#also back to the dragon thing how do you have rhae saying that without their dragons they're just like everyone else
sukibenders · 3 days
Look, I enjoy the Targaryens as much as the next person and think that their house, their family mess, all of it is very interesting. I want a dragon so bad and they are one of the reasons, I get it. But, on the same hand, it gets annoying when people say/act like they are the only interesting house within ASOIAF (this rhetoric is mainly on Twitter, from what I've seen) and it primarily has to do with them having dragons (to which, for a time many Targaryens didn't have after the dance and until Daenerys came into the picture). Look, having dragons is cool and all, but if that's all that makes a house interesting then maybe that house is boring. And, could be just me, but by saying that I feel like it's lowkey disrespecting all the work GRRM put into the other houses and their characters. If the Targaryens are your favorite that's fine, but there's no need to act like the lore behind other houses also isn't just as important. I'm new to this fandom, but there are so many aspects that have pulled me in and it's sad that people ignore it just because it's not a part of one particular house.
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christinapotter09 · 2 years
first and last reaction to episode 10 and daemyra because HBO simply loves to butcher characters
first of all, thanks for the leak and ruining the weekend
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I refuse to accept that this was the final episode, if this indeed is the final cut of it.... the cutting of the scenes was funny, just so many things shoved up before our eyes and so many ooc interactions and things happening like... chill out you can make it 1hr+.... why stumble upon it?
to the characters, Daemon Targaryen is a piece of shit, we all know that, he’s been angry and cruel and plain awful in many cases, lets be honest BUT he had one redeeming quality, his love for Rhaenyra Targaryen, he has been through some serious shit like exiling himself to Pentos to try and get over her and when he came back he realised there was no way around his heart’s desire, he stood for his niece/wife and struck down anyone who dared insult her. Married her in the tradition of his house just like he had asked to do that decade ago. 
I do not accept that the same man would be calling Laena “My brave girl” during her torturous labour but when it comes to Rhaenyra starting being in pain he would remain without even a reflex towards her, when she’d be screaming his name, he’d continue to mumble around with lords and generals to a point where a knight would ask him if he should talk with the maester.... and while she’d been birthing on the floor he would finally go and check on her later on.... or that he would leave her alone to wrap their baby dragon on her own while still bleeding and he’d go to the beach (no matter the cut scene from there too which we got in the trailer but not in the episode)
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he crowned her congratulations and then he decided to choke her while he wasn’t even understanding the magnitude of what Rhae was saying and how it worked? he’s short tempered, not stupid, he’s going singing valyrian lullabies to Vermithor, he would stay and listen to something important involving Aegon the Conqueror.... she’s shocked and whimpering and he still held on, even tightened his hand around her neck before shaking and freeing her....? and why? because he’s sad/stressed/angry/frustrated? No, the Daemon who was cupping her belly two episodes ago, leading the family to King’s Landing because “What choice do I have?” and he wanted to give her all the choices.... he would never lay a finger against Rhaenyra hours after her horrendous ordeal with Visenya (btw Visenya who? we didn’t even get the name of the poor babe) especially after having lost Laena the way he did. 
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the biggest thing is that this is not Daemon’s fault but the showrunners/writers’ 
I AM DONE with inconsistent writing and portrayal, I’m certainly done with character assassination, they cut down his scenes with his daughters and now they cut at least 4 scenes showing him and Rhaenyra interacting after what happened to them. 
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a massive blow to this shitshow was the change of Aemond’s crime. turning it into an accident is the biggest shit decision they could make. Aemond loses agency (just like Rhaenyra herself because yes I guess you don’t want her locco Dany 2.0 but that doesn’t mean she has to be a frozen person who simply takes the blows and values the song of Ice and Fire less than the fucking page from that book Alicent sent with the fucker she has for father) so it was Vhagar who didn’t listen to Aemond? BECAUSE ARAX GOT SCARED AND PROVOKED HER WITH FIRE? 
