#also featuring sequins. maybe. :p
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eek-a-tron · 8 months ago
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Thor #175 featuring The Warriors Three, 1970
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operafantomet · 7 months ago
Hi Anea! I was searching for "antique" chinese fabrics on the web and found there were many cheap brocade/embordered fabric on TaoBao that is similar to the fabric in the mandarin coat. Would it be a good idea to remake the mandarin coat using the fabrics? (0 experience first timer)
I mean, why not? I think the main thing about the costume is that it needs texture, surface, embroidery, fringes, details. And using brocades and embroidered fabrics will add to that. But I would make sure the base is made of solid fabrics. Chinese brocades are good in this aspect. Fragile, flimsy materials can be saved for the decorations, where they are put on another surface.
Apart from rich Chinese brocades and embroideries, you can also cut out motifs from suitable fabrics and apply them on to your robe / tabard. Add trims around it, maybe some sequins, and it's a super effective and sometimes money-saving feature.
The costume itself consists of four main features:
The main robe, straight, with long wide cuffs and a standing collar. This is often made of Chinese brocades, with some additional details on the cuffs and maybe collar.
The tabard, the sleeveless overgarment reminding of a long, loose waistcoat. This one can be straight or pointed, it may or may not have a collar, it can be open + tied at the sides, or sewn together, and the back is usually richly ornamented. Many versions also do a fringe or tassel trim at the hem. Sometimes the main robe and tabard is merged into one, or at least it's hard to tell where one ends and the other starts.
The cloud collar, a pointed, rounded and decorated collar. This is not done in all versions, as for example the US costumes only tend to indicate it with trims.
The round, pointed hat (which I won't really address here).
When they built a new costume for Ben Lewis in West End the base of the robe, tabard and collar was various Chinese brocades, but then slowly adding texture to the collar and the back of the tabard, using trims, embroidery, fringes, appliquees etc. The main robe itself doesn't need much decorations apart from the pattern and colours of the fabric. With the exception of the cuffs, of course. They are usually made of different rows of fabrics and trims.
Here's the Ben Lewis costume in making:
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I didn't think that costume turned out super textured on stage. I would have liked to see a dash more surface to the collar. But I do like the various blue shades, especially that reminding of peacock blue. Here it is worn by David Thaxton some time later:
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A new costume they made for Scott Davies and Tim Howar around the same time also had a base of chinese brocades, and with various structured trims, appliquees, embroideries etc. Again I don't think the collar is the most textured one in West End, but it is still cool to see it in process from costume workshop to stage.
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The one they made for Marcus Lovett was more textured. Especially with that embroidered dragon back, but also the ornamentation of the collar. Here it is in making:
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And as it appeared on stage, here worn by Ben Lewis:
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I would also say the same logic can be applied to other versions of the costume around the world: Chinese brocades as a base, and various embroideries, trims, tassels and appliquees adding structure and bling to make it rich-looking.
Here's the Danish one, as worn by Tomas Ambt Kofod and John Martin Bengtsson. I love the bold blue nerve in the collar, cuffs and lining. It's also not super visible, but there is a lot of antique embroideries in the back and inner collar.
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Many versions follow this composition, though with different colours, fabrics and details. Some will have a separate cloud collar, while others indicate a collar by the use of trims. The US is a good example. They do various trims around the neck and tabard, or the trims illuded a cloud collar that is an integrated part of the tabard. Here's Laird Mackintosh on Broadway:
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And the back of what I think is the same costume, as worn by Hugh Panaro on Broadway:
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The cloud collar shape is even less present - or rather, not at all - in the 1990s versions of the costume. Here's Michael Lackey and John Cudia in US Tour runs. Even if we're not talking the same costume, they are both made of a black and gold Chinese brocade for the main robe, and blue Chinese brocade with large, round ornaments for the tabard. The standing collar is accentuated by trims.
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Same goes for the Australian and early World Tour ones. They did the main robe and tabard, but rarely the cloud collar. They did however do amazing vintage gold embroideries and silk-painted details. Here's one worn by Jonathan Roxmouth in his South African run. I love the wing pattern coming to view in the collar and back:
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Same also goes for the Japanese ones. They do a main robe with a tabard on top, and the tabard has trims and details denoting a collar rather than a separate cloud collar. They have used many types of fabrics and colours throughout the years, but this recent purple one will forever remain a favourite. The first photo is Yuta Iwaki in Tokyo. I wanna say the second photo shows Osamu Takai, but don't quote me on that...
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A final version I will post is this elder German one. Again, the cloud collar shape is only indicated by trims. But they have also added frog fatening in front, which I think is a nice detail. Depicted is Thomas Schulze in Hamburg:
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I hope this at least gave you some inspirations on materials used, possible shapes, colours etc. :)
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matildainmotion · 4 years ago
An invitation to MWMs May Special for Non-binary/ Trans Mothers and Carers, and/or Mothers and Carers of Non-binary/ Trans Children
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Image by Xavier Singer-Kingsmith for Gray, Nicky Singer’s new book. 
From Matilda:
In a month in which my son’s primary focus is the forthcoming arrival of his Lord of The Rings Conquest game and my daughter has just discovered Barbie, I am glad to be able to hold space for some less cis options in between. 
