#also decided i need more dykes in my life but thats the easy part since there are clubs and bars and such
dayurno · 6 months
hi user dayurno :) how Are you!! i hope you are well and taking care of yourself
HIYA im well! nursing a filthy vice of buying ice cream after class despite losing my job in february (f in the chat) but otherwise using the free time to draw a lot and manage fest activities! ummm what else….. the other day i got home at 6am from a night out and my neighbor was leaving for work which was so embarrassing…… thinking of going back on dating apps but maybe not after all….. doing a group project with a girl i really can’t stand…….. might go out tomorrow but unsure. sorry this is the randomest update on how i’ve been doing but nonetheless it’s true!!!i feel like i simultaneously have nothing and everything going on 🤔 hmmm! thinking of opening commissions and posting more art :) ALSO if you can believe it my college professor is my aunt!
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