#also for those who are just joining me after i got in Ace Attorney: yes my favorite characters used to be an entire town KRK
beauzos · 5 months
i wanna say something profound about Mother 3 since it's Mother 3 Day and all but i got nothing so i'm simply going 2 say that i still love Mother 3 so much, more than any other game to this day. i have a lot of affection for the Mother series since i spent over five years with it as my special interest, which is still CRAZY like i can't believe it lasted that long, but perhaps it attests to the sheer possibilities of the worlds and the characters. i owe Mother a lot for my writing, because it's where i got really, really back into creative writing outside of rp. of course i've said many times that ACOH was important development for me as a writer, but in general i feel like my writing drastically improved around the time i got into Mother.
also god bless the Tazmily villagers, bcs i feel like me getting invested in an entire like. fictional town of about 63 people (or something around that number) meant i had to get really good at characterizing a wide array of characters n fleshing out a world and whatnot. i still love them so much lol. without me being obsessed with them and with the Mother series i don't think i'd ever have written a novel-- at least not so soon-- or become as confident as i am as a writer. Mother is the gift that keeps on giving, i guess.
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cloverthirteen · 3 years
Was Ace Attorney made as a satire on Japan’s legal system? -- An analysis
I wouldn’t really call myself an Ace Attorney fan--I’ve never played any of the games, the closest I’ve come being watching other people’s let’s plays. I do like reading about the series on wikis and interacting with fan content for it, though, so I do know a fair amount about it.
One thing I see being said pretty often by fans is that the series was intended as a satire/parody of the Japanese legal system, which is why the courts are ridiculously biased towards the prosecution, prosecutors often care more about perfect win records more than putting actual guilty people behind bars, etc. If you’re familiar with this, you’ve probably heard of Japan’s 99% conviction rate. This interpretation of the games and the way they work definitely makes sense.
But after hearing this many times I eventually noticed something. There isn’t a single actual source (creator statement, interview, etc.) that backs up this claim. Every time I see someone online say “the series creator made Ace Attorney to parody Japan’s actual legal system” there is never a link to an interview or anything that proves their statement correct. If someone has an actual, verified source from Shu Takumi or someone else who had significant involvement with the series, please prove me wrong and show it to me. But according to all of the creator’s statement’s I’ve read, there’s no evidence of the series being an intentional parody.
So, what do we know about the creation of the Ace Attorney series? Well, it was created by Shu Takumi, who wrote and directed the first three games. After working on the dinosaur survival horror game Dino Crisis for Capcom, he was given the opportunity to make any kind of game he wanted. He really wanted to make mystery and adventure games, and from that came Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
MC: Before developing Ace Attorney you worked on Dino Crisis. How does one go from dinosaur survival horror to virtual courtrooms?
ST: Dino Crisis was the brainchild of my then boss, Resident Evil creator, Shinji Mikami. Working on his projects taught me not only how to make games, but also how to think about them. After Dino Crisis 2 wrapped, Mr Mikami gave me six months in which to create any kind of game I wanted.
I was still pretty wet behind the ears, but as I'd originally joined Capcom with a desire to create mystery and adventure games, this was a huge chance for me to make my mark as a creator. In the end it took a team of seven 10 months to produce the first GBA Ace Attorney title. Having the freedom to create exactly the kind of game I wanted was amazing and it was a real pleasure to work on that project.
MC: Can you remember when the idea of Ace Attorney first came to you? How did your bosses respond to the idea of a lawyer-based adventure game when you first described it to them?
ST: It was in 2000 when Mr Mikami said I could make my own game and my original idea was a fairly typical adventure with a detective as the main character. Most mystery adventures have the player choose from a number of different dialogue options for their character in order to progress the story, but I wanted a new gameplay style that enabled players to deduce for themselves what was happening, rather than just selecting canned responses. I developed this into the concept of facing off against the suspect in a crime and exposing the contradictions in their statements.
I was sure my new idea would be a fun and original take on the genre, so I started to revise the main character, since a detective would be too traditional for such an original concept. I asked myself, "What kind of professional would face off against a suspect and expose their contradictory statements?" The answer, of course, was a lawyer and so the Ace Attorney concept was born.
(source, from an interview on the making of the series)
Takumi’s original concept for the game involved Phoenix as not a defense lawyer, but as a detective. The gameplay was to consist of “facing off against the suspect of a crime and finding the contradictions in their statements.” However, Takumi eventually realized that taking apart contradictions wasn’t really a detective’s job, and decided to change the protagonist to a lawyer and the setting to a courtroom instead. And thus, the game’s concept was finalized.
Janet: As you know, “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy” is coming out world-wide this winter, and as I was brainstorming what to write about for this week’s blog, I remembered your tweets from 2010.
Takumi: Tweets from 2010?
Janet: …Well, it was a long time ago…
Takumi: ???
Janet: I-It’s OK if you don’t remember…
Takumi: …Oh, THOSE! Yes!
Janet: I remember reading them and being shocked by how different the original draft of the game’s story was – how Phoenix wasn’t even a lawyer, but a private eye!
Takumi: Yes, AA was originally supposed to be a detective game, so naturally, Phoenix was to be a private eye. But then, one day, I made a startling realization: the gameplay concept I was going for was for players to enjoy finding and taking contradictions apart, but that was hardly related to investigating or detective work at all. In that moment, I had it – I realized that the main setting for the game should be the courtroom.
Janet: That’s quite the jump, but you know, I can’t imagine this series being anything else at this point. 
(source, from an interview by Janet Hsu about the game’s early development)
During the development for the game, Takumi actually knew very little about the intricacies of the legal system--and in fact, he’s been very transparent about that fact in interviews. There’s even a story he talks about in a blog post where he was asked “shouldn’t we do some research on law before we make this game?” and agonized over it for a bit before deciding that being accurate about courtroom processes wasn’t important--what was important was that the game made the trials exciting and fun.
November, 2000. The characters were coming together, and I was working desperately on my first scenario (the current Turnabout Sisters). One day, I was asked about the one thing I didn’t want to be asked about.
“Mr. Takumi. Don’t we need to do some research on law?”
The knowledge I have about the law, pretty amounts to the one fact that in Japan we have the Roppō Zensho ('Complete Book of The Six Major Legal Codes').
“Don’t bother with that. This is a detective game. “
It should have been over with this one line, but…
“But this isn’t a detective game, it’s a lawyer game!”
“If it’s not going to be realistic, I don’t see why this should be about trials.”
“People who play this might get wrong knowledge from the game!”
“We might get sued by the Bar Association!”
“They’ll start complaining!”
…Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney GBA) is simply a “mystery game.” “Being realistic” is not what is important. What’s important is emphasizing, and recreating the unique “atmosphere” and “tension” of the courtroom. That is why the judge uses a gavel, even though no judge uses that, and why Naruhodō shouts "Objection!" even though nobody does that either. This game does not need a “realistic courtroom”!
Chasing the true murderer down to the end, and then getting applauded for that in the courtroom. That feeling of thrill and excitement. It was only by February of the following year when we finally manage to recreate that in the game. The couple of months after this had happened, we looked around, got lost and troubled our minds in search for the answer of the big question of “How do we make a trial into a game?”.  Fall was passing by, and the cold winter was close upon us.
(source, from an archived blog post by Takumi)
So, realism and knowledge of law wasn’t important to Takumi during the development of the series. But there’s also the fact that Takumi has actually personally denied that the Ace Attorney series was an intentional satire or criticism of the court system at any point. In fact, according to a blog post (done as if Phoenix and Maya were reading the column and commenting on it), he actually dislikes people seeing his work this way, as he never intended the games to have any big political statements.
A major prerequisite for Gyakuten Saiban is it’s so simple “even my mother could play it”.  So there is only one point at the core of the game: “Seeing through lies”.
Naruhodō: It wasn’t even supposed to be a game about the trials at first. Mayoi: Eh! Really?! Naruhodō: “Simple” is basically all this game is about, according to TakuShū. Mayoi: What do you mean? Naruhodō: He didn’t want to add all kinds of elements for the player to think about, like alibis, tricks or about the culprit. It’d just confuse them. Mayoi: Really. Naruhodō: Basically, you can proceed in the game if you just think about where the contradiction is. He figured that with that, the controls of the game could also stay simple. Mayoi: But, but, why the trials then? Naruhodō: “A story about a detective seeing through lies” wouldn’t be any different from the other games out there. So that’s why he decided to have someone whose job is seeing through lies as the protagonist. Mayoi: So a defense attorney. Naruhodō: Occasionally  TakuShū sees magazines introducing the game as “a work that dared to take on the theme of trials”, and that actually hurts him. Mayoi: He never meant to be something as big as that…. 
(source, from the mentioned blog post)
Ultimately I see how easy it is, if you know a good amount about both Ace Attorney and Japan’s legal system, to come to the conclusion that the games were made as a dig against the latter. However, somewhere along the line, people apparently stopped seeing this as merely a theory and instead as a definite fact. Now, that doesn’t mean that the theory is entirely unfounded--given that Takumi focused only on making trials interesting and fun in the games, you could say that the games work as an light, comedic parody, not meant to make any political statements. And hey, maybe there’s something I missed--maybe there were other people working on the series who did have significant knowledge of law and wrote some parts of the games as intentional satire of the system. Again, if anyone has evidence of this, don’t hesitate to provide it. But with what I know, I don’t think going “well actually” to people who point out the ridiculousness and unfairness of Ace Attorney’s court system is necessary. It’s simply that way to make the games more fun.
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
A Second Chance: Chapter 1
An Ace Attorney fanfic. Read on both AO3 and FF.net!
Summary:  Miles learns the identity of his "dead" mother, and the aftermath of that revelation is a tricky one. Especially when his newfound little sister is trying to turn him into a spirit medium.
AKA Miles is a Fey. Miles also doesn't really know how to family properly.
