#also dice's and doppo's
akkivee · 1 month
ok now I'm imagining kuukou hosting Hot Ones interviews with the rest of the hpmi cast
for reference, Hot Ones is a celebrity interview show where the guest has to answer questions while eating progressively hotter and hotter sauces on wings. It catches them off their gaurd a little bit and they respond more earnestly because their PR brain is off and all they can focus is on dying of spice and answering questions
Imagining him doing this to Jakurai in particular 🤣
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crehador · 4 months
although i am loving the hell out of reverse 1999 as its own thing now i haven't forgotten that the whole reason i picked up the game in the first place is to collect hpmi voice actors who are also voicing characters in the r1999 jp dub
and just four patches in! we have!! a complete division!!!
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regulus & nemu: yamamoto nozomi sophia & otome: kobayashi yuu tennant & ichijiku: takahashi chiaki
tragically otome cv is voicing an npc here so alas i cannot fulfill my dream of creating teams that are hpmi divisions, unless......
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eternity & honobono: fairouz ai
THAT'S RIGHT WE HAVE HONOBONO TOO (and i am currently building her so maybe... maybe i'll see if she can work in a team with regulus and tennant somehow, since otome doesn't seem to want to be playable)
anyway we're 1 out of 7 divisions complete now... kijima and shiraimu i am looking at u, get in this game rn
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lyriakisser · 1 year
what a good meal
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starryc · 2 years
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(maten)rouran jinja
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nazurabbit · 1 year
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raeso · 1 year
i cannot believe how excited i am to see jyushi and kuko anima ted you have no idea u have zero idea even.
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4giorno · 1 year
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HSKFJDJDJD i actually got an ssr from the free daily single pull and it was ramuda 😭😭😭💖
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mera-k1 · 8 months
Hypnosis Mic - ass, tits, thighs (or other)?
hypnosis mic x gn!reader
-some are more nsfw than others but still, minors dni
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Ichiro can’t admit that he really likes your chest. there’s just something about it that draws his eyes towards it and he can’t help himself. he’d stare at it for hours if you’d let him, hell he’d even like to put his face on it.
Samatoki doesn’t give a shit about who sees his hand on your ass whenever he’s got you nearby. he loves to grab your ass when he’s fucking you whether you’re in missionary or riding him.
Jyuto is a simple man, preferring your thighs when asked. he loves that he can spread them easily and watch your face go red as his gloved hand wander slowly inwards.
Rio is an ass guy and that’s that. he simply just answers ass whenever you ask him about it and you’re truly not sure why since he doesn’t touch it a lot. He can’t help but look whenever you attempt to show it off for him though.
Ramuda can’t help but play with your chest whenever he’s able to. he’ll pinch and squeeze all the while you’re trying to hold yourself together to his teasing. which he won’t stop till you either put him in his place below you or let him stay in control till he’s satisfied.
Dice can’t control himself when he sees your chest and collarbone. he desperately wants to just kiss and bite you till there’s little marks all over your chest.
he loves your hands, especially when they’re trailing down his chest. Gentaro can’t get enough of how your hands feel on his skin and although he can be quite teasing himself, he would much prefer having you tease him with your hands.
Jakurai.. he is a polite man and doesn’t stare. he is fond of your thighs though and can’t help but clear his throat when you come out with some thigh highs that he wasn’t expecting to see you in. he get’s caught off guard each time too.
to put it simply, Hifumi likes your chest. he’s not teasing or anything about it though. he simply loves to just give them a playful squeeze and a few kisses before he does anything else.
Doppo is so embarrassed about the fact that he loves your thighs. he loves to lay on them, yes, but he also loves to be in between them. he is a giver in bed and would love to pleasure you while being between your thighs.
with Sasara, you can’t tell where he’s looking but, he’s looking right at your ass most times. he never does anything but he’s definitely checking it out and when you catch him, he just smiles at you and tells you that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
he’s a respectful man but, Rosho can’t help looking at your chest sometimes. he knows he shouldn’t be staring so much especially when you’re not doing much but he truly just wants to squish them with his hands.. maybe to see what reaction he’d get.
he’s got a thing for your ass and you know it very well. Rei won’t leave your ass alone for a second and he’s always gotta have a hand on it. whether you both are out in public or fucking. he’s always squeezing it with absolutely no shame.
