#also bestie dirk vibes
gaypleasantview · 2 years
dirk (and dustin if u want) for the ask meme? :3
hell yeah!!
Sexuality Headcanon: gay, i enjoy other headcanons for him too but the version of Dirk that lives in my head is definitely homosexual/homoromantic, just feels so right to me. im thinking of putting him on the asexual spectrum somewhere (where is my drink) probably demisexual. his type is probably straight up someone like Dustin if we're being honest here
Gender Headcanon: trans guy! came out as a kid long before Darleen passed away and got lots of support from his parents about both his sexuality and gender <3 i don't know if he realized both around the same time but he knew himself pretty well pretty early on, good for him
A ship I have with said character: ever since i realized the possibility of Dustin/Dirk it has changed my life lol. like it was really always there and it's such an obvious set up but it went completely over my head like it did for most of us i guess, the way maxis seemingly intended is good too because Lilith/Dirk feels like a very exciting couple to play with if you see Dirk being attracted to girls/whatever gender you hc Lilith as. D&D live in my mind rent free tho. it's an easy enemies to lovers for me and some would argue that trope is overdone but there is not nearly enough content about these two that fit the trope perfectly sooo i wanna make that content. speaking of Dirk in this relationship, at first he admits Dustin is cute but hates the dude's attitude so he's gonna be in denial about his Dustin situation for the longest time. he's probably gonna be the one to make this actual relationship happen even though he's gonna be scared. but when Dustin opens up Dirk starts feeling really comfortable with him and falls in love deeply
A BROTP I have with said character: easily him and Lilith, in my hc she's a lesbian and they are fake dating while actually being besties so they don't even have to pretend much. these two are an opposites attract situation too but their energies match so well?? i should probably make them other friends though because no one has more than 2 friends in my stories 😭 i mean Dirk's also good friends with his dad but. yeah
A NOTP I have with said character: this must be about romance but i don't have much to say so i'll talk about enemies instead in this question. well i dont believe he has enemies aside from Dustin and that one's not exactly fitting for this question as we already know so probably no one lol. Dirk doesn't like Angela too and i never realized until just now btw that his relationship with her after he gets with Dustin is gonna be REALLY AWKWARD
A random headcanon: he's a giant bookworm, tries to be the best at everything and is quite grumpy, i feel like he would be very successful in college because he's just a shining star however you look at him. absolute delight (but can be a bitch). he loves cats and the color purple (i actually thought of making it his signature color but he's already assigned blue by maxis so im confused). also a big taylor swift fan
General Opinion over said character: gives off rainy vibes but is actually such a sunshine. i love him so much and im so glad i discovered how great of a character he is a few years ago, he's a certified son of mine (it's actually crazy to think that if he's a teen he's younger than me... like that is a noticeable age gap. huh)
Sexuality Headcanon: i would say the definition that feels right to me is homosexual/biromantic, sometimes i think it could be one or the other but i always remember that it doesn't have to because sexuality is a wide spectrum and im very happy to represent someone who has different romantic and sexual attraction! his gayness is powerful and i also cherish the girl-liking side of him and i think it's beautiful. i don't know if he's allosexual yet but i feel like he's probably demiromantic i hadn't even realized that until just now! im excited
Gender Headcanon: im still wondering about this, i see him as a guy and currently as cis, i really like the idea of him being trans but given how i hc him and his family i feel like by the age of 16 he would be unlikely to freely express himself or maybe even discover himself at all? he's quite emotionally repressed and doesn't give himself time to process his feelings so he probably wouldn't even know what the feeling means if he had it. hmmm
A ship I have with said character: Dirk ofc. Dustin didn't know he was gay and likely had inner homophobia but after meeting Dirk he knew what was up and he embraced it (after they stopped hating each other first heh). he had a pretty wonderful relationship with Angela so i like these two a lot together but with Dirk it's just a whole another story. Angela is like a comfort place and with Dirk it's like a rollercoaster and Dustin is just addicted to the feeling. he will be the first one to make a move but it's gonna be in a bit of a stupid way of course because he's secretly really awkward so it'll take time for them to actually see what's up
