#also etho: i fear two things in this world and those are goddesses i've pissed off and iskall my mortal roommate
lockoutkey · 3 years
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honestly yea
Etho and Iskall are on their usual run for ramen and walk through the door when Etho sees her. Oh god, hes dead. Hes a god but he’s still dead. His manga can go to Doc and Iskall. Actually, it can go to charity. Neither of them would read it.
“We have to go." Etho says, grabbing his roommate's arm.
Iskall gives him a tired look. "Absolutly not. You dragged me here at 3am and we're not leaving without food. Grab a cart."
Etho is powerless. He has truely fallen from grace. What happened to the powerful god mortals feared? Where was that Etho. "Yes, Iskall."
He has no choice. The movement of carts got the attention of the two cashiers. There were two reactions. Anticipation from Martyn and annoyance from Lizzie. He rushed to escape their view, but there was only so much space to hide in the store.
Iskall watched his mad dash to the instant food isle. "Are you good? You're acting like you're being chashed by a wild bear."
"A wild bear? As compared to what, a domesticated bear? I want one." Etho sarcastically replied. He dodged Iskall's fist, hiding under the shopping cart handle. Jeeze, he couldn't catch a break.
Iskall swept the food off of the shelf. There was much less tonight. Perhaps they were buying too much. He put a few back, just in case someone else needed it. "Let's go, and look, there's someone new working for us to freak out. Wanna do the language switch?"
In the time since coming to Fantastico, they have learned there are different ways to mess with the workers. Both have no idea why they think they're some sort of weird creatures of the night, but take full advantage of it. Each one for different reasons. One of their favorites was walking up and communicating with the english on speakers in a different language. Iskall would ask if they would ring them up in Swedish and Etho would pick a random one each time.
Why Iskall didn't question how he knew so many, who knows.
Tonight, Etho will not be partaking in any hijinx. He was going to be killed, if not by Iskall for singing off key to musicals on the way home, then by Lizzie for his many crimes. "No, lets just get back and eat."
Iskall narrowed his eyes. "Who are you and where is Etho?"
Etho pushed the cart forward. "Why are you booing me, I'm right.
"Wrong meme usage, you fool." Iskall complained.
Etho set everything they needed to buy on the counter, purposfully not looking at the goddess glaring daggers at him.
"Did you find everything you're looking for?" Martyn didn't need to ask, but company policy.
"He's probably still looking for a solution to global warming. Or perhaps how to restore the the coral reefs?" Lizzie commented innocently.
Etho gulped. He couldn't even defend himself. Global warming was not his fault and he would continue to deny that. What mortal's did with his ideas was out of his control.
"Uhhh, what?" Martyn asked her. Oh, poor guy didn't know what he was getting himself into.
"Nothing, just giving a hypothetical. Thank you for shopping at Fantastico!" She grabbed a broom and stormed off. Oh no.
Martyn smiled. "Sorry, she's new. That'll be 17.50."
Etho looked at Iskall expectantly. There was a deep sigh as Iskall pulled his wallet from his pocket. "You need to get a job. I'm not going to fund your bad spending habits forever."
Etho put the bags in the cart. "You will."
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