#also brudicktalia??? seems elite won't lie.
necrotic-nephilim · 7 days
What do think about dick/talia
so Talia is one of those tricky characters for me where i read all the wrong content for her to begin with.so for the longest time i had a piss poor understanding of her and i'm still trying to. rectify that, Grant Morrison when i catch your ass-
but i do have a newfound love for her and i think she and Dick have an interesting relationship. bc they can't stand each other. so i do see the potential for shipping them! i wouldn't say it's a ship i seek out to would ever personally write, but if a fic/art/concept using the ship was top-notch, i would absolutely be into it.
bc there's a lot of fun stuff to play with for them. these two do not get along in canon and it always seems to be such a personal hatred, it's so funny. they dislike working together the rare times they do and tend to be at odds for the typical reasons you'd expect like morality and all. but they always seem to respect each other, which is the fun of it. i love an enemies to lovers situation that's rooted in respect. i think my favorite version of this ship would be the Pre-Crisis version, bc they just always seemed to have issues, usually fighting over Bruce. it's so antagonistic and i love that.
and of course, the fun of it is where Damian falls. because Talia and Dick are both parental to Damian, but clearly have wildly different opinions on what raising Damian should look like. so it'd cause interesting conflict if they were dating how they would be forced to find a middle ground and Damian's just. stuck in the middle. honestly Damian's reaction to their relationship could be fun in general, bc i do think it'd send him through all the stages of grief at once.
all in all, i think there's a ton of nuance that would make a really fun ship, whether you played it straight or took it in a dead dove direction. forcing these two together and seeing them slowly fall for each other is absolutely in character for both of them. tbh if Talia wasn't created to be Bruce's love interest, she and Dick probably would've kissed by now. they do always have an interesting tension when they're on page together. i could see Talia getting obsessed with Dick in a way- his purity, the way he's a virtuous light to the entirety of the hero community. how she would try to get him to see her side could be a lot of fun in a corruption kink sort of way. lots of potential for these two.
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