#also finally figured out rhuben's ships
raging-violets · 2 years
You listen to one podcast and you just want to forget everything and write for Big Time Rush. The audacity of my brain!
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So yeah, already got a one-shot idea and also want to revisit another I've been writing on and off for a few years and want to tackle now that I'm older, and oh look! The urge to start another BTR/Jacksons origin and fic series
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raging-violets · 6 years
Fictional Kiss Prompts - 04
4. throwing their arms around the other person, holding them close while they kiss
ZackxRiley - Age 18
Zack wiped grease off his fingers before leaning across the open hood to answer his ringing phone. He stared at it for a second, studying himself in his phone’s camera. The same blonde hair, blue eyes, mole above his lip and freckle spattered cheeks as ever. But also covered in smudges that ended up in places so odd, such as his temple, that he couldn’t quite figure out how he managed to get so messy so quick. No wonder his mother would get so frustrated when she had to give him baths when he was just a toddler. With crumbs ground into his hair that he couldn’t remember.
Though he had the sneaking suspicion Cody would put it there for payback for something.
Nevertheless, Zack quickly wiped off his face then answered the call. A smile immediately bloomed on his lips when his girlfriend’s face filled the screen. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Riley replied. She ran a hand through her hair, pulling it back from her face. A move that, Zack was sure, she didn’t notice she did a lot when around him. “How ya going?”
“Fine, I guess,” Zack replied.
His eyes shifted on screen, trying to determine what time it was where she was. Cody tried to help him figure out the time difference, but Zack waved him off. Too much math when he wasn’t in school wasn’t fun to him. Especially with the reminder that, unlike the rest of their friends, he wasn’t in school. And as much as Cody said it was a mature decision to take a year off before going to college, Zack felt a bit of guilt that Cody optioned to do the same before they went to NYU together.
He figured it had to be late. Not just due to the darkening light around her, but due to the glasses that rested on her face. She typically wore contacts unless sick or tired. Not that he minded either way, he always thought she looked beautiful. A pang of sadness filled him. Long distance relationships sucked.
“Just working on a Mustang,” he replied, putting as much enthusiasm into his words as he could. “It’s actually pretty sweet. I’m working on the engine right now.” He turned the camera and moved it over the body of the car. He heard Riley’s whistle of approval and turned the camera back his way. “One day I’m going to have a car like this.”
“And get it crushed by a bloody shipping crate, yeah?” Riley teased.
“That only happened once!” Zack defended himself. “And who would’ve thought they were serious when they said, not to park in the shipping area.”
“Are you sure you’re not dyslexic?” Riley continued to tease. “Or is it that you just read things that aren’t there?” Zack rolled his eyes. Riley finally quit laughing and asked, “So, what’s happened with the engine?”
“As far as I can tell, it’s just old,” Zack replied.
Though, if he were being honest, that wasn’t the only problem. Considering how brusquely the man demanded Zack, “fix it!” when it was brought in, he could only assume it wasn’t being taken care of in general. When Zack and his boss—Duke; he insisted to only go by the name Duke—opened the hood, they saw the damage inside. Of course. Another man using his car to overcompensate for something.
“What year?”
Zack gave it a cursory glance. “’96 or so,” he said after a minute.
Another whistle escaped her purse lips. Zack felt longing swirl through his stomach. “That’s a good year for a Mustang,” Riley commented. Her eyebrows came together as she studied the car. “Such bollocks the bloke is trashing it.”
“What do you know about cars? If I ever try to talk to you about it, I can practically see your eyes glaze over.” Just like it did when he talked about video games—ones of the online variety, every now and then she could kick his ass in button smashing games—Dungeons and Dragons, and when she talked to him about what clothes went together to create a personal style.
Riley lifted and dropped her left shoulder in a shrug. She shifted so she sat up against her headboard, showing off more of her room. “I only know the things Rhu has told me. Otherwise, I only care whether or not it goes fast, yeah?” A mischievous smile came to Zack’s face.
“My kind of woman.”
“Well, you did choose right. How much more do you have to do with it?”
“Whatever can be done to get this hunk of junk running again.”
“I thought you said it was a good car.”
