#also feel free to send me any unhinged asks you want IM READY
j-l-kepler · 5 months
BG3 Dark Urge & Briar Comic - Be Like You
[CW - Explicit Gore, ANGST, BG3 Dark Urge Spoilers for Act 1 below the cut]
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aww SHIT well so much for that nice moment. the default DU + tav + no companion run is off to a phenomenal start, folks.
Part 2: Real Monsters
Saved the grove and spared Kagha's life. Briar got picked up by the nautiliod when she was chilling in Cloakwood so she KNEW something was up with Kagha right away. all's well that ends well!
so imagine MY surprise when my favorite tiefling bard NPC came sauntering up to the camp a whole 24-ingame-hours ahead of schedule. Guess who failed his stealth check.... the friendship's off to a rocky start but i think it's salvageable. just don't look in the left-most storage bin.
might make a sequel, idk~ had a blast with this one~ it's kinda fun just filling in the blanks companions normally would~
oh ya and obviously dont post this elsewhere without explicit links and credits and shit, it hasn't happened yet but i thought maybe i oughta say it for the kids in the back who weren't payin attention
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thetechypurpletwin · 1 year
WELCOME TO MY BLOG extremely nice to meet you!
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I am an alter in a system, so everything I post here will be mostly based on source memories but improv/fictional/rp stuff might be involved :D
I decided to make this blog because I wanted my own place separate from our host account to just do my own little thing. Decided to organize some stuff just in case with tags:
While I may be the sole owner of this blog, there are three other alters who are in our system as well, Mikey, Leo and Raph! They're too lazy to make a blog for themselves. There are other alters as well and you may see them from time to time but this is mostly turtle blog.
I am still the “main owner” of this blog though so let’s start with me!
#donnie txt: all posts that feature me, Donnie, speaking
Donnie Info: any pronouns, bisexual/demiromantic
A tech genius who spends way too much time online and needs reminders on stuff like eating and sleeping. Favorite game is ace attorney but keeps on forgetting to play it
Nicknames: Cosmos, Don, DonTron
#mikey txt: all posts that feature lil bro Mikey speaking (<3)
Mikey Info: he/she, pansexual
Artist who is a shining light in this world. May or may not be slightly unhinged. Favorite game is Splatoon.
(author note: wtf I can hear him giggling im scared)
Nicknames: micheal, angelo, annoying little shit /j
#leo txt: all posts that feature my twin Leo speaking (unfortunately :p /j)
Leo Info: @theprettybluetwin he/they, gay (hehe that rhymes)
the man, the myth, the legend and is also bald. wears a bow with long tails cause he’s just that cool
nicknames: fizzy, nardo, leon, neonleon
(Donnie note: Leo’s a bit of a gacha addict so ask him about project seki or Honkai star rail or CRK they’ll be happy to answer)
#raph txt: all posts that feature our biggest brother Raphie :D speaking Raph Info: he/she/any, demiromantic animal lover and plays stardew valley in her free time
I’m finally here so I can put my own description: hi i’m raph and i like cute things like my melody :) i love wearing bows and obviously my fav color is red :D I don’t front as much as the others but i’m still here watchin
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#donnie ramblings: where I infodump/ramble about random things I'm interested in
#donnie art: whenever I feel like posting my art, it will be here! might also double as "selfie time" so I can draw what I look like compared to my source
#ask a donnie: all posts that are me answering asks/asking for asks (lol) you can ask about our system, my favorite stuff, even ask for story prompts i love story prompts
#mikey art: mikey’s art, I forgot to make her an art tag
#ask a mikey: asks answered by mikey!
#leo ramblings: he’s up and awake and ready to talk your head off about a character they like. Brace yourself (aka Leo shitpost corner)
#ask a leo: asks answered by leo!
#leo gaymes: im gaming gamer boi gayming
#ask a raph: asks answered by raph!
#raph corner: raph’s corner where she talks about cute things and games
#arc: crystallized: :) (TBD)
And more to be determined(?)!
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★We are all under the age of 18, including the body! So please don't send asks or posts asking to date us, even if you are the "same age". Compliments like "you are so pretty/handsome" are welcomed though!
★No venting in ask boxes please! I don't mind giving comfort to my close friends but if I don't know you its extremely uncomfortable :c
★ Please refrain from talking about the kraang as much as possible. We’re willing to answer some questions but the memories we have are painful :)
★please don’t ask me about usagi. he seems like a pretty cool dude but I’ve never known him. that also goes for any other characters that get shipped with my brothers, none of us remember dating anyone
If we want to add any boundaries in the future, I will do my best to edit this post!
And yes, I was inspired by other rottmnt ask blogs but I do not wish to copy off of them! Like I said, we just want to be able to interact through the world feeling like ourselves, and if you say our personalities are fake or copied it will make us feel sad :c
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goeymoey · 4 years
What if you tricked me?
A BBS short! (Part 1/??)
Hope you enjoy :) !
