#also don't. don't romanticize this or anything k? thanks
dimonds456 · 9 days
animatic i'll never finish
Book of Bill spoilerssss, cw physical/psychological torture
I also put it below the cut in case you can't/don't wanna click the link(s)
(also also if you wanna do something with this just gimme a tag, I wanna see fgshdj)
Credits. We see Ford alone in his house; in his study; walking down the hall; approaching the front door with a crossbow.
Don't mind the noise outside the door It's just a phantom, nothing more
Ford ducks his head out of the house, looking around for something he thinks he heard.
No need to give yourself a scare When you glance and no one's there
Once he's confirmed nothing's there, he shuts the door and sits up against it, breathing weirdly. Then, we see a Bill-shaped shadow moving around the room with him, though he doesn't notice.
I don't wanna have to hurt you
Ford takes a breath, then stands back up
It's not your fault, I felt his rage Just a child about your age
Flash back to the science experiment gone wrong, except it's wrong. Stan is actively ripping into the machine. The camera pans out to show it was Bill telling him this; the visions were in his eye the whole time.
But something drives me to this place I can see him in your face
Ford looks doubtful. He knows that's not how it happened, but instead of confronting the realization he was wrong about Stan, he chooses to keep it buried. He keeps going down the hall, towards the living room.
You'll never know the hell I've seen
He collapses on the chair, exhausted. His eyes slip close... then snap back open again. Uh oh.
Don't fear what's coming We can't fight off the urge inside
Bill, possessing Ford, basically prances through the house. He heads over to the secret door and punches in the code
It's dark and you're afraid of The devils that come out at night
He goes down the elevator, making it to the portal room. It looms ominously over him.
Let's make this easy
He pulls up all three journals and aligns them
Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
Bill is looking at Ford's six-fingered hand (the implication being he's talking about the people who made fun of Ford before)
No need for sleep tonight Sweet dreams are overrated
Bill pulls the lever, but the portal flickers uncertainly. He shakes his head, then heads back to the desk. He grabs sticky notes and a pen.
Ford wakes up in bed, finding a sticky note stuck to his face from Bill. He's confused, reaching up to grab it, and we see that his knuckles are bruised. Concerned, he gets up and heads to the kitchen. He makes himself a mug of coffee, downing it pretty fast, then glances back at his hand. It fades to a shot of the hand being bandaged up. Ford slips one of Fidd's gloves over it, then frowns, a mix of concerned and scared.
I'm just a whisper in the void No one's there, you're paranoid
At the diner, Ford is trying to order something, but he's clearly anxious. His foot is bouncing, and he keeps glancing at all the people around him warily.
I'm just a trick of your own mind
The people all become shadowy. They turn to look at Ford, yellow, slitted eyes gazing at him unblinkingly.
Blink your eyes once and you'll find I'm just a ghost inside your head
Ford slams his eyes shut. When he opens them, everyone is looking at him, but in concern now. it'd been a hallucination from Bill. Ford gets up as the waiter comes over with his order and guns it out of there.
Don't fear your fate that soon arrives
Ford's sitting on the floor of his study, hands on his head. He's breathing heavy.
It's a deadly lullaby
He looks up to see dozens of Bills watching him- drawings and other decor HE put there.
You'll be with us very soon Another spirit in the room
The bathroom. He's looking at himself in the mirror, noting the deep eyebags under his eyes. One could say he looks dead.
Take your place among the lost
He's alone. He's all alone and there is a demon in his head who wants him to end the world.
Don't fear what's coming
Bill again. He's possessing a bunch of zombies this time
We can't fight off the urge inside
Ford snipes him hell yeah
It's dark and you're afraid of
Ford gasps awake, finding ANOTHER sticky note.
The devils that come out at night
He slaps it on the bedside table next to a BUNCH MORE.
Let's make this easy
Ford pushes furniture in front of the secret door, even though he knows that won't do shit. it makes him feel like he's doing SOMETHING
Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
He downs an entire pot of coffee someone help this man
No need for sleep tonight
His heat has turned off. He's huddled in the living room, where puffs of air appear when he breathes- harder now.