Kuko always has a smug grin whenever he walks up behind you, planting a hand on your ass. he’s always has to grab your ass whenever he has you in his arms, it’s just habit at this point and he loves the surprised face you give him when he does it.
Jyushi loves your thighs. he can’t stop looking whenever you put thigh highs or fishnets on. there’s just something about them that makes him uncontrollably flustered just thinking about it!
he says he doesn’t care but, Hitoya loves your hips. just holding them to keep you in place as he fucks into you. he honestly would never tell you how attractive he finds just holding you by your hips.
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nian-7 · 5 months
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Hypnosis Mic x gn!reader
✧February 11th - For you, My love (valentines day gifts for you)
✧valentines event, (all divisions + chuohku)
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Something sweet and simple, probably a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers that they picked out for you specifically. They're not a big fan of Valentines Day but, to bring a smile to your face, they'll do anything. It might not be much but, they did put a lot of thought into which flowers to put in the bouquet or what kind of chocolates you'd like best.
-Jiro, Samatoki, Kuko, Hitoya, Otome, Ichijiku
They enjoy Valentines Day and get you something really cute! They get you flowers, some chocolate, and possible a little plushie they found! They likely slip some sort of gift card to your favorite cafe in as well. You mean a lot to them so might as well go all out right? They're also the type to make you those little paper 'coupons' that say stuff like "free one hour cuddle session" and put it in.
-Ichiro, Hifumi, Sasara, Jyushi, Nemu
He thinks Valentines Day is stupid and boring. He does not want to see all these lovey-dovey couples everywhere and it's honestly so annoying! That is until he realizes he has you. He still thinks the whole holiday is stupid but, he does buy you some chocolate and say Happy Valentines Day, just to make you smile. He might not like the day but he sure does love your smile.
-Saburo, Ramuda
Makes you something homemade that took them a lot of thought and time. They wanted the day to be special for you rather than simply giving what felt like no thought by buying simple flowers or chocolates. Their homemade creation could be chocolates they made themselves or it could be something they learned how to make just for you to enjoy. It might not be perfect but they're glad that you're happy with it.
-Rio, Gentaro, Dice, Doppo, Rosho
Very simple and honestly it doesn't seem like much thought was put it but, there was. He probably went to many shops just to find what he was looking for. It had to be the exact thing or else he wasn't buying it. He will eventually find what it is he's been searching for and present it to you. Hopefully you're happy with it because although it's a simple gift, he picked it out with you in mind the whole time.
-Jyuto, Jakurai, Rei
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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charismaofobedience · 10 months
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Hi and welcome to my professional analysis on whether the hypmic men could survive rios bootcamp. All the statements on this are facts and cannot be simply disagreed upon without proof. The assessment to each individual ranking can be found under
Rio - that's rio. easy
Ichiro - I think running around ikebukuro doing errands gives him some pretty good stamina AND strength to get through it all, could do it no problem and would possibly have fun doing it which is an added bonus for doing well
Kuko - Monk training gives him good strength and stamina to do it! Even if he couldn't do something, I feel like kuko would somehow end up doing it out of sheer spite due to others doubting him
Dice - Dice gets through so much shit I think he'd do it no problem only to die AFTER it's all done if this makes sense. Plus he does hang out with Rio so this man should have some training under his belt
Hitoya - special clause for this old man. I would put him with jakurai and rei BUT. You have to consider he deals with kuko and jyushi on basically a daily basis. Kuko alone probably gives this man strength to do it if we are being honest
Samatoki - could do it. Samatoki is pretty strong and all but I don't think this man could go through the pushups for long when we consider the state of his lungs. He has the strength but I don't think he has the proper stamina for it, however, he'd do it and just act like it's nothing
Ramuda - don't be fooled by the cute face. Ramudas high energy comes into play here and helps a lot, especially with stamina, even if the strength is lower than others. It also, however, depends highly on this thing WANTING to do the boot camp or not, which has a high chance of not wanting to unless necessary and, even if doing it, ramuda would whine throughout it.