[Chapter 2] | [Chapter 3]
Comments make my day! :D
The Box
Hazakura Temple was one hell of a case, and he’d seen some weird ones over the years. It was like fate how he, Dick Gumshoe, always got roped into those weird ones. Or maybe you could say they were the exciting ones. Depends on who you ask, he thought, as he climbed the stairs of Elise Deauxnim’s cottage- each step creaking dangerously as he went.
It usually wasn’t his job to search victims’ houses, but he thought this time he owed it to Maya. The poor girl lost her mother, and if there was anything in there he could give to her he would find it.
One cupboard at a time.
Even for a famous children’s author, Elise Deauxnim didn’t seem to have many possessions. All he’d found were books and clothes. Even her house wasn’t that big, though it was pretty secluded. Which would make sense since she was Misty Fey in hiding.
God, that was weird to think about. He’d read his nieces a bunch of her stories and secretly enjoyed them too. He’d never be able to do it without thinking of the author’s corpse now.
Clink! Thud!
The others were probably packing up the silverware to give to charity downstairs. Death was so strange… one moment a person’s there, living their life as always, and then the next they’re gone.
He contemplated his own death as he sifted through the belongings of Ms. Deauxnim’s bedroom. Nothing special. There was a neatly-made double bed with a floral quilt, a small wooden bedside table with a shaded lamp, and a few wardrobes full of various clothes.
In the final wardrobe, the small white one, he finally noticed something valuable.
Among the dresses and cardigans, somewhat hidden behind them, was a familiar lengthy, deep purple robe. Dick had been to Kurain village so he knew what it was almost immediately. At least he knew they were in the right house.
At least he could give something to Maya.
Gently, he tugged at the robe. It was stuck. So he pulled again, a little harder.
It remained glued to the rail.
So he thrust his hand far into the wardrobe, half expecting to find Narnia, and felt around with his large fingers until he had a fistful of robe. Sucking in a breath, he yanked it out.
He cringed.
Good news: he had the robe. Bad news? The clothes hanger that the robe had been attached to had fallen to the ground.
Sighing, he went to pick it up, when he noticed that it hadn’t fallen on the bottom of the wardrobe. Instead, it had fallen on what looked like some sort of gift box.
Curiosity taking over him, he carefully took it out. It had yet another floral pattern on it (she sure was into flowers, huh) though this one was a lot more faded than the one on her bed or her curtains. On the lid, written gracefully in ink, was the word “Kurain”.
He crouched down onto his knees and slowly opened the box. Inside, was a folded robe- one much smaller than the one hung up. Maybe once belonging to a child? Under that was an old photograph of two girls, desperately trying to fix a broken vase of some sort. It was adorable.
There was also a small pendant in the shape of a magatama, which looked like it could open.
He tried to open it, but his fat grubby fingers kept on slipping off. Maya could probably do it.
Satisfied with his find, Dick leaned over (wobbling slightly on his knees) to close the wardrobe door when he noticed something behind where the box had been.
Another, smaller box.
He took it out, and immediately almost dropped it again.
On the lid, written in that same ink calligraphy was one word.
Dick’s eyes went wide. What was he supposed to do? Open the box? That might cost him his salary… but he couldn’t not open it.
“Sorry, Mr Edgeworth.” He muttered as he took off the lid.
He stared blankly at the box’s contents for a few moments, the reality of what was inside not sinking in, and after what seemed like way too long he finally uttered two words.
“Holy moly.”
He needed to call Mr Edgeworth.
“Mr Edgeworth, Sir!” Gumshoe cried, thrusting open the door so that it ended up hitting the wall with a loud bang.
Miles winced and sighed. At least he could always hear Gumshoe coming, so he had a few seconds of bliss to mentally prepare himself. He clicked his pen and looked up from his desk.
“Detective.” He greeted.
What he wasn’t expecting was the large man to be noticeably more out of breath than usual, huffing and puffing with a large white evidence bag under his arm.
Miles couldn’t help but groan when he noticed the lack of label on the bag. “You’re not supposed to take evidence without registering it first, Detective.”
Gumshoe scrunched his nose in apology. “I know pal, but this is important, I promise.”
He flopped onto the couch and started to fiddle with the zip on the bag. Miles sighed again. It was evening, and since Gumshoe had been investigating Misty Fey’s residence, which was a good few hours away by train, he hadn’t been expecting a visit from him today. Not that he particularly enjoyed his visits...
Tapping his finger impatiently, Miles waited for Gumshoe to finally take out the contents of the bag. He was underwhelmed to say the least. It appeared to be a small rigid gift box of some kind.
“C’mere, sir.” Said Gumshoe as he thumped the seat next to him and looked up at him expectantly.
Miles relented and stood up to join the detective.
“You know,” he said, “when I received your text, I believed this to be something urgent.”
Gumshoe shrugged. “It is, pal. I wouldn’t’ve disturbed you if it wasn’t. Don’t you trust me Mr Edgeworth?”
“Of course.” He said, sitting down. Miles didn’t, but decided that this wasn’t the time to reveal that particular secret to his sensitive colleague. “So what is it?”
All of a sudden Gumshoe visibly steeled himself. His expression became soft, but his shoulders were tense. All of his usual energy solidified into something that resembled that of a detective’s. Miles had seen this multiple times before, and it was always when Gumshoe had bad news to tell. It was unnerving to see the man do it in their own conversation.
A bad feeling began brewing in his gut.
“So, I was checking Misty Fey’s house, right?”
“Yes.” He answered, a little too quickly.
“And… she was the one who channelled your dad, wasn’t she?”
Miles didn’t have to answer that. That bad feeling only worsened.
“Well uh, I found this and…” Gumshoe paused. “I think you’d better take a look for yourself.”
Slowly, as if he were handing something fragile to a small child, Gumshoe passed the ominous box to him and gestured for him to open it. What immediately piqued his interest was the fact that it had the word “Edgeworth.” written neatly on the lid.
So, with an unhealthy amount of caution, he began to lift it...
...and almost fell off the couch at Gumshoe’s outburst.
“What?” He asked, disgruntled.
The detective turned to face him. “I uh just wanted to say, whatever’s in there, that I’m here for you Mr Edgeworth. Whatever you need. I knew you should have this the moment I saw it, no questions asked.”
“I see.” Was all he said in reply, as his curiosity was beginning to eat away at him with every passing second.
He opened the box.
...and breathed a sigh of relief. He’d been half-expecting something to jump out.
A bunch of papers. Newspaper articles, mostly. He recognised the majority at once- they were all reports of his father’s death. The DL-6 incident. He furrowed his brows, wondering why Gumshoe assumed that he hadn’t read each one of these articles a million times over already.
Then, whilst removing them, he noticed more faded newspaper clippings underneath. However, this time they were ones he didn’t recognise. They were far smaller, from a local company he hadn’t heard of, and difficult to make out on the yellowed paper. But they all shared one common sentence:
“Defense attorney Gregory Edgeworth wins case.”
The original shock wore off quite quickly as soon as he thought through it logically. Reading them one by one, it started to become clear to him. It made sense that Misty Fey would have researched his father’s career- the police asked her to channel his spirit after all. And his father was good enough of a defence attorney to have various reports written about him.
This box was nothing more than an accumulation of research resources.
Through the corner of his eye he noticed that Gumshoe was still fiddling with his hands nervously. The detective caught his gaze and nodded at him to look further into the box. Obviously he hadn’t come across what he wanted to show him yet.
He tentatively took out those newspapers, flicking through them with his pale fingers to be certain that he hadn’t missed anything. See, newspaper clippings made sense for research.
What didn’t make sense was what was lying beneath them.
A photograph. Slightly crumpled, yellowed, and worn at the sides, but a photograph nonetheless. Yet the quality of the picture was of no interest to Miles. No, what immediately caught his attention was the pair of smiling faces.
The photo was of a young man and woman. His father and a woman, with one arm wrapped lovingly around his waist and a head resting on his tall shoulder. Dad and…
He gulped.
“...Misty Fey?”
He phrased it as a barely audible question, even though he knew deep down that Gumshoe was as in the dark as he was. The poor detective nodded anyway.
Adjusting his posture to rest his elbows on his knees, Miles used both hands to grip the photo tightly as if it would disintegrate in his hold.
It didn’t. It was real.
“How… how did they know…”
Again, he knew Gumshoe didn’t have a clue. He just needed to get the words out. He had a tiny, impossible suspicion that was starting to make him feel sick.
“Um, sir?”
His head snapped to look at Gumshoe, who yet again nodded towards the box. Miles just stared at it in fear.
What other secrets could this damn box possibly hold?!
Turns out, it was an open envelope. Miles braced himself to perhaps learn something new about his father. He took it out and turned it over. And almost had a heart attack.
It was addressed: “To Miles.”
Enough was enough. Quickly, Miles threw the envelope face down, held his head in his hands, and let out an odd whimpering sound.
He could sense Gumshoe shuffling towards him and could visualize him outstretching his arms.
“Don’t.” He commanded weakly, to no avail. He was still engulfed in the detective’s arms.
“Did you read it?” Dick asked softly.
“No.” Miles replied, then thought for a second. “...Did you?”
Gumshoe took his arms away from him in order to scratch the back of his own head nervously. “I couldn’t help it. If ya want I can tell you what’s on it, but I think you should read it yourself.”
Miles sniffed. He was starting to get emotional over what was probably nothing, or at least that’s what he told himself. He tried to pull away from the bigger man but didn’t really care that much at that point. He’d already read it without his permission.
He made a mental note to cut his salary later.
With a deep breath, he removed the mysterious letter.
Slightly smudged, it was written in the same calligraphic handwriting that was on the box lid.
“Dear Miles,
I’m sorry for not writing to you sooner. My name is Misty. I heard about what happened to your father, and I would like to be the first one to express my sympathies to you. He was an amazing man, the best I have ever met, and you should think yourself extremely lucky to have been able to meet him.