Nogla’s mic popped as he sat down in his chair. The signature black headphones already perched on his head.
“ Okaay, what we doin’ today boys?”
Miles away, in a different country, Tyler sighed. “ You really gotta get that mic fixed, man.” He turned on his web cam for emphasis and gave Nogla’s profile picture a frown. “ It sounds like shit.”
“ What do ya mean?” Nogla faked a whine. “ It sounds great! everybody loves the sound of my voice through this here mic! Am I rights boys?”. While turning on his web cam as he talked, Nogla leans back in his chair with both arms spread wide open.
“ I sound like a god!”
A neon green light highlights around Brian’s box as he snickers. “ Yeah...the god of shit!” Brian flicks his web cam on but, instead of being greeted with a smiling Irishman, he shows his middle finger.
Nogla sticks out his tongue. “ Shut yer fuckin mouth, traitor.” He crossed his arms with a pout. “ You’re the one who gave me the mic in the first place!”
Tyler and Brian lock eyes on the screen as the later smirks widely.
“ Why do you think that was?”
Nogla shrugs. “ I don’t know! I thought it was because you were being a good friend but-“ He gives Brian a hard stare through his screen “-OBVIOUSLY I was incorrect in my assumption! Hmpf!”
Another mic pop echos through the others headphones after Nogla’s shout, and it makes the two begin to snicker.
“ Sorry for trying to be a GREAT FRIEND and give you something of mine!” Brian says through a laugh. “ I guess I’ll go fuck myself next time!”
“ Shut yer cunt mouth you dirty-“
Nogla’s mic pops as it cuts off the final word to his sentence.
“- Next time I see ya, I’ll make sure to stick my foot up your dirty arse!”
Tyler bangs on his desk with a closed fist before taking off his head seat and walking away from the screen.
His faint laughter can be heard even as he walks out of his office and down the hall.
Brian smiles wide at the echoing laughter of his friend. He hunches over his keyboard, to be closer to the screen, as if he was about to follow Tyler himself.
“ You made the man leave the room, Nogla! how do you feel?”
Nogla scowls. “ I feel nothing towards any of ye cunts now...fuckin hate y’all...”. He mumbles. “ Especially-...Hey! Brock!”. Nogla cuts himself off as the discord ping of someone joining the voice call rings in his headset.
“ Just the man I wanted to see!”
Brock sighs and turns his web cam on. He stares at Nogla with a slack face of indifference.
“ Hey Nogla.”
The tall Irishman smiles wide. “ Did ya miss me?”
Brock scratches at his chin. “ No.”
“ What? Come on, Brock! I’m giving you all my love right here and you just-“ Nogla exaggerates his movements while shaking his hand in front of his face. “-give me this!” He slouches back in his chair. “ You give me nothing.”
Brock smiles. “ Okay...Hey Brian.”
The other Irishman smiles at the acknowledgment and tips his head. “ Hey Brock. How’ve ya been?”
“ Oh, y’know...” Brock holds in his laughter at the sight of Nogla giving him a deadly stare through the screen. “...same old things everyday, every night...the use’.”
Brian stretches his arms behind his back causing the bottom of his shirt to ride up a bit. “ Oh the woes of a single man in he early twenties. Never having any fun.” He rests back into his chair with both arms laying in his lap. “ Bet you wish you would have taken me up on that trip to Ireland, huh?”
Brock rubs at the back of his neck. “ Kinda...but not really.”
Nogla has given up trying to get Brock’s attention back and is now glued to his phone.
He mumbles something under his breath, but the other two males don’t catch it.
The door to Tyler’s office shutting muffles in the back ground of everyone’s head phones as the tall man comes stalking back to his chair. His attention is also focused on his phone, but his face is a mix of confusion and frustration.
He doesn’t reciprocate the others greetings and instead hastily shows the screen of his phone to the web camera.
“ Did any of you guys get this message from Evan?” Tyler’s grip on the blue cases phone tightens as he asks the question.
“ It says he sent it to me a while ago, but I left it down stairs.”
While listening to Tyler speak, both Brian and Brock brought out their phones.
“ Ummm...Yeah...” Brian starts awkwardly. “ I got a message from him too but...but it’s just a link with no url...” He mimics Tyler by holding up his phone to the web cam. “ It’s just a grey box...is that what you got?”
Tyler nods and sets his phone out of view from his camera. The screen facing up at him...just in case.
“ Yeah...it’s weird...How about you, Brock? Nogla?”
“ I got the box.” Brock shows the two his phone.
From his slouched position, Nogla mumbles. “ Same here.” His eyes stay glued to the screen. “ I already clicked on it, and it doesn’t seem...weird.”
The three watch as Nogla sits up and exposes his screen. “ I think it’s just a new game, or something like that.” He faces his phone towards him and then scrolls up on the screen. “ It’s like asking for my email and stuff like that so, I’m just guessing that’s what it is.”
Brock puffs out his cheeks. “ But what if it’s a virus?”