On Friday May 28th 10am-12pm I will be holding a MWM Special for non-binary or trans mothers and carers and/ or mothers and carers of non-binary or trans children. I am delighted to introduce the two guests for this meeting: writer and mother Nicky Singer, and director and mother P. Burton Morgan. Please read on for their invitations below:
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From Nicky: 
My youngest child Xavier (now 24) identifies as a trans man. He is a dancer by training, filmmaker by inclination (shorts for Channel 4 and BBC Arts) and visual artist in the spaces between. I am primarily a novelist - though I have strayed on to the stage for the National Theatre and Glyndebourne. Xavier and I have been working together on my new novel for adults ‘Gray’ – with me on words and Xavier on pictures. The novel is a story of identity, boundaries, intimacy and that ‘place beyond language’ where some trans issues invite investigation. The journey is ongoing. The unexpected is every day. It’s not always easy. There’s joy. Here (above) is one of the illustrations from the book. I am interested in the personal, the creative, the political and how to keep nuance and complexity in the debate.
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From P Burton Morgan:
We’re all of us artist mothers wrestling with imposter syndrome at one time or another I’m sure. I can’t be the only one whose work has shifted a bit during the pandemic. I was previously mostly a writer and director of stage work, now increasingly embracing film. But as we all push ourselves, or are unceremoniously shoved, out of our comfort zones we have to confront those pesky inner critics questioning our right to be there, to be taking up space doing something for which we’re wildly unqualified and painfully inexperienced. And so here I am today inviting you all to join me for a session on non-binary parenting / motherhood.
I am as out of my depth here, as I am in my newfound role as a film-maker because I only came out as non-binary last year, and unlike my trans sibling who has been vocally active and activist in their writing and general change-making around trans awareness and trans support for years, I am still taking baby-steps in putting words out into the world that combine my gender politics with my own gender identity and/or gender presentation. Like many enbys I’m still struggling to feel ‘trans enough’ to take up space on trans/NB platforms (which this is of course one). I’m also at great pains to point out that my unique situation (coming out as NB in my mid… ok late… thirties, after already having two children) is going to be so very different to parents/mothers who come out much earlier. I’m also married to a cis man so on a day where I choose to present more femme, or just less androgynously, we can pass as a ‘conventional’ heteronormative couple, which makes life less challenging in the small rural village where we live.
So after that uncharacteristically hesitant opening let me ask some provocations which maybe we can explore together in the session. I sure as hell don’t have the answers, but maybe collectively we can grope our way towards something resembling solutions.
Pronouns. I prefer they/them but apart from my 8 year old who has assimilated that change wholeheartedly (perhaps because he has inherited his mother’s love of, and precision with, language) everyone else reverts to ‘she’ unless I remind them. That is perhaps just part of the deal with changing your pronouns later in life. Especially for family and folk who’ve known you for decades, it takes time to change.
I still use the word ‘mum’ and ‘mother’ to describe myself, but also sometimes simply parent. For me the term 'mum' is a role, almost independent of gender. But I know other parents use other terms. And although I do still use my birth name ‘Poppy’ I now work professionally entirely under P Burton-Morgan.
So that's one thing to discuss - embracing evolving pronouns and names.
What else… gender presentation. Since making peace with who I am, and where I feel at home, I now always identify as non-binary or gender queer but I sometimes still present in a more feminine way, sometimes because that’s how I feel that day and also, if I’m honest, to avoid conflict and micro aggressions in situations and scenarios where I know my queer identity is going to be problematised. Sigh.
Conversely both my children currently identify very happily as male but because they have been raised in a household that eschews traditional gender binaries in terms of clothing they often wear leggings, sequins, nail varnish, and one of them has long hair cut in what many would describe as a ‘feminine’ style. We obviously move in (thankfully) liberal circles but they’ve rarely been challenged on their sartorial choices, and I remember the nursery used to be wonderfully supportive when one of them would come to pre-school in a beloved pink tutu. Sarah Jessica Parker eat your heart out! Just the other day we were in the playground when a child asked my eldest if he was a girl or a boy, but with no judgement, simply trying to ascertain the facts. And he equally matter of factly answered that he was a boy and they carried on playing in the sand.
I wish my experiences were similarly straightforward. But partly that’s why I don’t bother correcting people when they slip up with my pronouns - sometimes there’s more anxiety induced by people trying to get it right and walking on eggshells around me, over emphasising the ‘they’ and then furiously fumbling to correct themselves when they say she. So I just try to be chill about it.
At the end of the day, as an NB parent, or a parent of an NB or trans child, we all want the same thing - acceptance. Queer identity will only ever be a greater or lesser part of a larger identity. For few (maybe none) of us is it our defining feature. And as well all know from inhabiting the dual roles of mother and artist - the nature of our multi-layered messy lives is that our identities may overlap or even conflict with each other, we all contain multitudes - but we are not defined by any one aspect of our complex selves…
So join me in a gentle exploration of these overlapping messy parts of ourselves and let's see how we can support each other and what wisdom we can discover.
To book your place on the meeting (places limited) please go here
And for any questions please email [email protected]
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my-plastic-life · 8 years ago
TBT: Generation Girls
Starting a new thing where every Thursday (as long as I remember), I’ll post a tribute to a doll/toy series that no longer exists but were a big part of my life.
It’s Throwback Thursday!
Up first: Generation Girl Barbie and friends!
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Originally released in 1999, the Generation Girl series featured six girls from all over the world who now live in various parts of New York City, met at International High School, and became best friends. In fact, this was possibly the start of Mattel’s “high school” scene that inspired Monster High, Ever After High, Super Hero High, etc.
