#also fingers in mouth anon i see you and im contemplating
bropunzeling · 11 months
can you pleaseee elaborate on brady’s thoughts/feelings during linger? he was such a great character!!
hi anon!!!!! yes i will talk SO MUCH about brady who is also one of my faves:
there's some meme on here that's like "sorry to this guy for carrying the weight and burdens of all the themes" and this time it was brady's turn! i knew pretty much off the bat that i wanted brady to be an alpha (an "opposite" to matthew with heavy air quotes) and really dig into the whole, brady COULD do what keith did (be a captain, have a family young, follow the Life Path, etc etc) but doesn't want to, while matthew unconsciously wants to do what keith did and can't.
part of what i find so fascinating about brady is he seems to have a really strong idea of what he wants (see: his rl contract negotiations; anyone who gets married as an infant has a Life Plan in my experience) and also resistant to like, outside influence if that makes sense? everything just kinda rolls off of him like water off a duck. and i thought that would be really fascinating in the context of him being an alpha and just not wanting to do what is expected of someone in that position in their pocket of society (even if said expectations are honestly a lot looser than matthew thinks they are, because he’s blinkered to hell by his own neuroses, and also starting out in a more traditional/macho environment than ottawa which obviously impacts your view of what's possible/socially correct)
the OTHER thing i knew right off the bat was brady was in love with quinn. pretty soon i also knew that i wanted them to get together mid fic, and i wanted it to be one of those simultaneously blindsiding but oh duh moments, and i wanted matthew to react poorly (because he is sixteen neuroses in hockey pads). uncovering how to make that happen was genuinely so fun! i write chronologically so whenever brady showed up before the scene where i was going to have them get together, there was clippy the paper clip in my head hissing mention quinn, MENTION QUINN so even if it wasn't explicit yet, you had the constant association. hopefully enough to be present in hindsight, but not TOO obvious.
what was really fun, and the least fleshed out, was all the Big Sibling conversations towards the final third. the thing about brady is he has such an enormous heart and cares so so deeply, but also, there's always a tension when you have two stubborn people at loggerheads, you know? how do you make someone listen to you when they don't want to listen to anyone? that was the head space i was trying to get to with him. he loves matthew, and he thinks matthew is being an idiot, and he definitely thinks matthew gets way too worked up about dynamics (which, he's not wrong, but also, he's not totally right either! he's an alpha, and society is structured differently for him, and he does have a bit of a blind spot about that), and ultimately he just wants to see his older brother be happy. so it was really rewarding to write these meaty moments where the two of them talk to each other. i love siblings!!!! i love the kind of relationship that is always there even when the other one is being an annoying little fuck!
anyway i loved writing brady, i loved writing siblings and fambly, it was SO fun, also he and quinn in this verse are like. embarrassing. sickening. brady loves big and he is not afraid to show it.
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elliesgaythoughts · 4 months
Trans!ellie coming out and discussing getting top surgery
Warnings: trans ellie (if it ain’t for you, it ain’t FOR you. keep scrolling, respectfully.) some angst and fluff, also a little nsfw suggestiveness.
A/n: i wrote this at 3am, need I say more? don’t come for my grammar. Also feedback is welcome on my fics and I appreciate it, lmk in anon or in my comments but let’s discuss whatever it is maturely, im not gonna deal with disrespect and tantrums. For trans people in this community, your opinion and input is encouraged and appreciated on my trans Ellie work, let me know if I messed up somewhere or if I could do better somewhere, im new to this, im trying to learn, thank you x. And with that let my attempt at a fic begin..
Your heart flutters as you watch Ellie lean forward into the bathroom mirror, in your sports bra, eyeing up her new chest, you don’t remember the last time you saw her this happy, little giggles and squeaks of excitement leaving her as she buttoned up her flannel, leaving the top few undone, just to show off that pretty cleavage, and you couldn’t blame her, she looked fucking beautiful. this new confidence that took over her had you swooning all over again.
You watch her from your bedroom as you think back to the day she brought up getting top surgery done, you think back to how she sat across from you on Joel’s beat up sofa, tears brimming her waterline as her hand held onto yours, in fear of losing you as she stuttered out a shaky “I-I’m trans” into the silence, her bottom lip quivering.
a simple “mhm” leaves your lips.
Your eyes on hers as you give an encouraging nod, keeping your silence because you could tell she still had something else weighing on her, but she couldn’t speak.
your thumb rubbing circles onto the back of her hand before you bring it to your lips and press a kiss there “i love you.” you reassure her and she nods her head softly in acknowledgement before you return to your silence, giving her space to talk.
her eyes dart around the room and a little sniffle leaves her as she plays with the edge of her shirt, pulling at it, tightening it around her chest as you watch her imagination at work as she stares at the the flesh and bones that were only there to protect her heart “I’m going to get top surgery..”
she instantly notices the glint in your eyes, an anger from a fear of you not wanting her anymore taking over her “listen, if you don’t accept me tell me n-” she’s cut off when you giggle “shut the fuck up” and roll your eyes “don’t accept my own girlfriend” you mock her and finish it with a dramatic gasp. her brain stopping, her heart racing and a blush on her face at the term “fuck” she laughs in relief, giggling to herself as the tears start to fall before she breaks down, struggling for composure as your palms holds her face “hey hey hey, babyy” you coo, pulling her face close to your chest and running her fingers through her hair “it’s okay baby, it’s okay, you’re okay” you promise as her breathing steadies and a final strained sob leaves her lungs.
“just, you know…” you trail off, looking down to her shiny green eyes “don’t steal my bras”
“oops” she whispers, hiding her face into your tee shirt “hmm?” you hum, you knew she wore them you saw her every now and then in the bathroom mirror as you walked to your bedroom, your eyes catching her as she adjusted the straps on her self, a big toothy grin on her face.
she leaned back and lifted her shirt timidly to reveal your sports bra that she smiled down at before shrugging at you with a playful smirk “too late”
you whistle, your eyes eating up the sight into front of you, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you struggle to hide how flustered seeing her in your clothes got you, you contemplate what to do to her as you lean forward, closer to her.
she didn’t expect this reaction, she didn’t expect your eyes soft on hers, your face inches from hers as your palms softly slid over the grey material, your mouths centimetres apart and her breath heavy, her world stilling as she hears the pounds of her heart in her ears as your fingers danced on her shoulder and she definitely didn’t expect the SNAP of material against her skin, a soft yelp from her as your fingers leave the strap and land on her thigh, patting it submissively “ask next time” you giggle “or else..” you warn her, your hand reaching out again before she smacks it away this time and covers her “attacked” shoulder.
“fuck” she rubs her pinkish stained flesh “i fear this is gonna become a regular thing” she remincess on how often she does the same to you, always receiving a flick to her forehead or a whine of her name in complaint, your dramatic reactions to her playfulness painting a smile to her lips as she reminisces.
her thoughts broken as she feels a soft press of your lips against hers before you pull back with a promise on your lips, even though you both were comfortable joking around in this situation, you wanted her to know fully that she was secure with you “I’m with you all the way” you promise her, her lashes flutter as she nods “I know”
@williamellieslilho @yourelliewillms @bready101 @moonalumi @heygrimace @pascals-doll @infiniteinquiries @aouiaa
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I am in need of some humor with Eren and Female Reader. Could you write the combined prompts "It's 3 in the morning" and “Stop snoring! You sound like a chain saw.” Where Eren’s snoring drove Reader crazy in the middle of the night? Thanks!
A/N: HI ANON!!! I am still new to the world of Eren x reader but...I think...im getting better at it. Let me know! :D pls enjoy!
A Rusty Chain-Saw 
You groaned, laying your pillow over your head in desperation. Your eyes stung in exhaustion and your head pounded from the lack of sleep, but every time you were about to drift off into dreamland, you would be wrenched from the sweet release of sleep by your beloved beloved Eren. You loved him to pieces, you really did, and you know he loved you to pieces back…but right now, the sounds that were coming from him mouth had you contemplating strangling him in his sleep.
You nudged him with your foot. Once, twice, three times. You waited. Nothing.
You nudged a little harder. This time calling out his name as well. “Eren…Eren…EREN!”
He started awake, sitting up in bed before his arm came out in front of your body, protecting you from an unknown evil.
“Bwa? Babe what’s wrong? Whose there?” His eyes were wide open, scanning the room.
You felt a little bad. A little.