Sweet dreams are overrated
He's fighting sleep so fucking hard right now
We see a montage, but centered around Ford as the camera spins around him. He's looking up, watching his world spin, then is falling. He catches himself on the kitchen table, downing more coffee. He stumbles back to his feet, before Bill circled around him. Sticky notes, sticky notes, sticky notes. There's hammers, the Memory Gun, the crossbow, various other weapons (all pointed at Ford), before the camera spins just right to point at Ford head-on again. Now, he's holding a VHS. He bends towards the camera and slips it into a VCR
You can't wake From this dream
Bill is taunting him. Ford grabs the edges of the TV in panicked anger.
No one will hear you screaming
Ford throws the VHS into a fire.
So hold on For the ride
Bill takes over forcefully. The world goes black around the two of them.
I'll take you with me tonight
PAIN. Pain, pain, pain. Ford falls.
This nightmare This prison
Bill floats in front of him, almost gloating, but moreso just upset
Inside the suits we live in
He grabs Ford's shirt collar and yanks him closer
Don't fear me Together
Bill suddenly lets go. He drifts backwards, throwing his hands out.
We'll have sweet dreams forever
Close-up on his eye. He looks excited to the point of being unhinged.
Ford sits bolt upright, hands immediately going up to his eyes. They're still there. He stiffens, sorta going numb. After a moment, he drags himself to his feet. He heads down to the basement, grabbing the journals and a postcard. He scribbles something down, then heads out. He drops the postcard in the mailbox, then puts Journal 3 in the ground.
Don't fear what's coming We can't fight off the urge inside
Bill in possession of Ford. He opens the front door and steps out into the snow
It's dark and you're afraid of The devils that come out at night
Ford wakes up, but he's on the roof of his house. He panics, falling to his knees to prevent himself from sliding off. He's breathing heavy, and finds himself pulling another sticky note from his coat pocket
Let's make this easy Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
Bill is holding a hammer. He positions a nail right above Ford's hand. He raises the hammer, then brings it down.
No need for sleep tonight Sweet dreams are overrated
Ford is holding his hand close, bandaged as best as he could, and he's shaking BAD. But, he's also tossing around a bunch of Bill-related shit. The bags under his eyes are designer.
Don't fear what's coming We can't fight off the urge inside
Ford with the crossbow. There's been a knock on the door. He looks wild and unkept. He grabs the handle and opens the door.
It's dark and you're afraid of The devils that come out at night
It's just Stan dw. Ford yanks him inside and checks his eyes.
Let's make this easy Soon you'll haunt these beasts you hated
They head downstairs to the portal room.
No need for sleep tonight Sweet dreams are overrated
Ford shoves Journal 1 in Stan's hands, and Stan gets upset. We know where it goes from here.
The fight starts, though it's portrayed in still images. Around them is the interesting part. We see Ford's initial deal with Bill, the good times, the laughs, the vulnerability, before it turns into the horror we know it as today.
(Sweet dreams are overrated)
Notes. More things from this animatic. Journal pages. TRUST NO ONE. It devolves into paranoid screaming, basically.
[Music box]
Stan shoves Ford into the portal. It's caught in slo-mo, with Ford assuming he's going to die here. After all, *Bill's* on the other side. This lasts about halfway through, before it snaps back to normal speed. Ford's gone. Stan can only look up at it, before reality snaps back. He runs to the lever, but he can't pull it. Ford's gone.
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Hello! Can I pls request headcanons for BTS members crushing on female reader who is a friend of their friend. Like reader and they are not close friends but they have mutual friend. Members ended up falling in love with reader and gets jealous when reader is close with their mutual friend.
I know it's very specific 😅 you don't have to write them if you don't want to. Thank you anyways ❤️
hi, tysm for the request! i am a lil rusty on headcanons but i do hope these suffice. no gendered terms or pronouns used! <3
[bounced ideas off of @the-boy-meets-evil & @hot-soop for this. thank you both!]