(LEFT TO RIGHT): Barbie Roberts was an aspiring actress from Malibu, California. Ana Suarez was an athlete from Mexico City. Chelcie Peterson was a singer/songwriter from London, England. Nichelle Williams/Watson (they changed her last name for some reason after the first release) was a model from New York City. Lara Morelli-Straus was an artist from Paris, France. Tori Burns was an extreme sports buff from Sydney, Australia.
The second line launched with two new friends, Mari Nakano from Tokyo, Japan and Blaine Gordon from New York. Mari loved karaoke and video games, while Blaine was big into the music scene. The series was renamed to Generation Beat (at least with the included magazine with each doll) since Blaine isn’t a girl. :p The second series also came with body glitter for you, because that was all the rage back then. Even Barbie had body glitter on her neck, top of her chest, and her eyeshadow.
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Oh, and no need to worry, Ken-lovers - Blaine, in the books, was smitten with Ana, not Barbie. So he didn’t replace Ken (who wasn’t even in this series). ;)
The third and final series featured all the dolls (with the exception of Chelsie, for some reason) in their bedrooms, all customized to their own personal tastes. Their boxes were their rooms, so you didn’t even have to throw it out. It doubled as a play set!
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This series also had its own book line with 12 books (I think I’m missing two), the covers depicting real-life girls closely resembling the dolls.
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We also got the International High play set (which I still proudly own):
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The high school came with two slide-out walls, eight working lockers, furniture for the lounge and cafeteria, and it even folded down in the front to create a dance floor with working microphone and disco ball (and the messy sequins that got everywhere).
And of course, in that era, Barbie had to have PC games. Generation Girls brought us Gotta Groove, a dancing game in which you, the player, created cool dance moves for a big show. You got to use two of the six characters (except Lara, since she designed the sets), and new moves unlocked as you won trophies.
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As a bonus, the songs in the game would play on your computer, and you could even rip the songs from the CD and save them as mp3 files to burn to another CD, or put on your (later released) iPod.
There was also a board game where you played with a friend and saw how well you knew each other b y holding up two plastic discs with the Generation Girl flower logo, and if you picked the same answer, the discs would light up and play music. I’m sure my dad loved playing that when I was a kid...
Not all dolls were available in all series for some reason. Ana didn’t come in series two (Dance Party), and Chelsie didn’t get her own bedroom in the third line (My Room). And she also only came as part of the Dance Party series as a special edition, and she came with different instruments from around the world.
There were also fashion packs released for these dolls, though I only owned one of those for some reason. I never changed their clothes, except maybe once for that one extra outfit I had.
The very first release of the first series caused a lot of controversy. Barbie had a tattoo on her ankle, Chelsie came with a pierced nose, and Tori had three earring studs in one ear. This angered parents, so Mattel re-released the line without the tattoo and multiple piercings. But I was lucky enough to get the first editions before they were pulled from the shelves.
The series ended when the dolls were messaging each other on the official website, and each one was going on a “grand adventure” to other parts of the world to help others. And that was the end of them. I was so sad.
This was one of my all-time favorite doll series. I had (okay, so I still have them, dressed and complete, except the first Nichelle and My Room Blaine, though I could never find the latter in stores, only on eBay for a ridiculously high price) all of the dolls, and I loved how they were all from different parts of the world. Back then, my favorite was Lara, because I thought she was so pretty. She was the first doll I got from every series.
Now, almost 20 years later, my dolls are still in mint, like-new condition (except My Room Tori’s legs are sticky, which is a common problem with many Barbie dolls with the old rubber legs), and Ana’s first sports jacket is kind of unraveled at the wrist and her hair rubber bands have disintegrated, but otherwise, they look like they did when I first bought them. I just can’t bring myself to part with them yet.
Hope you all enjoyed this stroll down Memory Lane with me. More posts like this are forthcoming for more Thursdays! These aren’t my photos, as my dolls are all buried (safely), but perhaps someday, I will dig them all out for some great pictures. :D
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punk-rock-pixie · 6 years ago
Y'all literally don't shut up about them, so just.... DO THEM ALL. ALL THE FUCKING QUEEN ASKS (Ps. Y'all would be cute with young Brian May and MAYBE Roger Taylor but mostly Bri. Okay bye)
Lord… Okay. I guess I did say that I would answer them all at once. I just wasn’t expecting someone to do it.
(Also aw. lmao)
I’m gonna do it all under the cut.
Who would you dance with if you got the chance?
When you say dance what do you mean? Slow, fun, or like??? Idk. Probably John Deacon
Whose voice do you like least of the 3 singing members of the band?
In your opinion what is the worst outfit any of them ever wore?
Hard Life. It’s rediculous and I love it. (Actually highkey would totally wear John or Brian’s costumes lmao)
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If you could steal one of their features what would you take? (ie. Roger’s eyes, Brian’s hair, John’s butt, Freddie’s stache etc.)
Roger’s Eyes. I don’t think I’d look good with the other two lmao
Have you ever seen Highlander or Flash Gordon?
I’ve seen Flash a couple times. It’s super bad lmao
Is there a Queen song you really don’t like? If so what is it?
Is it a cop out to say some stuff from Hot Space? I really don’t enjoy much off Hot Space other than maybe Cool Cat.
Do you know how to boil an egg?
I don’t, but I’m sure a quick google search will tell me.
Opinion of Hot Space
I guess I answered this one, but I’m not a huge fan. Given what was being done behind the scenes at the time.
If you were friends with the band who would you go to for comfort?