“Mm? Nothing, go back to sleep.” You muttered, hoping this would put an end to his snoring.
Not twenty minutes later, you were ripped from your almost sleep by his horrible racket.
You had enough. With the full force of your perpetually cold fingers and toes, you lifted up Eren’s shirt and lay your cold appendages on his tummy, giggling to yourself when he woke with a start, a huge grimace on his face as he slowly came to realize what was happening.
“Babe what are you doing?” he screeched, shoving your cold fingers away from him and tugging his shirt back down. “I’m gonna get a tummy ache now!”. You couldn’t see too well in the dark, but you knew he was pouting.
“What am I doing?” you echoed, “Eren it’s 3 in the morning, and every time I try to sleep, you start snoring. Stop snoring! You sound like a chain saw!”
He regarded you for a second, gorgeous eyes blinking at you in the dark before he spoke, smile in his voice.
“A…super cute and handsome chain saw?”
You snorted.
“No Eren, you sound like a rusty old chainsaw trying to cut down a stubborn old tree.”
“Oh. Boo.” You could hear him pouting again.
“Try sleeping on your stomach maybe?” you offered, desperate to try and get some rest.
“Mm, okay. I’ll try that. I can also just wait until you’re asleep.”
You immediately felt bad, your boyfriend really was too sweet. All you could do was snuggle into your pillow, feeling Eren throw his hand over your waist. You reached your hands underneath, relishing in the coolness of as you closed your eyes.
True to his word, Eren stayed awake, yawning occasionally as he listened to your breathing slow. He knew he was a snorer, and not a quiet one at that. You usually put up with him, and he knew you didn’t mean the words you said. You just got grumpy without your sleep is all.
A couple of minutes after your breathing slowed, you started to snore yourself, cute little sounds coming from your nose. With a smile and a soft whisper of “Love ya babe” Eren let his eyes close, confident he wasn’t going to wake you again.
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Hi, it's me again ina fan🤭 what do you think about mc trying on ina's glasses and pretending to be her/teacher in front of the mirror? And then the situation turned to funny/steamy atmosphere? You previous fanfic was amazing 💖💖 thank you ❣️
hi anon im so sorry it took a while to write but i did it hope you enjoy 
The imitation game
When Ina called you to come to her office on a saturday afternoon you weren’t expecting her to give you an entire load of papers to grade alongside her. When you knocked on her office door, she looked up at you, her expression exasperated as she sat at her desk with a huge stack of papers and books scattered all over it. She took off her glasses and ran a hand down her face, ‘Bea, I’m glad you’re here’ she gestured at the mess in front her, ‘I know you probably don’t want to spend your afternoon grading papers but I’m practically swimming in these deadlines’ her voice sounding fatigued. It kinda looked like she barely got any sleep the night before and knowing Ina and her work ethic? It isn’t surprising if she didn’t get any sleep at all last night. 
You walk into the office and take a seat opposite Ina’s desk with your hand out, ‘give me a red pen and the papers I have to grade’, you know better than to retort with anything smart since Ina looks like she could use a helping hand and you are her TA afterall. Ina passes the papers over to you with a grateful smile and just as your fingers brush together she quickly pulls away and turns her attention to her computer screen, guess she was serious about the whole needing help after all.  
A couple of hours go by and after marking about a billion papers, you feel your hand is about to fall off because it hurts so much so you decide to stretch your legs and walk around the office. You move behind the desk and check out Ina’s bookshelf but Ina’s attention is fixated on her computer screen that she hasn’t even realised that you’re next to her arm out with a glass of bourbon taken from her secret stash hidden in the globe which you still think is super cool. 
‘Ahem, Ina’ you lightly tap her shoulder and she almost jumps out of her seat, startled by your touch. You clutch the glasses in your hands a little tighter and Ina settles back down in her seat, her face flushing slightly red, whether it was from the embarrassment or your sudden touch, you’re unsure. 
‘Oh thank you Bea’ she plucks one of the glasses from your hand and takes a huge gulp being heavily sighing and taking her glasses off and putting them on the desk and starts to rub at her eyes. 
You frown slightly at Ina, she looks like crap and honestly? The atmosphere in this room is just so downcast and negative, so in that moment you look at Ina’s glasses sitting on the desk and you get an idea to alleviate some of the bad vibes. 
While Ina nurses her fatigue with her drink you swipe the glasses off her desk and put them on, ‘holy shit Ina, you’re literally blind’ you hold the lenses of the glasses while exaggeratingly blinking. 
Ina looks up at you confused, ‘Bea they’re just reading glasses’ 
‘Yeah I know but I’ve always wanted to say that to someone’ 
Ina stares at you for a few seconds before chuckling, ‘you’re really something else Bea’ 
You look at Ina, mimicking her usual stance with your posture straight and a finger on the edge of the lense of the glasses and reply, ‘you’re really something else Bea’
‘Are you mimicking me Bea?’ 
‘Are you mimicking me Bea?’ you make sure to enunciate every word in the same way Ina does, while overemphasising your new york accent. 
Ina lets out a small laugh, ‘okay funs over let’s get back to work’ 
‘Oh come on professor’ you lean down so you’re leveled with Ina, ‘aren’t you at least the tiniest bit curious of how I see you?’ 
Ina raises a eyebrow, you can see the hint of a small smile gracing her features as she contemplates your inquiry before sighing and says ‘indulge me Miss Hughes’ 
You give a small cheer and move to the opposite side of the desk and begin to imitate the way Ina stands once again, making sure to stand as straight as you can, you raise your chin a little before clapping your hands together, ‘Bea I need you to grade these papers, my publisher is on my ass about these deadlines’. You look over at Ina who looks amused but she doesn’t say anything as she awaits for what you say next. 
‘Anthropology isn’t just about research. It’s about our lives’ you squint your eyes a little, deepening your voice and begin walking across the room and back pretending you’re talking to an entire classroom. ‘Anthropology is all about seeing what makes us human, we study human beings and analyse our very existence. Blah blah blah anthro blah blah blah society’ 
Ina’s practically gleaming as the corners of her eyes are creased almost like she’s holding back a laugh but also because your impression of her is pretty much spot on, ‘So is that how I sound in class, you’re making me sound like some kind of bore.’ 
You beam at her, ‘pretty much, but in my defense I’m not really focused on the teaching most of the time’ 
Ina raises an eyebrow bemused, ‘oh? So what do you focus on?’ her tone coming off as extremely playful
‘I only have eyes for you professor’ you batter your eyelashes flirtatiously at her as she gets out of her seat and stands right in front of you. You cup her face and bring her face to yours, kissing her slowly, letting your tongues tangle up together until Ina softly moans and grabs your hips and kisses you passionately. Your tongues move in tandem as her tongue caresses yours, and you stay locked in your embrace for a couple of minutes until Ina pulls away. 
‘I never did say how sexy you look in glasses’ she moves her hands to your face and lightly touches the frames of the glasses looking at you admirably and you can’t help but blush. 
‘Well I can’t really see myself that clearly but I bet I do’ you take off the glasses and blink profusely and Ina chuckles and moves to kiss you again and you drop her glasses on the floor to reciprocate the kiss. 
Ina grabs your hips and starts guiding you towards the desk until a loud crunching sound breaks you out of the kiss. You look down to see Ina’s glasses under your shoe and you gape your mouth wide open while Ina lifts a hand to her mouth trying to hide a laugh. 
‘Ina, I-, I’m so sorry, I’ll pay for that’ you bend down to pick up the glasses in which the frames snapped and the glass is slightly cracked. 
‘Well I guess we’re done for the day since I need my glasses to read’ your face flushes red with embarrassment but Ina places a sweet chaste kiss on your lips, ‘I’m just joking Bea but if you want you can go home now, I’m sure you want to enjoy the rest of your saturday’ 
You push Ina against her desk, ‘well I wanna stay here with you’ and you and Ina enjoy the rest of the evening in each other’s embrace.