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bts with a crush on a friend of a friend
he's ✨ a w k w a r d ✨
torn between wanting to hang with the group & see you vs. never wanting to go out in public around strangers
the urge to see his crush wins out and that's when everyone else figures him out. not subtle at all.
also way too awkward to snoop for info. your friend makes one reference to you and seokjin's entire body turns red. rip
absolutely plays off his jealousy as a joke
attention back on him, please and thank you
a one-upper to the extreme ("oh, you liked that recipe? well guess who gave it to them" even tho they're not talking about food anymore); mortified when he thinks back on it later
actually pretty direct imo
i think he'd straight up just tell you/your friend he's into you and wants to see where it goes
just sort of shows up whenever you're hanging out with your friend
also invites you to things one-on-one, doesn't give a shit
probably not all that great at dealing w his jealousy tho
not in a shitty way? just more withdrawn
disappears into his work
he's an aquarius man luv good luck getting shit out of him
intensely private and protective of this crush
blows his cover tho bc he gets the giggles. he tried
fidgets! fake laughs! "oh ha ha it's totally cool you and your friend have plans, wouldn't want to intrude!"
and then immediately leaves to go work on something and lies about why he left. it was NOT because he got moody out of nowhere! wtf! why would you ask that!
why is this guy always excusing himself to the bathroom
would probably let this go on for years if left to his own devices
number one jealous guy but thinks he's too enlightened for it
"i don't feel entitled to them/their attention and don't think i own them, so how can i be jealous"
meanwhile he's brooding in a corner doing that jaw clench thing
breaks stuff on accident bc he's too busy analyzing how close you're sitting to your friend and every facial expression the two of you make
sends book/music/podcast recs over insta dms bc he thinks it's too forward to ask for your number
would then keep up this ruse months into proper dating bc he thinks it's now too late and too awkward to ask
not subtle at all. grills your mutual friend for intel
shameless tbh
does that "omg let's compare hand sizes" shtick to have an excuse to touch you
i also don't see him getting super jealous? like, he knows your mutual friend and he's the queen of gossip. he'd know if there was something going on
although i do think he might also have one-upper tendencies, just more subtle
whereas jin plays off his jealousy as a joke, i think jimin would lean into it. it would come off more cocky/overconfident
full on pouting if you ignore him or don't play along, though
group meeting time in the living room; we're going to war
"do you think they like me? do you think they're dating our friend? have you heard anything? should i crash their hangout?"
absolutely refuses to listen to reason. head in the clouds.
romanticizes the shit out of everything and then whines when reality doesn't live up to it
this man has an aries moon; that spike of jealousy is hot and quick and he can't hide it for the life of him but also doesn't entirely know why he's jealous (ask me how i know)
can honestly see him being hotter than normal and manspreading on a couch for attention let's be real. weaponizing the hell out of his giant dick brood
perilla leaf debate 2.0
gen z as hell. like he's sending you tiktoks and trying to rope you into challenges and thinks that counts for something
overanalyzes all social media interactions
passive-aggressive; can't hide his jealousy at all; petty
will send his friend to the kitchen for drinks just so he can take their spot next to you
it's the middle of winter, why is he still wearing sleeveless shirts?
sort of leans into toxic masculinity in the "thinks everything is a challenge/competition" way before he gets scolded and told to knock it off
otherwise super sweet. doting & would do anything for you, even in early crushing stage. like, once he realizes he likes you it's game over for him
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I just saw a TikTok where the poster was talking about how some people are like kinda weird about the Hughes brothers relationship with each other, and how some people almost like infantilize or like romanticize (?) their family dynamic (which I agree with some of these people VERY obviously do not have siblings). One of the comments was talking about how they've seen people being like 'oh I feel so bad for Quinn because he doesn't play on the same team as his brothers' and the commentor was like I guarantee you this man does not care.
But like I had some thoughts™️ because let me tell you, I am the oldest sibling in my family and if someone asked me if I wanted to work with my sibling every day I would be like fuck no.
Like I love my siblings, I'm really close with both of my siblings, but working together?? Let alone playing for the same professional sports team and having to be together constantly for 8 months while also doing our jobs?? That would be my nightmare. Like living together when you're kids is like whatever because you don't know anything else (and also you're kids) but living together as adults?? With your own jobs and your own lives?? No thanks.