Blood and Cheese will taste completely different and I don’t care what is happening with AemondxHaelena about it, Luke deserved better, so did Aemond’s storyline, the battle at the Riverlands will be completely different, the battle above God’s eye too..... I wonder if Sunfire will also kill Rhaenyra by accident, not listening to poor little Aegon who tried to save his sweet sister? UUUUGH
for the love of the Gods, let the fucking characters have their agency, their crimes and black moments without loading only Daemon with all the evils of the world just because you can’t deal with a plotline from start to finish and above all even if you want to fuck the characters WRITE IT BETTER AND GIVE IT TIME
THIS IS GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8 ALL OVER, we accepted the time skips, we accepted the dark battle of the dawn like shit, we accepted stupid Alicent fully knowing what would happen to Harwin, Rhae and her kids if she got her way proving them bastards to Viserys and then she played shocked when Otto had been planning to kill Rhaenyra the moment Viserys was dead.... We accepted the way you want to tell the story but HBO, this is the same audience with GoT but not with the same patience
Daemyra was beautiful but I don’t know how it can survive after tonight, frankly, why would it?
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fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me
thank you, HBO for fucking up with this so I can keep my spine straight before SNOW and the shit that is gonna hit that fan, I say this wholeheartedly, you better not involve my darling Sophie/Sansa into that because you clearly don’t deserve the people’s good graces and our love for the universe, GRRM has straight up abandoned the books and you can’t possibly deliver a fucking justified result from the source material
I am done with canon once again
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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They were aboard ship when the Raven came zipping above a swell and nearly collided with their Maester. His graying hair was dusted with spray as he glanced at the two ladies watching the bird in his hands. Removing the small note on its leg he sighed. "Lord Lucerys, Heir to High Tide, has been slain by Aemond," he replied and displayed the Black Dragon of Dragonstone. "i knew the Andals would do this!" Qwynn growled. Her wife leaned against her as the two women eyed the sky above them. "We need to settle in to our Holdfast and prepare. If this war burns the south they may call the northern banners," Denna said to her wife's ear. "Yes, and when they do, the Banshee of Ceallach will spear their riders from the Sky," Qwynn said grimly. --- Wow, so this is long time coming, but I have been sitting on my reactions to House of the Dragonf or the better part of two weeks. A mix of depression and watching my niece has slowed my words. I've also been pushing for a new fanfic to get finished up so I'm tired these days. Drained of a lot of my primary muse. IRL I have a customer-facing job which for someone like me is really exhausting social and mentally. And returning later in the night to recover can result in little time. Now that we are back though lets do this review! The Ugly This series did not hold back on the violence against LGBT. We knew that a lot of people were going to die. But I really can say that some of it has left a bad taste in my mouth more than a few times. Now, as I think about it though I would say the ending scene of Queen Aemma's death to me really set te tone for the brutality of this entire season. Maybe, it's my bitterness for how they ended GoT and how the showrunners of that show ruined Dany. Who knows. I'd sai the one thing I could do without in this season were the death of Ser Joffrey. A scene just depicting Criston as a total piece of shit who should have faced harder repercussions. Really, I know the guy is important but I'd rather his pretty face was you know maybe scarred up a bit more. Seriously! Onto the other person I hate, Three-Eyed Rat, Larys' brutality is beyond astounding. The scene where he orders the death of his own family was as sickening to me in some ways as the acting was superb. What made me want to just cut was that whole foot masturbation. Seriously, did we need to act such a graphic shitty scene? The Good Wow, the cast in this series has been just amazing. Paddy Considine showed us the peace and slowly dying LIvserys. Every time he was on screen he -was-  Viserys Targaryen. This was all made the better with Matt Smith as the utterly depraved and love-to-hate fuckboy, Daemon. The early parts seemed strange, but as we saw the Valyrians we were pulled in by them. These two clash in such a natural way I believed they were brothers! But one of the harder parts of this series was Milly Alcock's part of Young Rhae transitioning in Older Rae. Milly Alcock sells the sense of haughtiness one could only expect of a Targaryen Princess. The way she rides off in a huff at her father's hunt, and how she sleeps with Cole. Their young -puppy- love that rots into Criston's Incelnes was made only better as we switch to Emma D'Arcy. We see the Summer of rebelliousness sower into a woman whose been basically driven away by her own family. If the damn Hightower parts weren't so well acted this portion of the series would have been boring as fuuuuck. Counter of Milly's acting