rejected child having a crisis.
“Yes, I’m fine,” she sighed deeply.
“Are you sure? I could tell them to wait.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just remembering some things. Nothing to worry about.”
She forced a smile. Efra didn’t seem convinced, but this wasn’t the time to figure out Teddy’s emotional traumas. He had to drop it almost as much as she.
“The elves are ready to meet me, I assume?” she said when he kept staring at her with that worried expression.
“Yes. But I’d rather come up with an excuse than have you break down in front of them.”
“’Break down’?” Teddy scoffed. “Please. If I were breaking down, there would be casualties.”
“I forgot that humans welcome women in combat,” Del said thoughtfully. “Androel, would you consider this a virtue or a flaw in a woman?”
Roel hated his brother in that moment, when Del forced all eyes to land on him.
He grunted vaguely, “Depends on who she’s fighting.”
“Do you have magic too, Lady Frye? Were you blessed by your goddess?” Roel wondered, genuine curiosity softening his tone.
Lady Frye smiled demurely. “I have been blessed by Etheme as well as any other member of my family, Your Highness. Even if it was never quite so obvious as those of my siblings, I am still grateful for it.”
“For what?” Roel pressed.
Her smile took on a strained edge. “One must be grateful for everything Etheme deems fit to give. My only gifts were a full belly and a loving family.”
So she hadn’t received a blessing, then. She had no magic. Wasn’t that so much easier to say than whatever other nonsense she’d been going on about?
The song was coming to an end. Soon, they parted, and Roel bowed along with the other men. She curtsied deeply.
“Thank you, Prince Androel,” she said. “I hope we can dance again sometime.”
He didn’t.
“But don’t you want to choose who you marry?” Mother asked. “What if they demand heirs? What then?”
Teddy hadn’t thought that far. Or rather, she hadn’t wanted to think that far. The idea of simply sharing a bed with Prince Androel made her queasy enough, but imagining touching him? Or him touching her? It made her want to peel her skin off.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. If we get there. Aren’t you worried a little too prematurely? What if Prince Androel says no?”
She half hoped he would.
Mother shook her head, “I spoke with King Roendel. The prince is willing.”
Oh. So it was really happening.
After that awful first meeting, too! It seemed the prince must’ve had his own reasons for accepting, since he was openly disgusted with her.
And every other human.
And everything in general.
“How long do I have to stay?”
“There is no time requirement, Your Highness, and you may leave whenever you please. Though I would recommend staying for the better part of an hour at the very least, if you cannot tolerate a whole night.”
“Can you?” he challenged.
“I don’t see why not. I’ve a good book, some hot tea and biscuits, and it’s a warm summer night. There are worse ways to spend an evening.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“In the bed.”
“And where will I sleep?”
Theodosia pursed her lips, her cheeks bursting with sudden color. “I’m sure the bed can accommodate two people.”
“Which part of ‘I am not touching you’ escapes your understanding?” Roel sneered.
“If at least one of us is awake when physical contact accidentally happens, we each would be able to stop it. And if it happens while we’re both asleep, what difference does it make?”
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Breaking down the Comics: Elias Spector's Death
Okay. Okay. I'm going to try to be....a little comprehensible.... I'm going to fail. Just a warning. 
I want to talk about the first run of Moon Knight. Specifically the last issues of the first run. There were 38 issues in the very first run of their own comic. After that, they reached out to a larger audience and started to print differently and started over with #1 because comics suck at a comprehensible numbering system. 
In the start, we meet Marc Spector, see him have a conflict of heart, die, come back, and become Moon Knight. He starts to add in identities of Jake and Steven as a way to be anyone else but Marc Spector and claims they are just him starting over and trying to use their lives as a way to do things better. (a system that has not yet realized that it is a system. Denial is not just a river). 
We see him fight some of his villains that start to play bigger parts later in the series. We see him make friends as Jake and money and love as Steven. We see bits of his past and some stories of Marc Spector’s adventures. We meet Randall and even get to see Marc fail to save people (Crowly’s son, Randall, Gena’s friend). We see him struggle with Khonshu and his identity a bit. We even see him break down a couple times. 
But the way that fist run ends is to me the real defining moment for Moon Knight. Let’s take you to: 
Issue #37, The Ghost.
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It opens with Elias dying of cancer in a hospital in Chicago. On his deathbed, he calls for Marc. 
The comic notes that they have been estranged for 18 years. 
In this comic, Steven has finished organizing the files on Marc and is still grappling with the fact that he and Marc are in fact two different people. He thinks once he has organized Marc’s life, he can lock it up and they can become Steven Grant forever and never have to deal with that unpleasantness again. 