Like I think it would be cool to play together on the same pro team yeah, but the novelty I feel would wear off FAST.
I feel like if media training wasn't a thing and players could just say whatever they wanted and someone asked them if they would want to play on a team with their sibling they would be like hell. no.
But like that's just my opinion really, maybe some siblings really do love playing together who knows. I just feel like most people, no matter how good of a relationship they have with their sibling, would not want to play on the same team as each other. I don't live at home anymore but when I used to go home in the summers from University I would last like a month tops before I wanted to k**l both my siblings.
Anyways moral of the story is Quinn Hughes probably does not give a fuck that he's not playing on the same team as his brothers lmao
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alex-iltempo · 2 years
Chot spoilers we all knew were coming
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Yes, I haven't read chot yet and yes, I hoped this wouldn't happen, but yes, spoilers confirmed that this happened...
So, I'm already disappointed...
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Let's start from the beginning.
I'm gonna be honest, I never liked Matthew from his very first appearance in Tales of the shadow market. Yes, his story is tragic and pity, but the way he choose to deal with it made him absolutely unlikable for me. Love and loyalty for James was his only redeemable quality (for me).
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And I could totally deal with the fact that he fell in love with Cordelia (after years of unrequited love for Lucie), but I was hoping we won't go that road...of full on love triangle (especially, when it's obvious for everybody that Jordelia is the Endgame, so you don't split between two guys like in Wessa/Jessa case, instead Matt just becomes annoying obstacle), I hoped he will keep himself in hand, that he won't take the moves... That would make him noble and the relationship of him and Jamie, James and Daisy, Matt and Cordelia would stay pure...
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But looks like only HeronGrayStairs can be such high standard of self-sacrifice, purity of feelings and undivided understanding...
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looks like Cassie choose to make Matt blind to James' feelings for Daisy, I mean, yeah, he thinks Jamie obsessed with Grace, but if he himself wasn't obsessed with his own tragedy (swimming in it, drowning in it, made everything in his life spinning around it) and looked closely around he could see his (Jamie's) true feelings (Magnus saw it), and thought a little and didn't forget how Grace manipulated him (Matt) to kiss her against his will and realised she does it somehow with James too... but he ignored it
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And, also the whole situation : in 1903 you took married woman to Paris, your best friend's wife... This already looks bad. And you know she loves him, her husband, your best friend... wtf? This could be handled more original, I thought.
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But, according to spoilers, No...
So, it makes me not liking Matthew even more... Thank you very much, Cassie
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Maybe Cass decided that it's James' turn to fight for Daisy's love... Only, she actually didn't do anything to fight for his love with Grace, she just was herself (and poor James couldn't afford to himself even that) and she's lucky that he for all those years kept his feelings for her underneath that ₽hu¢k¡n' bracelet's spell, and accidentally, due to circumstances, married him. And, after everything he went through by his willpower and love for her, HE got to proof himself? I know it's romanticized that a man should chase and conquer, to provide and proof himself... But that's double standards bullshit against the backdrop of author tries to adhere in her works to the modern canons of equality and other trendy agendas, in opposition to "the moral and ethical prejudices of those times" and all that jazz... But maybe I'm digging too deep... sorry not sorry... I'm just pissed off... beforehand...
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And knowing about certain death, which I'm trying to deny for now... I remember Cassie said that on early stages she wanted to end this trilogy even more dark and tragic... Seriously? How dare you, ma'am!!!