Emily Carey is a questioning and quiet girl who just wants her fund. To see her morph into Olivia Cooke's master class of the scorned friend was made me utterly hate the Greens. This is helped along by Rhys Ifans as Otto. I would say that if Otto hadn't been such a good counter to Daemon and a "Friend" to Paddy's Viserys this entire show would have flopped. Now let's get to the real power couple of this fucking series. Corlys (played by Steven Toussaint) was another Valyrian persona I wanted. Did he sell me as the Sea Snake, yes and no. In this series we see that the burning ambition of Corlys which would ruin his family. I just wish the man had more fucking options for wigs because whoever was doing his and the rest of the family DID NOT SEEM to understand that there are multiple styles of hair for POC. FFS people give the man a few different looks! Onto Rhaenys, damn, yeah she was one of the break outs of this series. Seeing her as this silent shadow in the first two episodes to evolve into a armor clad Valkjyr was -invigorating-. THIS makes me happy that she dies fucking epicly later in the series. My favorite scene is where she sits atop Meleys (Meraxes dammit) and to let the Greens live was, aweinspiring. Conclusion Okay, so I am running gout of stem on this, but House of the Dragon has definitely kinlded a renewed interest in the GoT TV verse. I was turned off by a few scenes,, but overall I'm happy with this new spinoff to the franchise. Honestly, I was turned off of the last few seasons of Game of Thrones that I refused to watch them. I ended season 7 and I fucking walked away. I said goodbye after they killed off Viserious. I've never watched anything but clips from the episodes onward. This series gives me hope that we can see more additions to the universe as GRRM pitters away on his book. I want to see animated episodes set during the Freehold. I want to watch Nymeria lead her people out of the ashes of her fallen civilization. That can only happen IF HotD does well enough for HBO to continue to greenlight things. Welp, let's see what we may get in Season 2. I need to read Fire & Blood, but I'l need to continue eating up fanfics for now! Story Idea I've decided to backburn my idea of a Dragon Riding series of short stories. I need to really absorb more ideas and theories before proceeding. I can say that I hope that the Rhae x Alicent story section grows in Ao3 and maybe some rare pairs in the ASOIAF / GoT verse grows its fandom in healthy ways!
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reginarubie · 2 years
For the brutally honest ship opinion : Rhaenicent, Daemyra, Alicole and Harwin/Rhaenyra. Also, this has nothing to do with the ships, but I desperately need you to validate my hate for Corlys. He's an incredibly sexist man preferring strong bastards over his own granddaughters, but has the audacity to complain that the realm was just as sexist to Rhaenys. Also, he's so spineless, you think Rhae killed you son and your brother and you're still supporting her anyway? The latter
Ciao anon!,
Let’s start by the ships!
Rhaenyra and Alicent
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Tbh, with the way they have acted and are framed in the show? Totally dig it, wether as some sexual tension, emotive tension or simply two souls who love each other but are torn apart by duty, flaws and conviction.
It has emotional depth. In book canon I understand things were pretty different, but using show as canon it is interesting and I can see why people would ship them. The friends who love each other (be it sexual or platonic) and are torn from each other because of society, duty, flaws and conviction … not only because of the world around them but because of them themselves… it’s interesting and I personally loved this change from the bookverse.
So, 8/10 as long as it remains true to the plot of the story and the characters.
Daemon and Rhaenyra
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We have no respect for a grooming disrespectful meow meow in this household. For how cute he may act, all headnudges here and there, he is a grooming manwhore who was better off exiled for good.
And whilst I agree the actors played their part right (perhaps playing much in the direction of what fans had wanted Jonerys to be) I still can’t look past the fact he basically groomed her (and her whole “I am not sixteen anymore” line drives the point even more home) and Laena (who might I remind you is younger than Rhaenyra).
He also killed his first wife, ignored his second wife’s wishes and made her daughter feel inadequate because she was not a dragon rider and put hands on Rhaenyra.
Noh. Sure he supported her claim to the Iron throne (also because he himself thrives for power, look at the Black Queen until Rhaenyra gets Lucerys’ death’s news, he tries to force her hand and only backs down when she is forcefully pulling rank on him. He tries to be the head of the entire campaign, and she has to command her son to make sure Daemon’s commands are not followed without her say so which tells us much of how much she trusts him).
Alicent and Criston
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Chanson de geste ship, the eternal knight and the lady he champions passion filled gaze and pining and angst. Filled with the dark hues of the world of F&B, totally dig it despite their flaws and the way Criston changes during the years.
It makes sense.