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baelllamyblake · 7 years
Alive and Well. ( Bellamy Blake x Reader )
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Request : 1 -Reader suppose to be on the Ring but she was with Clarke and they didn't make it to ship on time but they both survived. And Reader and Bellamy were couple so she's the one talking to him on the radio everyday. And he was completly broken after that and when they got back he's shocked and they share very emotional reunion (as they both changed very much). And she almost attacked them scared that they're people from this prisoner ship. Thanks! -ANON
2 - Hey there! Just another cute request with Bellamy Blake coming back on earth 7 years after praimfaya when the reader had to stay on earth (he thought she was dead with Clarke) Small detail: one day before goint back to the ark, the reader gave birth to their daughter and see her again 7 years after, when Bellamy had to raise her alone in the ark. NOTHA REQUEST WHICH ACTUALLY GOES WITH THE PREVIOUS ONE: could I please with sugar on top get an imagine when bellamy is raising his daughter alone on the ark with the reader being on earth (supposely dead) Like cute moments daughter/father, the skaikru team being protective and playing with the daughter 😎 Have a nice sundayyyy - @enoraturner
Pairing : Bellamy x FEM Reader
Word Count : 2,753
Warnings : like three curse words lol 
A/N : okay so lets just imagine that D/F/N was a ripped metal ass baby that can survive the vacuum of space bc going to space a day after ur born is kinda unrealistic LMAO the ending might be a little lackluster sorry!! just wanted to get this out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also thank you so much for requesting!! please request some more !! i love writing for Bellamy !! im really scared on how this will do pls help me out here
D/F/N, D/M/N = daughter’s first name/middle name
“ Here we go again. “ You huffed out quietly, a radio in one hand and a wrinkled map in the other. A stray breeze flowed gracefully through your hair and along the branches of nearby trees. You gazed longingly at the black CB radio in your palm, hoping a familiar voice would just speak out of nowhere. It nearly brought you to tears just imagining the thought of someone responding after six lonely years.
“ Bellamy, if you can hear me, you’re alive. It’s been 2,199 days since Praimfaya. I don’t know why I still do this every day. Maybe it’s my way of staying sane here with Clarke. Not forgetting who I am, who I was. It’s been safe for you to come down for over a year now. Why haven’t you? I miss you. “
“ D/F/N D/M/N Blake! Come out, come out, wherever you are! “ Bellamy playfully yelled out, his voice echoing throughout the metal halls of the Ark. His feet quickly tip toed along the corridors while his eyes briefly scanned each and every room in search of his little daughter. Just before leaving after peeking in the last bedroom of Hall C, a high giggle could be heard from under the floorboards.
“ Hm, if I was a seven year old, where would I hide? “ Bellamy questioned curiously out loud, attempting to lure D/F/N out of her hiding spot. The tiny child kept her fingers planted on her lips, refraining from making a peep of noise. Her father slowly kneeled down on the floor, silently lifting up a tile and revealing the surprised face of a little girl. “ I found you! Now, come on out, sweetheart. Monty’s making us try foods again. “
“ Ewww, do we have too? “ D/F/N groaned out, her nose crinkling in disgust as she crawled out of the tiny floorspace. Bellamy hummed out in affirmation, a small sigh following suit. During the six years in space, Monty has been experimenting to find sources of nutrients to sustain eight people, even if they tasted like bitter posion. “ Last one there has to drink two! “
“ Hey! No fair! “ Bellamy barked out, running after his daughter who already disappeared around the corner like a ghost. He groaned out as a hand ran through his ruffled hair, knowing full well he would never catch up to D/F/N. She was too smart for her own good, an obvious trait she inherited from her wonderful mother, and she never stopped asking about going back to Earth.
Bellamy saw so much of you in D/F/N: the H/C hair, the E/C eyes, the ability to think in such creative and unusual ways. She was practically a carbon copy of everything he missed so dearly. Bellamy would look down on the world from the Ark, watching it simmer in radiation and never letting himself forget how he didn’t try hard enough to get you to come along. As D/F/N grew, Bellamy became somewhat accustomed with your absence, it was like you left her as a souvenir for him!
“ Bottoms up, King. You got two to drink this time. “ Murphy teased, his chin planted in his palm as a smug grin curled on his lips. The rest cheered loudly as Bellamy took the seat next to D/F/N on the bench, eyeing the nutrients warily while his stomach did ten flips.
“ Chug! Chug! Chug! “ Skaikru chanted over and over, their fists pounding sonorously on the metal table, even D/F/N joined in! That little rat! Bellamy groaned out defeated, his hand lifted the bowl to his lips and his throat choked down both bowls of the sharp tasting sludge. Laughter and claps broke out when Bellamy slammed the bowl down on the table, sloppily wiping the residue from off his mouth.
“ Your turn, dear. “ Bellamy spoke deviously, nudging D/F/N and almost nearly gagging right after. It never got any easier to drink that sludge, ask anyone in the Ark. D/F/N sighed out, silently preparing herself as she pinched her nose and downed the nutrients without fail. Raven and Echo clapped happily, showering her with accolades for being such a big girl as Murphy gave her an eager fistbump. Monty slapped his hand with a smile on his face and D/F/N did just the same, taking Bellamy by surprise. When did he teach D/F/N him and Jasper’s signature quirk? “ Okay, that was pretty good, I won’t lie. “
“ You’re just mad because you had to drink two, dad. “ D/F/N boasted confidently, her nose stuck up and her arms crossed firmly over her chest. Bellamy’s right eyebrow cocked slightly at her, the rest pointing and laughing at him. The mischievous smile on Bellamy’s face hinted that karma was about to bite D/F/N in the ass.
“ Well, joke’s on you, sweetheart. You earned yourself an extra hour of studying. “ Bellamy stared bluntly, the jeering instantly shifted into boos as D/F/N pouted childishly. The resent showed plainly on her face as she stomped to the makeshift library down Hall D.
“ You make a great dad, you know that? Y/N would be insanely proud of you, really! “ Raven commended him, the others quickly agreeing as well. Bellamy smiled sheepishly in response, relived that he wasn’t doing such a bad job of being a father figure to his daughter. “ We’re all really proud of you too, Bell. Keep up the good work! “
“ I really appreciate all your guy’s help. I wouldn’t have been able to this on my own. “ Bellamy humbly thanked Skaikru, a small smile remaining on his tanned face. Everyone sat in a comfortable silence, looking back on what’s happened during the six years in space as well as the years down on Earth. Everyone missed you yet no one mentioned it, especially Bellamy. You always had a way of breaking the silence and distracting people in a way where they totally forgot that the world was a complete shithole. “ What do you guys think about returning to Earth? I think it’s about time. “
“ Can you please help me? “ D/F/N peeped out, a small book in her hand as her finger pointed out the name Hecuba. Bellamy put down the Iliad beside him to get a better look. “ What does that say? “
“ Hecuba. Say it for me? He-Cu-Ba? “ Bellamy enunciated the name of the woman whose cry of grief moved the Greek Gods in the heavens above, looking to his daughter after. D/F/N attempted to repeat the name but didn’t really succeed. It’s the thought that counts!
“ Hey, D/F/N. Want to do something not boring? “ Raven peeked in the crack of the doorway, moving the tendril of hair behind her ear. D/F/N gasped in response, her mood instantly lifting and her eyes sparkling as she dashed out the door with Raven. Bellamy sighed out, she was supposed to study! He roamed over to the bedroom window, a perfect view of the scorched Earth beneath him. A half full bottle of alcohol sat on the windowsill, Bellamy’s thoughts pondering if they should really go back.
He left you behind and he couldn’t seem to stop beating himself up for it. Bellamy brushed his hand over his beard out of sheer stress, what if you and Clarke were dead this whole time? The trip back would be all for naught and there was definitely no way of getting back. The rest of the group were also uneasy about the proposal of risking everything if there was just going to be another Praimfaya and no second option of surviving it. Bellamy and them decided to let the thought marinate a little before collectively making a final desicion.
Bellamy contemplated finishing off the rest of the blue potion, in hopes that everything would be okay and that you were still kicking it. He took it into his hand before shaking the thought off and setting it back on the window sill, he has better things to do. Bellamy forced himself up off the desk chair to find D/F/N and Raven somewhere in the Ark.
“ Oh my god, Raven! You are not taking her on a space walk! Are you fucking crazy! “ Bellamy scolded her as she froze in the middle of zipping up a child sized space suit for D/F/N. He nearly lost his shit at the scenario of D/F/N floating off into space like some thriller movie. Echo, Monty, and Murphy sat silently in guilt, they thought it would’ve been cool! How could not try it? “ When did you even make that! “
“ Echo and I totally did not sew this suit for D/F/N a few months ago and we totally have not been planning this space walk for a few months now. “ Raven lied through her teeth, her head hung low in shame. Anger rose in Bellamy’s chest, so much for thanking them for their help! They were going to kill his one and only!