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@alisual_art, @kategdraws, @shybrezo, @ella_j.osse, @kamillenteeart, @artzxofkae, @lasq.draws, @cassiejp, @arudrawing, @lariablog, @nairafeather, @shafowhunterstiffs, @ro.drawings, @camisala01_art, @cccrystalclear
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s0r3nverse · 7 months
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welcome, welcome.
i go by Soren, i'm a minor, disabled, and i have been writing for well over 6 years, the majority being high fantasy related. as such, i've made an entire world by the name Unfao, and this account is... kind of just here so i can gush about my ocs without bothering my friends 24/7! feel free to stick around if you find my sillies interesting! and please ask questions about them plsplsplsplsplsplspls, i really wanna talk to people and meet people on here, so please feel free to interact! i'll be using gacha life 2 to be showing off my designs, since i can't draw for the life of me. i've been told i have a really distinct and recognizable style sooo... look forward to that ig? idk lol
this blog may contain a number of heavy topics, many of which may be triggering to some users. i'm unsure if i'll ever go in depth on these, or even mention them at all (i'm more likely to ramble about silly shenanigans than anything) but i'd rather be safe than sorry. some of the topics that may be talked about include, but aren't limited to...
* abuse (manipulation/gaslighting, sexual abuse, child abuse, physical/mental abuse, peer pressure, etc...) * violent transphobia / homophobia ( !! i am not transphobic/homophobic! i'm both trans/bi, but many of my ocs have been through it (theyre all queer lol), which is why i'm placing the disclaimer here. don't twist my words !!) * suicidal tendencies + self harm * murder. lots of that. and crime in general. * religious themes/trauma * loss of loved ones * body horror (maybe. tagging this just to be safe.) * overall, all my ocs are questionable morally grey characters. there are no heroes or villains here.
NONE of these topics will be romanticized or mocked. if you romanticize or mocking any of the topics, get the fuck out. also, all topics will be appropriately tagged and will have content warnings. (also note; if i ever mis-portray anything, TELL ME. i use these characters to cope, but that doesn't mean i know everything. i'm willing to, and i want to learn. i don't bite.)
now that's over, and if you still wanna stick around... cool! i welcome you with open arms. just make sure you don't fall under this dni category, and you're good.
DNI if...
your acc is 18+/NSFW. i have nothing against you, you do you, but i'm a minor so... yeah.
adding onto this, if you ever plan to sexualize my ocs. just, like, don't. keep that to urself. those are my children. ty.
if ur gonna make fun of me for using gacha/any of my interests. lol i dont care if its cringe, im cringe and im free
if ur gonna make fun of my ocs/what inspired them/their designs, etc.
overall if ur a creep just like stay away from me, thanks!
WHEW. that was a lot... if you're still here, and you're gonna stay, then... awesome! im glad to have you here. hope you enjoy my inconsistent rambling of my ocs, because i'm either gonna post a lot, or very rarely... hopefully the former!
k imma go do.... stuff. see ya! (hopefully)
(all images are taken from soramafuurasaka's music video, 人狼ゲーム.)
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And no dis is NAWT a bacterial Lawn metal reference!!!! A SCRUB IS THE 70’s EQUIVALENT OF A MUNCH N I AM DEF A MUNCH. N in Lieu of trans awareness week i wuld like to state tht I am not only t4t , I yam munch 4 lunch , rawr 4 XD , agnostik bottom leaning switch 4 coexi$t pink strap switch N as julia fox says , the big 3 are kloe kourtney n kim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it just meh or is bushwick gettin domesticated???? I hav a crush on my new neighbor who looks like lorde farquade. i saw him sitting on the stoop in the morning N my pick up line wuz. Heyz. Do u like K’z ??? He said it’s been a long time ….we all kno whut dat means. i JuST HEArd someone running and rapping to I jus wanna Rawk by lil uzi??? W all the ahh’s aahh’s ahhh’s in it too!.?!!?! omgg.
AS THA YR COMES CLOSER 2 AN END ID LIK TO SAY IF WE FUKED NO WE DIDNT N IF WE DAted n Broke UuP it was UR FAULT NOT MYNE . i has learnt a lotz of lessons like . If u hav a chance to b at wiz khalifas vip table u shuld take it even if he’s misogyner instead of b in a haunted apt in st markz , Dont close ur eyes on K , If there’s a Mice infectstation in ur Apt n they r eating ur ramen, Still , it doesn’t matter , don’t Contavt ur landlord , and fuk bitchez n eat nutella .