I want to tell you something dear, something very important. I am your mother, Miles. From what I understand, your father had told you that I died when you were young. I am so very sorry that we had to lie to you, but I’m afraid we had no choice. We are not allowed to stay together. I do love you Miles, and I always will. But the situation is very complicated at the moment.
Bad people are chasing me, so I have to run away- which means I can’t come and see you. Believe me, If I could then I would just snap my fingers and come and take you home to your sisters. That’s right, you have two sisters! A sensible older sister called Mia, and a little cheeky scamp called Maya. I’m so very sorry to say that we had to lie to them in the same way. They both believe their father died, and they don’t know that they have a brilliant brother called Miles.
Please don’t come and find me. I promise that when the bad people stop chasing me, I will come to you. Until then, stay strong. Your father would not have wanted you to be so upset over him.
Don’t forget that I love you Miles. You’re not alone. Love Misty.”
“Sir?” He thinks Gumshoe asked, but his vision was so misted over and his ears were ringing so much that he couldn’t be sure.
Miles barely registered Gumshoe holding him as he began to sob.
This was going to change everything.
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yunaffie · 5 years
Shu Takumi interview
Several years ago, Official Nintendo Magazine UK (now no longer existent) had an interview with Shu Takumi and it was even on their website. Now their website is no longer around, but I did manage to find the interview on the Wayback Machine and I figured I’d repost it to make it easier to find, as well as give people who haven’t seen it yet the opportunity to do so.
    On the day that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies is released, Takumi talks to us about his best-loved series
Shu Takumi's most famous creation, Phoenix Wright, is famed for his 'turnabouts'. These whiplash-inducing twists of logic see him step into the unknown in order to seek his client's innocence; he's essentially a chancer, blagging his way to victory. Talk to Takumi, however, and you sense that he leaves nothing to fate. His stories are intricately plotted, his jokes laser-targeted and his heroes full-bodied personalities.
In a medium in which storytelling starts and ends with 'man hates thing, man shoots thing', Takumi is a rare exception to the rule. With his latest yarn, Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney, on the horizon, Associate Editor Matthew Castle was lucky enough to cross-examine one of gaming's definitive voices.
Matthew Castle: Before we start, just for any readers who might not know who you are, could you tell us about your role at Capcom?
Shu Takumi: I'm a director, which means that I propose ideas for new titles, design the games, write the scenarios and direct the projects. In addition, I mutter complaints and, when the intense pressure of an impossible schedule finally gets to me, escape into a fantasy world of my own creation [laughs].
MC: Before developing Ace Attorney you worked on Dino Crisis. How does one go from dinosaur survival horror to virtual courtrooms?
ST: Dino Crisis was the brainchild of my then boss, Resident Evil creator, Shinji Mikami. Working on his projects taught me not only how to make games, but also how to think about them. After Dino Crisis 2 wrapped, Mr Mikami gave me six months in which to create any kind of game I wanted.
I was still pretty wet behind the ears, but as I'd originally joined Capcom with a desire to create mystery and adventure games, this was a huge chance for me to make my mark as a creator. In the end it took a team of seven 10 months to produce the first GBA Ace Attorney title. Having the freedom to create exactly the kind of game I wanted was amazing and it was a real pleasure to work on that project.
MC: Can you remember when the idea of Ace Attorney first came to you? How did your bosses respond to the idea of a lawyer-based adventure game when you first described it to them?
ST: It was in 2000 when Mr Mikami said I could make my own game and my original idea was a fairly typical adventure with a detective as the main character. Most mystery adventures have the player choose from a number of different dialogue options for their character in order to progress the story, but I wanted a new gameplay style that enabled players to deduce for themselves what was happening, rather than just selecting canned responses. I developed this into the concept of facing off against the suspect in a crime and exposing the contradictions in their statements.
I was sure my new idea would be a fun and original take on the genre, so I started to revise the main character, since a detective would be too traditional for such an original concept. I asked myself, "What kind of professional would face off against a suspect and expose their contradictory statements?" The answer, of course, was a lawyer and so the Ace Attorney concept was born.
Incidentally, I wrote the game design document at home during my summer holiday straight after Dino Crisis 2 finished. One day, I got a call from Mr Mikami. Despite having supposedly given me free rein to design whatever I wanted, he warned me off doing a game about courtroom trials!
MC: Ace Attorney paints the police and legal profession in a silly light. Have you ever had feedback from lawyers or policemen about your portrayal of them?
ST: A few years ago I had the opportunity to speak with some police detectives and they told me that their real-life investigations are nowhere near as absurd as those that were depicted in Ace Attorney. I thought to myself, "Well, I had sort-of guessed that already..."
I've never had feedback from any lawyers, but I imagine it would be the same. They'd tell me they don't scream out "Objection!" as vigorously as our characters and I'd think to myself, "Well, I had sort-of guessed that already..."
MC: Every Ace Attorney game is full of great characters, so when you wrote each sequel how did you decide which people to bring back?
ST: The first time a previously featured character returned in a later case was Larry Butz. Phoenix defended him on a murder charge in the very first case of the first game and he showed up later in the same game as a supporting character in the fourth case.
He wasn't originally planned to be a recurring character, however. The schedule for designing and drawing a new character for that case was so tight that there was a serious risk we wouldn't make it in time, so we decided to reuse an existing character simply to save time on asset creation. Thus, Larry made his encore appearance, which ended up being a well-received element of the first game's storyline, so from the second game onwards, we started bringing old characters back intentionally.
How we choose who to bring back is simple: it's usually either characters who are popular with fans, or those I am fond of [laughs].
MC: For all the madness, there's something traditional about the mysteries at the heart of Ace Attorney. Did you draw on any classic crime writers for inspiration?
ST: You could say that there is a mixture of the spilled blood of victims, the guilty tears of killers and the sweat of hard-working detectives flowing through my veins... To put it less graphically, from the time I came across the Sherlock Holmes series as a child, all the way through to my university days, I've been obsessed with reading classic murder mysteries. It's safe to say that Ace Attorney would not exist were it not for Perry Mason.
When writing the cases for the games I've found inspiration in the works of GK Chesterton, Ellery Queen and Anthony Berkeley, to name but a few. And I can't leave out that modern classic of the genre, Columbo.
MC: How hard is it to devise a juicy twist and to hide it from view? In storytelling you often want to obscure the details, but videogame design often requires clarity. Did you find it hard to rectify those two things?
ST: They say that it's harder to create a puzzle than to solve one and that's certainly proved to be the case in my experience. For the first game, with my lack of experience I found it less like a challenging task than a hobby with which I became obsessed.
You need to control the information presented in the game so that there is a single right answer for the player to deduce, but also weave in plenty of initial inconsistencies for them to uncover and our trademark 'turnabout' twists to confound their expectations. This is where reading all those mystery novels in my youth has really paid off.
MC: Having worked on four Ace Attorney games, how did it feel to step away and work on Ghost Trick? Were you nervous to leave that safety bubble?
ST: I first started working on the Ghost Trick concept in 2004, after the completion of the original GBA version of Ace Attorney 3. The third game was supposed to be the last one, but plans changed and I ended up working on the first DS Ace Attorney, which, as you know, was the first Ace Attorney title to be localised and released in the west. My next project after that was Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, so by the time I got around to finishing Ghost Trick it was 2010, six years after I first thought up the concept.
I certainly felt a lot of pressure when making Ghost Trick, as it was a brand new IP and I had just left the Ace Attorney series, but I was grateful for the chance to take on a new challenge.
MC: Ghost Trick featured some incredibly gruesome murder concepts - death by giant roast chicken is my favourite. From where did you draw inspiration for such a huge variety of deaths? Did any not make the cut?
ST: I feel that the most violent way of murdering someone is by directly shooting, stabbing or strangling them, so for Ghost Trick I wanted to have more indirect ways of killing someone, with a darkly comical, more symbolic feeling to them.
Combining this approach with the fact that the Nintendo DS screens are not the largest, or most high-resolution displays out there, it became important to make sure that whatever death we were presenting to the player was visually easy to comprehend. So being crushed to death by some giant object was a perfect fit for our requirements, whether it was under a big rock or a huge roast chicken.
As far as cut ideas, there was going to be a stage where the victim had been crushed by a huge safe that fell from the ceiling, but time restrictions meant the whole stage was cut. I do love having giant objects fall on people, don't I? That's probably the influence of Tom and Jerry on the young Shu Takumi showing through.
MC: More importantly, how did your team react as you presented these death ideas to them. Was anyone worried for your sanity?
ST: Yes, and not only that, but I also made it my goal to cause the team to worry for my sanity whenever I presented an idea, because if they were, it meant it was a good one. I would hear a little voice in my head saying, "You win!" at times like that. The more "You win!" moments one can have in life, the better.
MC: There were nods in Ghost Trick to Ace Attorney - Missile the dog, for example; a character who looked like Wright - do you see the two games as existing in the same universe?
ST: Those are really just coincidences: the guy who looks like Phoenix actually only has the same colour suit on and the dog is not the same breed as Missile, which, coincidentally, is the name of my pet Pomeranian.
Ghost Trick takes place in what is obviously a much more fantastical world than Ace Attorney. You may have noticed that the level backgrounds in Ghost Trick never have any kind of writing in them. This was an intentional design choice to prevent the game's setting from being identifiable as taking place in any particular country or era from the real world.
MC: Could you imagine an Ace Attorney/Ghost Trick crossover? Any deaths that we couldn't prevent by way of possession could then go to trial in a courtroom...
ST: ...or Phoenix Wright could be killed and Sissel could prosecute his killer in court! Whatever form it might take, a crossover between these games is something I would love to see happen.
MC: When you return to Ace Attorney after a period of absence - whether it was to write Apollo Justice or Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney - how easy do you find it to slip back into that world and that writing voice?
ST: Writing for Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney was the first time in several years that I wrote in the voice of Phoenix and Maya, but those characters are so dear to me that I carry them around everywhere in my heart, so it was very easy to pick it up again. It was like a reunion with old friends and was a very pleasurable and nostalgic experience for me.
