#also enjoy this snippet! I CANT wait to see more of your work and I’m excited
snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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peakatseven · 3 years
🎸 happiness, because this song is my spirit animal lol
And if you'd like you could do these too, I'm super indecisive so I couldn't shortlist oops. You don't have to do them all, I'm just horrible at choosing:
🌕 across our great divide, there is a glorious sunrise
📖 +📜 I'm curious
Congratulations on 700!!
u gave me a reason to go back and review some of what i already wrote for this novel which comes in really handy the day before camp nano starts SOO thank you so much ily <3 i dont have my guitar with me rn so i cant do the cover just yet, im sorry, BUT i can do this:
here’s a lil snippet of my work in progress “Swing By The Lake”. I’m really proud of how this scene turned out even though i put off writing it for the longest time because i hate writing sex scenes. it’s not an actual sex scene, but it pretty clearly leads to that. kindda weird that this is the first thing that you’re gonna read from me because i NEVER write sex scenes but whatever it’s actually pretty significant to the plot because it’s the start of Charlie realizing how much she actually cares for Agustina which is just... *sigh* perfect
things u should probably know before this: charlie is a 17 y/o girl who’s vacationing in this beach town where she met Agustina, a 21 y/o photographer from Argentina who is also on a trip in this beach town. they’ve been hanging out at the cliff of the hill that separates each other’s houses for most of the summer, both at sunrise and sunset because that’s just what people do in the argentine provinces and its also romantic af. it also kindda fits the feeling of your writing prompt so its a win win! i hope you enjoy this :)
~ i’m celebrating reaching 700 followers!! so if u want to, you can send me some of these and ill do my best to create something cool for you! ~
Charlie opened her eyes after what felt like a few seconds. The room was still dark, but she was restless. Looking out the window, the moon shined full and bright over the still ocean. In a split second decision, she grabbed a sweater before heading down to the beach. With her shoes on her hand, she walked along the shore. The water ran up to her calf sometimes, a bit too cold when mixed with the fog that filled her lungs. Charlie wondered whether it was too late or too early to be out by herself, but there was no better hour to sort things out in one’s mind. If it was truly Noemi who had seen Charlie and Agustina together at the beach, why hadn’t she come to tell her parents already? Was she really going to keep the secret for Charlie without her even asking? It was hard to believe. Noemi must be up to something, waiting for the right time and way to say it. Or to gather evidence. But, why? Was there really a chance for Charlie to deny her accusations and get away with it? As all the possible—and impossible—scenarios came to her, Charlie collected pebbles from the shore, her long nightgown served as a great bag to store them momentarily. She came to realize that it was near impossible to be anxious or fearful in such a calm atmosphere. Alone in the beach, under the stars and surrounded by mist, touching the water while collecting stones. Silence only being interrupted by the ocean against her freezing legs. It was as if God tried to comfort her with nature. As she kept walking, there were more and more stones underneath her feet. So much so, that by the time she came to the end of East-Watch beach, it hurt to walk barefoot. Charlie got away from shore and sat on a stone at the bottom of the hill. The same one where she’d had breakfast with Agustina almost 24 hours prior. She put on her sandals and made a split second decision. It almost didn’t come as a surprise when she found Agustina sitting on the cliff, just like the time they were both there for the first time. The foreigner couldn’t see her, but she was most certainly aware of her— the stones bounced on one another as she walked. Charlie sucked in a breath and walked slowly closer to Agustina. She wasn’t sure if what she was doing was right, it was a much wiser decision to just leave and never talk to her again. Deny everything Noemi might claim once they were back home and forget that whole summer even happened. It was a wiser and safer choice. Yet there she was, hand over the lady’s shoulder, almost touching. “Why are you here?” She said without turning around. Her voice was cold, colder than the fog or the ocean. This one froze Charlie inside out. Silence. “If you are not going to say anything, you should just leave.” Charlie breathed in to speak, but her mouth didn't obey. She remembered the last time they were together and how abruptly she'd run away. Agustina had nothing to do with Noemi, she didn’t know how terrifying it was to see her at that beach. And to top it all, Charlie avoided her when she walked, probably the entire way, to The Saltbox Inn just to see her. What was there to say after hurting her in such a way? "I'm sorry doesn't cover it." She finally spoke, sitting down and leaving the stones just behind Agustina. She didn't turn, but her breathing was louder. Faltering. Charlie hadn't noticed from afar, but Agustina went there to cry. "Oh, Agus." She said as she sat down behind her and embraced her into a hug that wasn’t reciprocated. "I'm so sorry." "Why are you here?" Agustina's voice was weak, it broke Charlie to hear such a light-hearted lady like Agustina be in such pain. And it was because of her. "I couldn't sleep." "Why?" Charlie took in a deep breath. "The other day, I thought someone from my town was there and saw us." Charlie said, she rested her forehead against Agustina's hair. She meant to go for a kiss on the cheek, but she was turned away. "So you naturally pushed me and ran off." Agustina scoffed. Charlie was speechless. She hadn't really been thinking at the time. Hell, she barely even remembered what actually happened. "And
then you never came back or called. And then when I walked the entire way to your place… you saw me, and ran away as fast as possible. Again. Of course I'm sorry doesn't cover it." "But I am sorry, Agus, please tell me what can I do to make it better?" Charlie's own voice cracked a little. She felt awful for hurting the girl beside her, she'd done nothing but given her the best summer she'd had in years. "Charlie." Agustina sighted and covered her face with her hands, shaking herself away from Charlie's hug. They were still side by side at the cliff’s end, their legs lightly brushing against one another as they swung with the wind. But to Charlie, not hugging Agustina felt like they were miles apart. She sat back before speaking. "Come here, please." Charlie begged. Agustina lightly turned her head, giving Charlie a chance to catch those slightly swollen green eyes. In an attempt to lighten the situation, she grabbed one stone and threw it over the cliff. It bounced off of a stone and then made it to the calm ocean, which brought a hint of a smile to Agustina’s face. "Please." She offered another stone out to the Latina, who grabbed it and sat back and rested her back on Charlie. Charlie pulled her closer, just enough so she could hold her with both arms around her waist. The sun must have been rising at that moment, because Agustina's face lit up in all the shades of blue. She threw the stone over the cliff, but Charlie didn’t hear whether or not it reached the ocean. She was too hung up on how Agustina’s lips looked especially soft from the side, glistening with what remained of her tears. Charlie brushed her thumb over the lower lip as softly as possible. "I'm sorry." She whispered before going for a quick kiss barely on the side of her mouth. "I'm sorry." She repeated and leaned closer, asking for permission. Agustina slightly turned and that was enough. Unlike any other kiss they had shared before, this one felt like they were both savoring every second. They were both so depraved of the other that every moment, every move was sacred. "I'm sorry." Charlie whispered as she moved from Agustina's lips to her jaw, drying the new tears with her own lips. She kept apologizing in between her approaches. All she wanted was to make Agustina feel better. She did everything she could think off to comfort her. Charlie kept kissing every inch of Agustina’s exposed skin, staring into her eyes before going further— silently asking if it was okay to do so. Charlie let her body take over without giving much thought to her actions. They were soon enough throwing their clothes aside, condemning everything that dared come in between them. There was nothing Charlie wanted— needed— more than to be closer to Agustina. As close as humanly possible. She needed to take the pain she caused away. “Charlie.” Agustina sighed when Charlie reached her stomach. She used a tone Charlie had never heard before. It reminded her of the prayers sung at Church, delicate and desperate with a hint of fear. Charlie froze. “Is this okay?” Agustina let out an audible sight, caressing Charlie’s cheek with her fingers, softly guiding her to look up.  Agustina’s eyes were still a bit red, but they were also a slightly darker shade of green. “I-” She looked for the right words to speak. “You don’t have to do this.” “But I want to.” Charlie answered without missing a beat. She smiled shyly at the older girl, looking down as she soon realized what she had just said and what was about to happen. “But… I don’t know how…” She trailed off, resting her forehead on Agustina’s belly. “It’s okay,” She whispered. “I’ll guide you.”
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
drinny anon back again, i was vaguely productive yesterday but today i got to spend like a couple of hours waiting for an appointment in which nobody expected anything productive out of me!! so i got to finish faerie tales snd dragonflies AND start Slytherin Squad.
faerie tales was SO good, i absolutely loved their interactions there- ginny slowly starting to understand narcissa and eventually warm up to her with draco’s help was really nice. bu the BALL!! the ball had me so in love because i am a SIMP and ginny is very beautiful. but it‘s okay because draco was also a simp. and he kissed her!!! they actually kissed surrounded by fairies, that’s genuinely so romantic-
watching everything fall apart because of. all the lying. that was not very fun. did not enjoy (i was just feeling too much of ginny and draco’s pain.) the ending was so sweet though- i loved that fred and george helped draco make his romantic gestures. and the proposal at the end was... both coming full circle and just very very sweet. (even if the faeries were unnecessarily bitchy with the piece of strawberry cake.)