Lyfe has been lyfeing as in its cold n seasonal depression is a real ting and I impulsively dyed my hair red again and i guess im gonna start baking now to stay warm cuz the heater in my room makes a lot of noise N it scares meh . Mi therapist is nice n let's meh cry every time im in front of him n he lets me also use the whole box of tissuez. he said i have cPTSD which i think is cool pussy throb sexybitch disorder. I want to throw hand on whoever ate all tha adderall in this country cuz im losin it.
Goin 2 tha winter post apocalyptic rave wuz fun but tha dolly parton themed bar wuz nawt. We walked Dam near 5 miles for dat sheit n then i h@d to stretch out my bionOnz after . NOT K3wL. met mi fwendz k plug who happenz to be a Quiet lesbian psychic.
My reading at kgb wuz fun but i almost threw up but every1 liked my last poem i think n i closed tha nite ifTht counts for anything but then a stupid weird boy followed us after the reading into the smoke shop to offer us crack n So i had to cuss a bitch out. We then ran around tha city singing to mindless self indulgence n tha killerzz real loud then I realized.
i dont wanna live forever. i wanna live every day and share it with those i love, making scenes by scream singing at duane reed. getting so high you allend up in the bath. look at each other's silly tattoos and laugh. watch youtube videos then fall asleep. everyone's arms entangled around each other. memorize each other's snoring. steal at whole foodz in the morning. feed the rats pumpkin spice whipped cream cuz they like that. But don't get tha Hollandaise s@ice. It tastez like lemony but tuh.
Shuld i stop romanticizing my youth????? bc Yes,there will never ever be another time i'll feel this free n naive but i will also learn more n more n realize how stupid i hav been by all of these fucking mistakes N mayb it's time for me to grow up
THANK THA LAWRD dat scorpio season is OVA cuz dat mystical ass passive aggressive symbolic angelicdemonic a$$ shiet kan go somewhere else nOw.
Iwant matt healy to spin me around like a globe withhis fingers like a peace sign And more he/they's in bushwick :-[ If matt healy was a he they I wuld def make sure i dOnt Lite his cigarette badkwardszMEH.. TBH i been depressed as hell so i dun got much 2 say this week but mayb nxt week :-]
Til den ,
Ur fav cuck at unter. Rennvbabv6927
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gendercomsumer · 2 years
Since I'm going to be writing more on here I wanted to add some rules of the do and don'ts with my blog!
1. Give me advice and feedback on my writing, I want to hear what people think and how I can improve
2. Request characters or fandoms you may want me to write for. At the end I'll add a list of fandoms I can write for and I will most likely add more as time goes on
3. On that note I will write the following:
Oneshots and scenarios and imagines
As for types of writing I'll do the following:
Fluff, light angst (expect comfort with it), comfort, reverse comfort (I'm a sucker for it), romantic, x readers, and platonic.
4. Feel free to joke around and things like that just don't take it to far and use things like /j or /srs with it.
5. Feel free to repost my work just don't steal it and reclaim it as your own
1. Don't purposefully bash or put down my work, opinions on a character, or anyone elses opinions. I feel like this should be pretty well known but then again you never know.
2. As for characters and requests I will not do children (like cheeka from twst and Luke from obey me for example). I also won't do really heavy angst since not only am I not confident in my ability in it I also don't want to romanticize mental illness. I'll do some comfort for things but nothing to heavy (most likely lightly mentioned)
3. Another thing I will not do is anything NSFW, smut, lemons, limes, anything of that sort. It doesn't matter the age I just don't feel comfortable writing that.
4. Don't rush me on requests I will do them at my own pace and I have my own life outside of writing. I'll get to them when I can or when I have motivation!
Fandoms I'll write for! (More will most likely be added):
Obey me (the game)
Obey me nighbringer (I know they're one in the same, but they're diffrent too soooo)
The arcana (the game)
Twisted wonderland
Demon slayer
My hero acidemia
Mystic messenger
Genshin impact
Stardew valley
Toilet bound hanako-kun
Disastrous life of saki-k
Overwatch (Newer to the fandom so be warned!)
Monster prom/camp/roadtrip
Coffee talk (both games)
Percy Jackson/heros of Olympus
Request status: Requests are open!
Thank you for reading! Have a fantastic day/night!