MC: When you came to write the scenario for Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney, how hard was it to make those two universes gel? Layton's world traditionally dispels the paranormal, while Wright tends to embrace it.
ST: I worked together with Level 5 to develop the world in which the crossover takes place. It took quite a lot of time for both sides to find a setting into which we were happy to place our biggest characters. The starting point for me was when I wondered to myself if one could still use logic to solve a case in a world in which crimes could be committed using magic. I really liked this idea, so it was hard, but fun, work to design the court sections of the game around it.
MC: Putting all diplomacy aside, who would win in a battle of the wits between Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright?
ST: If you ask me, I don't think Phoenix would be able to hold a candle to Layton in a real battle of wits. However, we all know that the hand of fate somehow always manages to bring a 'turnabout' in Nick's fortunes, no matter how sticky the situation, which means, well, sorry, Professor, but you're out of luck!
MC: With Ace Attorney 5 and Ace Attorney Investigations how does it feel to see your characters in the hands of other Capcom employees? We imagine it must be like a parent sending their child to school for the first day.
That's an apt comparison. I do have mixed feelings about it sometimes. For instance, I was really surprised to see that after we focused on the new character of Apollo in the fourth game, the Dual Destinies team decided to bring Phoenix back. Ultimately, though, having creators other than myself take the helm of the series is a valid choice, as it brings new directions and new story possibilities.
The team on the new game have looked at what the essence of Ace Attorney is, and as long as they can give the fans another great game to enjoy, I'll be happy. After all, the fact that the series is still going over a decade after I made the first game is something I couldn't possibly have imagined in the first place.
MC: Have you seen the Ace Attorney film? If so, what did you think of it? Was it funny to see characters you sketched out all those years ago in the flesh?
ST: I saw it, and I even got to make a little cameo when the film company invited some Capcom staff to visit the set. You can see me briefly in the spectators' gallery in the final court scene.
It was really something to see the story I wrote for the first game brought to life on the big screen by real-life actors.
And those costumes! They were such perfect recreations. The director, Takashi Miike, is an expert at making existing works from other media into entertaining live action films and he did a great job with Ace Attorney. I highly recommend that everyone reading this check it out, if they can.
MC: This interview is part of our 100th edition and we're looking back over some of our magazine highlights. Looking back over your own career, what is your personal highlight to date?
ST: As a creator, the greatest compliment to me is when someone tells me that they played one of my games and enjoyed it. In the course of the press tour for Ghost Trick in 2010, many players from around the world expressed their love of Ace Attorney to me and it's moments like those that make me glad I became a game creator. Also, I'm deeply honoured to have been asked to take part in this special issue and having myself, my team and our work considered a highlight of your magazine's history. I'd like to thank you on behalf of everyone at Capcom. This opportunity is in itself a highlight for us.
MC: Many of our readers are keen to know, what's next for Shu Takumi?
ST: Game projects are a complex balance of so many factors: what I want to make, what players might make of my concept, what Capcom as a company wants from the game, and also broader trends in the gaming industry. My next project is in the preparation stages and I still don't know myself what form it might take by the time it's finished.
Whatever happens, though, I'll be pouring my heart and soul into it and working towards that eternal goal of hearing positive reactions from the players at the end of all the hard work.
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sunsetcarnation264 · 5 years
Title: A Four-Way Street Summary: Phoenix and Miles go out on a date. In the meantime, Maya and Gumshoe hang out while their respective boyfriends are out. (One-shot. FeyWrightWorthGumshoe.) Rating: K+ Genre: Romance/Humor Series: Ace Attorney Pairing: Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, and Detective Dick Gumshoe (FeyWrightWorthGumshoe) Miles adjusted his jabot as he stared at the time, thinking about what Phoenix offered. Earlier that day, Nick said that they could go on a date sometime, if he wanted to anyways. If the prosecutor had declined the offer, then he wouldn't have minded. Ever since then, it lingered in the back of his head, coming forward to the front now and then throughout the day. Whether he accepted or not, it was interesting Nick asked in the first place as he was with Maya, who seemed fine with Phoenix possibly going on a date with him. Miles looked back at the mirror in front of him. He quietly sighed, unsure of what to do. He saw Gumshoe walk up to him from behind in the mirror, who put his hand on his shoulder. "Y'know, this could be the break ya need!" Gumshoe exclaimed. "I'm not going to go on a date with Wright." Miles replied, moving onto adjusting his clothes where it was needed. "Look pal! You're going on that damn date, you need a break!" Dick argued. "Besides, you've said before that you liked him, I say go for it!" "Okay, okay Gumshoe, I will-" He looked at him. "Wait, when have I said that?" "That doesn't matter! Just go on that date, pal!" He patted his shoulders. "I'm fine with it, go have fun okay?" Miles stared at him in the eyes for a few seconds before sighing. "Alright, I'll go." "Alright. If ya need me pal, you know where I'll be at." Dick gave him a kiss on the forehead. He then went into another room to leave him be. Miles sat down onto his chair and grabbed the phone to call Phoenix.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dick took his phone out and called Maya Fey. The phone rang once, then twice, then finally three times before she picked up. "Hello?" Maya answered. "Heya, pal! Finally convinced him to go on that date!" Gumshoe exclaimed. "That's great! I'll let Nick know-" "Hold on, pal! Edgeworth might be calling him right now, so he might already know." "Oh." Maya said, her voice frosted with disappointment. "Well, it's still great! They're both getting a well-deserved break. I'd join, but I have to stay and clean up a little." "Don't sweat it, pal! There's always next time!" She chuckled. "Yeah that's true. Well, I'm gonna help Nick, so I'll talk to you later!" Maya hung up and put her phone into her pocket. She turned around, excitedly walking to Nick. As she walked into the room, he put the phone down, letting her know he was done being on the phone as well. He got up and brushed himself off. Afterwards, he adjusted his red tie. "Are you going out just like that?" Maya asked. "Yeah, I don't see why not." He answered. "Well," she grabbed him by the tie and pulled him down a tad to kiss him on the cheek. "Have fun, Nick! But not too much fun, we don't want him to be the only one you love for the rest of your life, you know how Mia would be even from the grave!" She started pushing him out and he looked at her. "Maya you know I-" "Good luck and get out there, you don't wanna be late to your date!" "Ah, yeah!" Before he could get shoved out the office completely, he turned around and put his hand onto her face as he gave her a kiss. "I'll see you later, Maya." "See ya!" Nick went out, closed the door behind him, and started rushing to the exit of the building. If Miles got there before Nick got out, he didn't want to keep him waiting for too long. When he got outside, he went to get his bike, but he stopped right after seeing Edgeworth's car. The car window went down, allowing Nick to see him clearly. "Oh." Nick plainly said. "Get in. I think it would be better going in a car rather than riding a bike, Wright." He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it would." Phoenix walked over to the car. He opened the door and then went in, sitting in the front seat. He closed the door and buckled himself up. The car window went back up, closing almost entirely. Miles then put his foot on the pedal gently at first, making the car move forward slowly. Then more weight was put onto the pedal, causing the vehicle to go faster but not extremely fast. Light from the street lamps shined in and out of the car as he drove passed them. Besides the other cars driving passed or beside them, it was a silent ride. No words were exchanged between the two lawyers. Neither of them glanced at each other, either, they only kept their eyes on the road ahead of them. There were a few cars in front of them, causing Edgeworth to slow the car down and then stop it. They awaited there until the light went from red to green. Nick eyed the radio and went to go turn it on, but his hand was smacked away. He went to try again, but this time he went slowly and tried to do it in a sneaky manner. Miles smacked his hand once again, though it was harder than the last smack. "Wright, stop trying to put the radio on. If you wanted it on, you could've asked." He turned it on and turned the volume down some so it wouldn't be too loud. "And don't touch anything in my car again unless it's to get in, to get out, or if I specifically allow it." "Okay, okay." Nick kept his hands on his own body, keeping what Miles said in mind. The light turned green and Miles started driving again, going to the left. A few minutes later, they arrived at a restaurant with Edgeworth parking on the side of it next to some bushes. They got out of the car and went into the restaurant. Inside there were plenty of tables, some were square while others were rectangular. Each table had a white cloth with lacy floral designs at the edges of them. Waiters and waitresses here and there were either taking order or serving the customer's food from what one could see. A woman with short, blonde hair came up to Miles and Phoenix. "Hello, Mr. Edgeworth. Where do you wish to be seated?" She asked, having a smile on her face. "The table in the corner upstairs, as always." "As you wish." She went to the staircase that was to the far right of their view, one going up to the second floor of the restaurant. They followed her up the stairs, with their feet going on each individual wooden step. Upstairs had dimly lit lights on the walls, each having a yellow tint to the light bulbs all except for one light which was in the corner. That one had a lilac tint to it and it was bright enough to light up a square table and the velvet cornered seats. One could assume that was where Edgeworth sat at if they saw him in the restaurant. As they followed her, Nick looked around the room. There was an area where anybody could view the first floor if they wanted to, but there weren't any tables close to it. The only one that was even remotely near it was the one next to the wall with a painting on it, that table of which was occupied by two people. Besides them and a few people, the room wasn't that full. Phoenix and Miles sat down at the table and the woman left. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And there!" Maya closed the trash can, putting the dust collecting part of the vacuum back into place. She picked up the vacuum and put it away. Maya looked around to see if there was anything else she needed to do. Looking around, there was nothing else, the office was sparkling clean. Her eyes then waltz on over to the time. "Huh, didn't take as long as I thought..." She said to herself. Maya then heard a knock on the door. She went over to the door and opened it. Her eyes lit up and shined seeing who it was in front of her. "Detective Gumshoe! I thought you had work tonight!" "Well... Yes and no, pal. Nothing recent I have to work on, but I figured I'd drop by and see how you're doin'. I also brought some donuts if you wanted any, pal." Gumshoe handed a box with about a dozen donuts in it, each being a different kind of donut from what could be seen through the plastic part of the box. Maya gladly and excitedly took the box from his hands. "Thanks!" She went to put the donuts down on the desk. Gumshoe, on the other hand, took a seat as he looked at the room. "Wow, it looks really nice!" He commented. "Thank you!" She replied, taking a chocolate donut out of the box. "Honestly I thought it was gonna take a while longer to clean up." Maya sat down as she bit into the donut. Eating it caused a huge smile to appear on her face. That soon disappeared after a few bites, though. Her thumb glided across her upper lip and licked the chocolate that was there off. She then stared at her half-finished donut. Her eyebrows began to droop down and her eyelids dropped halfway. Dick looked at her, observing her face and how she was looking at the donut. He gently patted her back. "You okay, pal?" "Yeah, it's just..." Maya looked at him. "Do you think their date's going alright?" "Of course! You got nothin' to worry about!" "I know, it's just one of those things that you can't help but think about even though there's nothing to worry about..." She looked down. "I get it, but there's no way it could go wrong!" He smiled, but then thought about it for a second. "...On second thought, yeah we might wanna check up on them." Maya grabbed her phone and began calling Nick. It rang once and then he picked up before it could finish the second ring. "Yeah Maya?" "Just wondering, but how's the date coming along?" "It's going pretty well so far!" Nick replied. Maya sighed in relief. "Maya, you got nothing to worry about. I understand that you worry about me sometimes, but it's okay, I'm alright." Maya smirked. "That's good, Nick. If you ever need a ride back home, Detective Gumshoe and I can go pick you up." "Alright, though I don't think I'll be needing a ride." He laughed. "Wait, Gumshoe's with you?" "Yeah, I guess your boyfriend's boyfriend was bored and felt like he wanted to hang out with me for a while since you two are away." She teased with a playful and jokingly tone laced into her voice. Dick put his hand up to his mouth and the ends of his mouth started curling up. A moment passed before she heard Nick clear his throat. "Well, I'll see you later, hon." "Alright, love you." "You too." He then hung up before Maya had the chance to do so herself. Dick then burst out in laughter. Hearing him laugh made Maya laugh with him. "I can't believe you just said that, pal!" "It's not wrong, is it?" "Partially?" He coughed a couple of times then cleared his throat. "Not really." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix put his phone away and sat back down. "What was that about?" Miles asked. "Maya was just worried about how our date was going." Nick answered. Miles chuckled. "I wouldn't doubt that. I bet Gumshoe's on the same boat as her." "Probably, since he was hanging out with her." "You know, Wright, I'm surprised your girlfriend hasn't wrecked the whole place yet." "And I'm surprised your boyfriend hasn't called you by the wrong name yet." They stared at each other with their eyebrows furrowed in a moment of silence. Miles broke the silence with his chuckling, that of which turned into a full on laughter and Phoenix joined him. Miles began to cough in the middle of laughing, interrupting them both. Nick patted his back. "You okay, Edgeworth?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Miles continued eating. "Although, I do wonder why Gumshoe is there with Maya, I thought he had work to do tonight." "I guess he just wanted some company." "Maybe." They finished up their food and went downstairs to pay for the meal. Phoenix went for his pocket, but Edgeworth stopped him before he could. The prosecutor got his money out instead and paid for everything. They then walked out of the restaurant, both getting into the red car Edgeworth had. He and Nick put their seat belts on and Edgeworth started up the car. Miles looked behind him as he backed the vehicle up. He then drove forward out onto the street, that of which was more packed with cars than how it was earlier. Not even a few minutes later, Miles stepped onto the break as they came to a red light. He tapped his fingers on the wheel as he watched multiple cars pass by from both sides of the street. It didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon for them to go, making him quietly groan in frustration. He looked at Phoenix. "Do you want the radio on or do you want to put in a CD?" An 'uh' came from the blue suited attorney. Nick went to open the glove compartment but stopped himself, looking at Miles first, who nodded at him. Nick then opened it up, seeing a few CDs and some other stuff in it. Looking at the selection at hand, there was one that caught his attention. Slowly and carefully, he took one of the CD cases out from the stack and put the disc in. The first track began to play. In the meantime, Miles took out his phone and called Gumshoe. "Hey. We're probably going to take a bit longer than expected to get back." He said. "No, there's no need to come for us, you stay right there with Maya. It's just some traffic, that's all. Either of you could've worried about us if you haven't heard from me or Wright in a while. Alright, bye." Miles hung up and put the phone away. His fingers tapped to the beat of the music and he started humming. On the other hand, Nick was singing along, but he wasn't being loud about it. Miles smirked hearing the other lawyer sing. A loud car horn was heard, scaring anybody around the car that was behind them. Miles rolled down the car window and put his head out. "Be fucking patient, asshole! Honking the horn won't make any of us go faster!" Nick only laughed as a response. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edgeworth parked the car. He took the car key out and put it in his pocket. They unbuckled their seat belts and the two got out of the car. Miles and Nick walked to the door going into the office. Miles turned to Phoenix. "I'd like to thank you for the night. It was... Pretty nice, I have to say." "Hey, it's no problem really." Nick scratched the back of his head. "I wouldn't mind going out again. How about all four of us next time?" "Sounds like a plan to me." "Hell yeah!" Gumshoe exclaimed. Maya fell to the floor with arm on the doorknob. When the door flung open, Phoenix and Miles got out of the way. Maya looked at them both and then quickly got up, brushing herself off. "I'm okay!" She reassured. Miles chuckled. "Looks like I'm gonna have to file a lawsuit for eavesdropping, you two." He said calmly. "What?!" Maya said. Gumshoe laughed as he patted Maya on the back. "He's only joking, pal." "Oh." She sighed in relief. "I take it that everyone's fine with that, a date for the four of us sometime?" Miles asked. "Yeah! I mean, why not?" Maya replied. "Then it's settled." Edgeworth said. "Come on, Gumshoe, let's go." Gumshoe saluted. "Yes Edgeworth, Sir!" He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the office. Miles and Gumshoe walked away from Nick and Maya, leaving their view completely. Maya and Nick went inside, with the latter closing the door behind him. "Did you have fun?" Maya happily asked. "Yeah, it was great." "Well, I'm glad!" Maya grabbed Nick's arm, dragging him. "Come on, we're gonna watch some T.V.!" "Whoa okay, okay!" Nick spotted a box with donuts on the counter. "Wait, are those donuts?" "Yeah, Gumshoe brought those in. Grab them and let's go!" Nick quickly grabbed the box before he got completely pulled away.
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Coffee breaks
How did Felix ended up being friends with Sam?
It was a winter day in Chicago at my friends work place where you'll find me taking a cat nap on the blue couch. I had a long morning and noon time from my line of work and my lawyer friend and comrade, Sammuel Toutsaint, also known as Sam Toucan for short, was kind enough to let me be. I could have done it at my house, but then there's always something or someone to prevent me to do so.
Apart from what really mattered, I need my time to relax just for a little bit.
I then started to dream about the past... of how I've met him and how he became one of our best assets against the corruptions and mafias like Alfonso's.
----- two years ago -----
I was anxious. This is my first case as a OFFICIAL detective! I've may have three months of police experience after I joined, but this is my time to shine and I want to make the best impression by solving this mysterious cases of bizarre circumstances.
At first, the first thing I got was just the name on the attorney business card along with an address and a phone number. It was attached on one of the report files when they handed to me. I did at first tried to call him twice at work, but it didn't answer. So I decided to go at the address on the card.
My first visit at the attorney's headquarters... I've probably had worst....
I walked in and I've asked the receptionist of the person I was supposed to meet. She said that he's not in now, but she had an idea of where he is and asked me to wait a bit. I had no problem with that. That is until I've met one of the attorneys there. Judging from the type of badge, he must be a prosecutor.
He looked well polished and may have that air of arrogance...
Depending of the character's behavior, I need to be on my best behavior and my guard up. But not even my police and my 'parental' training wasn't prepared for this. Upon the first glance we exchange, he looked at me like I was just a kid playing a detective star...
Look, I know I may be small and still have the baby face, but I'm a full pledge adult with nephews to look after! Although sometimes I needed to show my I.D. To prove it... But even then I'm still not safe from those kind of prejudice.
Thankfully, the receptionist was able to track down my mystery person at a local cafe place he recently hangs around to avoid certain people he didn't get along. I can understand what she meant and why that person goes there.
After she handed me the address, I wasted not another minute in there with that fancy, nicker pocket guy who was starring at me with arrogance. My late father once told me that whenever there's someone who had an expensive suit and talks to you, they tend to have an attitude to match and lawyers are a prime example of the worsts...
At least, that what he used to say and... I do hope that mine would be at least be nicer... Even if it's just for one time.
Once I've arrived at the cafe shop, I was surprised that it's one of those usual yet unique place. The place feels like it was almost completely made of wood yet it had some modern design, but it kept its original settings. It feels like just an ordinary coffee brewery yet it feels like it had that second home feeling... Like dad used to take me and sometimes my sister for a drink and he'd be teaching about the coffee tips and other stuff... Man, these sweet memories takes me back.
Ah, no. Get back in reality! Where is he? I don't see anybody except for the barista employee which I believed is the owner and there was three high school kids that appeared to be jocks judging from those red football team jackets... How unusual for them to be in a place like this.
Then again, I was pretty unusual person myself back in my high school. I was either at the library, on a soccer field or occasionally at a museum on most week days compared to the 'popular kids' hangouts.
I decided not to pursue the matter and asked the guy in charge. “Excuse me, I'm looking for someone named Sammuel Toutsaint. Would you know who he is?” The man simply nodded. “Ah, great! Can you tell me where is he?” I asked another question and he just simply pointed the restrooms for men as I looked at the direction he aimed. “Ah, ok. So...” I then noticed two coffee cups and he then pointed out a really ideal seating area next to the entrance of the store with a big window. “Alright, I'll... wait for him there.” Huh. Not much of a talker this guy... yet he somewhat understood what I was gonna do.