“ And you guys just let this happen? “ Bellamy questioned Monty and Murphy, putting them on the spot just before berating them for being in on the scheme. He looked to D/F/N with furrowed eyebrows and kneeling before her, his hands planted on the sides of her tiny biceps. “ You should’ve told me, sweetheart. This is dangerous! You could die out there! “
“ I’m sorry.. If we were on Earth, stuff like this wouldn’t happen! I want to see my mom already! “ D/F/N murmured out an apology with a sniffle before bursting into tears and running out of the airlock room. Bellamy sighed out, if you were here, he wouldn’t have been dealing with this problem. Bellamy rose from his place on the cold floor and sent one last death look to everyone before retreating to find D/F/N.
“ D/F/N? Where are you? I’m sorry for yelling, sweetheart. I just didn’t want you to get hurt! “ Bellamy yelled down each hallway, his head peeking in every other before moving into the common room. He stopped dead in his tracks like a deer in the headlights. D/F/N stood frozen in utter fear as a rifle barrel was pointed just between her eyes.
“ Come with us or she dies. “ One of the strangers spoke up as the other retrieved D/F/N who let out a high yelp as the woman dragged her roughly down Hall B by the bicep. She tried so hard to rebel against the outsider by screaming and thrashing violently but the effort was rendered futile. They both disappeared around a corner but D/F/N could still be heard crying and shrieking out for her father. Bellamy’s raised hands gripped into tight fists out of fury. Where were they taking her?
“ Who are you? “ Bellamy barked loudly, his jaw clenching tightly as the rest of Skaikru joined behind him, their hands slowly rising to the ceiling. His instincts told him to attack while the end of an assault rifle forced him to seethe in rage.
“ We’re here to take you back to Earth. “
“ The bunker’s gone silent, too. We tried digging them out for a while, but there was too much rubble. I haven’t made contact with them, either. Anyway, I still have hope that I’ll get to see you. Tell Raven to aim for the one spot of green, and you’ll find me. The rest of the planet, from what I’ve seen, basically sucks, so- “ You spoke into the radio, eyes gazing at the dirt and leaves under your boots. A distant boom ripped your attention from the ground to the high clouds above.
A small, almost microscopic in the sea of blue zoomed across the sky, the sound of its rockets could be heard from a mile away. You rose to your feet, your chest rising with all kind of emotions like you were going to burst into a million pieces. Bellamy felt the same way, the possibility of seeing you again and showing you the product of his teachings made him want to scream out in joy for no reason at all. D/F/N tightened her clutch on Bellamy’s jacket, her nose sniffling as leftover tears stained her cheeks. He wrapped his arms around her thin body, his lips pressed against the top of her head in hopes to reassure D/F/N that everything would be fine. Bellamy couldn’t wait to tell you everything that happened up in space, holy shit.
“ Nevermind, I see you. “ You uttered, tears running down your cheeks as you rushed to wake Clarke up. You shook her awake, a giant smile plastered on your face. Clarke grumbled incoherently, her fingers rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “ They’re here! I think they heard us, Clarke. “
Clarke instantly shot up from her resting spot, following suit behind you as you dashed to get a better look at the ship. It was strange as the ship inched closer and closer to the ground, it was a lot larger than you remembered. Bellamy was unsure of how close they were to landing, they were locked on the bottom of a floating prison transport ship while the fugitives piloted the vehicle on the top floor.
“ You said it was a small ship, right? “ You asked, slight fear consuming your chest cavity. Clarke confirmed with a silent nod as you looked down the sight of your nearby assault rifle. “ Oh God, get down and get the rover out. Load all of the guns too. “
Clarke hastily followed your orders and retreated into the driver’s seat of the jeep, backing it up behind the treeline. What the fuck is going on? You cocked the handle of your rifle and slowly made your way to the landing site of the prison transport.
The ship was dauntingly gigantic, much larger than the drop ship but smaller than Arkadia. You’ve never seen this kind of ship before, it looked much more advanced than any technology you’ve seen on the Ark before. You’ve never seen the corporation name either. Who was running the Eligius Corporation ship?
Your train of thought was quick to be derail when the sound of latches and locks started moving out of place, indicating that the entrance will be revealed and you were going to kill whoever came out on sight. The gun was pressed firmly to your shoulder, your finger itching to press the trigger.
You already knew who it was as soon as you saw the top of their head. The tears were already falling and all your muscles immediately untensed in complete and utter relief. Bellamy was alive and D/F/N was absolutely gorgeous. You dropped the gun on the grass, your heart raced at a hundred miles per hour, excited to hug the love of your life.
It was like all the oxygen in Bellamy’s lungs left as soon as his eyes adjusted to the light and eventually focused on you. Skaikru stood in blatant shock, you were alive and well after everyone thought you weren’t. You beat the impossible odds and here you were in your full glory, face to face with Bellamy after an eternity spent apart.
No words were spoken, just a long awaited hug to confirm that you both were real and it wasn’t just a simple dream. D/F/N hid behind Echo’s leg, her large eyes trained directly on you. You took in all of Bellamy: his hair, his clothes, his smell. Before opening your eyes and realizing that your seven year old daughter was watching you. You pulled away from Bellamy, acknowledging D/F/N was here on Earth with you. She rapidly averted her gaze and shrank even more behind her leg. Echo looked to D/F/N and patted her head comfortingly, letting her know that everything was completely okay.
You knelt on the ground and held out a hand to her, eyebrows furrowed in nervousness. What if your daughter rejects you? You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. D/F/N peeked her eyes out to look at Bellamy who nodded for her to come out of her hiding spot. She steadily shuffled her way to you, uneasiness showing as plain as day on her face.
“ It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been waiting a really, really long time for this, D/F/N. I’m Y/N, your mother. “
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felinehypocritical · 7 years
what abt like... a rly fluffy sickfic with richie and bill, like richie gets a cold and bill has to take care of him and deal with him sneezing and coughing but still trying to do the Voices even tho his voice is wrecked and making them 10x worse (im a sucker for rly heavy fluff I apologize)
ask and ye shall receive, anon.
Bill pushed the door open hesitantly, padding into the Tozier household with a quiet unknown to the family living in it. He heard Maggie Tozier, from the kitchen, yelling at the television in a manner that he found vaguely frightening.
“Finish him! Finish the son of a- oh, hello, William!” Maggie looked up from the television she was watching, her stylish hair and apron-dress completely offsetting her boorish nature. “Are you here to see Richie?”
“Yuh-yes, Mrs. Tuh-T-Tozier.” Bill looked up with a disarming smile, catching the mother off guard. She’d never seen a thirteen year old boy with even half as much charisma as her son, and this boy surely beat Richard out by a mile. “He d-d-didn’t come to schoo-ool today. I-is he oh-okay?”
The woman looked on in the concern of one who has to listen to a stutterer– it was such a shame, she thought, that such a bright and handsome young boy such as Bill to be cursed with such a thing. He wouldn’t ever get his ideas out with that mouth. “Yes, dear. But I’m afraid he’s-”
Bill was already bounding up the stairs, and he didn’t hear the rest of that sentence. He pushed to door open hurriedly to his friend’s room, dashing in and looking around.
“Ruh-Richie?” He called hesitantly, before his short friend made himself known.
“I’m right here, dingus!” Richie said in a scratchy, very not Richie voice. Bill swung his head around and quickly saw Richie, narrowing his eyes. Richie looked very pallid– well, more pallid than usual- and his black hair popped against his sickly skin. ‘Because that’s what he is,’ Bill realized quickly. ‘The dumbass got sick.’ He smirked.”What, Bill, you wanna take a picture?”
Bill shook his head, only sitting on the side of his bed and looking at Richie with a cocktail of pity and exasperation. “Richie, y-you wet,” he teased. “Wh-who got you sick?”
Richie coughed loudly, a crackling, wet sound that made Bill cringe, and tried out his Toodles the Butler Voice. “Well, just a little old chap down the way, wasn’t it? Or maybe a hun, mmyes? Per’aps it was you, my good man. By God, it WAS you! Someone arrest this man! I say! He’s gotten me, a man of ‘igh esteem, dreadfully, ‘orribly si-” he was cut off by another round of coughs, and Bill drew him into his chest. Richie immediately nestled closer upon contact, burrowing until he was practically flat against his friend. Bill grimaced at the tought of getting Richie-sick on his new shirt, and pounded on Richie’s back.  “It was that bitch Taylor Sullivan,” he admitted. “I was playing ball with him and he dared me to eat the rest of his popsicle, so I did, but I guess he had the flu, because now I’ve, y’know, got it.”