SLYTHERIN SQUAD!! i am absolutely in love with this story because ginny and draco are both very badass and i love seeing the slytherins together. it was a little disconcerting to have theo be a bouncy, incompetent kid because most fics i’ve seen so far have him as quiet, studious, and deadly, but it was interesting. the mix between humour and gravity in the story is absolutely perfect, honestly, because even the serious bits that could easily make me cry in another story are couched in humour and i want to cry just a little bit less. draco’s old mindset of ”if someone else fails me, at least it won’t be my fault” is one of those moments.
daphne’s original oh-so-fake reaction to ginny was wonderful, but i love her slowly getting closer to ginny. her wingmen-to-lovers arc with blaise is so sweet, i think i have a new trope i want fics in.
the squad’s interaction with yaxley before the trial-everything-went-to-shit was a huge mix of funny and sad for me- it was just all too clear that the squad was quite a lot of death eater. HATED seeing blaise get hurt though. only good thing about that is that with just blaise, daphne, warrington and goyle left, i actually felt comfortable that there won’t be major backstabbing. at least, i hope not.
i haven’t even talked about the drinny in there yet, but it’s just so good- them warming up to each other slowly and then all at once was so good. and the quidditch pitch and pushing each other into the lake and ice cream and then narcissa’s reaction to the article was just. so good.
oh, and the attack on the nott house in ireland was really nice. i mean, technically it went terribly, but it really showcases that the squad work together and work together well.
harry, hermione and ron in there... well. it’s weird. they’re pretty unbending, but not too unreasonable- and i see them being like that, it’s not like they’re exactly out of character. still, the fredmione thing made me double-take, i am stunned at how that happened even if fred survived the battle of hogwarts. the weasleys being The new leaders of the wizarding world is pretty funny, though, even if it’s just ron as Badass Auror, harry as head auror and hermione and DMLE head. a lot of clout in one family.
as you can see, i’m really enjoying this one- it really pulled me in and i’m so glad it’s a long fic (90k of this heaven? YES)
i cant tell you how happy it makes me to see someone discovering this ship and getting to read all the really good fics for the first time 😍 iM SO DAMN EXCITED FOR YOU ANON!!!!
i absolutely love how quickly you’re going théorie these rn and just having you tell me your thought process as you read these is making me miss this pairing sm! also it’s bringing back random snippets of fics i remember reading ages ago so hopefully i’ll eventually remember more recs soon
wingman to lovers lmaoooo love that 😂
also ya i get what you mean about theo- but i guess we never really got much out of that character in canon? so people just kinda went with the quiet stoic studious version- i love this author’s interpretation tho, and it suits his role in the fic 👀
some fics sometimes paint the golden trio as being these extremely unreasonable people which puts me off a story usually. o don’t remember it being the case in this fic but maybe i’m wrong? i especially hâte the ones where harry’s just this massive asshole- like i’m not a fan of harry but that’s just? so OOC?
but ya i only ever liked romione so it’s always a ride when i’m reading and BAM she’s being shipped with someone else lmao
but DRINNY IS THE FOCUS so it’s fine 😂
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hyeizwon · 3 years
(gp999 friend) hello friend!! I’m super sorry I’m late - I’ve actually been catching up with some friends from high school (some of which are watching gp999 as well lol) 😁 anyway I completely agree w this episode being lowkey pointless. They could’ve easily made the trips half the episode, shown the ranking for like 5-10 minutes, and then shown at least 1-2 performances instead of dragging out the rankings (the sports festival honestly should’ve been released before the other girls were eliminated). 😐 I enjoyed seeing the girls have fun, but w the finale coming so soon they should’ve definitely already aired the creation mission performances. I’ve also seen some people coming after dayeon bc they think mnet is now trying to push her, and I can’t lie that it felt a little weird that a group that didn’t have dayeon in it go to her house 😅 at the same time dayeon clearly didn’t know and after how ignored she’s been by mnet up until she got a lot of attention for ice cream, I’m glad she is being pushed, even if I’m not necessarily thrilled w the situation. I do think mnet is trying to take advantage of her current rising popularity to make her the #1 spot for the final lineup so that they’ll have a Korean center (since apparently there’s been some buzz about that) but I guess we can only wait to see what happens 😅 the current top 9 is actually one of my fave lineups so far - xiaoting, dayeon - rap; yujin, hikaru, and su ruqi - dance; shana, mashiro, Yurina and chaehyun - vocals. Plus I think mashiro and hikaru could rap, xiaoting and dayeon are obv excellent dancers as well, and su ruqi and yujin can sing (upcoming main vocal yujin for the first time!!!! ☺️)! So lots of versatility and I think they could do a lot of concepts very well! 💗 last remark I promise lol - cai bing dropping as low as she did shocked me. I think everyone expected a drop after the previous few episodes but to suddenly be in the red zone that quick was crazy 😬 even tho I wasn’t a fan of her I do think mnet should have given her more of a chance to talk and explain her thought processes while leading the salute team and working on the snake team (whether people agree w it or not can then be up to them). Anyways - what are your thoughts?? What were some highlights and also some critiques you had about the episode? This upcoming week will have some great performances - the snippets sounded amazing and I know the girls will kill it!! 😁✨
hi friend!! hope you enjoyed catching up with your friends :) yeah, while it was lovely to see them having fun and their relationship with their teammates (plus the eliminated girls again i was so HAPPY), voting closes a day after the performances will be aired for the first time? i wish they swapped the episodes around, so we still got to see it but not at the expense of seeing the girls actually perform
SAME it was really weird how they visited her house? i saw someone suggest they should of had a day 'working'/performing for customers in her dad's restaurant and then reveal it was dayeon's family who owned the restaurant at the end and i think that would of been a way better way to go around it if they wanted to do this. the worst part is dayeon never even needed the push, she was K1!! im also glad she's being pushed and the fault is 100% mnet's not hers :( i do think they def want her as centre as you said, which is weird bc the main problem theyve had with her is stage presence??
!! i also kinda love how balanced the top9 is right now and you're right, so many concepts would work with them and it's confirmed that this group will have subunits (i think this was said before the show started but its been a while so sorry if im wrong) and i think they would also split off very nicely for the concepts theyre the best at. cannot wait for yujin main vocal as she hasnt had a chance to fully show off her talent and she deserves it sm!!
cai bing's fall was really shocking because she was def out of the top9 but eliminated?? i thought for sure she'd scrape by to make finale but honestly i cant imagine any of the girls being eliminated, it hurts my heart to realise how close we are to the finale. i agree that they should of given her the 1 on 1 camera shot of explaining her problems with leadership and it sucks to see her taken out over something that she didnt even need to be good at.
im SO excited for the performances next week i cant wait to add them to my playlist!!! im most excited for snake bc i love the choreo from the small video we saw on universe, but im really surprised at u + me's styling? i thought it was a bright concept but...apparently not. i really hope that doesnt hurt that team and they all perform the best they can
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sscsldcp · 8 years
Something Rotten Tour: Previews
This is going to be a LONG post with a lot of notes from the Something Rotten Tour! I saw it January 14th and 15th in Schenectady.
If I wrote UPDATE, its something that either changed or I didn’t notice the first night but did in the next show
Welcome to the Renaissance: Instead of saying ‘and everything is new’ the minstrel said ‘whats a famous bard to do’
UPDATE: He was perfect this time!
It is so weird seeing the new ensemble, especially when two shakespeare understudies next to each other, because they look identical
2 ensemblists had to pull open the theater for the beginning since nothing is mechanic
Nick and Bea’s house is made of 2 different boards and a door, also brought on by ensemblists
MAGGIE AS BEA IS SO CUTE. Its similar to Heidi’s Bea but not exactly like her
During Right Hand Man, when she says ‘Then I’m your go to guy’ he does finger guns and when Nick said ‘You’re not a guy’ he does these half assed finger guns back
When she says ‘So don’t be a sexist pig’ she grabs Nicks collar, pulls him down to be shorter than her (she is probably 5-6 inches shorter than Rob), then puts him in a choke hold while she continues singing
Instead of flopping down on the bed, Josh kneeled down then crawled in a circle once or twice like a dog before settling down
AUTUMN. IS. GORGEOUS. Her Portia was adorable, although it sounds a bit forced
Bro Jerry was hilarious. He got so many laughs in places that didn’t get laughs before
Shylock was so funny. It is weird seeing someone who's younger (50s-60s as opposed to 78) in the role but he brought new life to it
Nostradamus is a mixture of Brad and David. Not quite as outgoing as Brad (nothing can replace Brad!), but very very funny
New shoes for A Musical!! No longer red, now sparkly purple and green!
UPDATE: the shoes changed because now they work for both A Musical and Bottom’s Gonna Be On Top, I’m assuming this was done to lighten the load of shoes needed for tour
Still weird seeing the set being brought on by the actors
I Love the Way was adorable as usual, I love Autumns singing voice, she reminds me more of Kate than anyone else
Autumn doesn’t say ‘IT’S A LETTER’ which upsets me deeply
Will Power was the same, except the stage, again, is dragged out by the leather boys
I am loving the new leather boys though (no one can replace the broadway leather boys, but for a tour cast I love them)
New Shakespeare Jackets! This one is a sparkly silver, similar to the last one, and the act 2 jacket is all gold and very shiny. Its basically the Sciottospeare jacket revamped
Instead of the ‘thanks for helping with my wood’ line, Rob screamed at the leather boys ‘WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!’ and they were so confused
Nick screamed off to Bea ‘IM GONNA BE A FATHER’ before he was alone on stage and did the usual ‘I’m gonna be a father….!’
Portia is wearing a coat similar to the blue one in I Love the Way in pastel green for the party scene
Before she falls over, she tried to sit on the bench, but someone was sitting there, so she stumbled around to the back and fell forward on to her stomach behind the couch instead of backwards
“CHESS. No wait that cant possibly work” was changed to “HAIR. That would just be weird”
Bottoms Gonna Be On Top had a few changes
In response to “Master Bottom you’re such a wonderful writer”, instead of saying “Why thank you”, Rob said ‘I can hear ‘em now!’
Instead of Lord Clapham saying “You’re the greatest” and Shylock saying “You da man!” Shylock says “You’re the greatest” and EVERYONE- Nigel, Bea, the Ensemble, and Shylock say “You da man!”
Hard to Be The Bard was pretty much the same, just different tracks did different things (I know a majority of the tracking at this point so I can say for sure things were changed)
In We See the Light, the male puritan carry in the benches while they all walk in singing ‘no no that won’t do’
Bro Jerry has 2 less puritans following him (he has 2 instead of 4)
UPDATE: Josh dropped the hat. He almost dove for it, but the throw was nowhere near him
Nigel and Portia didn’t dance during we see the light! I think it works because its supposed to be their dream, so when they danced it kind of ruined it. Now they stand in the middle of everything holding each other and its adorable
UPDATE: Dancing is back!
After Nigel goes ‘Let it speak for my soul’ he usually sits down at his desk and starts writing while the troupe comes in and then they start rehearsing. That was not the case.