“It is, it’s the owner that’s a piece of crap.” Zack ran a hand through his hair. He could tell form the way  Riley’s eyebrows shot up that he’d moved some grease into his hair, making his bangs stick straight up. Whatever, he’d take a shower later…and hoped Cody wouldn’t scream too much when he saw the mess it’d leave. “He came in here demanding I do everything on his car.”
“And you hate being told what to do.”
“Exactly.” Zack placed his phone by the tires, angling it so that he could still talk to Riley, then got on his back. He grasped the rim and pulled himself underneath. He squinted then angled himself into the light casted from the lamp above. Zack’d only just started to work off the oil cap when a stream burst out—pushed out from the intense pressure—and splattered him. Zack let out a cry and scrambled to stop the leak.
He quickly pulled himself from beneath the car to Riley’s hysterical laughter. He’d always liked her laugh, loud and a bit throaty. It always made him smile whenever he made her laugh. It still worked, despite being thousands of miles apart.
“You alright, mate?” She asked, finally calming down.
“Ah.” Zack grabbed a rag. He cleaned up his face. He looked back at her, watching as she covered her mouth to hold her giggles at bay. His eyes shifted to the side, to the photo that sat on her bedside table. The same one he had in his room. A picture from their graduation day.
Taken seconds after he showed her his own diploma, proving he could do what he even thought was unable to happen. And she’d grinned at him with so much pride in her eyes that he felt he could take on the world. She immediately wrapped her arms around Zack’s neck and drew him into a kiss that matched the passion of her smile. At some point someone had snuck taking the picture.
He had a copy of it himself, stuck in his pillow case to pull out and look at when he felt the loneliest. “Not really.” Zack studied the picture on camera and smiled wistfully. “Just wish you were here.”
“Me too.”
“Oof.” Cody barely got the grunt out when her body collided with his. Reflexively, his arms flew up, wrapping around her lower back, steadying her. The weight of her arms landed on his shoulders, pressing down as she pushed up on her tiptoes to press her lips against his.
A moment before the sound of irate people, soft conversations on cell phones, and the jovial, yet understanding comments from those who waited on their baggage to trek around the conveyor belt filled his ears. Now, it all faded away. He focused on her. She was back.
Video chats, phone calls, e-mail, and hand written letters weren’t enough. He needed her there. Needed to squash the feeling in his stomach the he didn’t recognize - a feeling he was scared to stop and think about what it was, and what was causing it.
Cody believed in romance. He believed in love. Despite seeing his parents relationship break down, and the resulting agreement to try and at least be friendly with each other, he knew wholeheartedly that one day he would find the perfect girl for him. And he would do anything to never let her go.
So he pulled her closer, acting with a confidence he had grown over the years. A confidence in himself and their relationship, they had cultivated together. Her arms, which had hung loosely around his shoulders, tightened around his neck, fingers sliding through the hair on the base of his neck, down his neck to his collar bone, to his shoulders, grasping them tightly and leaving a buzz-like sensation to wash over his skin, through his body.
He shivered.
His knees buckled and he found himself dropping -- right on top of someone’s suitcase! Still, his hands slid lower, to her wist, grasping her belt loops to pull her closer even still. She clutched at the collar of his shirt settling in between his legs. Grasped his head between her hands, tilting his head back to user his halved height against him.
“Do my eyes deceive me? Cody Martin, actually breaking his PDA rule?”
Cody slowly opened his eyes. Everything rushed back to him. The sound of their breaths quickly overshadowed by the white noise of the airport. A hint of something fruity - maybe her lotion? - wafted up his nose. He turned his head to press a quick kiss to her inner arm before smiling up at her.
“Welcome back.”
“Thanks for having me.” Rhuben made a face at her comment and Cody laughed, getting to his feet. “Uh, shall we get my bag then?”
“Check under Cody’s butt,” came Zack’s second sarcastic comment. It was quickly followed by Riley’s cackle.
Pressing his lips together, Cody got to his feet, reaching behind him for the suitcase handle that had just a moment before been pressing painfully into an uncomfortable spot. The four started making their way out of the airport. Cody noticed Zack’s equally windswept looking hair, faint flush, and peaceful smile as he and Riley looped an arm around each other’s waists. He even dared to slide his hand into her back jeans pocket.
“At least he figured out which one you were,” Zack commented. He lifted his hand and flicked Cody’s right ear.