I sat at the appointed table and I glanced back at the jockey kids. I noticed that they were mocking at the owner cause he wasn't a talkative type and some other remarks while they finished off their pastries. I gotta admit that I admire his resistance to those kinds of teasing... I did at one point in my life that I was bullied for my eyes that was in an unusual golden color until I got into high school and I was able to solve my 'first' case at the bakery sales...
I then noticed a figure passed by me and he plot down on his seat across me. He had black hair with an Elvis inspired bangs, a deep blue colored eyes, he wore light blue dress shirt, a yellow over-sized sleeveless sweat shirt, navy blue pants and the most distinguished character trait that I've first noticed it myself was that he had THE most ridiculous rainbow tie I've probably seen.
“Are you... Sammuel Toutsaint? The new ace defendant attorney?” I nervously but politely asked the guy. “Yes but please, just call me Sam Toucan for short. Don't think too hard about it, kid. I don't like to beat around the bush so much unless I had to.” So he's the straight forward type of guy... I don't sense any malicious intend from him, so I guess honesty is a surprisingly a rare trait from him.
Ok, so I need to get straight to the point of this first encounter. “I've been assigned to solve this mysterious case of odd thefts which involves the statues being taken from the victim's homes and then were broken into pieces just outside of their homes.” I told him a short brief and then he questioned me. “If that's the case, why would it be a robbery if the items them selves were found just outside of the victim's home only broken?”
“Well... 'They' say it's a variety of odd vandalism, but I believed it was actually a sort of a robbery. in a way.” I told him on what I believed to be right. He just looked at me with dead in the eyes like he was saying 'what the heck you think you are, some kind of a upstart, naive, kid who wanted to be the best of the best by bragging?'
Luckily for me, I have my evidence to back me up before I decided to claim it. “I studied carefully of the details and what they all had in common. Upon each crime scene, I noticed that there were a few that was from a wealthy home. Yet despite of all of the treasuries they held in each places, the perpetrator was keen on selecting only one specific object and left the rest of the room untouched. Speaking of the item at hand...” I then took out a sketch of the item itself. “There was only about five so far that were smashed to pieces and they were all found under a nearby street light. All of which were these black busts of the ancient deity, Anubis.”
He raised an eye brow at that. “Why would our 'culprit' would steal only these type of busts and then broke it in the streets, worst of all under a street light that would obviously let him be detected?”
“I would say that it might be a theory that our thief was looking for something inside the busts. The bust itself  was made from some cheap plaster that was solid enough to harden but easily break if thrown hard enough.” I answered.
“Alright, but still, why would they throw it under a street light?” He asked again.
“I believed that there's something rare and valuable hidden in one of these specific busts. Most likely about the value. Money is a golden standard for most cases that involves stealing. I believed that there's a precious shining object at hand, still determined what it is that so small, would required some lightning to be seen. No normal human eyes can see it in the dark.” I gave my second answer. So far I did well... I think.
He then rested his face on one side as our barista handed over a coffee pot along with two cups, sugar cubes in a small container and cream. “I'm pouring for ya, how do you take it?” He lifted the coffee pot and suggested it.
You know... it's been a few years since I had a hot cup of coffee... Maybe I should try it....
“Black?” Was my first option. “Don't try to sound tough, you sissy.” He saw through my first awkward response...
“Cream?” I tried to sound it a bit more social elite. “Oh, coming right up, madam.” He then pulled a gentlemen accent and sarcastically mocked the slightly lighter, second option.
“Cream and sugar?” I sounded like I've been grown down. “What are ya, twelve? Never mind, what else do you wanted to talk about?” He just poured in his own cup and then placed the pot at the center, but I lost my taste for coffee after that. 
Guess I needed to wrap this meeting up quickly. “I've been looking a bit deeper on my own searching and I did came across one particular home decor shop that specialized on their home made brands. I did talked to the owner at the time but he couldn't help due to my... inexperience and his lack of trusts to the law enforcement. However, I did manage to meet his brother, who was like a second in charge, did mentioned more details I wanted to hear after the first one left. The first was that there WAS a connection between the busts that were sold, did indeed were from that place, and the second that there's six in total, included the ones that were broken. Which leaves whoever have the sixth, must be what the thief is looking for. I did asked for the sales registries but... He mentioned that the owner kept it very privately and that it would be really hard for anyone to get it. But then... he handed me your card and he said that it could help me. I wanted to met you after that, but by then the courts were closed for the evening so... I was wondering if there was a way to get access of those sale records without causing so much trouble.”
“What about your badge?” He pointed out the obvious.
“If I used my badge, that would only fueled the fire to his hatred against the law, probably spreading rumors like we're the bad guys who would do anything they wanted like the Alfonso mafia. You know them, right?” I doubt that there's isn't a single person in this town that doesn't know this notorious group.
“I've heard and saw some of their handy works when I moved here a few months ago.” Oh? He's from out of town? That explains that certain English accent that's a bit different. It's not exactly American, yet not quite English. Where have I heard it before? “You're actually new too?”
“If you meant by moving here a few months ago from here and Montreal and started out weeks after, it might be. But my bar license is proven to be legitimately professional. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know?” He then sounded like a middle aged men with experience. But what really caught me was how he pronounced 'Montreal' in a more french accent and that's when it hit me. “Are you originally from Canada?” My eyes widen and I smiled at the guy with excitement. I feel like I'm making a new foreign friend and that I hope that I will learn about their cultures.
But he didn't responded cause he was eyeing on the jocks that had their fun and that they were leaving the shop. I glanced at them too until my eyes gave a sensor warning. I blinked once and it showed me that one of them had hidden a few bags of assorted coffee beans and some sugar while the others were acting like their bodyguards. Not on my watch even if you're in high school. I quickly stand up and placed myself between them and the door before they exited. One of them with a black slick hair spoke. “What are you doing, punk? You're in our way.”
I showed them my badge and stated. “I am Detective Felix Lockheart and I'm asking your friend right there to open up up his jacket. I don't believe any kid would gain that size after eating just a small danish pastry.” I pointed at the middle guy who hid the goods. The third one who had blond hair then mocked me. “Oh, how stupid! Did you hear him? Do you need to call your daddy at work to pick you up?” They all laughed until I made my move. I moved like lightning and I snatched one of the coffee bag that was hidden from his left pocket. They were all surprised, including Sam, who I think he whispers something with tabernacle or something french.
“Now, I do believed that this shop doesn't sell these individually and that I didn't see the money you've handed out to pay it. Return the rest and I will not report it.” I gave them a chance to slip, but the red head, who was the one who had it, wasn't compromising. “Man, who do you think you are punk? Jimmy, get him.” Then the blond grabbed me by my white shirt and slammed me against the side of the door. “Not so tough now, are ya? Mr. Holmes.” Then it was the black haired one that spoke. “If you wanted to play detective, go play with your sis...ter.” Suddenly they all turned a bit pale when they looked on their left. I turned to my right and see Sam standing up straight with his hands in his pockets.
I was just as shocked as they were. I mean, I've only seen him passed me but I failed to noticed that he was REALLY tall! He almost reached the ceiling with his head. Did I also fail to mention that he had that average jock built that wasn't like a heavy bodybuilder but just enough to have those abs?
Sam then spoke with an intimidating glare. “Now, I would let him go unless you wanted to make medical history.” He pointed at me with his right hand and then the blond gently puts me down. “Good choice. Now see, I noticed from your upbringings that your parents are paying for your college, when they asked me for 'advice.' Now see this guy here-” He pulled me closer to him in a way that says 'this is my kid.'
“Is a respectable human being that serves our city. He is even merciful with this minor incident and will not report it if you return the sh!t you've stolen. Last I've checked with college submissions your parents are sending you three, they don't allow kids with criminal records in 'easy' and I'm a good friend of the head master there. Now... don't judge this guy here cause of his looks. It's not the uniform that makes a man, it's the man in the uniform AND the man in THIS uniform... Can break your face with his sharp claws and he has back ups if ever he needs to.” He even lowered his head a bit just to glare straight in their eyes as they trembled. This guy could make the roughest thugs of the abandoned docks look like decent folks!
It didn't took long for them to emptied all of the stolen goods and placed them on the counter as 'we' watched. I didn't 'detect' anymore so I nodded. “Alright, I'm letting you kids off this time, but next time I will not go easy.”
The one with black slick hair then said with fear from Sam. “Yes sir, we were wrong and we won't do it again. Can we go now?”
“Oh yeah, I think you three learn enough lessons for one day, eh? We don't want to overload your brains, eh?” My big new 'friend' somewhat came to 'friendly' terms with them. “Why don't you kids just 'walk' right out of here and be done with it?” They all awkwardly smiled at him as they leave. As soon as they were half way through the door, Sam just jerked his head forward and they were sent scattering. I've seen this kind of technique with guys with his height and stature, but very few of them can pulled it off.
He then looked down at me and asked. “You ok?” “Yes! Yes! Um... Thank you for helping me.” I thanked him. Where were my manners?
“Wake up.” He then said.... Wait. That never happened nor said that.
He then shake me again and my vision started to blur.... “Wake up, Félix.”
“Aweille! Wake up, Félix! It's almost our coffee break at the usual spot!” I was woken up by Sam's big hands in my hair and messing it up. “Ack! Sam, no! I told you not to do that! It took me a while to groom it this morning.” I quickly got up and fixed it. I hope he didn't have anything that would stick in it like he did with his 'favorite' attorneys who he had a huge dislikes apart from we now know they're in Bendy's pocket roll.
“If you don't wake up the first two times, j'men criss! and you needed to be at your house in two hours.” He pointed at the ugly owl clock he found at a garage sale that 'miraculously' still works...
“Why do you have weird things in your office? I don't wished to be rude or anything but-”
“The idea of having weird things in here is to ward off people with stupid bullsh!t. You'd have your own personal space too if you follow my lead at your work space.” He tried to persuade me.
“No thanks, I've had my share of craziness.” I responded until I realized I needed to tell him something.