After he said it the first time, the music changed and he said ‘Let it speak for my soul’ again, AND THEN “Sure as the day, follows the night, sure as the sky turns to blue, this much I know, this much is true, above all else in whatever you do, to thine own self be true” in a new tune
Then, Nigel wants to start with “The Princes Soliloquy”
Normally when the ensemble starts saying ‘this much I know, this much is true, above all else in whatever you do, to thine own self be true’ they do a soft shoe tap number with the music while Nigel watches. NOW- the music stops and they start singing a cappella, and Nigel joins in. Personally I am not a fan of this change
Update: I miss the tapping, but the a cappella this time was REALLY GOOD
To Thine Own Self is not really as much of a song anymore. It’s become more like arguing to music with the chorus being sung. If you saw previews its similar to that. I have most of the dialogue typed out if anyone wants it. Here is a snippet where there was a MAJOR change.
Troupe+ Nigel: “Sure as the day, follows the night, sure as the sky turns to blue, this much I know, this much is true, above all else in whatever you do, to thine own self be true” -
Nick: It’s beautiful but we don’t have time for this. I know, for a fact, that Omelette will be known as perhaps the single greatest play ever written 
UPDATE:  It drastically changed from Nick appreciating what Nigel wrote to him 
Nick: *screaming* ‘WHERE’S THE OMELETTE!?!?!?!?!?!?!??’ 
The ensemble also would put on jackets before they started on broadway, however there are no longer jackets
Shylock line change: He walks in and says “Nickkk you’re not selling any tickets…. BECAUSE YOU’VE SOLD OUT!”
New eggs and Omelettes! They seem MUCH lighter and I think the eggs are collapsable
Someone dropped their omelette tonight but was able to catch it
UPDATE: Omelette was a mess today. First, a piece of bacon nearly ended up in the pit. Then one poor guy had such bad luck with his egg. First his yolk undid inside his costume and went out the bottom, leaving him with 2 feet of fabric around his feet. He tried his hardest to tap but he nearly fell over because he was getting stuck in the fabric. Then, the egg shells on their head are magnetic, and I think their are multiple magnets (there is one on the side for like a piece of ham or a mushroom once they turn into an omelette) and his egg shell got stuck on the wrong magnet which ended up covering his eyes. At that point, the poor guy gave up and tapped off into the wings.
Court scene: ‘Exit Shakespeare!’ is followed by ‘Shakespeare’s leaving’ at which point everyone in the stands runs after him
Stage door: It was INSIDE which was amazing. Night 1 I met Rob, Josh, Maggie, and Adam. There were maybe 20 people in a nice calm line that night.
Adam greeted me with ‘Hi Sweetie how are you!? Thank you so much for coming!’
Rob greeted me with a hug and saying how it was so sweet that I came
Maggie is SO SWEET. I told her how I’ve seen it *just a few* times on broadway and she was like oh my god thats amazing, thank you for coming!
The next say stage door was MAD. There were probably 60-80 people there just mobbing the stage door. Adam, Rob and Josh came out again, and this time Daniel Beeman (my second favorite in the ensemble AND Shakespeare u/s), Kyle Anderson (my favorite in the ensemble and Nigel u/s, he took over Brian Ogilvie’s track), and Scott Cote (Brother Jeremiah) came out.
Daniel, Kyle, and Scott clearly were not planning to stage door and were shocked when they opened it to the mob that was there. Daniel was super sweet and signed autographs and took pictures anyway. As did Scott, who also appreciated that I thought he was the funniest Brother Jeremiah after I’ve seen the show so many times. However, Kyle really did not want to stage door. As soon as he walked out, he stood against the door and was like ‘OH MY GOD.’ He truly is Nigel, and he will make an AMAZING Nigel and I hope he replaces Josh once Josh’s contract is up. He signed a few autographs before he ran out. I sadly didn’t get to talk to him, and even though he was standing behind me I figured I should just leave him be.
I talked to Adam for a bit and asked if he got new jackets, which he confirmed and was very impressed that I noticed.
I waited for the mob to dissipate a bit before I talked to Rob, and once it did I asked him about the line changes, mainly ‘WHERE IS THE OMELETTE’. Rob said they asked him to try that in the show that morning (I saw a matinee, so maybe at 4 or 5 hours earlier). I told  him how with that line I can finally see Nick as a bad person, like you are supposed to. He appreciated that because that is what you are supposed to be thinking there.
I really love this cast, at leas those who I have been fortunate enough to meet. They are all such sweet people.
All in all, I enjoyed the tour. It is definitely not broadway, but it is as close as it could get. A lot of the changes help to clear up confusion that may have been there, and the rest make the show better as a whole. There are some things I miss from broadway, but this isn’t broadway, its the tour, so it is a good time for a change! If the tour is going anywhere near you I would definitely recommend going!
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to Part 12 I Won’t Stop You, Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: YES SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER OF I WONT STOP YOU I just cannot figure out what jk meant with the getting wet thing I FEEL SO STUPID I NEED TO KNOW
Hopefully this chapter helped you to catch on to the wet thing ;) hehe~ I hope you enjoyed it if you read it my darling! ^^
Anonymous said: I literally screamed when I got the notification that you posted Part 12 of I Won't Stop!!! Your writing is amazing!!!
Ahhh thank you so much babe! I really hope you enjoyed the new chapter ^^
@kawaiipotato75 said: You....you....I WONT STOP YOU IS SO GOOD IM DYING WHYYYYYYYYYYY(got so hyped for smut when, when it was a TO BE CONTINUED 😭😭😭😭😭😭) its so good omg i cant wait flr mext tuesday but omg my soul meeds help😭😭  ❤~
heheheheh~ I feel so evil ohmygod haha^^ BUT NEXT CHAPTER IS TO BE CONTINUED...so, can you guess what the next chapter will be 100% dedicated to? ;) Thank you so much for reading ^^
Anonymous said: It's so incredibly cute that Jungkook stocks his fridge purely for a sense of normalcy
I think so too ^^ It’s the part of him that desires to be human in the end. Even though he is a Vampire, he has always been curious and slightly envious of humans.
Anonymous said: aye its 2 am and iwsy part 12 is here tURN UP!!! -daisy
@ashrvyera said: Holy frickityfrack I've never wanted a week to pass so quickly. IM DYING FOR THE DEETS OF IWSY PART 12
Don’t worry~ Chapter 13 will be even juicier ;) Thank you so much for reading!
I am an evil person and I admit to this. a 100% tease and I love to play c: But don’t worry, the next chapter will hopefully quench your thirst ;3 I love you too! Thank you babe ^^
@what-just-happened-help said: Eek!! New chapter of I Won't Stop You was so amazing!! But what was with that cruel cliffhanger?! I'm honestly dying over here~ On another note, I'm really interested in how the story will continue, because you seem to have big things planned plot wise!! I'll be happily awaiting next tuesday, keep up the good work and don't stress! Love you~
Thank you thinking it was amazing! And, I do apologise for the cruel cliffhanger - but to make up for it, the whole next chapter will be dedicated to what you’ve been denied in this chapter :3 And yes! I have a lot of big things planned...I hope it will be shocking, surprising and exciting! Thank you for reading my love, and I’ll keep working hard to write good stories! I love you more :D
@seokjinaf said: I WON'T STOP IS SO GOOD I LOVE OT SO MUCH YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD WRITER ❤😭 (cont.) I won't stop you* oops lol
Thank you so much baby! I’m so happy you like it ❤ ❤ ❤
Don’t worry! Things will continue right where they left off in Chapter 13~ ;) GOOD, IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO KNOW YOU’RE THIRSTY ASF NOW c:
JUNGKOOK’S GONNA SHOW HIS DING DONG. DAISY. I’m fuCKING CRYING OH MY GOD I LAUGHED SO MUCH AT THAT HAHAHA~~ I hope you managed to get back to sleep my love >< Thank you so much for reading it and I hope you’ll enjoy the next ;)
@minty--suga said: i am,,in love with the last chapter of i wont stop you,,,,thank u for blessing us
Thank you so much my love! I’m glad I could make you happy with it! ^^
Anonymous said: Ahhhh you cant leave me like that ughh i fucking love this whole serie 😍😍😍 So its obvious that the next chapter is also a smut chapter ;)) Btw you are an amazing writer so keep writing!! :)
You’re not wrong ;) Thank you so much my love, I really appreciate that! Have a wonderful day!
@jaypark5 said: To be continued..... I cry 😢😢😢😢😢 From joy and sadness that I have to wait 😢
Don’t cry my love! This chapter was just a teaser for the main event in the next one ;) Thank you for reading!
@audreymv said: You're such a tease man. Like boi I lOVE IT. Jungkook is about to get it on and it is my favorite thing. I am just falling for this story even more. Like I love Smut and you write it well. Like this Fanfic is going to kill me
You’re right, I am an absolute tease~ I hope to make the next chapter as intense and detailed as possible :3 Thank you so much for reading it dear! ^^
More sexy stuff will continue in the next one c: That was just a little snippet of what is to come! Thank you so much my love :) I hope you have a great day!
@darkmoonmary said: *having difficulties with breathing, the cause being I Won't Stop You Part 12*
*resuscitates you* stay strong for the next chapter! I think you might like it~ Well, I hope you will anyway :3 Thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: Why just why did you have to nd it like that 😭 You're such a tease,now I have to wait for another week for the next part.I can't wait to see what happens next😏Anyway thank you and congrats on getting more that 1,000 notes for the previous part😚
I apologise for the amount of teasing I love to do~ heh ^^ Thank you for reading it my love, and I hope you’ll enjoy the next part! And thank you for telling me, I had no idea! I knew that my first chapter of this series hit 1k so that made me really happy because it let’s me know that you are all enjoying it ^^ Thank you so much! :D
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IM SO DEAD. IM LITERALLY SCREAMING INSIDE! I WONT STOP U 12 IM DEAD. WHY DO U DO DIS TO ME T-T! Anxiously waiting for 13 IWST smut, ehehe *smirks* BUT DAMN GIRL IM SO DEAD! IM SO INTO THIS FIC TYSM! Have a good week! Xoxo <3 ~Yuno
Hello Yuno! I’m so glad to know that you’re liking the series my dear ^^ It makes me really happy!! I hope you’ll enjoy more sexy stuff next week c: I hope you have a great week too lovely! ^^
Anonymous said: Damn woman, that girl needs some lovin asap - wedding anon
I need some lovin WHUT YOU TALKING ABOUT *whispers incoherent words about being so fucking sexually frustrated* tHANK YOU FOR READING my lovely wedding anon~
Anonymous said: I'm really glad you've built up y/n's and jungkook's relationship in i won't stop you instead of just being like "yeah, these people are just gonna fuck" like most writers would do
Thank you so much for appreciating the time I’ve taken to build up a backstory and their relationship! I personally don’t mind when people jump straight into the whole smut thing - but this is more my style. Especially when writing a story and creating characters for people to hopefully relate to in some way!