Brian shakes his head while tapping on the link. “ Evan wouldn’t send us a virus. He’s too smart for that.” His eyes shine against the brightness of the phone.
He flips up and down on the screen and then nods with a hum. “ Yeah, I think this might just be a new game for us to play. It all looks that way.....you wanna check it out togther?” Brian looks up from his phone. “ It says it’s multiplayer.”
Tyler purses his lips in an unsavory frown. “ I don’t know...it still seems a little sketchy.”
“ Aww, please, Tyler?! Please!” Nogla clamps his hands together in a plea while bowing his head. “ I’ve already set up my account and made my avatar! It’s too late to back out now!”
Brock huffs. “ Maybe for you.”
Nogla points at the screen with a strict finger. “ You shut yer fuckin mouth you god damn short prick!”
“ Hey! Don’t call me short!”
“ But you are!”
“ No I’m not! I’m 5’9!” Brock glares with his arms crossed. “ It’s like the average height.”
Nogla makes a ‘pft’ noise. “ That’s just what short people say! Now-“ bouncing up from his seat, Nogla waves his phone around dramatically “- hurry up and make y’all’s profiles before I start without ya! I’m getting bored!”
The others sigh at Nogla’s childish behavior, but fill out the link anyway.
It takes a few more minutes then Nogla would have liked- since Brian couldn’t decide whether he wanted his character to have blue or brown hair- but he refrained himself from succumbing to his impatience.
Brock was the last to finish his avatar with a worrying smirk as he tapped the ‘save’ button.
“ Okay, I’m ready. Who’s making the game?”
Nogla pipped up with shimmering eyes. “ I will you slow cunts! I’ve been waiting forever, let’s do this!”
Tyler rolled his eyes. “ It’s been like five minutes.”
“ Well, it felt like a long time!”
Brian scoffed at his friends whining. “ And yer just making it longer by complaining about it.” His arms sit across a wide chest as he laid back with the black cased phone sitting on his desk.
“ Just make the game already, jeez.”
Nogla huffed. “ I’m going I’m going....Okay, what are your guys usernames? The same as always?”
All three nod in agreement.
“ Yeah.”
“ Mhm.”
“ Weirdly, yes. I didn’t even have to change the ‘s’ in ‘Terroriser’ to a ‘z’ or add a 0.”
Brock hummed. “ Same here, and usually my names the first to go.”
Nogla rolls his eyes. “ Whatever, boring. It should be sending you an invite riiight....now.” He points to the screen just as three simultaneous dings pop in the others headphones.
“ The game won’t be able to start unless we all accept so, hurry up!”
Tyler looks down at the acceptance button suspiciously. “ I still don’t feel good about this...but fuck it! Let’s do this!” He taps the button and waits for the others to join.
Brock nods. “ Yeah, it might actually be fun!” He accepts the request.
Brian hesitates as he reads the short paragraph of rules before accepting.
“...this may be too much for some audiences...viewer discretion is-...I think this might be a horror game!” Brian exclaims with glee.
Brock’s face turns pale. “ A horror game? Does it say what it’s about? I didn’t read the warnings!” Brock looks down at his phone with worry as his free hand fiddles with his hair.
“ I wouldn’t of accepted if I had read that...”
Tyler snorts. “ Quit being such a pussy, Brock. It’s a mobile game. No mobile games are scary.”
“ Except for Five Nights at Freddie’s.” Nogla interjects.
“ That’s different.” Tyler responds.
“ How is that different? It’s a mobile horror game?”
“ It’s different because FNAF is based off of real life human things...like the fear that toys are alive or...yeah.” Tyler bites his lips in thought. “ Stuff like that.”
“ That sounds dumb.”
“ You’re dumb!”
“ Shut the fuck up, Nogla.”
“ No. You shut up.”
Brock sighs in irritation. “ Brian, hurry up and accept the invite before I blow my brains out from listening to these two.”
Brian absently nods as he reaches the end of the paragraph. “ Yeah yeah...im almost done.”
He taps the accept button.
“ I was just-“
“ Ooh Shit-“
The world turns black for all four men as their bodies slump down into their chairs. Phones slip carelessly from hands as headphones ride up on their heads and chairs creak beneath pounds of dead weight.
Tyler’s web came shakes as his head slams down on the desk in a dead black out. The door to his office jiggles behind him, but stays shut.
Brock’s head rolls back over his chair as his jaw unhinges to let his mouth hang open freely. The top of his headphones slide forward onto his forehead while his shoulders rise up on the chair.
Nogla’s arms simply drop dead and hang off the armrests of his chair while his head props up, unmoving, on his shoulder.
Brian’s body fully slips out of his chair as all dead weight transfers to the front of his seat and sends the furniture flying backwards. His camera also shakes as his body slams against the ground without trying to catch himself.
Then everything is still.
A green highlight appears around Tyler’s web cam as a bird chirps outside, but nobody moves and nobody talks.
Soon, their chests stop rising.
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