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thedancefloorsilly · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 300 that's amazing!🎉 can I participate in the f/o's event please? I choose Chrollo and Kurapika (seperate). I don't have any absolutely necessary hcs for the relationships that I need to mention, except for that both are loving of course.
I'm really sorry if this is too long or too much! I tend to be open to a horribly obnoxious extent. I just overshare a lot. I had to reread this multiple times and shorten it as much as I could make myself.
Basic about me: I'm an aries sun w/ a gemini moon and leo rising, personality type is INFP. Hobbies I like are writing (normal fictional stories and fanfic), reading, drawing, painting, digital editing, walking around in nature (not quite hiking), Minecraft, and adventuring to places near me.
I get attached to random things and get really excited whenever I see them. Some examples are flowers, moths, shiny/pretty rocks or crystals, and anything similar to bottle caps/can tabs, safety pins, and other little shiny thingies.
While I tend to pride myself on how mature I can be and just how intelligent I am- normally in unique critical thinking, language skills, and imagination/creation, I'm also just a little kid at heart. I have wildly exaggerate reactions to things I like no matter how small or big they are, and due to rejection sensitive dysphoria I can be a little childish in turmoil no matter how many big words I use.
I actually like that I express joy so much and can romanticize any scenario + fall in love with insignificant objects. It took me a while to realize I even liked to do this because I didn't realize I had been masking my entire life. Due to other things being masked and whatever I have issues connecting the image of myself now to the image of myself when I was little to an alarming amount, yet still have a connection to her on the inside because I know she would be similar to now if she could.
I have ADHD and maladaptive daydreaming issues, possibly autism but I'm still doing research.
I really like praise and I need someone telling me good things about me, and I have envy problems. I wouldn't call it jealousy because I never act on anything, nor do I wish bad for the people who are doing good. My main issue, I guess, Is the "never enough" kind of thing. That's the only way I can describe it. When I'm upset, the only way to describe how I feel about myself is that I'm never enough, and no matter how much I try people won't like me as much as healthy me likes me...does that make sense? It's like I blame other people but I aim the hate and hurt feelings towards myself?
The words I'd use to describe myself are creative, intelligent, sensitive, affectionate, exaggerative, wondrous, and open
I kin Gon. Other characters are: Reki (sk8 the infinity), Anne (anne with an e), Coraline, Syd (I am not ok with this), lance (voltron), and Kaido (saiki k)
Very random details that don't matter: •I have wavey-curly hair but it can change wildly. It can be really curly, fluffy and insane, or completely flat without much at all. I've never used curling product or whatever to get it curly I just have to tightly braid it for a day and it's completely there. •I wear basic clothes but extra af accessories everywhere and somewhat crazy eyeliner. I like little trinkets as accessories like safety pins, paper clip necklaces, or hair ties on my wrist. Also some normal ones like rings, chokers, and bracelets. •I am definitely a spiritual bitch and I'm all for the moon and crystals and herbs (very basic I know), of course actual witchcraft work, but a little basic romanticizing doesn't harm nothin'
Let me know if i didn't do something right! I'm happy to be one of your 300 followers <3
Hi!! Thank you so much and ofc!! Ah don't apologize the more info the easier it is (I liked reading all of this, and plus I got so many ideas bc of it :D) !!! I also have that habit LOL. you did everything right so dw (and omg thats so nice the at the end mah heart :,)). Have a great day and enjoy <333
Event: Closed
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- It’s not a surprise on why Kurapika loves you so much, as there are many things about you guys that make such a great fit. Having you as his lover just makes Kurapika appreciate one more thing about his life.  
- Lets start off with the fact that you romanticize the scenarios and objects in your life. To Kurapika, he views this as you having an appreciation for the little things in life. For someone to express joy through the seemingly “insignificant things” is such a beautiful thing to him, and to Kurapika, he also thinks of it as a reminder to enjoy life’s little gift’s.
- This also reflects off his own way of thinking. For someone who has lost almost everything, Kurapika reminds himself to be grateful for all the things life has to offer. When life gets tough, he remembers some of the big and small things that he is appreciative for: seeing the sunrise each morning, his friends, how he’s able to wake up to see another day, and one of the most important things of all, you. 