Can I have more, ma’am and sir?/10
Harwin and Rhaenyra
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Possibly the only not toxic relationship Rhaenyra has with a man.
They’re both adults, they have a consensual relationship with which both seem happy with (they are tear stricken when they have to separate) and tho it’s obvious Harwin would’ve liked to be more open with his children the rumours were there exactly because he acted very much like a father, more than Laenor did anyway. Harwin seems to accept Rhaenyra with all her quirks and flaws and loves her anyway.
Truly, I like them and despite the whole dishonourable matter caused by the marriage with Laenor and the society itself, forced to be lovers instead of man and wife in the context they are, I think they make a fine pair and he’s very supporting of her and she seems very earnest toward him, defending at least in private, what little rights she could give him.
Now onto the Corlys dislike know this. I am with you. I actually have another ask about him and Rhaenys and his whole character, so look out for that too because I am going to validate your dislike for him by my own opinion (for how validating that may be), so look out for that.
Corlys and Rhaenys, brutally honest opinion also why Corlys is NOT the new Ned, ffs.
As always thank you for the ask, hope you have an amazing day! Sending my love as always ~G.
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magalidragon · 4 years
good kind of madness | a Modern Royals Jonerys AU
Chapter 2 | Teaser #2
**I wasn’t going to tease some more of this until I finished but we lost my family dog last night and I am really depressed. She was 12, had cancer, and it was really fast. 2020 is just total shit. So because I feel like garbage and probably won’t write for a couple days, enjoy this little snippet.**
Jon closed his eyes, lying on the bed, unmoving. He heard sounds outside, in the corridor, but didn’t get up. Ghost was somewhere around the estate, he liked to run through the woods and had the opportunity to actually hunt, to be a real wolf instead of the pseudo-babysitter he actually was. Or rather, what Rhaegar had wanted him to be, when he allowed Ned to gift Jon the direwolf pup when he was a young boy.
The sound grew louder, echoing on the hardwood, and there was a whoosh and a loud crack, which came from the twelve-foot tall ornate wooden door swinging into the room, with enough force to crack the handle into the wall on the opposite side. He opened his eyes, staring across at his father, who stood in the doorway, hands on his hips, fuming.
Rhaegar Targareyn might be fucking terrifying, but right now Jon didn’t care. He would never hurt him. That would require him to actually care. The King strode into the room and paused, indigo eyes sweeping from one end to the other, observing and calculating. Jon rolled and propped himself up on his elbows, staring straight ahead. Today the King wore all black—shocker—except it was his country attire of black sweater, jeans, and boots. His silver hair had been undone from its usual plait, instead tied from his face in a simple queue.
He finally met his father’s eyes, gray locking onto the indigo. Rhaegar’s lip curled up, smirking. “I did not know what to expect, but I will say I thought there would be a bit more debauchery. Knowing you.”
“Give it a few more hours,” Jon shot back. He wanted to light up a joint in front of Rhaegar, just for that comment alone. Instead, he snatched up his cigarettes and flicked one in between his lips, arching his brows and smirking around it while he picked up the lighter. “The day is still young. Or is it already night? Guess it doesn’t matter.” He lit the smoke, the tip glowing with a puff of his breath and he pursed his lips, streaming smoke straight towards his father, who had not moved a muscle, or even blinked. There were times Jon thought Rhaegar was not even real. He was a reanimated corpse or something. He smirked again, lifting the cigarette back to his lips and drawing his knee up, making it clear to Rhaegar that he had not spent the night alone, the bed clearly once having two occupants. “Can I help you with something, if you aren’t here to lecture me?”
“Get dressed.”
“Because I am your father and I said so.”
Jon squinted, feeling the medication wearing off, the numbness to his limbs and blurriness around his eyes fading. He chuckled. “Like that’s a reason.”
Rhaegar’s nostrils flared, irritated. “How about because I am your bloody king?” he breathed.
“It’s not good, but I suppose it is a reason.”
“Lay off him Rhae.”
They both glanced to the side of the room, where Dany stood in the doorway of the bathroom. She had put on a long purple dressing gown, her silver curls pinned atop her head. Her face was slightly pink and dewy, likely from a quick wash. She moved from the door, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, crossing her legs primly, her hand reaching to drape over his knee. The look she gave Rhaegar might have been his own reflection. They shared the same steely gaze, able to go minutes without blinking, and their tempers clearly at boiling point.
