#also even if zim was a child it is annoying that a majority of the tag
minimoll7 · 1 year
Its becoming increasingly more clear to me that either the Invader Zim fandom doesn’t know or doesn’t care that Zim is canonically an adult because wow. All the ship art with him and Dib is astounding. Is zadf the ship tag? Because I’d like to blacklist that shit lmao
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xdibstinkx · 5 years
Dib Headcanons
I blame my obsession with Lemon Demon for this post
this is a long post I'm sorry in advanced
Before Dib met Zim, he was very obsessed with Cryptids (Mothman, Bigfoot, Skinwalkers, etc.) and he wanted to capture one of these Cryptids to keep as a pet (or for gruesome and gory experiments)
Kids bullied Dib in earlier school years because of his interest in the supernatural and he always vowed that he will prove them all wrong
Dib is apart of dozens of online forums and groups for paranormal and supernatural experts and while they all believe Dib, none of them live anywhere close to their town and most of Dib's physical evidence (photos) get destroyed by Zim before he can share them
Dib starts his own podcasts where we talk about all his research on aliens and whatnot. No one actually listens to it because y' know, everyone thinks Dib is insane so it's just him talking to himself for a couple of hours. It annoys Gaz ALOT
Dib really does love science but definitely not enough to follow in Professor Membrane's footsteps
Dib goes to college and majors in some type of science but still spends most of his time being an unprofessional professional paranormal investigator
He's literally the biggest Lemon Demon fan
Dib is super smart! He always has all As and did the best out of his whole class on math and science tests
When Dib gets older he dabbles in arson. Let's just say it was a bad idea
Dib has been diagnosed with insomnia by multiple doctors and he has meds he takes every night but ends up fighting the effect of the meds and stays up, most likely spying on Zim or doing a project last minute that was assigned weeks ago
Because of all the bullying, Dib received as a child and even in his older school years, he slowly starts to develop minor depression. It never fully develops into major depression but it does affect his research on Zim and his relationship with his dad/sister
Dib is a very messy and unorganized person. It's very easy for him to lose things like homework or class notes but when it comes to evidence, every single piece is organized by when it was taken/collected and hung up oh his wall with dates so he can easily pinpoint a certain event and determine the significance of it
this is more of a zadf headcanon shh. Dib and Zim will sometimes skip school and go explore abandoned and rundown places. Dib packs all his ghost hunting supplies and Zim usually just carries whatever he has on him at the time. Zim will purposely try and set off the ghost detectors to get Dib upset but sometimes they go off without Zim fucking around and they both flip out
Dib is a trans and bi man. When Professor Membrane was cloning himself, he made a mistake with gender chromosomes
When Dib did come out as trans, his dad and sister were very supportive! Gaz helped Dib to cut his hair and pass as a man while his dad helped Dib transition (getting binders, testosterone shots, and eventually top surgery!)
Dib's theme song is Touch Tone Telephone and it's the one song that he will BLAST really late at night, waking up Gaz and probably just keeping Professor Membrane up longer
Dib has a fear of pigs, walnuts, and moose (thanks Zim)
Dib has a whole collection of pins he likes to put on his trench coat. Many of them are pride and LGBT rights pins but he also has a bunch with ghosts and memes on them
Dib has had multiple sleepless nights, which most of the time end in him having a breakdown and crying. Because it's hard for Professor Membrane to communicate with his kids emotionally, there really isn't anything he can do to help
When Dib has nothing to do (which is rare for a paranormal investigator) he lets Gaz teach him to play video games because the only game Dib is capable of playing is Minecraft
The ONLY reason Dib is really good at Minecraft is that he wanted to be better at it than Zim so he can brag about all the diamonds he finds while Zim is still figuring out how to make wooden tools
People may think Dib has some social anxiety but he's very open and talkative! He always volunteers to present first in class and never stutters. We all wish we had Dib's self-confidence
Dib loves gore! He's definitely not afraid to brutally dissect a frog or an alien. Sometimes Gaz has caught Dib ripping apart an insect or some sort of amphibian (he thinks they represent alien organs the most) and wonder what's wrong with her brother
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