TRICK QUESTION. I internalize all my problems because I cannot burden people lmao
What Queen song can you absolutely not skip even if you’re not in the mood for it?
‘39 and Good ol Fashioned Lover Boy
I’m In Love with My Car. Love it or Hate it?
A jam ™ lmao
Do you play Scrabble?
Not often but my sis and I do sometimes. I love that the band did that while on tour.
Who has the best fashion sense in the band?
All? All of them… 
If you could meet any of the three living band members (including sneaky Deaky) who would you choose to meet?
Brian. He’s been such an inspiration to me and his solos were the reason I began playing in the first place.
If you had to pick an inanimate object to have a crush on would it be a car or a guitar? (Yes, I’m poking fun at Brian and Rog)
I’m already mocked for being in love with my music so defs guitar.
Have you been inspired to pursue something musical because of Queen?
Literally all of my music career.
Millionaire Waltz or Dreamer’s Ball?
If you were friends with the band who do you think would come to you for comfort or advice?
I’m not sure. I feel like John might, but it’s hard to say. People generally seem to open up a lot to me because I am a listener but?????
Do you want to be a penguin when you grow up?
Always. Slide on my belly and avoid financial problems? Hell yeah.
Who do you think is the best looking member of the band?
UH. Brian. Uhm. I haven’t had a crush on him for over half my life lmaooo Although Roger was and still is a very pretty person lmao
Opinion on Queen + Adam Lambert
It’s not Freddie, and it never will be. However, Lambert is very talented and I am so excited to see them in Concert this summer! I’m sure they will be great
F**k, Marry, Kill… go!
Fuck Rog
Marry Brian
Kill Paul lmao????
Favorite outfit worn by any of them
I love their Radio Ga Ga outfits so much, “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, and Brian’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” look. Also there’s an early look from Roger that makes me cry when I see it, but I don’t remember what tour it was
This is them respectively:
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Is there a song by Queen that you feel is overrated?
Not completely, but I feel there are some very UNDERrated songs
Have you seen Queen in any form? (With Freddie or Adam or Paul)
Nope, but seeing them in summer!!!
Do you follow any of the band on social media?
Of course I do lmao
Do you own any Queen albums and on what format are they? (Vinyl, tape, cd, etc)
I don’t actually, but I listen non stop on spotify lmao
Freddie with or without the ‘stache?
I think the stache was a very iconic look, but I love them both.
Favorite song written by Freddie?
Defs “I was Born to Love You” 
John with long hair or short?
Favorite John song?
I love “You’re my Best Friend” because he wrote it for his wife, and it makes me so happy
Do you like badgers?
They p rad
Favorite Brian written song?
Driven by You or ‘39 defs
Rog with or without sun/glasses?
Defs without. He has a nice face
Favorite Roger song?
It’s lowkey not good, but I love it so much “Future Management” Aka (You don’t need nobody else but me)
Do you think you could beat any of them at Scrabble?
Not at all
Do you think you could out drink any of them?
DEFS NOT. I am such a light drinker. One swig of (probably aged) vodka was enough to put me out lmao
Whose house would you choose to live in?
idk I never went to their houses?
Thoughts on the song 39?
I think I’ve made it clear lmao
Do you like cats?
Very much!
Do you like kids?
I just get anxious around them
Do you like space?
Do you like cars?
I was never quite able to, but my dad is and so was one of my exes which is where I get me (very minimal knowledge)
Favorite album?
Great fuckin question
Who has the nicest eyes in the band?
You already fuckin know but also they all do! Especially when they all smile. 
If you could go back in time to any concert they ever performed, which would it be?
I would love to see Wembley or Liveaid tbh, but I’d also love to see when they just start after Smile.
Do you think John Deacon will ever come out of hiding?
Not sure, and I think we should 100% respect him and his family and his privacy tbh??? Like??? Let him live.
Who do you think will outlive the rest?
Brian probably because he bikes so much.
Do you prefer pre or post synth Queen?
I’m okay with both! I think they’re both good for different reasons!
If you could tell any one band member something (including Freddie) who would it be and what would you say?
Of course Brian. I would thank him (and the rest of the band) for inspiring me so much. Probs about the story of first hearing them on the radio and listening to those solos and saying that I wanted to do that. Idk. 
Realistically, I’d probably be trying not to cry and make a fool of myself and ultimately fail…
Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world?
My music and my friends probs?
Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable?
Hitting belt notes perfectly
Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth?
Mosquitoes and homophobes
Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently?
Not particularly. Just tired
We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to?
It was Anne Wilson, Rick Springfield, and (I think his name is) Jeff Beck. Went with my family over summer
Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?
I have someone. I’m polyamorous, but I’ve very happy with the person I’m with!
We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of?
Still staying passionate about my music no matter what.
Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music?
I respect the artists but I’m more into oldies.
I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?
NOT BECAUSE OF QUEEN I SWEAR. I’M NOT BEING SARCASTIC But I’d love to move to England. I was there when I was 13 and I fell in love with it. Either there or the LA area
Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken?
More times than I’d like to admit lmao
Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself?
my resilience 
The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up?
Music. 100%
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians.
You mean other than Queen? Lmao. I’m a fan of Heart, Fleetwood Mac, Cheap Trick, Beatles…. oldies lmao Also Fell in love with a ghost is really good. 
Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you?
I don’t think so… I think I would get bored and like it can also get really sad yknow?
Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?
TREAT ME LIKE A DAMN HUMAN, make me laugh, be passionate and outspoken, COMMUNICATE…. 