A BROTP I have with said character: Angela. she helps him with the kids and just generally spends so much time with him and they genuinely love each other so much as bf and gf but then as friends too, the breakup is hard for Angela but after some time it definitely gets better and they are just a great couple of peeps who care for each other :) i would say i need to get Dusty other friends too but i'll be honest with you i don't even think he has any. poor boy i gave him like 2 or 3 nice points
A NOTP I have with said character: Lilith hates Dustin and wouldn't engage 😭 she learns to tolerate him but imagine these two put in a room they would fight to death
A random headcanon: Dustin is a huge family boy and the only times he is genuinely expressing his feelings is when he is with his little siblings. Brandi and him have a weird relationship that is full of fights but in its core their relationship is not the worst, she's a loving mom just not very good at it. he probably has some obscure hobbies but i don't remember which rn. he likes sports (sadly). he's a very angsty teen and 100% listens to angsty teenage music in his room. he's gonna be such a great man in college when he matures and starts being honest with himself about things and this is the best glow up ever
General Opinion over said character: i love Dustin. i am so proud of his growth and bravery <3 he is kind of a menace in the beginning of my story, super mean but i don't want to throw him under the bus because his soul is so beautiful. wait is that bus thing even a saying or did i make that up. anyways boy needs therapy and hugs
thank you so much for the ask!!! this is really long but i love talking about them <3
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rancid-jester · 2 years
expirimenting with the kind of relationships im portraying in this new story im working on and wanted to write it out...
there are two seperate narrators:
Helena, a nonbinary transfem (she/her),
and Jonah, who is just some guy (he/it),
these are the other characters: Stella, a cis woman, she/her... Rosa, nonbinary, they/them... Adam, a cis man, he/him... Dirk, a trans man, he/him... and Brandon, a cis man, he/him.
and like first of all I don't generally write characters who are like me very well for some reason... however Jonah is a lot like how I was in middle school. undiagnosed autistic who just fucking hates new people. Helena is less like me but she has like the vibe (actually Helena is the name i call myself when I feel more feminine, lol)
and like the relationships are already interesting cuz Jonah hated Helena because she was new to it but he's like slowly accepting her existing because she's the only one showing sympathy to him (he's a prick and its friends have just kinda given up on it, but she's like "well obviously theres a reason")
and then there's Jonah and Adam, Jonah has a big crush on Adam, who used to bully it in middle school but is now his closest friend, and Adam prefers his twin brother Dirk (who yes is a trans homestuck and named himself after Dirk Strider)
and then like I'm not sure what I'm going with Helena regarding the relationships she has with the group, but I know Stella has a crush on her, which i think will lead to a very casual relationship. but like I'm thinking she might also end up having something with Jonah because I love a casual polyam vibe in my stories. But also i love the idea of them being casually queer platonic besties like me and jaxx
I also want to expand more on the non-pov characters, especially Rosa at the moment because they don't have a romantic link to anyone. I'm thinkin that they're aroace, and so far i've been focusing too much on the romance aspect but i want each character to be well-written and interesting to read about.
Stella also doesn't have much about her yet. So far she's a stoner with pink hair, and even though she has a private scene with Helena we havent learned anything aside from her hobbies. i have to figure out what links her to the others, aside from being queer and punk and a poet.
Adam I think has plenty of info for what I want people to know so far--his attempts to be as kind as possible, his control issues, his goldenboy persona, his people pleasing, and some hints at his issues. I'm doing a lot with Adam lol.
I also want to bring Dirk in more. He's currently in a ward and all we know about him is that he has bipolar depression, he's Jonah's twin brother, and everyone likes him better than Jonah. I want to kind of show that he has some guilt for that and show how much he loves his brother and wants the best for him, while also maintaining him as a character apart from Jonah.
Also Brandon is kind of just a support character for Helena, as her older brother, but I do want him to have a plotline. He's sort of meant to represent my own older brother, which is what makes it difficult to see him as a person outside of Helena. Also, he isn't a part of the main group,and he doesn't really hang out with them much, aside from walking home with Helena and Stella.