AAAAAAAA I’m so glad it could make you scream heh~ Thank you for reading it despite screaming on the train :3 I hpoe you’ll enjoy the next chapter too, panda anon!
Anonymous said: OMG IM JUST I...I...I IM JUST SO LIKE....*dies*
It’s okay, I feel your pain *hugs*
Thank you so much my love ^^ I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: "[...]you were extremely thirsty." Ahahaha wellp. We probably all are with this cliffhanger. Omg sara, what is happening?? XD love the story as usual! Excited for the next part for no special reason at all. Hahaha <3 -unnianon
Hello unnianon! Thank you for picking up on the double meaning to that sentence ;) And yes! For no reason at all...*wiggles eyebrows* heh ^^ Thank you so much for reading my dear!
I’m so happy you enjoyed it :3 I’ll keep working hard and thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: FUCJSHADBDHSOSUDCTVSOAHA SARA WHY YOU LEFT IT HANGING LIKE THAT! I swear 'I Won't Stop You' will be the death me! Jungkook isn't even my bias and I feel so wrecked right now..... good job by the way
Because I just wanted to get you all riled up in preparation for next week’s chapter c: Thank you so much for reading dear! ^^
THAT NEW CHAPTER WAS SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD. I'm so happy Jungkook and her finally stepped it up 💕💕 great work as usual
Thank you my darling :3 I’m really happy that you’re enjoying it ^^ And yes! Finally they are accepting their feelings for each other and showing it in the process :3
Anonymous said: BRUH. CAN IT BE NEXT TUESDAY ALREADY OMG. I cannot express in words, how much I FREAKING love this story! I feel like in a way, the girl relates so much to my personality, that when I read I Won't Stop You, it feels even more like it's me T.T cuz yenno sometimes when you read fics, it doesn't totally feel natural cuz the character may do things differently than yourself. BUT DAMN. This girl is TOTALLY ME LOL. I've been trying to read less smut (lol) but wooo IM SO READY FOR THEM TO GET IT ON AHA
I’m so glad she’s very relatable to you. Honestly, when I write stories - I do often project myself into them with all the characters involved. The things Y/N does are things that would be close to how I would do or react to in real life ^^ So we must be very similar heh~ I’m really happy you’re enjoying it, and I hope you enjoy the future chapters too :3 Thank you!
Anonymous said: i DiEd fOR goodNesSSSs sakE... Can't wait for next week's chapter :)
Please don’t die, that would make me very sad :c Thank you my love!
NO DYING IS ALLOWED BUT SCREAMS OF PAIN AND PLEASURE ARE WELCOME~ lol thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it :3
Anonymous said: I usually don't like Vampire Stories and avoid fanfics BUT YOUR WRITING is *so* good I can't even. I wish I could put my thoughts on your writing skills in such beautiful words like you do it but all I can say is UGH. Everything is so detailed and well described so that I can see a clear picture in my head but with enough space to add my own things.You're honestly just amazing. You should become an author or sth like that.. (IWSY IS MY NEW LIFE AND I HATE THE CLIFFHANGER IN PT.12)
I’ve had a few people say to me that they usually don’t like Vampire Fanfics, so for you guys to read mine despite them not usually being your cup of tea makes me feel so amazing, you have no idea :) I appreciate that you notice the detail I put in! I want to create an entire scene in your head of the world I have imagined - with like you said, enough room for you to imagine smaller details too. Maybe one day when I am even older and even more bitter (if that’s possible) I will become an author :P heh~ Thank you so much for reading my love! I hope you’ll enjoy all the sexy stuff in the next chapter, too ;3
Anonymous said: GIRL YOU CANNOT JUST LEAVE US HANGING LIKE THAT 😫😫😭 We need the Jungkook sexy time
I give you my oath that in the next chapter, Jungkook sexy time will be delivered~ Heh^^ Thank you for reading!
@coppertopging said: I need a drink... do you have any holy water available?
*gives you an entire bucket of holy water* only if you share with me~ c:
Anonymous said: aaaa ive been waiting for p 12 of the vampire au :(
I posted it last night! If you have already read it, I hope you enjoyed it my love! ^^
DON’T BE SORRY FOR YELLING C: I’m glad it’s making you feel a lot of things :3 Thank you for reading it and I hope you’ll enjoy next week’s chapter too! ;)
Anonymous said: Don't u have to, like, stop writing i won't stop you for a while just to breath or something cause GURLLLLL that last part was sexy af
Hmm, usually I just imagine it all in my head and write furiously :P I really live in the moment when I write it and write accordingly to what’s happening in my mind! The problem occurs when I read it back and I feel my cheeks burning or I feel some type of way if you catch my drift haha~ Thank you my love for reading it! ^^
I’m so sorry for the cliffhangerrrrrrr ahh :( But truth be told, it WAS running on too long for a single chapter. And the smut I have planned is very detailed. And I figured it needs a whole chapter of its own :3 I hope you’ll enjoy it! And thank you for reading this chapter, too :D
If there is one thing you should know about me, I am a hellish tease. Always have been, always will be. In every aspect of my life :3 I hope you enjoyed the chapter, despite being denied :P But next chapter will hopefully satisfy your needs! hehe~ Thank you for reading my dear :)
@lucas-is-mine said: (1)Jungkook,Yoongi,Tae said she special and here comes my theories :p Maybe bc she has some connection with vampires, possibly her parents death was caused by them,she likes to bite,maybe she's not human and doesnt know yet. I like to guess (2)what you mean behind some senteces that you wrote. About the last chapter i was screaming when it finished like that but i can survive another week and im really excited for the next part. Thanks for your effort! :)
Ooooh look at you with all your theories :3 I actually love it when people tell me what they think will happen! But of course, I’ll never say whether you are wrong or right :3 Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you’ll like the next chapter ^^ There is still a lot more to unfold in the story, so I hope it will make you keep guessing! ^^
I’M SO SORRY I APOLOGISE c: But hopefully you enjoyed it despite the denial :3 I promise you that you will get what you want next week with the next chapter that I post! :3 Thank you so much for reading my love :)
Anonymous said: ya kno the moment i saw the warning you put in the beginning i knew shits bout to go down I WENT LIKE AYYYEEEE MY BOY FINALLY GOING IT AFTER HUNDRED OF YEARS BOY GET IT (same for the oc like GET THAT DICK GIRL) before clicking BUT I WAS WRONGJSDFSBGJBHNA WHAT DID I DO TO MY PAST LIFE TO DESERVE THIS LETS SKIP WEEKENDS AND GO STRAIGHT AHEAD like seriously this fic makes me excited for tuesday actually nO TUESDAY IS MY FAVE DAY OF THE WEEK NOWGHJFSBGKJSG
GET THAT DICK GIRL LMFAO I’M SCREAMING RIGHT NOW! I’m sorry for teasing you terribly~ But, next chapter will hopefully make up for it :3 I’m so happy to know that I can make you look forward to Tuesdays! Thank you for reading my series and I hope you have an awesome day darling!
Good things come to those who wait, you little vixen! Hehe~ I hope you’ll enjoy all the sexy stuff :3
@kpop-everythings said: 9-10pm on Tuesdays UK time automatically means Wednesdays in Australia. Wednesdays are the magical days in which I am blessed with Vamp!kook
Ahh yes because you are 12 (?) hours ahead of UK time, right? I’m glad I can bless you with VampKook :3 Thank you so much for reading my series darling! ^^
Anonymous said: Holy shit. I won't stop you. Is this it? Finally? The smut we've been waiting for?! Ohmfjgosh!
It’s the beginning of the smut that will happen throughout the next chapter! There will ALSO be more smut scenes in future chapters too~ Don’t worry my love - I plan on feeding you well :3
IT HAS ARRIVED AND I HOPE YOU’LL ENJOY IT :3 Thank you so much for reading lovely :)
I’m glad you came off anonymous to tell me! :) heh~ I’m so happy you love the series so far my dear ^^ I hope you look forward to the next chapter! ^^
Anonymous said: Hiiiii omgggg I've been following your Jungkook fic obsessively and I have to say your latest update had me on edge! Can't wait to see what comes next. You are doing work of the gods please keep it up <3
Hello dear! Thank you for reading it since the beginning ^^ It makes me so happy that you are enjoying it! Work of the gods heh~ I don’t think so! But I’ll keep trying to do my best :3 Have a great day babe!
@callmessam said: 'Over, and over again.'   This cliffhanger though! I need answers. What is your expression when you wrote this whole chapter, not to mention the cliffhanger? Cos I can imagine you smiling evilly, knowing this is a torture for us 😍
You’ll just have to wait for next week to find out those answers :3 But I hope you won’t be disappointed! I DID kind of have an evil smile on my face when I ended it with that cliffhanger :3 I apologise for all the teasing! But hopefully its pleasured torture in the end~ heh^^
@eatjinma said: I just want to say that I won't stop you is genuinely the best fic I have read. I'm so in love with it. KEEP SLAYING GURL ;) kisses from England
Ahh thank you so much my love! Thank you for reading it and enjoying it :3 I’m also from England yay! ^^
Don’t worry my little dear~ I will feed you all very well next week! :3 Heh~ Thank you so much for reading it! I hope you enjoyed it ^^
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gay-salt-amber · 4 years
How Fallen Leaves, Breeze Pelt and Jay Feather got together (Human AU)
Some of these may seem like little snippets from their lives but I hope that's alight -w-’ 
Warning: Incest *kind of since in this au Breeze is adopted* Boy x Boy, my AU, Jay Feather likes wearing dresses cause they’re non binary and they don't give a fuck, Swearing, make-out sessions and hickeys
Also the pov’s will change from time to time!