Jiro - Ichiros brother, also doing shit around ikebukuro. The fact he's good at sports also helps a lot here! He'd do pretty well, however, even with the stamina being here, I don't think his strength is at the levels of the ones above to put him there
Hifumi - would rush through it and do it easily if only to check onto doppo who's currently dying on the floor, so it would take some small time. Gigolo would do it well but only if there are women around to impress them so it's a highly dependant case
Rosho - current maths teacher ex bad boy or whatever the shit. due to his age he has some difficulties surely BUT the strength from his past absolutely is still around. The main problem would be stamina
Jyushi - you need to scare them before and then they'd be rushing through everything to get it done quickly. Also highly dependant on if the vkei clothes are actually there or not, if they are, they're passing out almost immediately due to heat
Doppo - i don't think this man knows what an exercise is, you could easily fold him in half. Lives his life in an office and getting home just cries himself to sleep like the average office worker in Japan. F.
Gentaro - Oya do you really think I could not do this Daisu ufufu ^-^ immediately falls to the floor and passes out. Look at the way this man dresses. Another case of heatstroke in this cast. Even if he was wearing lighter clothes he's a writer and reader, does not even know what an exercise is meant to look like. Would instead pull a book out of nowhere and read while the others go through the bootcamp
Saburo - 14 years old hacker who absolutely stays up late doing tech stuff. Do I need to say more.
Sasara - he'd do one push up and a silly goofyass sound effect like point would play. It means his spine broke.
Jyuto - cop + look at the way he's built
Jakurai - he is healthy, don't get me wrong! However his old man bones aren't meant for this anymore!!!!!! Just let him rest. While the others are doing the push-ups just let him go to these public elder academy places
Rei - dies in 13 seconds max.
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channelinglament · 9 months
Self Aware HypMic?
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(What kind of rabbit hole I'm falling in?)
It goes as if you did this 2 ways
- You played the game
- You watched the anime/read manga
(If u didn't it's alr tho)
Let's begin!
'Kay, so game verse and anime/manga verse are kind of different. Even the game name says "alternative rap battle" instead of division rap battle.
(I assume u already know TDD Era and stuff.)
It was another mundane day of your life. Pillows surrounded your figure, as you flipped pages of the manga (online or not, up to you). Your drink of choice nearby you, ready to be drank and yet, you are too preoccupied with a manga that you recently found out about. This past months, you've been listening to drama tracks, the songs and reading the manga. The storyline is quite complicated in the beginning, but the more you read, the more you understand. You felt so many emotions during the reading process. Sadness, anger, happiness, love. You were so hooked on it.
Unbeknownst to you, figures inside the said manga were having an existenal crisis. Nothing really new to Ramuda, but you get me. The days have been going as they used to. Rap battles went well. Nothing seemed out of place except for the strange feeling. The feeling of being watched. No one understood why did they feel this way. It was not a stalker was it? They became paranoid, until they started hearing voices. Who is it..?
First ones to become self-aware: Ramuda, Rio, Saburo, Kuko(?), Sasara, Iris, Gentaro, Doppo, Otome.
Everyone finds out or accepts it later, then the characters I listed.
I think some of them hated you, some didn't mind you, while others ignored you. They thought you would leave after a while, and yet, you stay. Why are you watching them?
For some reason they can somewhat feel what you feel towards them. Perhaps their universe is intune with your emotions? Would...would they all die if you stopped liking them?
Their world seems to constantly change as well. Why? Some days you were watching them, and sometimes talking. Other days you..sang along with them? Tried to help them sing better? Helped them during some battles..? (Game moments)
It certainly took everyone a good while to warm up to you. Some warmed up quicker than others (Dice and Jiro, they thought you were some guardian angel or something. Like- you're helping them fr)
I'll expand on this suff and world building later. Now, let's move on.