Superficially, I’m generally partial to people being taller than me (even though my partner is shorter lmao) and other musicians (so long as they are humble cuz bitch I can do that too)
I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
To live comfortably and have good mental health.
1) Brian’s fluffy hair or Deaky’s fluffy hair?
Brian lmao
2) How do you feel about Freddie’s 1976 brushed back hair?
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What a look tm
3) Roger’s drum solos or Brian’s Guitar solos?
Of course the guitar solos. Though, I can appreciate the drums as well
4) Favourite member of Queens entourage over the years?
5) Most underrated Freddie look?
Idk that it’s underrated but oof those Harlequin days. Also that one sequin jumpsuit is such a look. 
6) would you rather work on Freddie and Rogers Kensington Market stall or go to Uni with Brian?
I think the stall because going to uni… There’s a lotta kids and the likelihood of seeing the same person twice unless your schedules match up is pretty impossible. Plus I’m a psych major not astrophysics lmao
7) Ben Hardy or Joe mazzello?
I love Joe more than I love many people.
8) Who do you think looks/acts the most like their irl counterpart in Borhap?
Definitely Gwilym. He looks so much like Brian I literally had to double take once or twice. Also if Joe does the specific pout he defs looks like Deacon
9) Which era of Roger is your favourite?
Early 70s fluffy boy
10) Who has the best shirtless look?
11) favourite cast member overall?
Definitely Joe
12) Jim and Freddie or John and Veronica?
I love them all. 
13) Whose spouse would you most like to marry?
I wouldn’t, but I wanna be best friends with Anita Dobson (Brian’s current wife)
14) Who is the bigger Thot, Roger or Freddie?
15) Live with Joe or marry Ben?
Live with Joe. I wanna be his best friend. I’m not at all into Ben actually. Cool guy though!
16) Who do you think is the most charismatic out of the cast?
They all are I think. I definitely think Joe is one of the more outspoken of the four, but????
17) Twink Roger or badass grandad Roger?
18) Brian and space or Brian and music?
Uh. Space music.
19) What is your favourite photo of the whole band?
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I FOUND IT ‘73! They all just look so happy and ughh I love them.
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Also this one. I LOVE WHEN THEY SMILE.
20) Purple rain or superfreak?
Superfreak. Purple rain was overplayed for me after Prince died I think.
21) What element of your life is most queen-esque?
I’m not sure. Probably the clothes I (can’t afford) want to wear
22) If you had to choose any year to tour with queen, which one and why?
Early to mid 70s. When they just start out. Idk Just seeing their improvement over the years would make me so happy.
23) Which John Deacon shirt in Bohemian Rhapsody is the best?
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That one. Also I love the Liveaid look because I love button ups.
24) Is I’m in love with my car a good song?
25) Which section of the ‘I want to break free’ music video is the best?
The sit com part I think
26) moustache Freddie or Stubble Freddie?
Uhm unsure
27) Bearded Bri or clean shaven Bri?
Clean shave. He looks great with a beard- don’t get me wrong. But oof. Clean shaved guys….
28) What Freddie outfit should have been in the movie?
Harlequin always
29) Brian and Gwylim or Roger and Ben?
30) Ben Hardy playing the drums whilst smoking or Roger spinning drumsticks?
Roger spinning drumsticks. “WE’RE SAVING YOUR LIFE, BEN”
31) What is your favourite aspect of John Deacons personality?
He’s such a humble person- they all can be. And also just how snarky and silly he can be.
32) Who worked the fringe best, Freddie or John?
33) Joe’s Instagram or Luke Deacons Twitter?
FUCKIN UHHHHHHHHH Both are fucking iconic. Let me be both of their best friends. When do I get to meet them.
34) Which of Roger’s kids is your favourite?
35) What was your most Freddie Mercury moment?
36) What Queen song would you most like to fall asleep to?
I’ve fallen asleep to Brian May/Kerry Ellis’s “Love of my life”
37) who has the best solo album?
Unsure… I think Brian defs but still. 
38) If you could see the cast recreate any live performance what would it be and why?
39) Who would beat a shark in a fight, Joe or Ben?
Ben probs. 
40) Which queen song would you play at your funeral?
41) Do you think the script did Freddie justice and if not what would you change?
For being  a biopic and not documentary I think it did very well! Of course it isn’t gonna be completely accurate, but I think it did a good job of showing both sides of Freddie. 
42) What is the best thing about listening to Rami talk about Freddie?
ALL. He just speaks so passionately.
43) Roger’s lime green trousers or John’s Arrow suit?
44) Does Gwylim suit a beard more than Brian?
Personally I think Gwil does, but I also like no beards on both. 
45) What Chaotic Roger story is your favourite?
“ONE AND THREE-SEVENTHS SUGAR” and also pinching Brian’s butt in an interview
46) Which one of Freddie’s cats are you most like?
47) Which BoRhap scene is most like you?
Probably them in the farm talking about the songs they wrote. 
48) Which member of queen and which cast member has the most chaotic energy?
Joe all the way
49) What is your favourite queen related memory?
The first time I saw the Bo Rhap trailor I nearly cried. I was also sobbing  the whole first watch through
50) How many times have you seen Bohemian Rhapsody?