Also important is why the group sticks together. Stella, Adam, Jonah, and Dirk have known eachother their entire lives, since they grew up in the small town together, but what made Rosa a part of their group? Why are they keeping Helena around? They're all poets, theyre all punks, and theyre all queer, and maybe that's enough of a connection but I want there to he more ties involved, especially for Rosa, as the one who was an outsider before Helena. What made the group accept them? Why do they stay with the group despite Jonah's assholery and the constant drama between Adam and the twins?
anyways i've only got two finished chapters so far and i suppose i should write character sheets now that i've articulated some of what i want to do with this!
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tigerlily562 · 2 years
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hehe sorry for getting offtopic but anyways for the ask game what about john/june (whichever one you vibe with more) :3
you're totally ok!! i love getting asks about stuff like nobody else on earth is a fan of it lets me talk and i love to talk. also fuck yes jegbert my friend jegbert
notp: aside from the obvious (anyone they're related to) i am tragically not a huge fan of pepsicola. not because the ship is actually that bad i think it just fell victim to unfortunate 2011/12 yaoification
brotp: JADE jade jade. oh my god. their sister they love her so much. their relationship is really close to my heart and it hurt SO BAD finding out that in the retcon timeline jade made the three year journey all by herself
otp: pitch jrezi has been a longtime favorite; i'm really REALLY attached to the quadrant system and canon evidence of humans participating in black romance was really exciting lol. but even besides that i think they're very fascinating
second favorite pairing: like i said way back in my answer for dirk i do enjoy dirkjohn. but that's less of a focus for me since i'm vibing with the june headcanon recently
fluffy pairing: this sounds clinically insane but i think they would be besties with feferi
angsty pairing: retcon roxygen is kind of a prereq for this but like. it's like that for a reason imo. what if there were five people left alive in existence and then two of them bled to death in the desert and the other one dissolved into glitches leaving just you and another girl who also just lost all her friends. that situation is so fucked up it felt kind of cheap that they just fixed it instantly like that but WHAT ever
favorite polyship: jvrisrezi but ONLY because it's funny. i'm not that emotionally invested
weirdest pairing: i would find meenah/john incredibly compelling if, again, meenah wasn't an adult when john was a teenager
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
Bestie Dirk plz if it’s ok? Can I get some wholesome HCs of the TT,EMH fellas,and Patrick taking their s/o to spirit Halloween to find couple costumes and decorations for the house? Thank u! 💕
Good brain vibrations reading this request. -Mod Dirk
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This is the type of man to go without you at first because he's excited.
Then he would pretend like it's his first time going when he goes with you.
Until a store clerk looks at him and recognizes him.
You two should not be trusted in this store.
Evan alone would buy the entire store out, but the two of you would leave with arms full of bags.
Slasher couples costume. He would not budge on that. <He wants an excuse to use the Freddy glove>
Habit only likes Halloween because he can get away with more in public that day.
He would go with you to the store though.
Don't let him near fake blood or Halloween props.
He will go into detail on how if he sharpened the prop blades enough you could probably actually use them.
Would also use the fake blood to make a mess just for fun.
His costume idea would be to just go in his true form and see what happens.
Easier to shop with and he hasn't gone without you.
You could also talk him into doing SFX makeup on him.
He would think it was cool.
Catch this man buying the most basic Halloween decorations because simple is easier.
Couples costume would be some sick skeleton costumes.
You would wake this man up the first day this store opened and he would be prepped already.
Hes buying themed Halloween decorations.
He let's you choose them for the most part though.
He would buy you one of those big Halloween makeup kits.
Couples costume would probably be 1920s themed.
The only reason he left his house for this was because you were excited.
He doesn't regret it the moment he sees the wide eyes you give at everything in the store.
He would buy you the store and then some if he had the means and you asked him to.
You are also leaving with several bags and all of them are for you.
Couples costume is something cute like Ghostbusters costume.
He doesn't get the appeal of Halloween but if it makes you happy he will vibe with it.
Watches as you mad dash through the store with a small grin.
He would let you decorate his house and watch as you decorated your own.
He starts to get the appeal of Halloween after watching how excited you are.
Hes almost excited as Evan is.
Not so excited he went without you of course he would never do that to you.