Bill snorted, getting up and looking with a critical eye at Richie. His short, thin body was covered in a Muppets t-shirt that was much too big– so big, in fact, that he’d keep it well into adulthood and it would still hang on him. But especially now, with the hem reaching his scabbed knees, he looked immeasurably small. He was also wearing a pair of gym shorts, but they were only visible when he writhed and squirmed under the pressure of his coughing fits. And yet, in spite of the phlegm and sickness and sneezing, Richie’s lively curly black hair still fanned out in a halo behind his head and his smile was still wide and bright. Bill thought in that moment, in a gross, Richie way, that he looked lovely, laid out on his wrinkled covers with his tousled hair and pink cheeks. The illusion was broken when he opened his mouth.
“Bill,” he said, drawing it out in a grainy, shrill noise. “I want soup.”
“So g-get some sou-oup,” Bill said, amiably enough.
Richie pouted and shook his head. “No, no– soup from YOU.”
“I’m n-nuh-not fetching you suh-soup, Rich.”
He fell back on his bed, gagging and pretending to choke dramatically. “Yes you will! You because I’m dying! Do you want me to die? Don’t you LOVE me?”
Bill shook his head. “Sometimes I’m not so sure…”
Except he was. He loved Richie with all his heart and soul, just as he loved the Losers, but… Different. The way he knew Ben loved Beverly, but less… Mushy. He was thirteen, after all, and mushy things such as romance didn’t exactly cross his mind, especially when in the question of his best GUY friend. Bu he couldn’t deny how he felt. And, after all, he always reasoned. If no one knows, does it really matter? No. And certainly, nobody knew.
Richie sat up. “Oh, you love me, you tricksy Billy goat, you.”
“S-stop calling me Buh-b-buh-hilly goat.”
“Stop being so stubborn and get me some soup.”
They stared a eachother for a moment, Bill’s face set and irritated, Richie’s smug and defiant, before Richie sighed dramatically. “FINE, I guess. Your loss, I would have let you feed me.”
“Oh, b-boy,” Bill replied. “I shuh-sure am mih-hissing out.”
“Indeed you are, mushmouth…” Richie looked Bill up and down, seemingly with approval, before continuing: “come up here and cuddle me.”
Bill jumped back. “N-no way! Y-you’re sick!”
“That, true, that’s true.” Richie pretended to be in deep contemplation, touching his hands to his nose before pointing them at Bill. “So… get up here, or…?”
Bill sighed, knowing there was only one way to stop him from whining more.
He climbed up to Richie, flipping him over, before sliding in behind him and wrapping an arm around his waist. He threaded the other hand through Richie’s hair, smiling slightly at the interested sound he made before starting to brush it out. The snarls caught between his fingers, but Richie didn’t seem to mind. Bill felt happy, content, carefree… Until Richie started to cough. He began to convulse, as usually happens with strong coughs, and his whole body moved Bill’s as well. He arched his back away from Bill in an attempt to get free, and Bill thumped on his back until he stopped.
“B-Buh-Better?” Bill asked, looking concernedly at Richie. Was he okay? What was wrong with this kid?
Richie coughed one last time, before looking at Bill seductively from beneath his eyelids and tried out a sultry, Jessica Rabbit like voice that just sounded like RIchie talking through a mouthful of gravel and syrup. “Now that you’re here, sweets.”
Bill pushed him off, laughing slightly and turning the other way. Richie quickly flopped over, hugging the taller boy tight and making Bill grin wider at the feeling of Richie’s arms and legs snake around him and hold tight. Richie might be an idiot… but he was a sick idiot.
Bill’s sick idiot.
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taejimin · 7 years
I know someone who’s too shy to post this to their own blog (I had to log out for the first time in months for this to work - that’s what terror feels like lmao) so since it’s for you anyway I might as well submit it to you directly
it reads pretty wonky I’m afraid, sorry for that orz
maybe I should stick to sending you headcanons
When Jimin woke up that morning, he knew something was off. He couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was but it had been irritating enough to wake him up in what felt like the middle of the night. The sun wasn’t up yet, so he definitely didn’t sleep through his alarm. There was also nobody in the room, or in the whole apartment really, making any noise either. The only sound he could hear was Taehyung’s relaxed breathing behind him.
This must’ve been the fourth night in a row that he’d managed to sneak into his bed without waking him. In the beginning, Taehyung used to poke him awake and ask for permission first but somewhere along the way he had dropped this habit and just slipped under the covers with him whenever he felt like it. Jimin didn’t mind. Being the insatiable cuddler that he was, Taehyung knew how to make sleeping in the same bed comfortable for everyone involved.
‘He’s getting way too good at this,’ Jimin thought to himself, gently leaning against Taehyung’s chest, letting the warmth of his embrace lull him back to sleep.
It was probably nothing.
Certainly something, however, was Taehyung lazily shifting behind him, pressing a few open-mouthed kisses on Jimin’s neck and thus effectively keeping him from falling asleep just a little longer. Jimin couldn’t tell whether Taehyung was awake too or just drowsily kissing the next best patch of bare skin he could reach but he wasn’t complaining.
He hummed softly when Taehyung pulled him closer, his arm wrapped tightly around Jimin’s waist.
Jimin placed his hand on Taehyung’s arm, sleepily caressing his skin with his fingertips, when it suddenly hit him.
‘Did I forget to take off my rings?’
Well this wasn’t right. He wasn’t wearing any of the other rings so why on earth was he still wearing this one?
Puzzled, and now actually wide awake, Jimin inspected his hand as best as he could given the complete darkness around him and realized that this ring didn’t even fit his finger properly. It was a little too tight. He managed to pull it off his finger without too much struggle but he was still unsure how it got there in the first place.
“Baby?” His breath felt hot against his neck, sending a shiver down his spine.
Taehyung answered with a similarly unarticulated “Mhh?”, too tired to form whole sentences.
“I was just.. this ring—” Jimin stopped himself, contemplating whether there was a point in explaining this issue to Taehyung right now. They both needed as much sleep as they could get and what they certainly didn’t need was a late-night discussion on ill-fitting rings.
At about the same time that Jimin had convinced himself that he must’ve simply forgotten to take it off before bed, Taehyung jerked awake, taking in a sharp breath.
“You okay?” Jimin asked, audibly alarmed.
“I’m good,” he replied, his voice surprisingly hoarse. “All good.”
While he was waiting for Taehyung’s answer — this time hopefully one that was a little more convincing than the last — Jimin found himself nervously fiddling with the ring, only to drop it almost instantly.
The sound of metal hitting the floor echoed through the whole room, causing both Jimin and Taehyung to flinch at the sudden noise. But unlike Taehyung, Jimin was up in a second to get the ring before it could roll under the bed.
“This damned thing..” He picked it up, feeling a little light-headed from his hasty movements. “I’m not even sure it’s mine.”
Jimin sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling one knee up onto the mattress so he could face Taehyung, who stayed.. curiously light-lipped over this subject. Looking up from the ring in his hand, Jimin met Taehyung’s alert gaze, a warm feeling pooling in his stomach.
“Did I take yours by accident?” Jimin offered, hoping Taehyung would finally say something. Anything.
Taehyung shook his head.
“It’s yours. ..If you want it, that is.” He looked down at his own hand before shyly pointing at his ring finger. “I got one for each of us. Yours has a sun on it, mine has a moon. They interlock. They’re couple rings.”
He trailed off towards the end, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Jimin felt a lump form in his throat.
“You— ..got us rings. ..And instead of just.. I don’t know, telling me, you put it on my finger while I was sleeping?”
It was more of an attempt to convince himself that he wasn’t dreaming rather than an actual question.
He fumbled with the ring in his hand, fingertips brushing over its smooth surface until he reached a more textured section and what felt like an inset for a gemstone. Jimin inhaled deeply, tears welling in his eyes.
“I wanted to surprise you.” Taehyung’s voice cracked.
“You're—” Jimin broke off, taking another look at the ring after sliding it back onto his finger. This wasn’t the moment to ask what exactly Taehyung wanted these things to be, no matter how badly Jimin wanted to find out. For now, he filled the gaps himself and it was enough to make it hard for him to breathe. His tired mind was reeling, way too many emotions bottling up in his chest. Twisting the ring between his fingers, Jimin finally pulled himself together. “..God, you’re unbelievable.”