Up to this point, we have been seeing them struggle with their identities. Still under the illusion that they are one man putting on different identities who can't decide what life to live. 
Understandable, considering that Marc does not want to be Marc anymore. Steven detests the life that was lived as Marc and Jake pushes back on both lives, wanting to be with friends and a simple man of the people. 
In many ways, Marc only surfaces when things of the past come up. He refuses to acknowledge that he's still around and when he is faced with that fact, he is stressed and full of rage. 
We've seen clips of Marc's past. We see him working as a guide for not always good people through tough parts of the world. We see him working for hire with the Feds in capturing a runner. We see the CIA and world organizations hiring him. Is it any wonder that he's so skilled? That his past is often overlooked when it comes to SHIELD and other entities, because he probably not only worked for them, but probably also carried out shady business for them. But that's a different story. 
In this issue, we see Steven watching a recording of one of the missions Marc was on. "Spector led a scout team. We took a terrorist camp in a cross border operation. The only problem was that our  .50 caliber gunners couldn't be bothered with fine distinctions between terrorists, women, and children." 
As much as we'd like to see Marc as a man of misfortune and circumstance, he wasn't always a good guy. He often tried his best to be good in his missions, often feeling conflicted and trying to save people or turning on those that he found to be of bad character, but sometimes he was a bad guy. 
It's important to see these bits so we can better understand Marc and his intense trauma, his guilt, and his self hatred. 
This issue uses this to show how far away from his father's teachings Marc fell. How he pushed so hard against his father that he ended up on the other side. 
In my books, this is the most important Moon Knight story. The story of where he came from. Of his father and his faith. 
His parents fled to America when Germany took over Czechoslovakia. In Europe, his father had been a great man that was "ordained a Rabbi at eighteen, and went on to become a brilliant scholar in the Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism." 
They moved to the poor side of Chicago where his father tried to teach him that "God loves a poor man. [...] Poor in goods, rich in spirit." (Something Jake Lockley adheres to). 
Here, they suffered antisemitism. They were beaten and used as scapegoats for everything wrong. 
Interestingly enough, he sites that his mother died when he was just a child. with the frequent beatings, fear, and death of his mother, it's any wonder Marc suffered some trauma?He became angry at his father for not standing up for himself or them. 
His father wanted him to study to become a Rabbi and Marc turned to boxing and self defense. 
When his father tries to stop him during a fight, he punches him. His father disowns him and kicks him out. 
The next day Marc joined the Marines. He focused "for eight years" to become the best. When he was the best, he became a mercenary. 
If you jump forward several writers, you find out that he was dishonorably discharged from the Marines for bouts of dissociation and mental health. But let's stay focused on the original story. 
Steven has found out that their father is dying and he is refusing to go back. "He said he never wanted to see me again, he meant it. I won't go back." 
An important aspect of this comic is that Marlene notes herself to be Steven's lover, confidant, and guru. 
She acts as their guide in matters of the mind and heart. She's always the one that calms them and helps them to reconcile when the three of them start to fight one another and don't know who they are. 
Despite her not understanding his DID, and they themselves not understanding it, she is a huge help for them. 
I have a lot of conflicting thoughts and opinions on Marlene, but it's good to note that she was originally written as a very important part of his story. 
"Marc Spector was always an escapist. When your relationship with your brother Randall soured you just forgot him for ten long years until it was too late and he died hating you. I can feel what kind of spin you're in, Steven, but you have to accept the responsibility, make amends now. Steven Grant and Moon Knight have no fathers. Only Marc Spector does." 
That's a very interesting view into all their relationships and how they keep one another at arms length. Jake, Steven, and Marc refuse to believe they have the same past, responsibilities, or life. 
Yet, when Marc is struggling with dealing with the approaching death of his father, and facing him, Steven takes the floor and tries to help Marc get out of it. (Just like Jake jumping out the window later in Lemier's version of the story. Always running...Maybe I'll do something on that later...) 
While out being Moon Knight, he comes across a Synagogue on fire. He sees a man run into the burning building and finds a Rabbi struggling to save the Torah from the fire. 
"The five books of Moses. He put his life on the line for this. My father would have done the same, I'll bet. Though he wouldn't lift a finger against the thugs who bullied him. I guess every man's got his own reason for being a hero." 
He finds out that the fire was set on purpose by NeoNazis. It reminds him of when he was a child and he flies into a rage. 
"I'm not about to let these Nazi goons get off with 'Malicious mischief' and a slap on the wrists." 
He's been through this before. There is weight to the thought that a lot of Marc's childhood trauma stems from dealing with religious trauma and antisemitism. 
I think as time moves on, we forget the time period that Moon Knight is set in. He isn't just a child of a jewish immigrant. 