Upwards of 5
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newyorktheater · 6 years ago
  Nominees for the Grammy for best musical theater album of the year:
The Band’s Visit (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Carousel
My Fair Lady (2018 Broadway Cast Recording)
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert (Original Soundtrack of the NBC Television Event)
Once On This Island (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Details of Musical Theater Album nominees
Full list of Grammy nominees
Week in New York Theater Reviews and Previews
The Jungle
“When does a place become a home?”  It’s a question asked by Ammir Haj Ahmad as Safi, a refugee from Syria who is one of the residents of The Jungle. That was the name given to the extraordinary, self-governing community built on landfill in Calais, France that for 11 months became makeshift home to thousands of migrants, including hundreds of unaccompanied minors, fleeing more than a dozen countries. Safi serves as unofficial host and occasional narrator of “The Jungle,” a remarkable production that attempts to bring the community back to life.  From its inventive staging to its authentic casting and vivid setting, “The Jungle,” which arrives at St Ann’s Warehouse intact from its acclaimed run in London, shows what theater can do at its best to open us up to a world we otherwise ignore.
Slave Play
Slave Play,” which marks the Off-Broadway debut of playwright Jeremy O. Harris,  begins, as one would expect from the title, in a plantation in the Antebellum South. It involves three interracial couplings…In these first scenes, sexy and deliberately outrageous, Harris seems heavily influenced by the in-your-face pornographic theatrics of Thomas Bradshaw…But 45 minutes into the play there is an abrupt shift…What we learn (spoiler alert) is that the three interracial couples were role-playing as part of “Antebellum Sexual Performance Therapy
Nobody can do a nervous breakdown like Bryan Cranston. As Howard Beale, long-time network news anchor gone mad, he sits in front of the camera, unable to speak, his face a dramatic repertoire expressing varying shades of reddened desperation. And that’s just one of Cranston’s many memorable moments in the Broadway production of Network, a largely humorless, tech-heavy adaptation by avant-garde director Ivo van Hove of the Oscar-winning 1976 film…Cranston, who became a star thanks to his Emmy-winning performance as chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin on AMC’s Breaking Bad, and convinced Broadway of his theater chops in his Tony-winning turn as LBJ in All The Way, is the reason to see Network at the Belasco. There aren’t that many other reasons.
The Cher Show
“The Cher Show,” the new Broadway jukebox musical that offers a whirlwind tour of the music, life and six-decade career of the entertainer and self-proclaimed  “goddamn Goddess Warrior,” is banking on the popularity of the star, using three different actresses to portray her.  One could argue that Cher’s fans expect no less – and no more – than what The Cher Show gives them: glitz, hits and highlights.  But Cher’s very popularity – along with her longevity, range, and contradictions – might have made for a portrait not just fabulous but also fascinating…and maybe even (dare I say it) nuanced.
Instead, the show is putting its faith in the power of sequins.
Cher and Broadway: A Quiz
The Head and the Load
This unusual and startling hybrid piece uses a cacophony of words and images, music and dance to bring us World War I as it played out in Africa….What’s on the page suggests a structure and meaning that prove largely elusive on stage to those of us without a grounding in the history of Africa or of World War I. …it’s worth it anyway, because a story so full of horror should not be lost to history, and because (as with most of what I’ve seen at the Park Avenue Armory over the last couple of years) it’s being presented with such theatrical audacity.
Heather Raffo and Noura
Heather Raffo says she grew up as a “sheltered Michigan girl — a really nice, open, conservative” and blonde American who spoke English with a flat Midwestern accent. Then, at age 20, the Gulf War changed her identity. She became an Iraqi-American practically overnight.
Now, almost three decades later, Raffo, in long (dyed) black hair, is portraying the title character in her play Noura at Playwrights Horizon, about an Iraqi family celebrating their first Christmas after becoming American citizens. It doesn’t go as planned. They too are forced to adjust to a new identity.
    The Week in New York Theater News
Mercedes Ruehl and Michael Urie
Torch Song will end its run Jan 6, 2019, more than a month earlier than planned, after 26 previews and 77 performances. Plans for a national tour next Fall.
For the first time since began in 1934, the famed Apollo Theater will expand, adding 2 new theaters (one w/ 99 seats, the other 199) — opening its new vision in 2020 as Apollo Performing Arts Center
After an absence of more than thirty-five years, Faye Dunaway will play Katharine Hepburn, in the Broadway premiere of Tea at Five by Matthew Lombardo, in a limited run in summer 2019
Irish Rep is presenting Season of Sean O’Casey, from January 31 to May 25, 2019. The celebration will feature The O’Casey Cycle – O’Casey’s three most renowned works in repertory: The Shadow of a Gunman (1923), Juno and the Paycock (1924), and The Plough and the Stars (1926); and free readings of all of O’Casey’s other plays. Other planned events include symposiums, lectures, film screenings, a musical evening, and two exhibitions.
Congratulations to newly formed National Disability Theater),led by educator/activist Talleri McRae and actor Mickey Isaac Rowe (Curious Incident), to present work “run entirely by people with disabilities” that will be 100 percent accessible.
.@Lin_Manuel has been nominated for a @goldenglobes as best actor in a musical or comedy for his role in @MaryPoppins2018 pic.twitter.com/QeGPzXMVTI
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) December 6, 2018
Interview with Heidi Schreck, The Interval’s Person of the Year
Peter Brook on The Meaning of Theater
When people ask me what I am trying to say, I get very angry. I’m not trying to say anything….. [P]ure theater: the sharing through the imagination of something down to earth and concrete and appealing for the imagination, so that there’s always that sense of “and then what?”—that sense of wonder, which one needs so badly, and one has so little of in everyday life.