(I may write for Secret Aliens, but I don't know them much so idk)
Depending on reader's age, it will be a romantic or platonic piece.
Reader is 18+?
Romantic: Ichiro, Jyushi, Kuko, Jiro(?), Dice, maybe Nemu.
Others are platonic
Reader is 25+?
Romantic: MTC, Hifumi, Doppo, Ramuda, Gentaro, Sasara, Rosho
Others are platonic.
Reader is a teen?
Romantic: Saburo, Jiro.
Everyone else is platonic. Even this, depends entirely on age of the reader. (I have a few 13+ readers, and more 16+ readers)
Reader is 30+?
Romantic: Jakurai, Hitoya
Others are platonic (I don't write for Rei)
I honestly am 15, so I feel more comfortable with characters that aren't older than 20 heh.
Aka Saburo, Jiro, Ichiro, Kuko, Jyushi and etc.
Even tho I stated in 25+ as platonic, I know that ppl who r 25 can date ppl 20+, so yeah, you may specify if romantic or platonic? Tbh I don't know much abt adult relationships sorry.
I don't write for Rei
Also Hifumi warming up to reader depends on gender (We all know why)
Everything else goes by my rules, pinned post :^
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akkivee · 1 year
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what will they be doing when they’re on opposite sides from the rest of their team i wonder??? 🤔🤔🤔
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crehador · 8 months
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finally... hpmi voice actors only dream team obtained
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discotenny · 6 months
I saw this yumejo tweet once that just made me go oh.
the idea of you being your f/o's comfort character....
like imagine. you are just a fictional character they happened to find and took comfort in.. you make them imagine a better, cozier life where they feel loved.. ramuda secretly takes little photos with an acryl stand of you at the cafes he tours or sasara keeps your keychain in his pocket for good luck and gives it a kiss before his shows, uhhhh toki always watches your show to power up before beating someone up- LMAO idk but rightttt??
Honestly, I feel like Ichiro would be the most obvious with his fanatics. He's already been shown in canon to be an unabashed anime / manga fan so can u imagine how he'd act towards you??!?!?!
Ichi has a binder full of prints for your official art that he keeps in the Odd Jobs Yamada office. He looks at it in downtimes, kicking his feet and squealing as he stares. Ichi also scours second hand sites to try and get merch for cheaper than official. He owns pins, stickers, plushies, and SO, SO MANY KEYCHAINS.
He honestly is the one most likely to write/read fan fiction too LMAO. Shipfic, platonic fics, reader insert- it doesn't matter. Don't tell his brothers, they'd be absolutely mortified.
Ramuda secretly runs one of those Twitter accounts that take pictures of their mochis/nuis in different irl settings!!! He MAKES little outfits for a nui of you and is so proud of all of them.
For every little cafe he goes to he always makes sure to take a pic that implies cute little nui of you is the one that just demolished 3 pieces of cake.
In the times where Ramu was still working with Chuuoku, he'd pull your nui out of his pocket and talk to you while he's scheming ;_; He has the image in his mind that you're the only one that would ever accept him as he is.
But my favorite image of this ask has to be DOPPO!! DOPPO!!! DOPPOOO !!! I saw this image once of ties that have anime charas in the inside and I think it's so silly to imagine Doppo has one of those of you AHAHAHA.
Doppo can't have personal items on his desk at work, so aside from his tie he has a little keychain of you tied to his bag :C Whenever he gets in his real shitty moods Doppo holds onto it and just mutters mutters mutters.
Since Doppo is the chara that speaks the most of his personal life / inner thoughts in his raps- imagine that he frequently mentions you in his verses and ship art of you and Doppo starts floating around in the Matenro fandom LOL. He'd be so embarrassed but he'd secretly love it.
Dice keeps a mochi of you in his pocket at all times, calling it his personal good luck charm. Whenever he's gambling he squishes it real hard and always has to apologize to it after.