You two have been making Halloween plans for months now.
When the time finally comes he's super excited and you two nearly clean out the store.
Couples costume is the couple from Beetlejuice.
The Observer:
These poor fucking workers I'm-
The moment you two are in the store you are fucking around.
You two probably aren't even going to buy anything, just play around with random props.
He buys fake blood and you do not stop him because you are both forces of chaos this time of year.
Couples costume. He goes as himself with his tentacles out. He loves to see people panic.
He likes Halloween. It's always a fun time of year for him.
He was especially excited to go shopping with you.
You two pick out costumes for each other instead of doing a couples costume.
The decorations you get are also themed by pop culture you two like.
Wholesome Halloween.
He loves Halloween for the same reason Habit does.
He can cause chaos.
Anything he gets decoration wise is staying up all year round.
He steals small costume things that he will just wear normally everyday.
Couples costumes are his favorite and he let's you surprise him with your ideas.
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hhuta · 3 years
Oh my god you watched Dirk gently???? Yes!!! I rarely see people posts about it anymore and it was my favourite show for so long I'm so excited youve watched it!! Please share your thoughts 👀👀👀 I'm a starving man 😔 idk what to ask do I ask about your favourite character?? Your thoughts on the stuff that was gonna happen in s3??? Should I ask if you prefer s1 or s2??? Idk please thoughts
cooonnooorrrrrr u know the showwwww!!!!! aaaa!!
mY THOUGHTS ARE: dirk is my child and i will protect him forever.
literally all i can think about. i got so attached to him, i cant believe theres literally nOTHING ELSE OF HIM FOR ME TO WATCH. LIKE. ITS OVER??????? IM GONNA HAVE TO READ THE BOOKS THAT ARE VERY DIFFERENT FROM THE SHOW TO FILL THE VOID????????????????????? THIS IS WHY I STOPPED WATCHING TV SHOWS I HATE IT HERE
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anyways. as u can see hes my fave character by far. i fell in love with him so fast :( hes so funny and dumb but also very smart 😔😔😔 and he suffered so much!!!!!!!!!! oh my god i wanted to fight everyone who was mean to him!!!!!!!!!! i only respect hobbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him too! i also love estevez and zimmerfield andnnnddd dodontnttt eveeennnn!!! getttt meee stARARTETDDDDD ON THEIIRRRRRR ENEDNDNINGGGSSSSS Because it doesnt exist. i dont acknowledge it. pure bullshit. i was truly close to te a r s during zimmerfield [redacted] scene???? did u??? did u see that shit????? THE TENDERNESS? WHAT THE F U CK WAS THAT ABOUT IM. im ok.
ah i love bart too so i fucking hATED HOW S2 ENDED FOR HER. WHY DIDNT SHE STAY WITH PANTO IN THE FAIRYTALE LAANNDDDDD OH MYGOODDDDDDD their dynamic was so good... and speaking of him, of course i love a gay icon, love his boyfriend too, another dumb gay!!! so many dumb gays. so much representation. im sad we didnt get to see a lot of them. i was so fuckign afraid they were also going to fucking die no i would riot!! i was ready to say "sO GLAD THIS GOT CANCELELDLDLD!!! OF COURSE THE GAYS GOT KILLED !!! NOT EVEN FICTIONAL FICTIONAL GAYS ARE SAFE!!" KJljdslklk i really was prepared for the worse after what happened to my other kings...... ill never get over that
and to be honest i was not vibing with the second season at first (probably, for sure..ly bc of what happened to my kings in s1. all these new characters were being introduced, i felt like pure shit just wanted them back. i couldnt properly enjoy it) also the whole.. fantasy thing.... is not my thing... idk... from the start, when i saw the fucking wand i wanted to scream dlkjas i knew it wasnt going to be for me. but i think it got better as it went on, it just didnt captivate me like the plot from s1. i didnt follow it as well? i enjoyed how i could easily pick up the little clues in s1 but tbh i think that just reflects dirk's state cuz we sorta follow his pov... he was v e r y lost during s2 and that rubbed on me!!! i didnt enJOYYYY ONE BITTT SEEING HIMMM SO FUCKING SAD... he was just sad and freaking out and he just needed a friend >:( and todd ugh he pissed me off a lot of the time dlkajskl........... ill never forget him saying dirk deserved to be alone 🚶‍♂️being a dirkette isnt easy.