Santino Fontana as Dorothy in Tootsie, opening April 23, 2019 at Broadway’s Marquis Theater.
Rest in Peace
Philip Bosco, 88,  Tony winning actor, veteran of a remarkable 51 shows on Broadway
Musical Theater Grammy Nominees. Faye Dunaway Back on Broadway. Apollo Expanding. #Stageworthy News of the Week Nominees for the Grammy for best musical theater album of the year: The Band's Visit (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
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newyorktheater · 7 years ago
My annual New Year’s Eve last-minute guide features the Broadway show schedule for New Year’s week, and other theater, as well as parties, concerts,intimate dinners, cruises, and quiet or healthy alternatives that are still available to do on New Year’s Eve 2018 (when 2017 turns into 2018) in New York City. Some events are free, some are outdoors — and then there are TV listings.
Only eight percent of Americans reportedly plan to go out on New Year’s Eve. For those New Yorkers (and New York visitors) who haven’t made those plans yet, here are some ideas:
The New Year’s Eve tradition in Times Square began in 1904 with a rooftop celebration to greet the New Year. Three years later, they started lowering a ball.
From the organizers comes this overview of New Year’s Eve in Times Square, so you know what is in store for you if you decide to stand at the Crossroads of the World for New Year’s Eve
Keep in mind: Revelers start arriving late in the afternoon on New Year’s Eve. By approximately 3:00 PM., the Bowtie of Times Square (42nd to 47th Sts. between Broadway & 7th Ave.) is fully closed to traffic. The crowd, which in the past has reached in the millions, could go as far uptown as Central Park, 17 blocks away.
Another way of saying this: If you want to be within naked-eyesight of the Times Square ball, arrive in the afternoon, and be prepared to stand immobile until the ball drops at midnight.  Huddle with friends and loved ones for warmth – or make new friends.
Times Square offers an outdoor evening of entertainment.
Confetti, “2018” sign in lights, lots of hugging and wishing for a Happy New Year
I’ve spent three New Year’s Eves in Times Square, which is probably two more than necessary, but found each memorable. Do remember that the highlights will be televised. See What’s on TV, below.)
You can also watch the festivities online.
Open Table lists some 700 restaurants  with “New Year’s Eve offers” Most of them offer a choice of seatings – either earlier in the evening, so that you can make it in time elsewhere for the stroke of midnight, or party-hat-equipped seatings that lead up to midnight, where you can often turn on a TV so that you can watch the ball drop in Times Square. Open Table provides all sorts of filters — you can look for a table for 2 at a “charming” French restaurant at 7 pm in your specific neighborhood.
Have a favorite neighborhood eatery that’s not listed on Open Table? Go to the place NOW, and ask them whether they will take reservations.
Ito Aghayere and Matthew Saldivar
Only two of the shows currently on Broadway will be offering performances on New Year’s Eve, both matinees– Junk (which is at Lincoln Center) and Once on This Island (at Circle in the Square.) This is a huge decrease from the 15 matinees last year.  (New Year’s Eve fell on a Saturday then; this year it’s a Sunday.) Then eight of the shows will offer performances on New Year’s Day, all of them evening performances.
Keep in mind several of these shows are closing soon, so this may be your last chance to see them.
Closing January 7, 2018: Junk
Closing January 14, 2018 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Miss Saigon
Closing January 21 Meteor Shower
(If tickets are not available through the box office, try buying tickets here)
Of course, New York theater is far more than just Broadway, and some Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway shows are not just happening, but getting into the whole excess thing that means New Year’s Eve to so many in New York. Prime example is Sleep No More, which for New Year’s Eve adds something called the McKittrick King Masquerade, “live performances and an open bar all night long.’
Similarly XIV Company offers its  “Nutcracker Rouge,”  (a “baroque, burlesque” not-for-children take on Nutcracker Suite) at a new theater in Bushwick, Brooklyn, followed by a party with the cast.
Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular (two performances on New Year’s Eve, in the morning and the afternoon.)
That Physics Show (showings at noon and 3 p.m.)
The Enlightenment of Mr. Mole (2 p.m.)
Sistas The Musical (4:30 p.m. — at St. Luke’s Theater, 46th west of Eighth, so perilously close to Times Square)
with performances on New Year’s Eve (and, through Goldstar, at a discount)
Who’s Holiday
Bright Colors and Bold Patterns
Drunk Shakespeare
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There’s a New York for almost any taste, so why would it be surprising that Eventbrite lists some 1,000 New Year’s Eve parties? Some 90 of those are listed as free (that’s my taste.) Others are obscenely expensive.
You can dance at parties set up in Times Square venues, such as the Marriot Marquis and the AMC 42nd Street movie theater, “six floors of fun” for as little as $39 (that’s after 12:30 a.m. admission) and as much as $2,100. Most promote a great view of the ball dropping (which — do you mind my pointing out? — is an insane pitch, but apparently an effective one. Maybe that’s a good summary of 2017)
Then there are the super-hip (and less expensive) parties in Brooklyn.
BangOn!NYC no longer holds their bash at a secret location. They now have a new home  in East Williamsburg, which they’ve turned into an intergalactic extravaganza with psychedelic art installations and roaming fire breathers below a spinning planetarium.
Purple Rain Dance Party. For the fourth year in a row, Syndicated, a movie theater, bar and restaurant in Bushwick, Brooklyn will project the 1984 movie” Purple Rain” on the wall while dj/vjs The Hogstad Brothers spin Prince classics like “Raspberry Beret” and “Cream.”  Purple Rain or Prince-inspired costumes/attire “strongly encouraged.”