Only moments later, Jimin burst into a fit of laughter, single tears streaming down his face. Instinctively covering his mouth with his hand, he let himself fall against Taehyung’s chest, burying his face in his palms as two arms wrapped around him. Unsure how to react, Taeyhung kissed Jimin’s hair, sheepishly joining in on his overwhelmed giggles.
“Unbelievable,” Jimin repeated quietly, laughter slowly turning into silent crying.
It was only when Taehyung gently pulled Jimin’s hands away from his face and placed a kiss on his forehead that Jimin realized that he wasn’t the only one who had shed a tear. Overcome with a sudden outburst of concern, Jimin looked up and kissed Taehyung’s cheek, wet from his tears.
“We probably shouldn’t have discussed this in the middle of the night,” Jimin chuckled, leaning his head against Taehyung’s. He felt so silly for crying but at the same time completely over the moon because he was in love with this beautifully weird guy who happened to love him back. “I’m too tired to process this properly. ..And I can’t even see the ring.”
“I hope you’ll like it.”
“You could give me anything and I’d like it.”
“Ah, don’t forget what happened last time Yoongi said that to Hoseok.”
Jimin snorted involuntarily, wiping the remaining tears off his face.
Taehyung hummed softly and and glanced at the pillow next to them before unceremoniously dipping to the side, pulling Jimin with him. It took some rearranging and shifting to find a comfortable position to sleep in but they managed, even finding the time to exchange way too many kisses that ended in them giggling like children, high on endorphines.
They would have to talk about this at some point but for now all they needed was each other.
“Let’s keep going for a long time, okay?” Jimin whispered.
“Is forever enough?”
Jimin chuckled, kissing the corner of Taehyung’s mouth.
“Sounds good.”
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toosicktoocare · 8 years
had an anon request more sick Jughead (because we love to make him suffer) and @define-lying specified with a prompt. So here I am, back at it with the sick Jughead. 
“I’ll figure it out, Dad. I always do.”
  Jughead sighed, pulling his small blanket tighter around his body as the memories of the drive-in spun around his mind like a broken record. Figuring it out meant wandering the streets late at night—desperate for an answer, or a house for that matter, to manifest in front of him. The nights were growing longer and colder in Riverdale, and while searching for a new place to live, Jughead put all of his mental focus on plotting his novel in order to distract himself from the biting cold seeping into his bones.  
 He wound up standing in front of he and Archie’s childhood tree house when he was contemplating on whether or not to include the drama between Archie and Ms. Grundy. It was less than ideal, but it was better than nothing, so he braved the rickety ladder and made his way up. For a brief moment, he wasn’t sure that the tree house would hold after the whole thing shook when he dropped his massive backpack down onto the wooden floor, but he froze and held his breath, and after a few moments, the house stilled.
 After unpacking some of his belongings, Jughead tucked himself into a corner- knees drawn to his chest and beanie pulled down as far as it would go. The bitter wind sneaked in through the cracks, and it didn’t take long until Jughead was shivering. He already had quite a bit of layers on and didn’t want to risk getting the clothes he would need to wear to school dirty, so he tried to make do with what he had on combined with his small blanket.
However, a sudden drop of rain splashing against his exposed hand a few moments later had Jughead thinking otherwise. He hissed out a string of curses while shifting around until the small blanket was covering his head. ‘Go to Archie’s!’ his mind screamed, but how could he? With everything that Archie was going through right now, the last thing he would need was Jughead’s burdens.
 ‘Betty’s?’ No. Her family has enough on their plate with Polly. Plus, Betty would likely tell Archie right away.
 ‘Hell, Veronica’s even?’ And again, he talked himself out of it. Things seemed tense between Veronica and her mom at the moment, and again, he knew that Veronica would tell Betty who would tell Archie—everything always cycled back to Archie, and he just could not do that, not when he and Archie were doing so well mending their friendship.
 The rain outside picked up, and Jughead groaned. Even with the blanket over his head, it felt as if each cold drop leaking in was seeping into his bones. His shivering picked up in intensity, and his mind screamed ‘stay awake!’ right before he drifted off into a fitful sleep.
 “You seem tired, Juggie.”
 Jughead shut his locker. He moved sluggishly until he was facing Betty’s wide, concerned eyes. “I’m good,” he said, thankful that his voice was holding out despite his throat feeling as if he had spent the night gargling glass.
 “Is this about the drive-in?”  Betty pressed, tilting her head in question.
 Nodding seemed like his best source of reply for he didn’t trust whatever smartass comment was bound to come out of his mouth. He waved the sympathetic look Betty shot him away as the two started to walk towards their third class.
 “I can help you find a new job,” Betty suggested as the pair made their way to their seats.
 “I said I’m good, Bets.” Jughead didn’t intend for that to come out as harshly as it did, but he was just so damn tired. Sleep was just not on his side last night with the rain, and when he woke up, everything, including himself, was cold and damp. His sore throat accompanied with a pounding head was just the icing on the cake of his now significantly shittier life.
 “Okay. Well I’m here for you, Juggie.”
 The soft, reassurance in Betty’s voice had his lips pulling up into a small smile, which Betty returned before turning her attention towards the teacher. Jughead’s eyes briefly drifted towards Archie’s empty seat; he shouldn’t be surprised of Archie’s absence considering everything that had gone down with Grundy. Archie was probably suffering, but Jughead couldn’t help feeling slightly selfish in wishing that his friend at school. He found that he could forget his problems when Archie was there, but without that stupid red hair to distract him, his mind remained plagued by his severe situation.  
 “Archie said he will be back tomorrow,” Betty announced during lunch.
 “Is he still sulking?” Veronica asked, earning a light punch on the arm from Betty.
 “He’s upset!”
 Jughead tuned the two girls out as he forced down his lunch. He hadn’t had an appetite since last night, but he knew that this lunch would probably be the only food he would get all day. He was already feeling weak enough as it was, so he choked down his food despite his stomach’s protesting.
 “Earth to Jughead.”
 Jughead’s eyes shifted until they met Veronica’s. “What?” He asked, mouth full of food.
 “You keep zoning out,” Betty supplied, but Jughead waved away her slight concern.
“Sorry. I’ve got a lot on my mind.” He watched as the two frowned at him, and he mentally toned down the bitterness seeping out from getting endlessly fucked over by what felt like the entire town, with the exception of his friends and the managers at Pops—they were too kind to him.
 “I can introduce you to Netflix.”
 Play it cool, Jones, Jughead told himself. He breathed out a low laugh, ignoring the pain in his throat. “Is this our future?” He asked lightly, eyes zeroing in on Veronica. “Are we doomed to a future that is humanless and engulfed in technology?” This earned laughter from the two girls, and he leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. Crisis averted for now.
 Jughead’s second night in the tree house was significantly worse than the first. His breaths were coming out in pained, shaky gasps as strong shivers wracked his body. His head felt as if a marching band was parading around, and his nose was alternating from feeling like a waterfall to feeling as if it were stuffed with cotton. He checked his money to see if he had enough to stop for medicine before school tomorrow, breathing out a small praise when his fingers brushed against a twenty.
 He was about to attempt to sleep when his phone chimed off. He blindly patted around, not wanting to fully emerge from his blanket shield, until his hand hit the small device. He curled his trembling fingers around it, sliding his hand back under the blanket. He found himself surprised that he even got reception this far out when he stared at Archie’s name flashing across his screen.
 [11:04 pm] From Archie: u ok?
 Fuck. He thought he had done well enough to convince Betty that he was fine, but apparently his acting wasn’t enough.
 [11:06 pm] To Archie: Shouldn’t I be asking you that?
 [11:06 pm] From Archie: B said u seemed off 2day
 Sighing, Jughead contemplated not replying. He could blame it on having fallen asleep; he knew Archie would understand. But, he couldn’t just leave his friend hanging.
 [11:08 pm] To Archie: I’m fine. Just tired. How are you?
 He gnawed lightly at his lower lip as he stared hard at his phone, waiting anxiously for a reply. A few minutes passed, and his anxiety was starting to creep up his throat. But finally, after what felt like years, his phone chimed off again.