Jon wondered at what point he could get up and go find some of the Shade of the Evening he’d left in Egg’s bedroom during his last visit. It might not have been good, but at least it was something. He watched the two dragons, amused. “I think Dany’s going to win this one Rhaegar,” he announced.
In fact she did, his father darting his gaze sideways to glare at him. Dany smirked, satisfied. “You both have embarrassed this family,” he whispered. He shook his head slightly, lifting his finger to point at them. “I warned you to knock this off. This silly little relationship.”
“It isn’t silly!” Dany shouted.
It didn’t matter. She could scream on live television she loved him, she could be caught in all kinds of compromising positions, seven hells, they already attended events together hand-in-hand, Davos even claimed that people on the internet were devoted to “shipping” them, whatever that meant. It might have been taboo in some circles, but they were fucking Targaryens. They were above the average person, they did not obey the laws of man, Jon thought, finishing his cigarette.
He shot his father another dark look; he hated Rhaeger. Hated him. Everything that ever went wrong was all because of Rhaegar. “Forget it Dany, you’re talking to the Silver King. Heart as cold as ice. They say I’m the ice to the family’s fire, but they got it wrong.” He dropped to a whisper, eyebrows lifting, lip curling in disgust. “It’s Rhaegar who has no feelings, no emotion.” He chuckled, feeling mean. He reached for Dany, drawing her back to his chest, his fingers grazing over her breast. Rhaegar, if possible, went colder. He cocked his head, going in for the kill. “Right Dad?”
Just as he figured Rhaegar did not say a word or even acknowledge his attempt at getting him to explode. It would be nice to see the fire he claimed to breathe. It just sat inside of him. Others got to see it, Egg when he refused to participate in some stupid charity function or serve as the representative for the Crown. Rhaenys when she had one too many wild parties or threw a dagger at another boyfriend who pissed her off.
It was just Jon who only got the coldness. The pure hatred. It was fine. Jon deserved it. Just like Rhaegar did.
The King lifted his chin, his jaw so sharp it might be able to cut glass. “You are both going to attend the Volantis Triarch gala tonight,” he breathed.
“Fuck no!”
They both shouted at the same time, Dany grabbing hold of his arm to prevent him from lurching out of bed, to square off against Rhaegar. Rhaegar chuckled, head cocked again, eyes widening. “Oh yes. You both will attend the gala, you both will be on your very best behavior, representing this family and the generations of Targaryens before you. Neither one of you will even think of looking at each other. I don’t want kisses, hand holding, touching, nothing. I am finding out where this particular leak came from but in the meantime we are going to act as though it was something from the past, the two of you no longer together.”
He seethed. “Dany is the only good thing in this fucked up family, you can’t take her from me.”
To her credit, Dany stayed quiet. She kept her hand on his arm, her steadiness seeping into him. He leaned back against the headboard, unable to look at his father. He might jump up and finish the job two others had tried to do before. “Relax darling,” she whispered, patting lightly. She smiled, long and slow, her violet eyes twinkling. “Rhaegar gets what Rhaegar wants, but he also forgets, so does little sister.”
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
Of Wars & Worry
Pairing: Rickard/Rhaella | Aerys/Other Female Character Rating: T Summary:  And not very long after, rumors of war start. The Blackfyre pretenders are launching an attack. Rhaella panics, she knows that Rickard will have to go. And she fears loosing him. She can’t loose him. She wants to be a bride and get old before she’s widowed, thank you very much. Words: 1600 Notes: Sixth in “The Rhaella Stark Chronicles”
Read @ AO3 | The Series | 
“I worry for Lianna,” Rhaella spoke low, not daring to speak loudly. She knew that she was far away from Aerys’ and his ears. But she still dare not tempt fate. “I worry because I know Aerys. And I know he will not be a good husband to her.”
Rickard looked up, frown on his face. “How so?”
Rhaella resisted the urge to flinch, she looked up from her book to her betrothed. “He has a wondering eye, grandmother wrote to me before she passed, and spoke of how he wanted Joanna Lannister for bride, but he was denied. His temper flared. I fear he might mistreat Lianna.”
Rickard’s frown became more pronounced, “Let us hope not, for her sake. She doesn’t deserve such a husband, let us hope that his cruelty be only to ignore her and not harm her.” He doesn’t say that given Lianna’s nature, being ignored would be also cruel.