“Oh yeah! That clock reminds me of something!” I reached over the arms of the couch to grab my yellow leather brief case that had black X's and dots covered on it. That used to belong to my father too which had a unique charm that I couldn't resist. I rustled in it, but I couldn't find it...
“Where is it?” I mumbled to myself. Then Sam started to make conversation in a deep voice. “I don't know.”
“It's gone.” “That's true.”
“It's lost.” “Now I know.”
“Where could it be?” “Could be anywhere.”
“Maybe it will turn up.” “Maybe, but not yet.”
“It's gone.” “That's true... Are we going through this sh!t again?” He then fired that stupid, sarcastic question that I've unintentionally set myself up. I forgot that I'm friends with a smart a&&.
I just looked at him with a straight face, since I've pretty gotten used to this, and asked. “May I borrow the coffee table for a minute so that I can sort it out?” He gestured and I carefully dumped out all of the continent. Since it was a pretty big bag and I've rarely carried it, I've sometimes forgot to sort out the papers, tickets, outdated documents, and some books...
“Man, I really do need to sort out my bag one of these days. I really need to practice what I- aha! There it is! I knew I did brought it!” I finally found my book! It was entitled 'Lamplight City' with a blue cover and it was the first volume.
“That one? It was a New Year gift. No need to return it. Even if it WAS lend, I don't care if I ever got it back, I just want to know where the f#k it went.” Sam being a 'practical' guy, he wasn't the least bit shy to tell me that.
“I know it's just... I wanted to thank you again after I've finally finished reading it. I know it took me a while, regarding my busy schedule, but this is a really interesting story. The great Britain from the eighteen fifties, a steam punk themed technologies, a former private investigator who still helps the innocent victims like Sherlock while he did so with the voice of his long time partner who got killed in the first chapter and... I've never felt this exited over a fictional detective story since like ages!” I held it with both arms crossed like my nephews would do to their stuffed toys.
I was so lost in words that I didn't noticed him getting dressed up for winter weather. “That's cute and all, but I'm late for a cup of real coffee. Shove those all back in and you can sort them out there. Anything that's no use can still be used to lit the coffee pot or a fire insurance fraud.” He waited for me. Even the most 'holy' person isn't gonna change him to take a compliment nicely.
I quickly shove it all in and dressed for this chilling weather. Thank God that I'm blessed to have a such nice warm coat along with mittens and a scarf. Sam wasn't affected to the cold and said that the winter time here is no competition from where he came from. Not even our snow storms were a challenge to him, despite he swears religiously in french whenever he had to shovel his driveway. I hope that he count that as HIS blessings that my kids doesn't understand french... at least not yet or we're gonna have a serious problem here.
As were passing through the main entrance, I noticed Sam's most hated rival, Jerry, was there. He was the one who snubbed me off when I first went here too, ya remember? He was with his 'underlings' that Sam called them and he noticed us leaving. Being the 'famous' lawyer in this place, he called Sam out. “Leaving so soon? I was wondering when you'll ever live your life right.” His followers were responded to this by chuckling and giggling. “You're right, life's complicated. We get up, we go to work, we eat three meals, we take one good sh!t and we all go back to bed. What a f#king mystery to me!” He said and ignored them as we passed by. He knows that if he gave him more attention, he's going around in circles with their conversations... So he decided to end the conversations with anything he can think of, including throwing them off.
Not the one that almost got this guy through a window, once upon an incident a few months ago. I mean, we can't control the people that walked through our lives but that doesn't mean we can choose to throw them out of a two story window, Sam!
But that story is for another time. Right now, we'll just enjoy our coffee and our bro time. In peace if life could be generous this time.
------------------Author’s Notes---------------------------
Here’s a decent, short but simple story of how My OC Sam Toucan met with Marini4′s Felix the Cat.
I wanted to type a plausible story of how they met since I’ve first created this character. Now to be fair, I keep on adding, subtracting, or redo his bio since he’s not an ‘official’ canon to the BBTIM universe.
Some of Sam’s origins will still be kept in the dark, but I decided to start on how they met and give you readers a good idea of his character.
If you saw my art of him, you’d probably read his description that I got that look from the Phoenix Wright game series and that his attitude is based from that legendary comedian, George Carlin.
I wanted to give him that character who’s honest but doesn’t give a sh!t at the same time. But I want to give him an impression that he still has that ‘family instinct’ when it comes to Felix and his nephews, just he’s not willingly to show that side to most people.
I feel like I’m giving him a complex character... Sorry if he’s out of it.
Anyways, I did do a reference of one of the recent games I’ve discovered on Steam. The title from Felix’s book is indeed, Lamplight city. THAT game is very interesting if you’re a fan of what I’ve just typed by Felix’s description and if your’re a fan of solving mysteries and pixel art styled.
I’ll let a link to the Steam shop here and if you just wanted to watch it from a game play, here. I hope you all enjoy it.
BBTIM universe and characters belong to Marini4 and OC Sam Toucan belongs to me.
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turnabouting-blog · 8 years
wait when was it he fucked off again? i thought when he did it was when he got hit by a car
i have been holding off answering this as i have been researching the exact times phoenix fucked off during apollo justice: and lemme tell you, it’s a lot.
to start, we’re going to bring up the first mention of phoenix going to europe: dual destinies.
per the wiki:
Athena first met Phoenix Wright when he was in Europe studying their legal systems. He told her that her psychological abilities could help people, giving Athena the confidence she felt she needed to save Blackquill. Eventually, she finished her law studies and was invited to join the Wright Anything Agency.
Sometime after Vera’s trial, Wright went to Europe to look into their legal systems. It was there that he met Athena Cykes, who was studying to become a lawyer. Learning she could sense subtle emotions from the voices of others, he assured her that this ability would be a great help to people. Cykes finished her studies and became a lawyer, and Wright invited her to join the Wright Anything Agency.
taking into consideration that at the time of dual destinies, athena had just received her attorney’s badge; from the following conversation between apollo and phoenix, it’s said she earned it at 18. now, the only thing i can find stating that phoenix went to europe after vera’s trial is on the wiki– per a conversation between apollo and phoenix during turnabout academy, this information is revealed:
Apollo: So, Mr. Wright, how long have you known Athena?Phoenix: I met her during a trip to Europe.Apollo: Huh!? Y-You were in Europe? (Why haven’t I heard about this before?)Phoenix: Yeah, I went there a few times to study the various legal systems over there.Apollo: Oh, okay… Er, wait a minute. I thought you worked as a pianist after you quit practicing law.Phoenix: I did, but an old friend of mine needed help with some legal work from time to time, so…Apollo: Oh, I guess you were never very far from the courtroom, then.Athena: It was like fate brought us together! It’s thanks to Mr. Wright that I became a lawyer at all.Phoenix: Ha ha ha. I knew she was lawyer material from the moment I met her. And I have high hopes for her ability to analyze people’s emotions.Athena: Aww, it’s nothing special.Apollo: (Hmm… Maybe I’ve underestimated that analytical psychology of hers.)Athena: It’s just, I thought that if my special ability could help defend innocent people… …then I had to do everything in my power to bring it to the courtroom! That’s when I really started hitting the books hard!Phoenix: I’m still amazed she actually became a lawyer. And at the tender age of 18, no less.Apollo: Wow, that’s almost superhuman. (Or personal – like she trying to help somebody she knows.)
the reason i bring this conversation up is because it’s the first mention of phoenix going to europe– but apollo mentions phoenix’s time as a pianist– aka before and during the events of apollo justice. phoenix doesn’t correct him, either; phoenix states that he was helping an old friend (edgeworth) overseas and studying the legal systems at the same time.
now, the reason i correlate phoenix’s time in europe to his disappearances (plural, as it is referred to on multiple occasions, which i will detail later,) is because of just why phoenix disappeared during apollo justice.
now, let’s take a look:
october 7, 2026 (aka the first day of turnabout succession)
Phoenix: Well, I’m beat.Trucy: That’s right, Daddy. You’re on a top secret mission!Trucy: You’ve got to take it easy with the secrets, you know.Phoenix: Ah ha ha. How right you are.Apollo: So, you still can’t tell us what your “mission” is?Phoenix: …… Maybe it is time.  It has something to do with you, anyway.Apollo: Huh?  With… me?Trucy: Ooh!  Maybe you’re getting a top secret mission, too! Maybe you can be one of those guys! A spy!Apollo: (Can’t I just be a defense attorney…?)Phoenix: Ah ha ha! To be honest… …telling you about the mission was my whole reasonfor coming here today.Apollo: What…?Phoenix: Tell me… …you’ve heard of the Jurist System, yes?Trucy: The Jurist System…?Phoenix: That’s right.  The new legal system everyone’s talking about.Trucy: Have you heard of it, Apollo?Apollo: Huh? Uh… Maybe?Phoenix: …… Maybe not as many people are talking about it as I thought.Apollo: (The “Jurist System”, huh?)
what we learn in the final case of apollo justice is that phoenix’s secret mission relates to the jurist system (which is apparently not in use seven months after the events of apollo justice, lmao, but that’s not the point)– the jurist system, which came to fruition because of phoenix’s work. now, why would he have to disappear while working on creating this system? and, considering how he apparently met athena and convinced her to become an attorney lends credence to the idea that he met her before vera’s trial. also, since edgeworth had been studying overseas legal systems for seven years (aka between the events of bridge to the turnabout and apollo justice) before he became chief prosecutor almost one year before the events of cosmic turnabout/turnabout for tomorrow. now, the above conversation is the last in-game mention of phoenix disappearing: following below are prior mentions of it.
july 9, 2026
Apollo: Speaking of mysteries, what’s Mr. Wright up to?  I wouldn’t mind asking his opinion.Trucy: Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen Daddy around.Apollo: What, is he some kind of stray that just wanders in and out at will?Trucy: I wouldn’t say that, but he has been going out a lot. Some “top secret mission”, he said.Apollo: Top secret…?