Jay Feather pov-
Ever since a few moons ago, me and Breezepelt have been talking more and getting along a lot better. Sure its taken a while to get here but, we’re comfortable around one another now and now he doesn't hiss every time he sees me. Right now, I am heading to the Wind clan border to chat with him for a little while, now why am I doing that? Well, he’s a nice relief to see whenever I’m on break and since him and I have similar personalities, he’s a good person to talk to when I need to vent.
Once I reached the border I scented him near, I walked closer to the scent and waited, then I scented him near by, “Hey Jay!” He greeted, using my nickname to address me.
“Hey Breeze.” I greeted back, making a waving motion with my hand.
“Wanna go on a walk for a while?” He asked as he stepped over the border, ‘The questions for that are gonna be fun..’ I thought as I scented him over the border.
“Sure as long as you doing do anything stupid.” As I spoke I heard him chuckle,
“You know me, of course I wont.” I smirked as we started walking,
“Sure you wont.” 
As we kept walking we just chatted for a while I scented a patrol coming near us, It was a Thunder clan patrol but I could tell who was on it right away. I could tell Breezepelt scented them too.
“Are we gonna hide or are with gonna be dumbasses and stay out in the open?!” I snapped, after I spoke I could tell Breezepelt was likely looking around for somewhere to hide before the patrol got closer,
“There's some tunnels over there, lets hide in there till the patrol leaves.” 
But I know one cat would catch us, just not the same type.. 
When we entered the tunnels, I felt at ease again and not worried about the patrol. It was nice being back here, in a way. I then tried to scent out Fallen Leaves but he wasn’t around this part of the tunnels, ‘Maybe he’s near one of the holes and looking out?’ I thought. While I was discussing with Breezepelt if the patrol was gone, I heard my name being called,
“Jay Feather?” It took me a moment but I soon recognized the voice of Fallen Leaves and stood to walk over to him.
“Its been a while hasn't it?” I greeted as I walked closer to him.
He let out a chuckle, “I suppose so.” 
While we were talking I completely forgot about Breeze Pelt who was sitting just a few inches away, I didn’t mean to, shit just happens.
“Uh, Jay who is he?” Breeze Pelt asked from behind me,
I turned around, “This is Fallen Leaves, he’s a good friend of mine.” But I could tell that answer only left him more confused,
“How do you two know each other?”  I could tell Fallen Leaves would be ok with me explaining it, and I don’t think Breeze Pelt would fail to keep a secret.
Fallen Leaves chuckled, “Do you want me to explain or do I have to?” 
“I can, thanks for the offer though, I guess.” 
I then started my explanation in the most dumbed down way I could think of, “I am reincarnated from a cat named Jays Wing, back when this dipshit was alive,” I motioned to Fallen Leaves before continuing, “We knew each other, now that I am reincarnated and he’s stuck down here, we got close.”
“Honestly not the most bad-shit-crazy thing that you have going on.” Breezepelt said, 
“I mean you’re not wrong.” 
Once I sat down with Fallen Leaves next to me, Fallen Leaves spoke, “Oh, I never got your name.” 
“My name is Breezepelt.” 
“Oh! Now I know who you are, great to meet you.” Fallen Leaves then scooted over and shook Breeze Pelts hand,
“Also Breezy, don’t tell anyone about the reincarnation thing, and or about Fallen Leaves cause I don't wanna have that talk today.” 
I could sense Breeze Pelts smile, “I wouldn’t tell anyone, don’t worry about it!” 
We started talking more, Breezepelt talking about Wind Clan, me bitching about the dumbasses in my clan and Fallen Leaves trying to keep me sane. It was nice with the both of them here, they were the only two cats that I felt comfortable around. Then the conversation transitioned to me,
“Hey Jay, what kind of clothes do you like?” Breezepelt asked,
“Uh, anything I guess..”
“Don't you like dresses a lot? I’ve seen you down here when you come to visit me, and you wore a dress a few times.” Fallen leaves point made me embarrassed, 
I felt the blush growing on my cheeks, “Yeah, I guess. What of it?!” 
“We ain’t gonna judge you on what you like to wear, don’t worry about it.”
After that we went back to normal conversation, such as how much Millie annoyed me and Breeze Pelt even talked a bit about his Dark Forest training and how oblivious Tiger Star was to Dark Stripes crush on him. And we just had a good time.
Breeze Pelt then stopped talking, “It seems to be night time already.” 
When he mentioned that I finally noticed the cold night air biting at my skin, “I guess it is.”
Me and Breeze Pelt both stood, “It was nice meeting you, Fallen Leaves.”
We started walking out of the tunnels when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, “Can you guys come and visit more often? It just gets lonely down here..” Fallen Leaves murmured the last part,
“Sure we can. I normally don’t have much work on Fridays so I can drop by then.” 
“Same here, we’ll visit you every Friday if that's ok with you.”
“That is perfectly fine!” 
After saying our goodbyes, me and Breeze Pelt walked back to the Wind Clan border, 
I let out a rare chuckle, “That was probably one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.” 
“I can tell, and hopefully you’ll have nights like it soon enough.” 
When I thought he left, I started to walk back, I heard him speak again, “Wait..” I spun around and he planted a quick kiss on my cheek. 
“You can go now.” He then walked away leaving me a blushing mess.
“See you later, I guess..” I muttered under my breath. I then started to walk back home. When I reached the door, I opened it and walked into the kitchen for some dinner that Leaf Pool seemed to have made.
“Oh Jay Feather you’re back late. Did something happen?” Bright Hearts voice rang out after I sat at the table to eat, 
“Not really, I just didn't know how late it was.” 
“Oh alright, good to see you’re back in on piece!’ Then the scent of my former mentor drifted as she left go to her room.
I let out a sigh and continued to quickly eat the food that sat infront of me. It was only then that I really noticed how tired I had become. Once I finished my food I went to my room and screamed into my pillow, my cheeks burning. ‘Why did he kiss me?! What was that dumbass thinking?!’
“Why did I like it..” I whispered
Fallen Leaves pov-
It has been a few weeks since Jay Feather and Breeze Pelt came to visit me the first time. I do enjoy our visits and their stories are funny and I enjoy hearing them. But something seems off with Jay Feather.. He blushes a lot more often, he stammers a little bit too. I shrugged it off since I may just be over reacting, but I cant help but let that question run around in my mind.
I sat at the cave entrance, watching the sun rise while I stretched and tried to wake up a little bit. Jay and Breeze Pelt don’t normally visit on days like this so, I just sat and daydreamed, like I did often. Before I knew it, I was asleep.
Jay Feather pov-
When I awoke I just sat, thinking about that kiss again. I have been thinking about it for WEEKS! ‘Do I love him..?’ I asked myself, ‘But I love Fallen Leaves too! What the hell..’ I'm surprised they haven't caught on, I have been blushing like crazy around them.
I a bag and headed out of my room, down the stairs and to the kitchen to make breakfast. Despite the fact that I am blind, I can cook pretty well.
“Morning Jay Feather.” Leaf Pool greeted
“Morin’.” I greeted back and went silent as I continued to make some waffles.
Once I was done, I ate quickly and walked out the door. I had to talk with Fallen Leaves. When I got to the tunnels, I took a breath before I stepped in. When I got inside I could hear Fallen Leaves’ soft snoring, ‘He must be asleep.’ I smiled with love and walked closer to him. 
When I touched his skin it was pretty cold. Due to how cold the tunnels get, its to be expected. My bag was big so I had a blanket in it for emergencies or if I just needed it. So I pulled it out and put it around Fallen Leaves’ sleeping body. I didn't want to disturb him so I got out my phone, put in my earbuds and listened to a audiobook while I waited for the ghost tom to awake.
Fallen Leaves pov-
When I awoke I felt warm. Which I knew didn’t come from me since I’m dead and don't have body heat. I looked down and saw a blanket wrapped around me. ‘I don’t own a blanket..’ While I was trying to figure out where it came from I looked to my left and Jay Feather was sitting there peacefully, with earbuds in and relaxed.
“Jay? What are you doing here?” He didn't here me at first then they must have noticed I was awake and spoke,
“Oh, what were you saying?”
“I wanted to know what you were doing here.”
“Oh right...” He paused, moving his hear infront of his face, but the color of his ears could show that he was blushing.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Their voice was quiet and nervous which concerned me.
“Ask away, I’m all ears.”
“Uh well... I'm kind of conflicted..
“I love you and Breezepelt!” They blurted out, their words shocked me, but at the same time, I felt relief.
“Call Breeze Pelt so we can talk about this together, okay?” I said softly. 
“Alright.” Jay Feather then got his phone out and called Breezepelt and told him to come down to the tunnels.
Breezepelt pov-
After the call ended I walked down into the tunnels and saw Jay Feather and Fallen Leaves quietly talking, quiet enough to the point where I couldn't hear it.
“What's going on here?” I asked as I started to walk closer to them
“Oh! Come sit, please.” 
“Alright?” I was confused since this was quite unusual.
“What did you wanna talk about?”
Jay feather then started to speak, “I uh..”
‘I love both of you..” Those words made me blush furiously, Jay Feather their head in their hair which led to Fallen Leaves letting out one of his adorable laughs,
“I love you both too.” He said looking at both of us,
“Yeah, I love you both too.” 
Jay Feather lifted their head and the blue, blind pools they called eyes were bright, “Really..?” 
“Mhm.” Me and Fallen Leaves both hummed out in unison.
Fallen Leaves then jumped off from the little ledge that he was relaxing on and walked over to Jay Feather, with me scooting over to be by the both of them. 
“Thank you, I love you.” They said to the both of us.
“We love you too.” We both said.
While we were flirting talking to each other, Jay Feathers phone buzzed, “Fuck my life..”
“What's up? Did that Fern Cloud have more kits or something?” Fallen Leaves joked,
“Surprisingly not. I Just have an all night shift. So, I should get going, sorry I couldn’t stay longer.” Jay Feather then stood up, I turned to Fallen Leaves, we must have been thinking the same thing, he nodded and we stood up with our new mate. 