  Many suggest throwing your own New Year’s Eve party, and offer vaguely insulting step-by-step tips on how to do so. The most memorable advice for throwing a party came from Joan Crawford, who was quite a partier in her day (see above). Her advice (see below)  can be summed up as:
Have a mix of people as your guests, but nobody with dirty feet.
Secretly drug them.
(P.S., don’t do this.)
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St. John the Divine Concert for Peace.
An annual event since 1984, when it was founded by Leonard Bernstein. This year’s concert will feature excerpts from Bernstein’s Mass in celebration of the maestro’s centennial year.   Artists in residence Judy Collin and theater composer will make their own musical offerings in a program that concludes with Joseph Haydn’s Te Deum, to welcome the new year with affirmation and joy. This concert is free, first come first serve,  although ticketed seating is also available starting at $40.
The New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center: Bernstein on Broadway. Annaleigh Ashford, Christopher Jackson Laura Osnes, and Next and Aaron Tveit will perform from West Side Story, Wonderful Town, and On The Town.  Bramwell Tovey conducts.
The bad news about this concert is that it’s sold out. The good news is that it’s being broadcast live on PBS starting at 9 p.m.
Phish at Madison Square Garden for the 11th year in a row!
Cardi B at Knockdown Center The Bronx rapper breaks loose in Queens. The singer of the hit “Bodak Yellow,” entertains along with DJs Venus X, DJ BEBE, DJ Shelby Sells and DJ Pro Style at the cool arts center housed glass-manufacturing plant built in 1903 in Maspeth.
Television at Bowery Ballroom
With the repeal this year of the hated 91-year-old Cabaret Law, which banned dancing at all but a handful of licensed venues (fewer than 100), you could argue that life is a cabaret (or at least could be) at all 25,000 eating and drinking establishments in New York City. But “cabaret” has come to define specific genres of intimate entertainment at just a few, relatively small venues, such as those below.
Tip: Most cabarets offer two seatings on New Year’s Eve. The one earlier in the evening is far less expensive. Many of these performers return to these venues every New Year’s — a wonderful tradition that makes last-minute tickets chancy, but worth trying.
Sandra Bernhard: Sandemonium at Joe’s Pub
Natalie Douglas at the Duplex — her 18th New Year’s there
  Cassie Levy at Feinstein’s/54 Below
Steve Tyrell at Cafe Carlyle
Bazazz! at Don’t Tell Mama “A sequined variety starring Rick Skye as Liza Minelli”
The Birdland Big Band at Birdland Jazz Club
Annual Prospect Park Fireworks – free. at Grand Army Plaza
Coney Island New Year’s Eve Celebration -4th annual celebration, with free fireworks on the boardwalk
Central Park Fireworks (See also midnight run below)
Big selling point of all these cruises — a close-up of the New Years Eve fireworks over the water. Most include a buffet, open bar, and dancing with a dj. Drawbacks: These cost hundreds of dollars, and many are already sold out. (But there are cruises during the day on New Year’s Eve”
Circle Line New Year’s Eve Cruises
 Zephyr New Year’s Eve Family Cruises
The Kadampa Meditation Center in Chelsea, $30 for non-members, provides a way for you to “ring in the New Year “with compassion and beneficial intentions!” — hors d’oeuvres, meditation, and no alcohol. (Pre-registration is required.)
New York Road Runners’   Midnight Run in Central Park
Shorewalkers Happy New Years Day Hike — Hiking the shores and parks of upper Manhattan starting at noon on New Year’s Day, which gives you a good excuse to go to bed early.
20th annual Bike Ride and Outdoor After Party, from Time’s Up environmental action organization, which meets in Washington Square Park at 10 p.m. and bicycles en mass to the Belvedere Castle in Central Park.
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ABC: Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with hosts Ryan Seacrest will again feature Mariah Carey, despite her disastrous performance last year.  For the 46th year, ABC invites viewers to a “Rockin’ Eve,” although the show has been without longtime host and producer Clark since his death in 2012. Other performances scheduled by Camila Cabello, Nick Jonas, and Sugarland; and Britney Spears from Las Vegas.
CNN: After 10 year, New Year’s Eve Live will no longer pair Anderson Cooper with Kathy Griffin, after her joke holding the severed head of what looked like President Trump earlier his year. Her replacement is Andy Cohen. (I can’t help quoting what Anderson Cooper said in 2013: “I don’t know anybody who has a fun time at a party at New Year’s Eve. That’s why I work on New Year’s Eve.”)
Fox: Fox’s New Year’s Eve with Steve Harvey: Live from Times Square Celine Dion, Backstreet Boys, Macklemore featuring Skylar Gray, Flo Rida and Neil Diamond.
  PBS: Live from Lincoln Center New York Philharmonic concert, Bernstein on Broadway (!)
TV Marathons
AMC: “Breaking Bad” marathon all New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
E!: “Parks and Recreation”
FXX: “The Simpsons.” The marathon starts with The Simpsons Movie at 6pm ET/PT and is followed by a ten hours of the best episodes.
IFC: “The Three Stooges”
SYFY: “Twilight Zone”
WPIX: “The Honeymooners”
 And, in a nod to a new era, here’s “100 Best Movies on Netflix”
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  New Year’s Eve in New York City 2018 Last Minute Plans My annual New Year's Eve last-minute guide features the Broadway show schedule for New Year’s week, and other theater, as well as…
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