Apollo: Mr. Charley, the potted plant. Huh?  His leaves are looking a little… brown.Trucy: Good morning, Mr. Charley! Ack!  M-Mr. Charley!  Your leaves!Apollo: Maybe you weren’t giving him enough water?Trucy: No, no, it must be stress. He’s worried about the new recruit at the office.Apollo: Hey, don’t blame it on me! You are watering him, right?Trucy: It was Daddy’s turn to water him this week… Ack!Apollo: Mr. Wright has been away on his “top secret mission”, no?Trucy: I’m sorry Mr. Charley, this is all my fault.  I’ll water you soon, promise!
Trucy: No, it’s OK.  I’m not lonely. I’ve got my Daddy, after all! And you make me laugh, Apollo.Apollo: Glad that I’m good for comic relief, at least.Trucy: …Not that I see Daddy around much these days.
july 10, 2026
???: …I knew you had what it took.Trucy: Ah… Daddy!Apollo: Mr. Wright! You… believed in me?Phoenix: Not really.Apollo: Huh?Phoenix: I just thought that’d make a cooler entrance than, say, “hiya”!Apollo: …Why do I even bother hoping?Trucy: Where have you been lately, Daddy? You haven’t been coming to the office at all!Phoenix: Ah, sorry about that, Trucy. I’m on a… secret mission.Trucy: Secret?  You mean like, you’re undercover?Apollo: Like Mr. LeTouse, only shorter and not as well dressed.Trucy: Oh no!  What if you’re shot, too, Daddy!?Phoenix: Ah ha ha!  Would I do a thing like that to you? Anyway, I’m off for a while again.Apollo: Huh? You’re leaving?Phoenix: Oh, one thing before I go.Apollo: What?Phoenix: …………… Good luck.
yes, the mentions of him disappearing appear over the events of turnabout serenade, but the point is that it isn’t a one-off thing. because again, it’s brought up during turnabout succession, which takes place 3 months after serenade, that he’s been gone without telling anything to his daughter.
my correlation between his ‘secret mission’ and studying legal systems abroad comes to a point because the jurist system, something that hadn’t been used in the ace attorney games universe for apparently quite some time,
Trucy: So, Daddy, what’s this “Jurist System” thing?Phoenix: Well, Trucy, do you know what a “jury” is?Trucy: I’ve heard of it. Isn’t that those people who sit in court in those old courtroom dramas? The ones who get to decide if a guy’s innocent or guilty? Do you know, Apollo?Apollo: …Only from TV. It’s twelve people, chosen from the community, right?Phoenix: Well, they’re thinking about reviving that system. They’re calling the new system, the “Jurist System”.
is something that is used in other countries in the real world. after all, why would someone who lost his badge need to study legal systems overseas if not to work on reforming the one he worked for? the missing information and what little information we’re given lines up far too well for me to simply write it off as a coincidence–
meaning, to me, phoenix wright canonically fucked off during apollo justice (and before) to go to europe to study their legal systems for his jurist system, leaving trucy, a fifteen year-old girl, alone and with no knowledge of where he was or what he was doing.
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mirri-san · 8 years
Tagged by @vimassa15
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with truths about you. At the end, choose (25) people to be tagged.
·       *Last Drink: Water.
·       *Last Time I Cried: I don’t remember. I’m emotionally dead. I got close while watching Mob Psycho 100 the other day that’s some good shit.
·       *Last Phone Call: My phone says I called myself. Which is dumb. I’m gonna say it was @papertigersblog to tell her I was gonna be late like usual lets be honest.
·       *Last Text Message: My sister. Quote: “How the heck would I know that’s what ur talking about?” It was a weird conversation.
·       *Last Song You Listened To: Life- Rap Monster (sue me it’s a good song)
·       Dated someone twice: Yes
·       Been cheated on: Probably idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
·       Lost someone special:  Define ‘lost’
·       Been drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink #pure
·       *Made a new friend: So many lmao I love people
·       Fallen out of love: Nope
·       *Laughed until you cried: Yeah my dudes. Laughing is fun.
·       Met someone who changed you: I change all the time so probably?  
·       Found out who your true friends are: It’s amazing how, even if you haven’t talked for weeks and weeks, sometimes years, my friends and I will always someone find out way back to one another. It’s hard to keep track of many friend groups, but worth it. Did I answer the question? No I didn’t.
·       Found out someone was talking about you: People are always talking about me lol
·       How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: Psh I dunno not many.
·       Any pets: Black kitty, orange kitty, stinky dog.
·       Do you want to change your name: I used to want to, but Millicent is unique and now it’s something I'm very proud of.
·       *What time did you wake up this morning: Well I woke up and did this straight away lol so about 6:30. Blame my body clock.
·       *What did you do last night: I started a Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix been so hyped for so long!
·       *Name something you cannot wait for: if bts will finally announce the Australia part of their WINGS tour so I can book my plane tickets lol. Also going to university next year and properly being able to hang out with @bukiyona rather than over kkt and skype.
·       Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Ah probably? I vaguely remember a Tom. Unless you mean Tom as in period reference in which case yes, yes I have.
·       What’s getting on your nerves right now: I have work tonight and I don’t wanna.
·       Blood type: A+ no wait that’s my grades………
·       *Nicknames: Milli, Mim, Mimma, Micchan, Miri, Hoe, Bitch, Fart, Butthole (my brother is like 11 ok)
·       Relationship Status: Single fuck yeaaaaaah
·       Zodiac sign: Gemini
·       Pronouns: She/her
·       Fav TV show: um it changes like every minute.
·       High school: NO MORE
·       College: (soon)
·       Hair color: It’s like fire. Dark red on the top, fading out to light orange at the bottom. I’m very proud of it.
·       Short or long: I guess… it’s kinda long now huh. I’ve been growing it for like five years so.
·       Do you have a crush on someone: Yes..
·       What do you like most about yourself: I’m super chill. I don’t get angry that much and I get along with (most) people. Also my eyebrows are perfect without me trying.
·       Tattoos: Not old enough yet but I have so many planned.
·       Righty or lefty: Righty but work is slowly making me ambidextrous.
·       Surgery: I had to get the tendons cut in my feet bc of my dancing rip.
·       Piercing: My ears, but I’ve got plans for more.
·       First best friend: My first best friend doesn’t have tumblr. I mean, she probably does, but I haven’t followed her. We used to play together in Prep and we watched Avatar the Last Airbender together. I’m excited for when I can see her again hopefully soon.
·       First sport you joined: Ballet and I was freaking good at it.
·       Vacation: Never been overseas but I usually head to Tasmania every couple of years to see family.
·       Pair of sneaker: my dudes you expect me to remember that?
·       *Eating: Uhhhh just woke up, so nothing yet.
·       *Drinking: Water
·       *I’m about to: Hopefully go to the gym if I can wake my dad up to take me.
·       *Listening to:  Music. Just, like, chill music.
·       Waiting for: When I can meet our lord and saviour Kim Namjoon.
·       Want kids: Yeah but only when I’m with someone I love and who will take care of them with me bc they’re cute but also annoying af and I’ll need help.
·       Get married: I mean I’d love to. My sister and I have a deal that we have to go on Say Yes to the Dress together bc we love the drama.
·       Career: I have so many I’d love to be. Looks like I'm just gonna have to do all of them.
·       Lips or eyes: Eyes
·       Taller or shorter: As a shorty, I’m gonna say taller.
·       Older or younger:  Older
·       Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
·       Sensitive or loud: loud
·       Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
·       Lost glasses or contacts: Yesssssss worst thing of my LIFE
·       Broken someone’s heart: Yes. And I know full well.
·       Been arrested: Nearly.
·       Turned someone down: Yes
·       Cried when someone died: No. Like I said. Emotionally dead.
·       Fallen for a friend: Yeah awkward lol
·       In yourself: mostly. I'm pretty amazing.
·       Miracles: Yes
·       Love at first sight: Yes
·       Heaven: Not specifically, but I believe in something after death.
·       Santa Claus: I’d like to.
List 10 favorite characters/biases (one per series/fandom):
1.     Rap Monster (BTS)
2.     Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)
3.     Rio Nakamura (Assassination Classroom)
4.     Nico di Angelo (Rick Riordan) (he is basically his own fandom at this point)
5.     Klavier Gaven (Ace Attorney)
6.     Prompto Argentum (FFXV)
7.     H2O Delirious (Banana Bus Squad)
8.     Henry Cheng  (The Raven Cycle)
9.     Hanji Zoe (Attack on Titan)
10.  Yukine (Noragami)
(these were not in order lord help me that was hard)
·       I find it really hard to finish things. I’ve got an entire album’s worth of songs that I’ve started but never finished, and an entire library’s worth of book ideas waiting to be written. I need an end goal and a deadline to finish anything rip.
·       I’m so so so so so pale. I live in one of the sunniest places in the world and I can’t tan. Oh well. Less skin cancer I suppose.
·       My family owns so many books. Like, so many. Every room has a bookshelf, and we have a dedicated library. I’ve never run out of things to read.
·       I won the Dux award in primary school, and they gave me a dictionary. I’m still salty.
·       I’m currently learning Korean and Japanese simultaneously. I keep getting the words mixed up lol.
·       As a writer, I’ve googled some fucked up shit for references. I once looked up how to make a bomb when I was writing a story about terrorists and I’m pretty sure the FBI is monitoring my computer lol.
·       I’m not a delusional fangirl but…. I mean, I’m pretty sure Kim Namjoon and I are one day gonna get married. It’s fate.
·       My friends and I used to roleplay on facebook and we look back now and cringe but honestly those were some of the happiest times for me. I don’t care what anyone says. It was fun.
·       I’m a really, really bad speller. Sometimes the spell checker on my computer just stops working and I’m completely lost.
@vimassa15 tagged almost all our mutuals in her’s sooooo I’m struggling. @doveloves @youshouldgoogleit  @goyuoi1 that’s all I got good luck~~ 
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