 [11:13 pm] From Archie: idk im upset but also kinda relieved? i miss her jug but i get that this had to happen i guess. sorry about the drive in btw. i know how much that place meant to u
 Jughead reread the words lit up on his phone. He brushed his free hand over his eyes, pegging the tears forming at the corners of his eyes on his throbbing head. He briefly glanced at his charge, noting he had a little over half percent left. He needed to wrap this up for now.
 [11:17 pm] To Archie: I’m sorry, Arch. I know you cared about her. I know it’s hard, but we are here for you. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?
 [11:17 pm] From Archie: thanks jug. night
 Jughead pressed his phone close to his chest as he squeezed his eyes shut, praying for sleep to take over as soon as possible.
 Jughead decided to skip his first class in favor of showering in the men’s locker room showers. The medicine he had bought at the store that morning was working a little, but he still felt cold all over and decided that skipping a class for a hot shower was better than sitting and shivering in a class for an hour.
 The hot water felt like heaven against his chilled skin. It was the first time in two days where he felt warm, and he didn’t want to leave. He wondered if it would be socially acceptable to reside in a somewhat public shower for the rest of his miserable days, but his phone alarm going off a few moments later pulled him back into reality.
 The alarm was set to allow him time to change and dry his hair before sneaking out a few seconds before class would let out. He planned to use the ‘overslept’ excuse when questioned, and he was confident it would work considering all he told people yesterday was that he was tired. It wasn’t a lie—he was tired, which was to be expected when sleeping in a fucking tree house when the nights felt like they belonged in the middle of winter despite being early fall.
 Once changed and hair dried as much as he had time for, he cleaned up until there was no trace that he had showered in there then headed out towards his locker. As soon as he reached his locker, the school bell chimed, dismissing first class. It took only a matter of seconds until someone was leaning against the lockers beside his. He shut his locker and gave Archie a once over, noting how pale and exhausted the boy looked.
 “You look like shit,” Jughead exclaimed, unable to keep the concern bleeding through his voice.
 Archie dropped his gaze to the floor. “Haven’t been able to sleep well.”
 Yeah, Jughead thought to himself, you and me both. He dropped his hand on Archie’s shoulder, prompting the other to look up. “I told you, Arch. We are here for you.”
 “Thanks, Jug,” Archie replied softly. The two started towards their second class in a comfortable silence until Archie suddenly stopped walking. “Where were you first period?”
 “Overslept,” Jughead answered coolly. He kept walking, and sure enough, he heard Archie start after him again a few seconds later. The pair walked into their second class and were greeted by Veronica and Betty waving them towards the back of the room with big grins. This, Jughead thought to himself, this was what he needed to forget.
 “We should all get together this weekend,” Veronica suggested at lunch. “We sure as hell could use it.”
 “We should!” Betty agreed, and the two started plotting out the plans with Archie appearing only to be half-listening as he fiddled with his music on his laptop.
 Jughead watched the three, and for a brief moment, he was able to forget everything. For a small, sliver of time, he was able to fully immerse himself into this translucent concept that everything was perfectly fine. But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. A particularly cold breeze ripped Jughead away from the pretend, perfect world he had conjured up in his mind. He shivered, wrapping his arms around himself, and he found himself desperately yearning for the warmth from the shower he took only a couple of hours ago.
 “You okay, Jug?”
 Jughead shot Archie a half smile, one that quickly dropped down into a frown when Archie continued to stare at him with furrowed brows. “I’m fine, Arch. Just a little cold.”
 “You aren’t eating.”
 Jughead glanced down at his full plate of food. Well, fuck. He grabbed a fry, stuffing it into his mouth despite having literally no appetite whatsoever. The fries had gone cold, but Jughead stuffed a few more in his mouth for good measure. He could feel Archie’s gaze on him, but thankfully, Archie did not press further, seemingly satisfied now that Jughead was eating.
 “So, my place on Friday?” Veronica asked.
 It was only Tuesday, so Jughead agreed. He had time to come up with an excuse as to why he wouldn’t be able to make it to Veronica’s. It’s not that he didn’t want to go, but he didn’t want to risk anyone realizing that his clothes seemed dirty or accidentally revealing anything that could give off the fact that he’s been living in a tree house. He couldn’t avoid school, but he could avoid afterschool activities. Besides, he planned to spend the weekend trying to figure out a better living arrangement. He needed a better living arrangement; he wasn’t sure how long he could last in the tree house.
 Jughead wanted to die. It was his third night in the tree house, and he wanted to die. He’d been shivering for hours, but the heat rolling off his face told him that it was more than the cold wind that had him shaking like a leaf. On top of that, his chest hurt like hell. Each breath felt like his lungs were cracking, and he developed a cough that seemed to be getting worse with each passing minute. His body was wracked with coughing fits that had him gasping for breath and seeing black.  
 He knew that he should be concerned. His mind screamed ‘Pneumonia!’ But, he just felt so tired. He used up what little energy he had at school, doing his best to assure everyone who gave him skeptical looks that he was perfectly fine. He personally felt that he deserved a damn Oscar for the amount of work he put in today to make sure that how he actually felt did not surface.
 ‘Call Archie!’ And, he did toy with the idea, but Archie just seemed so tired today. It was blaringly obvious that Archie was struggling to deal with the whole Grundy debacle, and Jughead wanted Archie to have time to recuperate from that.
 Really, Jughead just wanted to sleep. He squeezed his eyes shut, mentally plotting out the next part of his novel while hoping that exhaustion would eventually win over his shivering and coughing. He was just in the middle of contemplating on whether or not it was important to include Veronica and Betty becoming cheerleaders when he drifted off to sleep.  
 He woke himself up coughing what felt like only minutes later, but the sunlight pouring into the tree house said otherwise. “Fuck,” he rasped out, voice barely audible. He fumbled around until he found his phone, and his eyes went wide when he saw that he had three missed calls from Archie, two missed calls from Betty, a missed call from Veronica, seven new texts from Archie, four new texts from Betty, and a surprising twelve new texts from Veronica. What was worse, though, was the fact that it was fifteen minutes until lunch hour.
 He hopped up, regretting it instantly as the room began to tilt. He leaned hard against the wall, coughing harshly into his fist as he waited for the dizziness to subside. He did not have time for this; he needed to get to school as soon as humanly possible. Once he was sure he could make it without toppling over, he quickly changed into a pair of jeans and tossed a hoodie over the shirt he had slept in. He adjusted his beanie, grabbed his bag, and started down the ladder, having to stop every other step to cough.
 The bright, shining sun accompanied with relatively warm temperatures should have been a plus, but Jughead took it as the world plotting against him. Why should the day be so nice when he felt so miserable? He hasn’t stopped shivering despite the sun beating against his back, and the coughing accompanied with him running to school was all but killing his lungs. But, he had to make it at least to lunch—it would look incredibly suspicious if he missed lunch.
 When the school finally came into view, he felt that he could almost cry of relief. He skipped going in through the front entrance, opting, instead, to go around back to the court yard where everyone was having lunch. His eyes fell onto the table where Archie, Betty, and Veronica were seated, and he took a second to catch his breath and straighten out his clothes some before he started towards his friends.
“Juggie!” Betty shouted as he approached the table, and soon enough, all eyes were on him. He turned to cough into the crook of his arm before he walked up to the table.
 He cleared his throat and shot what he hoped was a decent smile. “Sorry, guys, my alarm didn’t—”
 “We’ve been so worried!” Betty exclaimed, cutting Jughead off. He wanted to reply; he wanted to reassure everyone that there was nothing to worry about, but he suddenly found it incredibly hard to form words. Luckily, Veronica took charge.  
 “Apparently you are never late for school, so these two thought you died in a ditch or something,” Veronica said, rolling her eyes.
 Words, dammit. Why couldn’t he get his mouth to form words? And why was it so hot suddenly? He felt as if his hoodie was suffocating him, like it was snake wrapped around his body, squeezing the breath right out of his lungs. Breathing—he couldn’t breathe. His lungs were on fire. His face was on fire. He was on fire. But, when he looked down at his hands to avoid the worried stares coming from his friends, he saw that they were shaking.
 No. No, he couldn’t burden them. He would just leave. He took a step back just as Archie stood, and what a mistake that proved to be. Everything started to tilt backwards, and Jughead felt himself moving with it just as his vision started to blur. He faintly heard someone shout his name, then everything went black.
 Repeated sounds should be illegal. At least, that’s what Jughead thought when he was pulled from his blissful sleep by a persistent beeping sound. He blinked his eyes open, and mentally cursed. Bright lights should also be illegal. Why did he have to wake up? Things were much nicer when he was asleep.
