#also damn i just noticed the rescue car was wakaba lol i feel silly that i missed that on my first watch
wygolvillage · 2 years
additional thoughts on shiori car in addition to my initial reading of "cars = using sexuality for power or empowerment, utena car = freedom through love, shiori car = shiori weaponizing juri's sexuality against her"- her desire to leave alone but lack of an understanding driver and also the heavy implication that she has internalized homophobia (especially in the show.... "it wasnt my sword you were polishing"...) is i think, if "escaping" is overcoming trauma, i think shiori is trying to "escape" by denying her insecurities entirely. this of course doesnt work
but she has no driver and she cant escape without crashing, without a way to steer herself and understanding of why shes hurting so much to begin with
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