“I’ll see you later then.” Fallen Leaves said giving them a kiss on the lips, with me next to the ghost tom kissing Jay Feather’s cheek. We stepped back and Jay Feather’s face was as red as a Death berry.
“Y-yeah..” They then gave both of us a kiss on the lips and walked away. 
Jay Feather pov-
When I walked into the Medicine cat room, Leaf Pool instantly noticed me, 
“What happened to you? You’re as red as a Death berry.”
“Nothing, nothing at all..” 
“Alright if you say so.” 
-About half an hour later-
Work was going at a decent pace so Lion Blaze and Briar Light popped in with coffee to keep me awake. Then Briar Light whispered in my ear, so nobody else could hear, “Me and Lion Blaze know about your relationship and we fully support you.” I was about to respond but she wheeled away in her wheelchair. I blushed from embarrassment and took a sip out of the coffee... It was burned.
I calmed down and went back to work sorting herbs and just keeping Leaf Pool company, then I got a call, “I need to take this I’ll be back.”
I answered and heard Breeze Pelt’s voice on the other line.
“My mom knows.” 
“Knows what?” “About the relationship.”
“I mean, is she supportive?” I asked
“Yeah, does anyone know in Thunder Clan?”
“Just Briar Light and Lion Blaze, they’re supportive though so I don't mind.” 
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, yes?”
“Sure, I’m free tomorrow.”
“Alright I love you.”
“I love you too, see you soon.” I then blew a kiss and ended the call. 
I then turned around to scent Briar Light near by, “Damn~” 
I hissed  “Shut the fuck up.”
“You really are whipped for him and you’ve only been together a few hours.” She teased
“Not like you and Dove Wing are any better.”
“That's a low blow.” she murmured.
I smirked, pulled my long hair back into a ponytail and walked back into the medicine cat den.
-A few hours later/the next day-
It was finally the end of my shift and all I wanted to do was go into the tunnels and collapse onto Fallen Leaves and Breeze Pelt. 
“Oh Jay Feather are you going out? I thought you would want to go to your room immediately?” Leaf Pools question sent a shiver of anxiety up my spine,
“I'm just going out on a walk to relax, I’ll be fine.”
I grabbed my bag and walked out the door and carried my tired body to the tunnels and when I scented Fallen Leaves it was like a weight off my chest.
“You look tired, did work wear you out?” 
“Mhm..” I murmured as I sat down next to him,
I could feel him smiling as he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer.
“Here, get some sleep you need it.” 
“Thanks.” I said before I drifted into sleep on Fallen Leaves’ shoulder
Fallen Leaves pov-
When they was asleep I moved them to lay on my chest so that they were more comfortable while we waited for Breeze Pelt. They started to shiver a bit so I grabbed the blanket that they left here and wrapped it around both of us.
I sat there with a smile gleaming ear from ear as I ran my hand through the sleeping cats long blue hair, they were beautiful.
“Hey.” I heard a soft voice greet, I turned to see Breeze Pelt. His black hair was dirty, more then likely from a patrol. I smiled and called him over.
Breeze Pelt quietly sat down next to me, "They asleep?” 
I nodded, “Yeah, out like a light.”
Breeze Pelt gave a loving smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I let out a quiet purr as I held his hand and laid my head on his shoulder.
Breeze Pelt then reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a book and started to read. I read bits and pieces, but I generally wasn’t not interested. I just kept my eyes on the sleeping medicine cat in my lap.
-About 2 weeks later Jay Feather pov-
I was sitting in the kitchen when I saw Dust Pelt walk in, then I had an idea. You see, Fallen Leaves always talked about how he wished he had a home of his own and I know Dust Pelt can build anything, so I wanted to know if Dust Pelt could build him a house but in the tunnels. Obviously it would need to be VERY flood proof but I know Dust Pelt could pull it off.
“Dust Pelt! Get over here, I need to talk about something!” 
He walked over, pulled out a chair and sat down,
“Yeah? What's up?”
“So you know where the tunnels are, correct?”
“Yes, I believe so, what of them?” 
“I have a friend who lives down there, and they we’re talking about wanting a house.”
‘“And you want me to build them a house in the tunnels, correct?” 
“Yeah, how much do you wanna get paid?” 
“I’ll do it for free, all you  got to do is get all the furniture and all that and then we got ourselves a house.”
 “Alright, thank you, also don’t tell anyone about this, I don’t wanna have that talk with anyone.”
“You’re secret is safe with me, Jay Feather.” 
“You may wanna distract your friend for a while if this is going to be a surprise.” 
“Yeah, I was planning on it.”
“How many days do you think it’ll take?” 
“About four weeks, maybe.” I nodded at that answer,
“Alright, thank you.”
When I was done talking and discussing the tunnels with Dust Pelt I walked up to my room and called Fallen Leaves, “Hey Jay, what do you need?” 
“Well, I was curious, you know how you talk about wanting a house?”
“Yeah, I do, what of it?”
“What would you want in a house?”
“Well uh.. Just basic stuff, a nice kitchen, a decently sized living room and just a bedroom that can hold all three of us, I guess.”
“Alright thanks, love you.” I said then I ended the call.
4 weeks later, Breeze Pelt pov-
When I woke up I saw a text from Jay Feather from about 2 minutes ago saying, ‘Get down to the border, bring your car with you too.’ I found the text kind of weird but, I did as they asked. I got dressed, grabbed a piece of toast for breakfast and drove to the border where I saw Jay Feather. 
I rolled down the window, “Hey get on in.”
Jay Feather nodded and hopped into the passenger seat, “So where are we going this early in the morning, babe?”
“So you know how I told you once that I had Dust Pelt work on a house for Fallen Leaves?” I nodded,
“Well I wanted to go get furniture for it, since it is fully built.”
I smiled, “Sure, we can do that, bu-” Before I could say anything I saw Jay Feather whip out a cup,
“Here's your Dirty Chi coffee.” 
“You know me too well, Jay.”
A few minutes later a timer went off, I read the name of it before Jay Feather turned it off it said, ‘Moon Pool meeting.’ 
“Why’d you wanna get furniture on a day you medicine cats had to go to the moon pool?” 
“Because missing one isn't the end of the fucking world, also Yellow Fang would just yell at me anyway,” They paused before adding on, “And we also skip gatherings all the time to hang out together so, its not much different.”
“If you say so.” I chuckled before going back to singing along with the radio, which made Jay Feather smile.
Jay Feather let out a chuckle and started singing along with me, I thought I was going to die at that wheel honestly, their voice was so sweet when it came to singing. “You’re voice is beautiful.”
Jay Feathers face lit up like a cherry blossom, “N-no its not, you dumbass.” 
I smiled and quickly planted a kiss on his lips before turning back and focusing on the road.
-When they got there-
“Time to figure out what Fallen Leaves likes.” I sigh
“Well, here I have a list of stuff he likes when it comes to furniture.” Jay Feather then whipped out his phone and opened the list
Jay Feather showed me the list it went as follows:
Darkish colored things are ok, but preferred pastel, light colored stuff
Anything soft he will love
He wants a good size kitchen for the pure reason of me having a good place for cooking whenever I visit
Wants a good size couch for cuddling and a fuzzy carpet
A shower/tub hybrid
A comfy bed, a king or queen because he wants cuddles
A few bookshelves for Breeze Pelt
A desk so that Breeze Pelt + me and get work done if we want to go there and do our work there
Get some stuff that me and Breeze Pelt like so it feels even more homey
“Now we know what we need, that's good.”
Jay Feather nodded in agreement “Yeah.” 
It didn’t take long to get much of the stuff he wanted, it actually took a shorter amount of time then I thought. Once we got the last thing we needed (A TV) We paid we used my dads credit card, because fuck him. We got the stuff into the car and headed to the tunnels asap. 
-When they got to the tunnels- 
We got there when Fallen Leave’s was still asleep so we started moving stuff into the house as silently as possible. It took a minute but, we still got everything inside and hooked up and ready for him to see. When we went into the bedroom, I spotted a box near the door,
“Hey did Dust Pelt tell you he was leaving something here?” 
“Nope, why?” 
“His name is on this box.” I pointed out and opened it, it was full of little nick knacks, like photo frames, salt and pepper shakers, movies that Fallen Leaves said he liked, and more importantly, there was a a few more boxes next it, I opened them and they were 3 laptops, one for each of us I guess and a printer in the other one. On top of the one with the printer was a note that said, ‘Don't try and pay me back I wanted to do something nice for you guys- Dust Pelt’ 
We set them up in each one of our rooms and set the printer on a table out in the hall that connected our rooms (with a walk in closet too but that doesn't matter.) 
Jay Feather was on the other side of the room, putting flowers in vases and doing smaller stuff like that. “Didn't you say you had a plushie ordered for Fallen Leaves?” 
“Yeah its on the bed.” I looked over and it was a cute little bear holding a heart with a feather and wind symbols on it.
“You made a good choice.” I said.
Fallen Leaves pov-
When I awoke from my nap I was being shaken awake, “Wha? Is something going on? Why are you shaking me?” I rubbed my eyes and saw Breeze Pelt and Jay Feather infront of me, 
“Its nothing bad, just take my hand and close your eyes.”
I do admit I was curious what these two had to show me, I grabbed Breeze Pelts hand and closed my eyes, Jay Feathers fingers interlocking his hand with mine with my eyes closed which I thought was kind of cute.
After walking for a few moments, I was tapped on the shoulder, “Open your eyes, Fallen Leaves.” I did what Jay Feather said and opened my eyes to see.. A HOUSE?! Was that a house?!
“Oh my gosh.. How did you manage this?”
“Jay Feather set it all up, I just helped with the inside.” Breeze Pelt chuckled.
“Come on, lets go inside.” When we went inside I noticed that there were stairs, so I went down them, which led into the main house, I looked around, at the kitchen, at the living room, at everything. On the next floor was the bedrooms, which looked absolutely amazing! Every part of this place was incredible. From the beds to the photos of us on the wall, everything was just how I would want it.
I felt tears well up in my eyes, “Hey Fallen Leaves, you ok?” Jay Feather asked before I hugged them and Breeze Pelt.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” 
“You’re welcome.” They said in unison as they both kissed me.
