#also everything that happened in 358/2 was a result of that and yall that game broke me
honestly sora is so valid for reacting the way he did to seeing riku for the first time in KH2
like imagine being 14 and already having to deal with the drama of KH in general, but then your best friend just slowly starts to become more warped and vile- him even starting to show resentment towards you seemingly out of nowhere until he just gets straight-up possessed and for all you know he’s completely gone at that point
but then you get a glimmer of hope that he is back to himself, that he doesn’t actually hate you as much as you mught’ve thought he did- only for him to be shut behind a door that you personally have to close and lock and that’s the last thing you want reopened to ensure the safety of Literally Everyone
and good for sora that he doesnt remember anything from castle oblivion because can you imagine running into your friend after thinking he could be lost to the darkness for good only for him to act the exact same, nasty way you thought he conquered? And his words bite more somehow: he tells you you never cared about him, insisting that you’re such a pest for trying to “worm into” his heart, acting as though you’re the worst thing to ever happen to him after all you’ve been through. If that isnt it then seeing his brain get fucked with twice right in front of you only to find out that it wasn’t even actually him the whole time and your real best friend is still lost to the darkness
but disregardig the C.O. events on account of not remembering them, just imagine running into your best friend after stressing and panicking and searching everywhere for him only to mistake him for the guy you thought you killed a year ago- the guy who possessed your friend and caused so much hell. Even more, he doesnt even try to reunite with you: it takes your other friend to call out to him and literally drag him back for you to realize its him: he had intentions on just leaving you to wonder what happened to him after all this time without a word of clarity. What do you think: did ansem/xehanort actually come back? Did he ultimately take over riku’s body in the end- but if so then why help him and kairi? Imagine not getting the answers to those and while this guy’s running around you’re left stuck wondering if you’ll ever see your friend again
like my god sora is so valid to breakdown after seeing riku in KH2
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