His father fled the Holocaust. There is a high likelihood that friends and family did not make it out. Marc grew up hearing about relatives he lost. Knowing that his blood line probably didn't make it out of Europe. That there are no pictures of his ancestors. That he can't go back and see the old houses and towns. 
His father was a Rabbi, which means he was in a big part of a Jewish community that also probably fled or flat out came from the camps. He grew up seeing the tattoos, the poor health, the people with PTSD, and hearing the stories. 
We're talking severe Generational Trauma. 
When Marc finds the Nazi scum that burned the synagogue he has some of my favorite lines that define him: 
"You know where I belong, punk? I belong with the decent and innocent folk who can't find a moment's peace. Not in the streets, not in their own homes, so long as punks like you terrorize them. I belong with the persecuted." 
Detective Flint shows up and stops him before he kills them. (I honestly forgot Flint went back to the beginning. That poor man has dealt with so much Moon shit.) 
Marc realizes he needs to face things and heads to Chicago. 
But he is too late. He arrives in time for the funeral. He's handed a kippah and he puts it on for the first time in years. 
Now, we get to learn a bit about Elias. 
We come to find him as a man in desperate search of Self and Spirit. A man who was so stern and severe but also a man that sought truth and a just way to live. 
His line of research focused on the "knowledge to see beyond the physical. To know the universe as a reflection of the divine image and to see mankind redeemed..." 
It discusses how the body cannot meet G-d, but only the spirit and only in death can the spirit travel. 
We find out later that he was seeking a way to bring back the departed who have met with G-D and the other side. 
A man that refused to fight back against those that had done him wrong, who believed that given enough time that G-D would punish those that had brought them harm. 
A man that sought for a way to face G-D after watching a world try to wipe his people off the very earth. An interesting thought. 
During the eulogy, Marlene reflects that "It's almost as though he were speaking of you as Steven Grant. A man in search of self and spirit who rejected Marc Spector's materialism to become Moon Knight - A social conscience and moral force, just, severe, unknowable." 
Steven later goes to visit their father's grave at night and comes across some thugs spray painting a swastika on some of the grave stones and vandalizing them. He’s emotional and outraged that even here there is no peace to be found. It turns out this was all a distraction as someone has stolen his father's corpse! 
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Issue #38, And the dead shall rise: (I love that cover). 
We see Moon Knight struggling with his identity. Elias was not a father to them all. Marc is emotional and pissed, but still refusing to take responsibility for his part in all this. 
"Moon Knight will find his...Marc Spector's father and return him to the dignity of a final resting place..." Steven refuses to say ‘my father’. Any mention of Elias is always in relation to Marc and even Marc can’t make himself be present when talking about his father. 
Marlene is tasked with helping to clear out Elias' study and donate his papers and books to the university when she's attacked by someone who runs off with some of the papers. 
Steven returns and has a small break down. "I'll find him, Marlene, and I'll kill him for desecrating my father's grave and memory!" "That's Marc Spector the cold - hearted mercenary talking, not you stev--" "How long can I deny it, Marlene. I AM Marc Spector!" 
And Marc is finally taking charge. The first time he has taken ownership of his father and how he feels. 
He sees his father in a new light. 
"I may have misjudged my father's saintliness for cowardice and his genius and moral zeal for fanaticism. [...] And isn't moon knight in his own way a moral zealot fighting perhaps for the very same values Marc Spector once rejected?" 
Now that is an interesting way to look at it. Moon Knight is about doing the right thing. About protecting those that need it. About believing in something unkillable and powerful. Moon Knight is about an idea of man being more than he is. Is this not what his father believed in? 
We learn that Elias had uncovered a way to bring a soul back to the dead body with necromancy where it could then "utter its knowledge of God to a living Kabbalist." 
Turns out one of Elias' students decided to test this out on Elias' freshly dead body. 
He does manage to resurrect the dead body of Elias, who zombie walks towards Moon Knight. 
Marc immediately starts having flashbacks and intense guilt. Even with his dead father trying to strangle him, he refuses to fight back: "No! I'll die before I ever lay my hands on him again, I swear it! Father, forgive me-" 
Marlene shows up and manages to break the spell, sending Elias back to death. 
Marlene tends to save him a lot in the earlier runs. Just something to note. 
Marc once more is not present. Curled up on the floor after melting down, he is beyond emotional and most likely dissociating out the wazoo. "I found him, Marlene... I found...Spector's father." 
Once more, Marc is being protected. Marc, who hated how his father sheltered him and wanted to feel the real world in violence and brutality is often in need of being sheltered. Steven, who wants to rid himself of Marc and the past is often doing the sheltering. 