Saburo is the most embarrassed about having a comfort character. The most obvious he is about it is having you as his desktop background but other than that he is too embarrassed to go out and buy merch. Ichiro buys him a lil plush of you for his birthday and he starts to cryyyyy.
Hitoya keeps an acrylic standee of you on his office desk but he faces it towards his clients LMAO. He comes across as so unserious.
jkaiofeawfewa this was such a good concept omggegwargew
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guiraguira · 1 year
The hypmic guys sleeping with you.
💜 They hug you all night without moving an inch, with their chest on your back and burying their nose in your hair: Rio, Jakurai, Gentaro, Ichiro, Rosho
💜 They sleep on their backs and it is you who rests your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat: Samatoki, Jyuto, Kuko, Rei, Hitoya
❤️ They need you to hold them all night and pat them gently on the back until they fall asleep on your chest: Doppo, Dice, Jyushi, (Saburo)
💜 It's impossible for them to stay still, they both change positions all the time and end up awkwardly with their arms and legs mixed together: Hifumi, Ramuda, Sasara, (Jiro)
Regardless of where I put them, I think Ichiro, Rosho, and Hifumi also really enjoy it if you let them sleep on your chest while you pat them gently.
(Actually, I feel a strong need to serve as a pillow to any of the hypmic guys)
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Hi slug! You read and listen to all the drama tracks, right?
I was wondering if you personally had any specific lore branches you hope are expanded upon in the future? Or things that got brushed over you want to be addressed again?
Like, mine is how the Buster Bros traumatic events affected them, more specifically Jiro and Saburo.
I have a ton of plot points I'd be fascinated to learn more about, even if I think the likelihood of some of them showing up is very small. An incomplete list from off the top of my head:
Jirou is far more of a people person than either of his brothers, but I'd like to see how he developed that more outgoing streak. In particular, what led to him developing a friendship with Urumi? It's implied he has other "contacts" as well, and it'd be nice to someday see those.
What led Juuto, a person with such a unique sense of justice, to becoming a police officer in the first place? How did his friendship with his older cop buddy influence his approach to policing, even before drugs became a factor?
We already got a scene of Riou's time in the war and why he respects Major Iojaku so much, but I would eat up more of that any day.
I'd love to know more about why Gentarou respects his brother so much to the point that he (appears to, at least at this point in time with our understanding of canon) take on his brother's identity in the wake of his hospitalization.
I have the sneaking suspicion it was mentioned at least offhand in a drama track (which I don't usually listen to... at least not more than once), but I would like to know more about Dice and Otome's falling out.
I know I'm a broken record about this. I'm sorry. But even for all the lovely headcanons people create, I really, really, really want to know the canon reason Jakurai, a character with deep moral convictions to save as many people as possible and one who remains torn for years on end about hurting people, became a hired killer. Maybe KR wants to backpedal on this and sweep it under the rug in the hopes they can retcon it. Maybe they think we'll all forget. Yet much like Pepperidge Farm, I remember. And I'm still waiting for an answer.
Obligatory Hifumi and Honobono backstory bullet point
Similarly, it's been mentioned a couple of times that Doppo doesn't really have friends outside of Hifumi and Jakurai (and his work colleagues, I suppose) which I find a little odd. Especially prior to working at EL Medical, there's nothing about his behavior that would suggest he struggles to make and maintain friendships. Why doesn't he have old college or high school buddies? What's the deal there? Would love to know.
Not lore-related, but I think Kuukou would have been the most god-awful toddler imaginable. I would like to see it.
We actually probably will get (at least some of) Rei's rationale behind his more questionable decisions in canon, which I welcome. I'd like to know what led to him becoming the person he is today, and I have quite a few questions about what his relationship with his wife was like if Sasara and Roshou remind him of him and his wife. (Presumably, they must have been very poor communicators lol)
Also not lore-related, but I sincerely hope Jakurai keeps finding opportunities to regale impressionable ears with stupid shit Hitoya did in middle school. Hitoya's great, man. He thinks he's so cool--and he IS cool, in a great many ways--but all the things he thinks are cool are actually just him being a giant dork. God bless.
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