Rhaella sighs, puts her book aside and begins pacing. She’s grown more comfortable with Rickard, with Winterfell and the North as a whole, she’s four years away from her own wedding, but she has already made herself a home. The people treat her the same way they treat Lady Marna, with deep respect and affection. “My brother, is quite charming and has grand plans according to grandmother’s last letter. But… I still fear for Lianna. I want her safe.”
“As do I, dearest Rhae.” Rickard stands and walks to Rhaella, stops her pacing and gently pulls her to a hug. He’s more affectionate with her now, he’s comfortable with Rhaella. He has grown to love her, and is now more grateful than ever that this betrothal came to be. “Why don’t we go to the gardens, fresh air would do you well.”
Rhaella hesitates for only a moment, “Very well,” she says and lets herself be led. They walk in comfortable silence, no longer awkwardness between them, they are near one. She only breaks the silence when they are in the gardens, near the blue roses. “I only hope that if my brother has mistresses, he be discreet. A false hope, but nevertheless, I hope for Lianna.”
Rickard squeezes her hand. “Then let us pray that he only has eyes for her, she’s a sweet lady, she deserves a good husband.”
“That she does.”
Parting ways with Lianna is painful. She has been with her for so long, Rhaella had hoped the would make a marriage to a northen lord and remain close, alas, her father and Lord Velaryon have decided otherwise. She had been surprised that her grandfather had approved, she would’ve guessed that he’d chosen someone from the Highgarden or the Riverrun. But the Riverrun only has male heirs and, while the Highgarden has a daughter, she wonders what stopped that marriage from happening. But then again, perhaps her father wanted as close as he could get to her and Lianna had valyrian blood, descendant of Targaryens herself. She would make a good wife for Aerys. She can only hope her brother has the good sense of loving her.
Rhaella would not attend the wedding, her grandfather wrote her not to, he still doesn’t want to risk her parents try anything and make her wed Aerys instead. Lord Edwyle and Lady Marna will be attending the wedding. She would remain behind, safe within Winterfell and with Rickard. But she still will mourn the loss of Lianna, even if now she would get to call her good-sister and, eventually, Queen.
The wedding comes and goes, and it seems that it’s almost immediate when a royal announcement comes, Lianna is with child, Rhaella celebrates her friend, her sister now. Prays for a safe delivery for her friend and her would-be child.
Rhaegar is born at the near end of the year. Winterfell celebrates his birth with a toast and sends several gifts.
And not very long after, rumors of war start. The Blackfyre pretenders are launching an attack. Rhaella panics, she knows that Rickard will have to go. And she fears loosing him. She can’t loose him. She wants to be a bride and get old before she’s widowed, thank you very much.
But she’s also a realist, Rhaella knows that he will be fighting, so she starts embroidering several handkerchiefs, his sigil and hers entwined in one, his initials and hers in other, and other have other little things that have grown to be theirs.
Rhaella does her best not cry when she sees him in armor, she is afraid and lost. But Rickard is brave, oh so brave and noble. He’s ready to fight and for once, he’s the one who initiates touching. He cups her face with one hand and another gently caresses her cheek, wiping away an errant tear, “Do not weep, my dearest Rhae, I’ll be back.”
“You better, else, I will for sure follow you in grief.”
Rickard’s face soften, the tender look transforms his face entirely. His eyes are intense, darker than usual. “Then I will come back, for the world would suffer a terrible loss at your passing. You are not meant to die from grief. My Princess, my brave, noble and beautiful lady. My Queen of Love and Beauty. I swear, I will return.”
“Write to me, whenever you are able. Just please, let me know you are well.”
“I will.”
“I have some things for you,” Rhaella pulls the handkerchiefs and offered them. “So that you may think of me, remember me and make you come home.”
Rickard took them out of her hands reverently, “My dearest Rhae, I don’t need them to remember you. Nor to motivate me, just knowing you are here and waiting, it’s more than enough. I will come back. Oh, our joint sigils. They are perfect, thank you.” He takes her hand and kisses it softly. “I shall return, I promise. On my honor as a Stark, I will return to you.”
“I will be waiting.” Rhaella said and then watched as he backed away, mounted his horse and made to ride of, never noticing that Edwyle had come close to her, so the hand that landed on her shoulder startled her. “Oh father, you frightened me.”