When it comes to emotions, Marc is often the one being overcome. Either in fits of anger and rage, guilt and regret, or just overwhelmed in sadness or traumatic responses. Steven Grant is usually the one that is shown to be calm and collected. 
In fact, at the start of the issues, when Steven is watching Marc’s tapes and going through his things, he’s detached and unemotional. Steven has the ability to see things from a different perspective of ‘useful’ and ‘Not useful’. It’s rare that Steven responds to things with emotion unless Marc is involved and they are arguing or Marc has put them or someone he cares about in danger. 
Frankly, it’s possible that Steven is the caretaker in the early comics. Mackay has shown that Steven not only manages their finances, but their hygiene and body care. He’s the rational and logical one. The one that can face down a villain without reacting. He’s also the one that does all the exercises and rehab when Marc puts them in a wheelchair. 
The story ends with them returning home to New York. Steven notes that they almost died because of Marc's emotions. He also notes that Marc seems to have resolved some of the bitterness that was held with his father's memory. He comments that he feels a peace of mind and like a whole new person. 
Steven and Marc featured heavily in this with Steven shielding Marc without even realizing he was doing it. And as a system that has not come to full realization yet, it is possible that Steven is starting to understand here, which is why he feels like a whole new person at peace with himself. 
This is also how the first run of Moon Knight as a stand alone comic ended. 1980-1984. 
Before this issue, Jake was featured heavily. Steven was the mansion party pretty boy that lounged around with Marlene. Jake was the one out doing his reconnaissance and hanging with Gena and Crowley. 
It was a good connection to link Steven and Marc’s past with the father and Jewish faith. Jake would have been easier to connect. Jake is the son that Marc wishes he had been. 
But Jake is emotional. Jake wants nothing to do with Marc’s bloody past. Calls him a killer and would be happy to spend all day in his cab. If anything, when Steven and Marc talk about Jake, it often feels like two older brothers talking about a goofy but kind younger brother. 
A few issues earlier, when they ended up in a wheelchair for a time, Steven lamented that he didn’t think he could give up driving Jake’s cab, as it brought him too much joy. 
So I can see why this issue needed Steven to be involved. Steven doesn’t know who he is at this point. He hasn’t been defined and given the chance to figure out what makes him happy and tick. Jake has already broken off and figured out who he is. He knows he’s Jake Lockley. But who is Steven Grant aside from Marlene’s eye candy and the rich boy? 
Settling Marc’s past, seeing who he was and where he was coming from, protecting him, and facing down the Nazi threat was eye opening for him. Much like in the show, Steven needed to see where they came from to see where he belonged. 
Does it get easier for Steven and Marc to interact after this? Not really. Marc is still self destructive and a danger to them. But I think when Marc falls down that path, it’s easier for Steven to know where Marc is coming from. To help him get out of the spiral and let them function. 
An interesting aspect is how much Marc’s past has been re-written over and over again by different writers. His mother’s role, his relationship with his brother, his religious handlings, his trauma, and his violent past are redesigned each time a new writer gets their hands on him. 
No one really knows how to handle Marc’s relationship with G-D or his specific type of trauma. Marc’s guilt is’t because he betrayed his culture or religion. He didn’t turn his back on that. His fate with heaven and hell are constructed by Christian writers that don’t understand or research things well enough. 
Marc’s pain is that he can’t let go of the choices he made. The regrets of relationships that he turned his back on weigh heavily on him. His inability to save people and the times he didn’t try when he should have are agony to him. 
“You can’t save everyone, but you have to try.” Marc’s problem is that he will break himself trying. He can’t handle the thought that he can’t save everyone. Each one he loses is a scar on him that eats away at him as another example of him destroying everything good in his life. 
Marc has gotten to the point where a flower would wilt and he’d take it as a personal hit that he didn’t try hard enough. 
He lost his brother. He was too late for his father. He couldn’t help Marlen’s father. Marc needs the reminders that sometimes he has to lay down and rest. Steven tends to be that reminder. 
When Marc forgets that he’s more than just a killer, Steven steps in and tells Marc to sit down and shut up. He is balance and control that both Marc and Jake lack and I really wish we got to see more of this, especially in current writings. 
I want to see that Marc is the emotional hot head. That Jake is the heart and soul. That Steven is the cool and collected protector. I want to see them wrestle with G-D in a way that makes sense to them. I want to see how Marc has healed and how they are processing their trauma. I want them to show that they can work together and know what one another needs. I want them to show that healing is possible without losing any part of themselves. 
Sometimes healing looks like three guys sharing time and doing their own thing. Not one guy being in control of the body full time. Sometimes healing is one guy celebrating Purim while the other two take a back seat because it isn’t their thing. 
I’m prepared for disappointment, but I hope I’m pleasantly surprised. 
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