Cody scoffed. “Do you remember New Year’s two years ago?”
“In my defense,” Zack said, “I was drunk. And I was seeing doubles of everybody. And I didn’t do anything.”
“You should have seen your face though,” Riley said with a grin. “And you screamed even more higher pitched than Cody has ever has.”
“At least I can tell them apart from the back,” Cody protested.
“Which means, love,” Zack said with his best Australian accent. He leaned forward to look past Cody to Rhuben. “He was looking at your bum.”
“Never do that again,” Riley protested, prodding his cheek with her finger. She pulled it back when Zack turned his head and mimed biting at her digit.
“These past few months took forever,” Zack commented, his smile returning, only for her. “I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Yeah, mate, me too. School is out,” Riley cheered. “For two weeks, anyway.”
Zack pressed a kiss to her temple before throwing a mischievous smile at his twin. “Let us rock and roll,” he replied, pronouncing each word carefully.
“Ha, ha.” Cody scowled, catching on to his comment immediately. Would it hurt anyone to actually be able to hear the lyrics to a song? How many times had he had to frantically look up lyrics in a booklet because he couldn’t understand someone as they sang? Lyrics were an integral part of a song and--
“Hey.” Rhuben broke through his thoughts with a well placed kiss in that exact spot - where his jaw and his neck met, just on the underside. Even the smallest brush of her fingers, or her lips would get him to stop doing whatever it was he was doing and focus on how good it felt. “Don’t worry about him.”
Cody matched Zack’s smile with one of his own, quipping, “I never do.”
Zack rolled his eyes and put his attention back on his own girlfriend.
Rhuben looped an arm around his waist, sliding a finger into the belt loop on his hip. Her thumb drew small circles on the sliver of skin she could reach under his shirt. The other hand reached up to grasp his as he draped it over her shoulder. Cody slid threaded his fingers between hers.
That feeling in his stomach was gone, having now settled under his rib cage. It felt more comfortable there.
[ Fictional Kiss Prompts | Prompt #3  | List of Completed Prompts ]
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raging-violets · 7 years
Could you do #37 (Patie) from the drabble prompts list please? ~Ethan
Fandom: Big Time RushAuthored By: Rhuben#37 - “I bet you ten dollars you won’t kiss me.”
Katie Knight lowered her sunglasses and peered up at herboyfriend over the frames. Perched on the back panel of his jeep – she hatedthe sand and had a good view of the ocean from her spot – she used her freehand to set her book into her lap.
“Slow your roll, pal, you haven’t won yet,” she commented, eyeingthe yellow rash guard that hung off his shoulder.
She had officially been to enough surf competitions of histo finally understand that a rash guard wasn’t cream he had to apply before anevent. It was a tight (very tight) spandex-like shirt all competitors had towear to not only keep themselves free of abrasions and sunburn but also toallow judges to keep the surfers color coded to hand out scores correctly.
“But, I will,” Patrick replied, “and I bet you ten dollarswhen I’m on the winner’s stand.” His forwardness not only brought a blush toher cheeks, as usual, but it also pulled a scoff from her. “Oh, you will?”
“I didn’t say that, idiot,” she replied. “I’m just trying tofigure out when you started to think I was that kind of girl.”
His car lowered when he added his weight to the back of thejeep as he sat down. “Every guy fantasizes about that one time their girl is soovercome with happiness, she just lets it all go.” He smiled his lopsidedsmile.
“Ha! You wish.” Katie settled her sunglasses back intoplace. “I’m a little too busy thinking about all the money I’ll be kissing onceyou cash in that winner’s check.”
“Not even a little one?”
Turning her head to look at her boyfriend, she was met withhis pouting face. Chuckling, she shook her head. With one hand, she reached intothe bag behind her, the other going to cover his mouth with her hand. “Kissthis,” she declared, retrieving a Hershey’s kiss from her bag, holding it up infront of his eyes.
Patrick’s shoulders slumped. Not in an upset way. But in thelaidback way only he could manage. Nothing ever really seemed to faze him. Shecouldn’t see his smile, but could feel his lips part behind her hand, feel histeeth, and see his face brighten.
“Even better,” he declared, taking the foiled candy from herhand. He quickly unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth, smiling as he chewed.
[ PROMPT LIST - Send in a ship and a number]
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