- There is not a day where Kurapika does not remind you how important you are to him, how much you’ve changed part of his outlook on life, how you’ve gave his little dark and grey world some color. For that, he’s just so exceedingly grateful, and his heart is full of this everlasting love for you. Having said that, those days where you feel as if you’re never enough always make him upset to hear. 
- Though Kurapika might be a littleee uncertain with his advice, he tries to solace you the best that he can. With his calm voice, he’ll try and reassure you that you are enough, even if you might no see that in your eyes. One thing Kurapika wishes for you is to one day view yourself the way that he always does.
- Kurapika and you also share your love for nature, which was one thing you later learned about him. Growing up in a beautiful forest in the Lukso Province as a kid, he was surrounded by nature almost all through his life. He has such an appreciation for the beauty that the naturel world has. Kurapika and you sometimes set up dates where nature is most present, such as in a forest, or maybe in a field of flowers at night when the two of you can stargaze in each others arms.
- These have to be one of his favorite kinds of dates with you. The serene atmosphere that the environment brings Kurapika puts him at such ease, and having you by his side the whole time just perfects everything. While these moments can be filled with exchanged laughter from your conversations, or a calm silence from taking in the presence of your surroundings and each other, you guys always have such a wonderful time out of it. The ending to these dates can be topped with a heartfelt kiss from the two of you, as a reminder that your love and appreciation for each other is so deep-hearted and sincere.
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- As the leader of an infamous group of thieves who can steal as much as they desire, Chrollo knew that he couldn’t just ‘steal’ someone’s love. You intrigued him from the start, and being that you guys seemed to be very different in personality, Chrollo was willing to know more about you. 
- In his eyes, you were like this divine gem that somehow ended up in his grasp, except without the use of “stealing” it. Now that you and him are dating, there’s not a day where Chrollo doesn’t try and show how much he loves you. Let’s start with how every time he call’s you, it’s with the use of an endearing name. He usually goes back and forth between calling you “my love”,  “my dear” and “sweetheart”.
- Every time you feel envious, or have those feelings of inadequacy, Chrollo pulls you close to him, and tries to comfort you with the sweetest of words. Now usually if he would ever say something this heartfelt to someone, it would be for personal gain in return. But, whenever he pulls you into his arms and whispers his own advice, it’s because it’s genuine. All the praise you hear coming from your mouth is something that Chrollo truly means, and wants you to understand. 
- He also really enjoys your personality in which you romanticize everything. Chrolo finds it very cute to him, and loves seeing how you get excited with the smaller things. As someone who could steal almost anything for you (large jewel, rare items, etc.) Chrollo finds it funny that you just like to pay attention to the little things. With that being said, anything that he finds that reminds Chrollo of you, whether it be out on  his missions or a daily stroll), he’ll always bring back. He loves seeing the visible excitement on your face, the way your eyes bright up and that lovable grin to follow. He just can never get enough of it. 
- Knowing that you also love these, Chrollo will always gift you with a bunch of rare flowers that he saw. He will usually give you about three or four of the most prettiest flowers you’ve seen, and he’ll tie it with a small ribbon just for you. While you’re expressing your love to how beautiful these flowers are, of course, he’ll sneak in some lovey compliment (“yes they look nice, but they don’t look as amazing as you”. Normally these are very cheesy, but Chrolllo says it in a way that just works).
- Reading dates are very common with you and him. Chrollo is an avid reader, and going on a date based on his interest next to someone he so deeply loves would just be perfect. You guys could just cuddle on the couch or bed, maybe light some nice candles around, and just... read next to each other!! It might not sound like much, but it’s very enjoyable when you’re around each other.
- All in all, the love Chrollo has for you cannot so simply be described in just words. Even though there might come danger from his own role, he will promise to protect you. Chrollo is just so happy to have met you, to be with you, to call you each other’s, and to develop this mutually genuine love that you and him have. 
a/n: this was very very fun to write nd I rlly hope u like it :D ty for participating again !!
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