#also cleo in the cat cafe is such a pretty picture
dredgesnails · 2 months
i love cleo's new tcg cards so much and i think the artists did such an amazing job but also, on a more personal level, when i looked at the humancleo alter ego cards i genuinely had to do a double take because i realised that they're the closest anything will ever come to fanart of someone else that looks so much like me
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spinachdrum · 6 years
Day 7 & 8 - Sinchon BBQ and Insadong!
So on Day 8 we didn’t do that much! We laid around in bed because we had plans to meet our friend for dinner in Sinchon and eat at this BBQ place she used to eat at when she was here for a semester! 
We waited outside for an hour to eat at this place. A whole hour in the cold. IN THE COLD. FOR BBQ. 
And you know what? It was WORTH IT.
This was easily the best kbbq I’ve ever had. Like, oh my god it was soooooo good?! They dump kimchi (or some type of kimchi, it’s a lot sweeter than normal kimchi) on half of it, and that shit just COOKS while you’re letting the meat and stuff cook. There’s not a TON of meat options but the two that we got were SO GOOD. We got multiple rounds of this one type (I wish I had figured out what it was huhu) because it was so damn good. We had that and samgyeopsal. I also drank 2 beers and some soju and was feeling LIT after both hahaha. 
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God it was so good. 
After we left we went down in the subway station at Sinchon and not only was there a Kakao friends mini store where I bought an expensive ass portable battery shaped like Ryan and almost drunkenly forgot my debit card (thanks Jerry, you’re a real one) but there was a NERDY STOREEEEE. 😭Jonghyun from CNBlue like, owns NERDY so seeing it in the wild makes me so happy. I even took a picture of it to feel close to my man, LMAO.
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Then we went home and I went to bed, lol.
Today we went to Insadong!! It was really neat, there was a lot of traditional stuff there, but it was also more modern than I was expecting? We didn’t go to the Hanok village because I wasn’t paying attention and walked in the complete opposite direction from it and by the time we headed back to Anguk station we were both pretty tired and hungry and wanted to head back. 
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However! Anguk station is really pretty and has a lot of art! 
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We took the advice of this travel video that we watched and took a shortcut to Insadong main streets by going through this TINY little alley way. It was still super neat because it was lined with the tiniest tea houses and little cafes and restaurants.
When you come out of exit 6 at Anguk station, you’ll see the police station on the left, and  the entrance of this alley way is like directly across from the subway entrance! It’s hard to miss. Go through here and you’ll get right to the middle of Insadong main street! 
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(main street of Insadong)
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This was in the corner. Sooooo much good smelling food.
We ended up going to this little restaurant down an alley and omg, the yookgaejang was so damn good.
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There was quite a bit tucked away in this alley! We ate here:
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Size of a shoebox but worth the navigating. I love fooooood!! 
We walked around for a little bit, checking out shops and stuff, and then LO AND BEHOLD I FOUND A CAT CAFE AND I ALMOST CRIED.
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It’s called 2CATS and it’s on the 3rd floor at Insadong!! Omg I was so happy. I didn’t find a good cat cafe yet and I wanted to go to one so bad, lol.
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The stairway up to it was COVERED in these little framed pictures of famous people with cats. DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS?
Spoiler alert: YES
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So fancy. It looked like a cat museum! It was W12,000 to get in and you got a free drink! 
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This was the first cat I encountered and SO CUUUUUTE in the sweater!! Her name is Cleo and she was sooo soft. 
I got a peach juice and it was super yummy. We sat down by this little wall where there was a cat sleeping away with a toy tucked into her paws. 
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AHHHH. And then SHE WOKE UP! She’s a scottish fold and her name is Beonya. Adorable. So cute. Loved pets.
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Seriously this place was decorated sooo cutely. All those photos framed are photos of famous people holding cats LOL. There’s so much space for the cats to run around and so many little shelves and places to sleep so they can be up high near the ceiling! 
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I forgot this cat’s name but look how PUUUURDYYYY. This cat loved pets and let me pet it for a good five minutes uninterrupted.
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This is kind of hard to see, but there’s a cat SITTING IN MY LAP AHHHHH. You can buy a bag of chicken at this place to give the cats treats for only W2,000!! The cats are sooo cute when they’re waiting for you to feed them, or they might just jump into your lap. There was a younger tween aged girl who was feeding one and she didn’t see the one waiting so it jumped on her shoulder!! It was sooo cute, she was so surprised but she giggled and gave it treats and then it sauntered away~
But seriously the chicken treats made alllll the cats come out and give lovin’ and get treats. Look at these!! 
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Climbing into my lap for treats. Give me pleas, ma’am. 
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Gorg. This cat was so sweet and took treats so sweetly. 
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This cat was so FLUFFY!!! It was a little more aggressive about taking treats--if you weren’t fast enough, it tried to take them from your hand with its paw LOL.
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I LITERALLY AM IN LOVE WITH THIS CAT!! It was so weird looking. I’m pretty sure it was like a mix of dwarf cat and something else because it honestly looked like a pipe cleaner you use for crafts. But it was soooooooo cute and so friendly and rubbed on my legs for FOREVER and even wanted tummy pets. I love this cat and I already miss it I wanted to take it home so bad ksjsfkjgfg.
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Me living my literal best life surrounded by cats.
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The door, hehe.
After we left, we just walked around a little. We watched them make Dragon’s Beard candy and the guy making it was so cute!! He did a demo for us and gave us a little sample of it. Watch here:
We saw this tiny little mall thing but didn’t go into any of the shops because it was REALLY crowded in there. However Insadong was really, really cool and I’m hoping we’ll make time to visit the Hanok village before we go! 
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So pretty. 
After that, we just went to a restaurant by our Airbnb and came back to the room. I took a shower and now we’re just relaxing getting ready for bed--tomorrow we’re off to Gangnam to see the COEX Mall and stuff! 
Bye until next time, and dream of cats! 
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