 He continued blinking until he was able to hold his eyes open against the light. It didn’t take long to come to the conclusion that he was in a hospital—it was the events leading up to this that were but a jumbled blur within his poorly functioning mind. He glanced to the left to see Archie sitting on a chair beside his bed and fiddling with his phone.
 “A-Arch?” Wow, okay, talking hurt more than he expected. Luckily, Archie heard him despite his weak voice and the oxygen mask covering his mouth.
 “Jug!” Archie shoved his phone into his pocket and leaned forward. “Hey, you’re in the hospital, but you’re going to be okay.”
 Jughead nodded, suddenly feeling very tired once more. Archie seemed to catch on because he whispered “rest,” and that was all Jughead needed, drifting off once more.
 Waking up the second time was significantly easier than the first, but Jughead still felt like the actual definition of shit. At least, he found he was able to focus more when he pried his eyes open. He wasn’t sure what time it was or how long he’s been sleeping, but Archie was still there, seemingly asleep in the chair to his left.
 Now that his mind was clear, he had time to panic. He didn’t have insurance to cover this hospital bill, he was still homeless, and now everyone was going to know. He wasn’t sure how things escalated so quickly, but he faintly thought that death seemed to be a better option than this.
 Jughead furrowed his brows, and his eyes darted to the right, zeroing in on Fred Andrews sitting in a chair. “H-hey,” he whispered, noting that at least talking hurt slightly less and that he no longer had an oxygen mask covering his mouth.
 “We should talk.”
 Jughead heard rustling coming from the left, and he knew that Archie was waking up. Soon, he would be cornered by the Andrews duo with nowhere to run, but maybe this was for the best. Maybe, he could just tell them what was going on and hope for the best.
 He nodded towards the glass of water on his bedside table, and with Fred’s help, he was able to get enough water to soothe his wrecked throat. At his other side, Archie helped him shift into a comfortable sitting position.
 “Where’s your father, son?”
 Jughead looked down at his hands. “He’s not,” he paused, coughing harshly into his shoulder, “he’s not in a great place right now.”
 “What does that mean, Jug?”
 Archie sounded almost frantic, and Jughead mentally cursed. This was the last thing he wanted. “It just means—” His words cut off as a coughing fit wracked his small frame. He felt two pairs of hands on him, comforting him, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t breathe. Darkness started to creep at the edges of his vision, and he heard someone yell for a nurse before he fell limp.
 Jughead’s first thought when he opened his eyes for the third time was that this was getting old. He wanted out.
 Archie sounded so tired and so worried, and it hurt Jughead more than he cared to admit. He shifted his eyes around, but Archie’s dad was nowhere in sight.
 “Your dad’s a Southside Serpent?”
 Well, it didn’t take them long to figure that out. Honestly, he wasn’t sure how they didn’t find out sooner. His dad wasn’t in hiding, and Jughead wasn’t necessarily secretive about his dad. He just never talked about him, or his whole family for that matter, because no one asked. Everyone was facing their own demons in Riverdale, and with Jason’s murder, the town’s been pretty preoccupied.
 Not trusting his voice, Jughead nodded in response.
 “He stopped by while you were sleeping. He and my dad talked for a while. He told my dad that he didn’t know where you are living now that the drive-in is gone?”
 Sighing, Jughead struggled into a sitting position, and Archie quickly propped pillows up behind his back. He wasn’t sure where this conversation was going to go, but he needed to try to stay awake.
 “Where are you living, Jughead?”
 “Tree house,” Jughead whispered in response. No point in lying now—Archie was already upset as it was.
 “Shit, Jughead! Why didn’t you say anything? No wonder you’re sick! You should have told me the second you started living at the drive-in!”
 And, Jughead thought to himself, why didn’t he? He had started living in the drive-in right before summer. He had almost two months before his falling out with Archie to say something, so why didn’t he?
 “It’s not your problem,” he finally replied, voice weak.
 Archie stared at Jughead hard with furrowed brows for a long time. Jughead briefly thought that he broke his best friend, but finally, Archie sighed.
 “You’re my best friend, Jug. I know we hit a rough patch, but I never stopped seeing you as my best friend. Your problems are mine—that’s just how things are.”
 Do not fucking cry, Jughead told himself as he felt his eyes welling with tears. You will not, he mentally continued, shed a single tear. It’s not your fucking style. He brushed the back of his hand against his eyes and sniffed lightly. “Everyone,” he started, pausing to cough into his fist. “Everyone’s been so upset with Jason, and then the Grundy stuff—”
 “Grundy doesn’t matter!”
 Jughead raised his brows and titled his head slightly.
 “Okay, she did—she does. But you matter more, Jug!”
 There was so much sincerity dripping from Archie’s flustered tone that Jughead couldn’t help but breathe out a small laugh. This was not how he expected this conversation to go at all, but he found that he couldn’t complain. Now, all he wanted was to do was removed that worried expression from Archie’s face, preferably forever.
 “You’ve got pneumonia,” Archie started again after a few minutes, pulling Jughead from his thoughts. “But, you’re getting discharged tomorrow now that they’ve got your fever down. You are going to stay with us.”
 “Don’t,” Archie snapped, cutting Jughead off. Jughead’s eyes went wide, and Archie’s expression softened. “My dad and I talked about it. You are going to live with us from now on, and that’s that, so don’t try to talk your way out of this, Jughead.”
 Speechless, Jughead could do nothing but nod dumbly. He allowed Archie to shift him around until he was reclined comfortably.
 “Just rest for right now, Jug.”
 And rest he did.
 “I’m starting to think they discharged him too soon,” Fred said as he and Archie helped Jughead up the stairs of their house.
 Jughead was wheezing, unable to get a solid breath in. Stairs, he thought with his oxygen-deprived mind, are the devil. He just wanted to be able to breathe—that’s it. He felt that he wasn’t asking for too much.
 “He’ll be fine once we get him to bed,” Archie answered with a grunt as they reached the top of the stairs.
 The three made their way into Archie’s bedroom, and Jughead stopped. The house was big enough; he knew that they had guest bedrooms, so why the hell were they going into Archie’s room.
 “For right now,” Archie said as if he read Jughead’s thoughts. “I know you will be more comfortable in here.”
 Jughead wanted to protest. These two were already doing too much for him. Everyone, for that matter, was already doing too much for him. Betty and Veronica convinced their moms to help front the hospital bill while he was too doped up on medicine to fight it. Archie had gone to the tree house to retrieve his stuff, and Fred had paid for his medicine. The least he could do was not take Archie’s bed for the next week, so he fought against Archie and Fred tugging at his arms.
 “Jug, please. It’s fine.”
 Damn Archie and his damn puppy-dog expression. Jughead finally caved and allowed the two to lead him to Archie’s bed.
 “I’m going to go get his medicine,” Fred announced while Archie was helping Jughead into bed.
 Archie nodded before turning his attention to fluffing up his pillows for Jughead.
 “Archie,” Jughead breathed out in between coughs. “It’s fine—they’re fine. I just want to sleep.”
 “I just want to make sure,” Archie said, patting his pillows until he was satisfied. “Besides, you can’t sleep until you take your medicine.”
 Jughead groaned, draping one arm over his eyes. Now that he didn’t have an IV constantly pumping his body with drugs, he felt like the actual definition of death. Despite that, he still felt better lying in Archie’s bed then he’s felt for a long time. The softness and familiarity was enough to lull him to sleep, and he found himself struggling to keep his eyes open.
 Fred walked in moments later and handed Archie the medicine and a bottle of water, and Jughead managed to rasp out a weak “thank you” before Fred left the two alone once more.
 Archie handed Jughead a pill then held the bottle to Jughead’s lips, claiming that Jughead’s hands were shaking too hard.
 Once Jughead was blissfully drugged up, he fell back against the pillows as sleep threatened to take over. “Arch,” he whispered just as Archie walked out of the room.
 “One sec!”
 Jughead’s eyes slipped closed, but he pried them open moments later when he felt something cool and damp being draped across his forehead. He smiled tiredly at Archie while patting the empty side of the bed. “Stay, please?”
 Archie climbed onto his bed, lying on his side and propping himself up on one elbow to face Jughead. “I’m not going anywhere, Jug.”
 Jughead’s smile grew, and before he knew it, he drifted off to sleep.
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