but anyways its not like s2 was bad and dumb (im editing this and i just remember them trying to make todd/farah a thing. absolutely loathed that. that was bad and dumb. faratina for the win), the weird stuff did make sense in the end. of course thats what a child would imagine, even the scissors as weapons made sense. aND AMBOOLENTS. IDK IF U REMEMBER THAT BUT GOD IT MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH. also suzie was a good villain and tina and hobbs were amazing 🥰aGAIN I WAS SO READY FOR ONE OR BOTH OF THEM TO DIE.... no this fear really ruined things for me lkdjalsk.... oh mona !!! lOVE HER TOO! shes so pretty, first of all. when i saw her glowing eyes in the first ep i was like heyyyy 💕ANyways her character???? like?? so interesting??? not knowing who shes supposed to be?!?!?! i got hooked right awayyyy when she said that
oh my god i wish s3 existed and it was about heeerrrr. mona and dirk would be great besties 😔 and he would finally have his actual detective agency :(((((( but do u mean what i want to happen or this that might have happened? cuz im only looking at dirk/assistent romance lkdjakls mister sir lieutenant assistent was funny and so brave for putting up with friedkin so hes prepared for dirks intelligent dumbness and i want to see dirk happy its a win win. TODD BEING A ROCKSTAR AGAIN YES! all the other stuff yes too except bart teaming up with ken idek why she would do that after he 1. became a dick and 2. betrayed her (PLUS he shot dirk, im resentful, therefore i hate him forever and i dont want bart near him ever again)
sooooooo unfair that the show only has 2 seasons..... its such a rich universe with good characters.... all of them.. amanda and farah got great character development.. i already miss it im so sad..... im strongly considering making a sideblog to reblog stuff..
but what are your thoughtssss? tell me anything !!! do u have a fave episode? since i just finished s2, i remember loving S2xE6. the concert aftermath was really funny also dirk in pink <3
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fashion icon <33
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emmelfish · 6 years
Folks, we made it here. It’s NUPTIALS time.
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And Dina Caliente bogarts the alcohol before the ceremony’s even begun.
Dina: I’m just – I’m happy for you Brandi, really I am, but Mort-Mort hasn’t called since he got his leg over and I fear I may never fulfill my Marry a Rich Sim want. I just feel so vulnerable right now.
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Dina: But yeah you make maternity marriage gowns look super classy and you look beautiful, and Darren – pink becomes you, so... happy wedding guys!
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Dina: Let’s all get wasted! Not you obvs Brandi.
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Le sigh, still a snooze, even with booze. Hopefully the party score will pick up!
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Yep, Brandi’s best boys are all wearing pink, even though she’s not got a hint of her fave color on her wedding attire. Hey John Burb! Better not have been poking any more holes in your Durexes or switching out Jen’s birth control for Altoids. Hiya Dusty, how’s college?
Dustin: I’m still Undeclared since you all threw me in that dilapidated dorm and exited the game.
Undeclared! Great TV show. Uh, we’ll get to it, we just need to change your LTW to Top of the Criminal career because I want you to be a babyfaced mobster, and then you can take the Mathematics.
Dustin: Yay, numbers. That’s almost as fun as wearing a pastel suit.
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Hubba hubba, Tara Kat scrubs up well and has switched out her regular day hat to her fancy one! Thanks girl. Could you have a word with Dirk about changing out of his urine-soaked, blood-stained scrubs for this pivotal moment in his family life? Normally he doesn’t do a single thing to piss me off.
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Dirk I swear to god if you don’t change into your powder pink suit I’m gonna make you watch your dad and stepmom making out on a freaking loop.
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Holy heck Brandi is freaking huge.
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Ah sheesh finally, he Superman’d it at the last minute.
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John, there’s telling the bride she looks beautiful as everybody should, and then there’s full-on Jon-Voigt-in-Anaconda leering. STAHP IT.