“My apologies daughter, but worry not, he’ll return.” That was all he said and walked back inside, Marna nodded along and pulled her gently inside, not saying anything. Simply offering the comfort of her presence, Ynis trailed behind.
Months pass and then the first letter arrives. Rhaella rushes to read it, it says:
Darling Rhae, You’re royal brother is a pain. Vain and exceedingly proud, poor Lianna has her work cut out for her. I am well, besides enduring him, no harm has fallen upon my person. I am safe, the fighting is hard and difficult, but I feel it will not be impossible.
I have a strong sense that I will return home unharmed. Your Wolf.
Rhaella felt a rush of emotions, relief, worry, laughter. Just knowing he was whole and hale did much for her, so she rushed to her desk, grabbed parchment, ink and pen and wrote:
My Wolf, It gladdens my heart to know that you are well. You have no idea how much relief your letter brought me, I shall continue to pray to both the Old Gods and the New for your continued safety.
Alas, that is my brother indeed. Was he terrible rude to you?
Much affection, Your Rhae.
Dearest Rhae, Your brother was not overly rude, we were introduced in public, so I think he had to bite his tongue. I am still whole and hale, worry not beloved, for I shall return home. I miss you, I dream of you. Your Wolf.
My Wolf: I imagine he did, he’s always been proud and lofty, even when young. A shame the years have not changed him much, let us hope that now he has a child he grows more. I dream of you too, often and I long for your company.
With all my love, Your Rhae.
Beloved, I am well, battle is turning in our favor. Met Ser Barristan and saw Ser Duncan again, he sends his love and greetings. Let us hope so, for dear Lianna and our little nephew.
I miss you and I crave you, I can’t wait to be home so I can hold you in my arms once more. Your wolf.
My darling Wolf, Give Ser Duncan my love too. And I miss you more than what I could express. Your absence is noted, Winterfell doesn’t have the same feeling as without you in it. I hope the war ends soon and you can come home victorious. I know you will. I have complete faith in my grandfather and his leaders to bring us victory. My birthday is close and with it, I grow closer to becoming your lady wife. It’s a sweet sort of ache. I wait impatiently.
Yours ever, Rhae.
My Darling Lady Dragon, We have triumphed. Ser Barristan killed Maelys bringing victory to our army. I am returning home beloved. I am coming home. Your wolf.
My wolf, It so gladdens my heart to know that you are well and safe. Come home, I am waiting. I love you, I love you, I love you. Your Rhae.
If Rhaella forgets decorum and throws herself at Rickard the moment he stands in front of him, people don’t say a thing, she simply clings to him and weep in relief. He’s home and he’s hale and whole. She’s happy and he’s safe in her arms. All will be well.
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mmazzeroo · 6 years
Chapter 2: DANY I - How Does She Do That?
@helloimnotawesome - Happy 2nd December <3
Chapter 2:
DANY I - How Does She Do That?
"What a shit day!" she mumbled as she idly ran her finger round the edge of the shots-glass. That lousy piece of shit! It was her third and last glass for the night. He's not worth your tears, Dany, remember that!
She could feel Viserys edging closer. Holding up her hand, she closed her eyes and sighed. "I don't want to talk about it, Vis. Not now."
"Alright sis," he placed his arm across her shoulders, "just say the word if your brothers need to 'wake the dragon' on someone's ass, yeah?"
She nodded and couldn't help the little smile that crossed her lips.
Giving her a tight squeeze and a kiss on the head he whispered, "you know where to find me when you're ready."
Her sweet brother. Always loving and protective. Both of them though she was closer with Vis than Rhae. Could be very funny too, but couldn't think of that now. She could feel the anger coursing through her veins, needing to project it somewhere. She just couldn't deal with it right now.
"And what's with all the fucking elfs and gnomes and lights and relentless singing everywhere?! The noise. Oh the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!", she cried out. Pissed off at Christmas because of an asshole? Good choice Dany, not a cliché at all. At. All! She rolled her eyes at herself.
"'tis the season", replied Tyrion calmly. "So just hakuna your tatas there for a sec 'Grinch'."