-A day later, Jay Feather pov-
After the house was built we agreed to stay the night. Breeze Pelt had to leave earlier then I did because of warrior duties and all that shit. So I stayed and me and Fallen Leaves at breakfast together. Once we were done I took our plates out to the kitchen and started washing them. I thought I heard Fallen Leaves enter but his scent was nowhere to be found so I let it go. 
I then felt some ones hands around my waist and lips on my neck, I was about ready to say something then Fallen Leaves started to bite and suck on my neck, which made the words I wanted to say before come out as a gasp. I quickly whipped around and kissed the ghost tom, quickly kissing him roughly and basically had my legs wrapped around his waist. Neither of us wanted to let go for air, “Wanna continue this in the living room?” I panted, all I needed was a ‘mm’ and off to the living room we were.
We didn't waste any time getting onto that couch and full on making out instantly, neither of us seemed to stop our tongues from exploring each others mouths'. We were desperate to touch each other, even when our claws found themselves sinking into the others backs, the pain of the claws only turned me on even more and we kept going,
“Aw, started without me I see?” It was Breeze Pelts voice, deep and rough as usual.
Fallen Leaves broke the kiss and motioned him over to the couch,
He sat behind me and left even more hickeys and bite marks all over my neck and claw marks all over my back. And I was making out with Fallen Leaves in the process. I don't mind being in the middle, even though they know I can top the both of them, I like being in the middle too though. 
After about 15 minutes of the same thing Breeze Pelt muttered, “Wanna switch with me?” I nodded and switched with him quickly. I grinned as I left hickeys and bite marks all over his neck and a bit on his shoulders. I started to claw under his shirt causing him to moan and his breathing to hitch. Then Fallen Leaves crawled to move onto Breeze Pelt’s lap he broke the kiss between him and Breeze Pelt, ‘Seems me and him have the same idea..’
I started kissing Fallen Leaves like before, but to add onto the fun Breeze Pelt started running his hands down Fallen Leaves’ chest, starting to leave claw marks which caused Fallen Leaves to moan and gasp which just gave me more room in his mouth to explore. Once Breeze Pelt started leaving hickeys and biting on Fallen Leaves’ stomach, oh did he moan loud and it was like music to our ears.
--Not writing a smut cause I cant write 3 ways just yet, but just imagine they fucked :>---
 a week later-
Thunder Clan has come quite close to finding out, I’ve been coming back with hickeys a few times and a limp once or twice. But I didn’t really care. I even started sneaking out every night, sleeping at Fallen Leaves’ house and coming back to perform my medicine cat duties. The only times my room was used is if I really couldn’t make it and just needed to crash, which wasn’t often. I was about ready to do the same thing tonight when,
“Jay Feather? What are you doing up so late?” Leaf Pools voice rang out from the kitchen door
“Going out.”
“You go out every night, just tell me why. I wont tell a soul.”
“So you know how you asked where I got all those fucking hickeys and shit?” 
“Yeah I do. that was a funny chat.” Leaf Pool laughed
“Those were from Fallen Leaves and Breeze Pelt.”
I hear Leaf Pool spit out something, more then likely water. Good thing it didn’t get on me. “I didn’t know you were in a relationship!” 
“Say it so the whole clan can hear you, why don't ya?!”  I hissed,
“Sorry, sorry! You’ve just never struck me as the romance type!” 
“The fuck does that mean?!” 
The older medicine cat skipped over my question and sighed, “You’re secret is safe with me, just, be careful ok? Don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“I’m not you mom, I wont run away and get pregnant.” 
I could tell she was hurt by my comment but did I care? No. 
On a patrol, Lion Blaze pov-
I was on the late night patrol with Thorn Claw, Berry Nose and Toad Step, Nothing special was happening, just re-marking the borders, and chatting like old friends do. Then I could pick up Jay Feathers scent near the tunnels which didn’t concern me. But it did concern the people on the patrol.
“I scent Jay Feather.” 
I played dumb, like I didn’t know (you don't know shit anyway so), “I cant pick up the scent.”
“Lion Blaze, I love you, but you’re a fucking idiot.” Toad Step murmured 
I let my head down in sadness, “I know.” 
“Lets go and check-” I cut Berry Nose off,
“No! I’m sure they’re fine!”
“If you’re so sure, then there's nothing wrong in making sure you’re right.” Thorn Claw pointed out.
I know Jay didn’t want the clan to know so I quickly said, “Fine I’ll go in with Thorn Claw, you guys wait out here”  The other two nodded and we walked down into the tunnels that me and Heather Paw used to run and play in, and now the tunnels where Jay Feather spends their time with their boyfriends.
When we reached the house the porch light was on and this was the first time I ever saw it up close, Dust Pelt did a good job. But I couldn’t stare at it for long, “The doors locked.” Thorn Claw groaned, “But Jay Feather could be hurt so,” He then pulled out a bobby pin from his pocket and started picking the lock till the door was open. And we were soon inside the house.
As we walked in I couldn’t help but be in awe on how nice it looked, it looked better then the whole Thunder Clan house! Every item there was probably cost more then my net worth to be honest. But sadly we’re not here to admire furniture, I’m here because Thorn Claw wants to check something that I’ve already confirmed. “Their scent leads in to that room.” 
Breeze Pelt pov-
The room was filled with light snores of Fallen Leaves and Jay Feather, as they slept under the orange and white covers. Even though the pillows were perfectly fine they used my body as a pillow instead. I was relishing in the peacefulness with my back against the bed rest, a pillow propping it up so my back won’t hurt after, and enjoying a nice book. With a small light illuminating the pages my eyes were glued to, I didn’t notice at first that there were noises out in the hall. But when I did I had a feeling I knew all to well what it was.
I wanted to investigate by my want to keep the two on my lap asleep, I decided to ignore it and go back to my book. Then I heard the door open, and in the doorway I saw a Lion Blaze who craved death and Thorn Claw who just looked confused as fuck.
“What in the..” Thorn Claw murmured
Lion Blaze started to rub his neck “I tried to stop them, Breeze Pelt, sorry.” 
Thorn Claws eyes widened, “You knew?!” 
“Yeah, that's why I said Jay Feather was fine.”
Jay Feather then started to wake up, “One of you better explain why you woke me up before I turn your spine into a PEZ dispenser.”
I laughed, “Thorn Claw must of thought you were in danger, so he rushed down here since Lion Blaze couldn’t stop him.” I explained
“Both of you two dumbasses need to get out of here before the only thing that will be seen of you is your head.”
“Ok  bye!” Then they ran out, with the door slamming.
“Heh, good job.”
“Shut the fuck up and lay back down.”
“Alright then.”
When they awoke later Jay Feather pov--
When I woke up, I saw that Breeze Pelt and Fallen Leaves were still asleep. I softly smiled and checked my phone, I had multiple texts and voice mails.. What the hell happened?! I sighed, got on some pants a shirt and a jean jacket. I walked to the kitchen while I did my hair to make them breakfast since I would probably have to leave after we eat. So, I ended up making fruit pancakes and coffee. My phone kept blowing up, telling me to head home,
“Jay Feather, are you heading out already?” Fallen Leaves asked as he and Breeze Pelt exited the bedroom
“Yeah, medicine cat duties are a pain.”
I could hear them both walking over to me, “Well, I’ll see you soon.” Breeze Pelt said, planting a kiss on my lips Fallen Leaves soon followed suit and did the same thing, “I love you.” I said to the two toms.
“We love you too.”
I opened the door and walked out and out of the tunnels, I brushed the soot off my pants and went back to Thunder Clan. When I entered through the back door of the medicine cat room, I could feel Leaf Pools gaze lock onto me,
“There you are!”
“Why was my phone spammed with messages?”
“Well I wanted to talk to you about something, come sit.”
I did as my mother said and walked over to her sat on a stool, “What’d you wanna talk about?”
“I am going to give you the week off if you promise to go to the next medicine cat meeting.” My eyes lit up at her words. Spending a whole week with those two?! That sounds like pure Star Clan.
But I tried to keep it cool by just saying, “Sure, sounds good.” I checked my phone and saw it was Monday. 
“Go get packing.” She chuckled.
‘This was gonna be a fun week.’
END (non story stuff under cut)
Hello! This is my first fanfic on here! It seems easier to navigate so I may start uploading more fanfics here. I will also probably make a part two if people want it. If you want headcanons just ask for them. Any hate for this post will not be tolerated and I will delete and or block anyone who tries to give me non constructive criticism.  ~🏳‍🌈 Amber
0 notes
My First
I failed my driving test. 
That was in the fall of 2017, I was a senior in high school. All of my friends were getting their licenses and cars while I was stuck being a passenger. The woman who failed me thought I wasn’t confident enough. Like damn, can’t even be nervous without being penalized these days huh? She failed me for the most ridiculous shit. But that has nothing to do with the story I plan on telling. 
A few weeks before my eighteenth birthday I tried again. This was something I needed to do before I turned 18. Giving up wasn’t an option. There was no way I wanted to retake my written if I didn’t pass before I was considered a legal adult. The guy who tested me this time? He was fine as hell and now that I think about it, I was supposed to text him when I turned eighteen. I lost his number, sadly. But that also has nothing to do with the story. I want to tell you the story about the first guy I-
-’ve always been cheap. I was ten when my aunt was going to get a new car. I convinced her to save her old car for me so that when I started driving I wouldn’t have to buy a car. By the end of the summer of 2017, my grandpa fixed up the old car and I was all good to go. Free to go wherever I wanted. I no longer had to wait around for people, waste money on lyfts or walk. So naturally, I took myself on adventures. 
One night, against my better judgement. I lied to my mom and said I was going to hang out with my friends. If I would have told her what I was really going to do, she would’ve gone into over protective mode and I didn’t want that. I just wanted some time to myself. I drove over the bridge and into Philly. Not for a concert or any other event. I just wanted some me time. I parked my car. Got oreo ice cream and sugar cookies from Insomnia Cookies and walked around the city. 