John: Ah like ’em maaaarried, ah like ’em preeeegnant...
Feminists everywhere, please kick this man hard in the danglebits so he can make NO MORE BABIES.
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Brandi: From the first moment I saw you...
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Brandi: ...it was around five seconds until we boned and made twins.
Darren: It was indeed.
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Dustin: That’s... that’s it?
Beautiful, wonderful, round of applause everyone.
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Presenting Mr and Mrs Dreamer! It’s a shame about the automagic surname change, I’d much sooner a double-barreling (for both spouses, the way they do in France!), but alas, The Sims 2 hails from a far less woke era. Maybe I’ll get round to fixing that if I ever make the effort to fire up SimPE.
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What the... the hell time you call this, Beau Broke?
Beau: Fashionably late.
Dustin: Why in Watcher’s name do I gotta look like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol and young Neil Patrick fucking Harris over there rocks up in a tiny tasteful tux?
Because it’s hilarious, that’s why. And also, those fun suits you and Dirk are wearing didn’t come in child size.
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Good lord, who rattled Dina’s cage?
Dina: I just remembered about Jessica, A Baddie, breaking into our house.
Oh for crying out loud Dina get over it, it’s been like an entire season since then and you get mad about this one thing every three minutes.
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Staring in disbelief is Tara Kat’s default mode, and it suits her little face swimmingly. To think she was once on Darren’s list of Maybes to Marry, before I gayed her up with SPOILERS! Haha, not yet pretties.
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Dirk, it’s their wedding, can you not give them a PDA free pass this one time?
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Dustin: Yeeeeah, adulting, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. C’mere you long, tall... curvy... bubbly... yeah, sexy champers.
Had some wine coolers before the bus ride over from SSU did we, Dusty?
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Beau what on earth’s wrong? You look distressed and yet your angry thought bubble is vacant. Are the tails on Dirk’s suit offending you?
Beau: Yeeeeessss!
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Of course Angry Brandi Art Face had to put in an appearance at her wedding. Or perhaps the furrowed brows are because of the somewhat generous portion of prosec her dear son is pouring himself.
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I love how all the toasts are literally only about Brandi, but she chooses to represent her new husband by doing him a heartfart.
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Dirk: Hey so Dustin, our girlfriends are related... we’re officially family... do you think that means we’ll get married?
Dustin: Dude, are you high?
Dirk: I’m just... very confused about my life.
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No Beau, you don’t get any sadly. I promise you that a nice rosé cava will be your drink of choice when it’s your turn to go to university.
Hey, the party score is up! Don’t stop me now, I’m havin’ such a Good Time, I’m havin’ a ball...
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Tara: Brandi, your bewbs are so big that your cleavage can prop up my champagne glass!
John: That’s hot.
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Yay, look how happy everyone is! Wow, I simply can’t think of anything that would ruin this perfect moment (obvious foreshadowing is obvious), it’s just what you’d want from a Sims 2 wedding.
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Guests are chatting away, siblings are dancing...
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...only three minutes to go. I’d take a Good Time score. Come on, we can keep it up...
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...Daz is delicately feeding his bride the cake instead of smashing it in her face, good man, Beau’s all aglow in the zone...
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...John’s heartfarting a lesbian, he can but dream, but at least it’s a nice dream for him...
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...there’s a mother and son dance-off happening, Diggy’s being great with kids as she always is...
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...besties dancing – holy shit we hit Roof Raiser! Is that all it takes? A little all-round positivity? Well then. Remind me to throw MOAR wedding pardies.
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Beau DO NOT KILL MY ROOF RAISER VIBE with your grumpus face!
Beau: It’s this rain, it’s playing havoc with my corsage.
Rain on a wedding day is lucky! And you like music don’t you kid, just sing that Alanis song. 🎵 It’s like ray-ee-aaaain...
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Dina: Goodness gracious. Brandi’s eldest, you’re growing like a weed.
Huh, interesting! The special event camera just kicked in. I wonder what that could be fo –
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I... just... I’m wordless. ACR, you are a freak. Goodnight dear Simblrverse. Stick a fork in me, I am DONE.
Hey – great party though!
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