Not going to lie and say I knew exactly where I was at all times. I wasn’t even guaranteed that I was safe, I wasn’t focused on my surroundings. All I know is I was somewhere around Broad Street, because that’s where Insomnia Cookies was located. I came across this huge, gorgeous building, I’m not very good at names. Everything was lit up and there was art on the sides of some of the buildings surrounding it. There was even a fountain in front of it all. The scene just looked so beautiful. I walked across the street, hopped up on a ledge and just took it all in. It felt serene, even with so many people flooding the sidewalks. I sat and continued eating my snacks, I was enjoying clearing my head. Until someone interrupted me that is… 
“Hey.” I looked up to see a cute guy. There were a few girls not too far from me talking. It was the beginning of August, late at night but still pushing eighty degrees. Of course they were clad in clothes that left nothing to the imagination. I figured he was talking to them. Guys like the ones who look easy. He couldn’t have been talking to me. So I went back to dipping my cookie into my ice cream and admiring the scenery. I didn’t really acknowledge the fact that he moved a little closer to me. He said hey again and I finally looked up at him directly, before looking around. He laughed a little. “I don’t blame you for being that into ya snacks. I love their shit. But I’ve been trying to get your attention for a minute.” Yep, he’s definitely talking to me. I was confused as to why though. I get hit on by guys pretty often, I know I’m not ugly but with him talking to me, I felt extremely insecure. Suddenly I wished that I had dressed a little better. I looked like a child for fucks sakes. I was wearing a gold fish shirt, black tights, a hat that said “Hoodrats” and Chucks. I was even swinging my legs off the ledge, eating ice cream! 
He introduced himself as Dey. I wanted to know the name his mom gave him so I asked him for his full name. Ayinde. Pronounced Uh-zhen-day. Unique. It has African origins. He told me that my name was almost as pretty as I was. If I were white, I definitely would have blushed. I didn’t understand why he made me feel so shy. 
 I learned that he was mixed with Irish, Haitian and Cuban. Interesting mix, I know. Despite his slight baby face, he turned out to be 20. He was tall, about 6’1. He had taken his hat off to redo his ponytail, he tied his curly, brown hair back into a man bun. He was light skinned with a slight tan. Doe brown eyes paired with the cutest smile. He was dressed in all black, I would’ve been a little concerned if it weren’t for the logo on his hat. I could see a tattoo peeking out from under his short sleeved shirt. Just my type. 
I was tired of the small talk and beating around the bush. “Why’d you come over here to talk to me?” Instead of replying, the douche just smiled and then hopped up on the ledge next to me. It was weird. I was supposed to be having me time, if any other guy did this I would’ve been rude. I wouldn’t have given them the time of day. I wasn’t even afraid, Ayinde strangely made me feel safe. Something was telling me to give him a chance, instead of shutting him down. 
“Well, I was on break, I work across the street.” He points to a small cafe. “I saw you walk by and… I don’t know I thought you were beautiful. Now that I’ve gotten closer, it seems so effortless. No make up and you’re not even dressed up.”
Shit, I have no clue what to say to this. He’s been nice and respectful. “Thank you.” Well, that was lame but it was safe. We talked more before he had to go back to work. He was funny as hell, we both had the same rude, dark, sarcastic humor. He complimented me pretty often and he seemed kind of bummed that he had to leave once his break was over. 
“Why don’t you grow some balls and just ask me what you wanna ask me.” I thought to myself, I should be a fucking actress. I’m great at faking confidence. 
He laughed and just smiled at me for a second. “Well, I would like to get to know you more. Can I get your number?” 
You know when you give someone your number, you almost expect them to wait days or weeks to text you. Surprisingly, Ayinde texted me that night. 
AYINDE: hey beautiful, u get home safely?
ME: Oh shit, I see u found ur balls! 
AYINDE: lol yea yea yea. I know I was acting like a pussy earlier but that’s not how I usually am
AYINDE: FT me? I haven’t seen u since we met punk
ME: No I look crazy rn 
AYINDE: Is tht even possible? I think you’re cute af
ME: aww thanks but everyone’s entitled to their own insecurities
AYINDE: Ig but that’s y u need me 
ME: wym?
AYINDE: to take away your insecurities
ME: Doubt that’s possible 
AYINDE: try me
ME: entertain meee! I’m bored, stuck at my great grandma’s house :(
AYINDE: I literally just woke up, still in bed
ME: Luckyyy, my head’s fucking killing me
AYINDE: wish I could help
ME: me too lol do u have superpowers? 
AYINDE: no, do u?
ME: Nah I’m not tht awesome 
AYINDE: I think ur pretty awesome
Ayinde and I got closer over the next month. We hadn’t actually seen each other after the first time we met. He worked crazy hours and still had school. I worked everyday and had school as well. Plus, I wasn’t completely comfortable meeting up with a guy I didn’t really know. He understood that. He always made sure I was comfortable before we did anything. He eventually convinced me to facetime him… a lot... and when we didn’t he acted like a big baby.
ME: u happy now?
AYINDE: lol no
ME: y not -_-
AYINDE: I got nothing pretty to look at now
ME: whose fault it tht?
AYINDE: idk. Do u kno?
ME: Lol yea ik
AYINDE: tell me 
ME: yours :P
AYINDE: well if u came over we wouldn’t have this problem
I was a very late bloomer. I knew freshmen girls who got pregnant, meanwhile I hadn’t had my first kiss until I was 16. I didn’t start dating until 17. I was a fresh 18 and I was still a virgin. I waited a while to tell him because I liked him and didn’t want to scare him off. But he surprised me, I learned that he wasn’t like other guys. Most guys only want you for one thing. And that’s to get them off. Not all are gonna be lovey dovey when you’re not putting out. 
ME: I hate being a girl. I think my uterus just exlpoded. Im dying
AYINDE: Aww u can’t die yet, I havent taken u out yet
ME: wut do u want from meee
AYINDE: I told u what I want 
ME: hmmmm
AYINDE: i didnt? 
ME: u could have an ulterior motive
AYINDE: lol what? Ayo y cant I just think ur gorgeous and want to get to kno u, find out who u r
He was very protective of me. Anytime I even looked a tiny bit sad or sounded off, he was ready to beat someone up for me. 
AYINDE: ur awake? 
ME: Yea just woke up on some bs 
AYINDE: u good?
ME: yea im ok lol
AYINDE: u sure? I’ll fuck someone up
ME: lol yea im good now
And as the oldest, always looking out for my little brothers and my friends. It felt good to have someone looking out for me for a change. 
ME: I move into college tmw nd I aint pack shit yet
AYINDE: ur bugging
ME: Pack 4 me?
AYINDE: lol ill pass
ME: my back hurts like all hell, some of this shit is heavy
AYINDE: what u carrying…?
ME: 4 one, I hav a lot of clothes, they add up nd I had to take em downstairs
AYINDE: lol whoakay wittle wone
ME: fuck u, this shit weighs more than me! I almost fell down the stairs!
AYINDE: thts cuz ur like 87 lbs
ME: Aye! Give me my props, im like 120
AYINDE: lol i see u killa
I fucking loved when he called me that, made me feel invincible. 
Despite how it seems this isn’t a love story. This isn’t a memoir about me finding my first love. Bleh. That’s so sappy. I want to tell you about the first time I stepped out of my comfort zone. You’ve experienced a snippet of our relationship. Ayinde and I were never together. We were just people who met at the wrong time. Had too much going on in our separate lives to focus on developing a relationship. But it didn’t stop us from pursuing the unique friendship we had. For years we maintained contact, I’d visit him pretty often but we always kept our distance when it came to personal things. We used each other as escapes from our realities. We were each other’s vacation after a long week. 
One night we were hanging out and things got more heated than they usually did. I wasn’t prepared to take the next step with anyone. No worries, I’m not about to make you uncomfortable and talk about how I lost my virginity because that isn’t the point. Before I say anything, I did have a great childhood. But some things did leave me scarred, I struggled with intimacy as a result. To make a long story short, it makes me self conscious, not something I’ll flaunt for the whole world to see. 
I’m the type of girl who will wait until the bathroom is empty to change my pad or start going to the bathroom. If it’s too busy, I’ll wait all day until I go home. In the locker room, I’d find the farthest corner or wait until all the girls leave to change my clothes. I’m not comfortable being alone around men. I used to clench my pocket knife in my hand when I walked home alone at night. The list goes on. 
The point of this memoir is to tell about the first time I felt completely comfortable in my own skin. Let alone, around a guy. 
They were everywhere. Trailing from my neck and back up against mine. His lips were distracting. I could barely focus. Let alone notice that the both of us were wearing less and less clothing by the minute. I stopped. 
I wouldn’t be able to handle him not liking what he saw. What if I did a bad job? What if he stopped talking to me?
“Do you want me to stop?” Ayinde pulled back from me looking concerned. He looks so cute right now. I kind of wanted to pick up where we left off. 
“Ye-No. It’s just, can you turn the lights completely down?” He liked his room dim, not too bright or dark. It was normally perfect but at that moment, they were making this situation turn into a nightmare.
“Um, why? What’s wrong?” He’s still hovering above me. I didn’t really want him to move. I bit my lip, contemplating. 
“Just don’t look at me any differently. Okay?” I pulled him down by the back of his neck and kissed him hard. Hoping that my issues with myself wouldn’t be a big deal, I’ve never gone this far with anyone. 
When the time came. I held my breath. Okay, I see my pants on the floor near the dresser. My shirt is near the door. I was locating my clothing so that I’d be able to leave quicker. I’m not really one to feel embarrassed but this was going to be borderline humiliating if I wasn’t enough for him. This reminded me of how I felt when I failed my driving test, but I wanted to do this with Ayinde. I didn’t want to quit just because I hadn’t grown the balls to show anyone else. I didn’t want to miss out because I was nervous as to what he might think. I had to at least give him a chance. 
What Ayinde did shocked me. Instead of being grossed out or losing his hard on. He didn’t ask any questions, he didn’t say anything. He kissed every part of my body and when he was done he leaned down to kiss my lips. I was worried, about him seeing all of me, for no reason. He wound up giving me the confidence I needed to be comfortable in my own skin. He told me what I needed to hear from a guy that I was into, not my parents: 
“You’re beautiful.”
And just like that... I didn’t have anymore insecurities. 
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