"'tis the season", she said mockingly, "yeah season for all the rats to crawl out of the sewer. Hope the turtles are enjoying the peace and quiet. I know I would!" She knew she sounded bitter but she couldn't find it in her heart to care. Not now. "Besides", she continued, "it was Halloween like last week! No reason to break out Santa and the reindeers just yet if you asked me."
"It was Halloween a few weeks ago...and no one asked thus the lovely cheery decorations everywhere", Tyrion said sarcastically. In the background Tormund muttered something about reindeers and farting.
She sighed again staring at the glass in front of her. He's not worth your anger either, Dany. Just drag your ass to bed, sleep it off and start afresh tomorrow. Gently pushing the still full glass away she slid down from the stool. Staggering a bit she blinked a few times trying to gain her balance.
Davos' gentle voice sounded behind her, "I'll have this added to your tab Dany-girl, don't worry."
She gave him a half-hearted thumps-up.
When he stretched his arm over the bar and padded her on the shoulder she reached her own hand up and gave his fingers a gentle squeeze. Thanks, Dadvos.
The old sailor had a good heart. He had landed on their shores some 12-13 years ago with a badly infected leg wound. In the end Dr. Stark had to amputate the leg below the knee to save Mr. Seaworth's life. Having lost his own family to war he had dedicated his life to helping others caught in the same kind of chaos. On that fateful night his ship docked in King's Landing he had been dragged into the ER by a shouting Gendry. They'd barely managed to dock before Davos had collapsed. What no one knew at the time was that the ship was loaded with Dothrakhi refugees. Scared, hungry, many wounded, and almost all of them seasick, but what parent wasn't willing to risk almost anything to save the lives of their children? Even crossing the poisoned water if it meant safety.
Gendry, being Gendry, had of course confessed to Dr. Stark after a day or two not knowing what else to do or where else to go. So her mom and Dr. Stark had pulled a few strings and somehow managed to get DA Tyrell (current President Tyrell) to reward Mr. Seaworth with amnesty for his heroic actions instead of being charged with human trafficking. They had showed up at the docks with food, water and meds for the refugees before sending them over to Dragonstone where a Dothrakhi community had long been established.  
Since then the Stark pack, Vis and herself had basically adopted Davos as their uncle, or 'Dadvos' as they lovingly grew to call him. Not entirely trusting his footing with an artificial leg he had given up sailing; not for good but no more rescue missions. Instead he and Tyrion had established a little pub which served as the front end of their 'shelter for cripples, bastards and broken things' as Tyrion proudly referred to it. Hot Pie and Gendry had been the first beneficiaries — Hot Pie had been sent to culinary school and now worked as head-chef at the pub. Overseeing trainees was part of the job description but Gendry and Davos made sure to alway be around. Hot Pie was a good guy, but a few sandwiches short of a picnic so to speak, so some of the kids liked to try to play tricks on him once in a while. Something that did not sit well with Dadvos! Gendry helped work the bar and being a pretty good handyman as well he would fix up whatever needed a brush up here and there. And Tyrion? Well, being a Lannister he obviously provided the cash, and though being trained as a psychologist, he also managed the business side of the pub. Loving every second of it. The heart of the place was Davos himself - always ready to listen, play games, give advise, or simply let people have their space.
Reaching the door, bag in hand she heard Tormund call out to her, "Whatever stupid shit the fucker did, where I'm from his woman would cut off his cock and wear it on a string around her neck as a trophy!"
"A pecker that small could never be anyone's trophy", she replied dryly stepping out in the snow.
Out in the cold she remembered why cold weather and alcohol is such a bad mix. You only feel warm because of the booze, Dany, don't let your body fool you. She could feel her head buzzing. Breathe! Stay focused! Luckily the hospital and thus the Stark and Targaryen residence was just across the street.
Watching the ground as she walked trying to steady her steps in the slippery snow, she didn't notice the man coming towards her. Inevitably they collided in the hospital foyer.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
"My apologies, miss!"
With the speed of light a strong arm was wrapped around her back preventing her from falling on her ass. Looking up she saw a familiar face.
"Commander Selmy", she smiled, "what a surprise! Sorry for, literally, bumping into you like this."
"Could say the same to you, Dr. Targaryen." He removed his arm from her back and gently resting his hand on her upper arm. "Was just informed that you weren't expected back until tomorrow or, technically, later today." He smiled back at her.
She cleared her throat. "Yes well, complications arose, ensued, were overcome."
Narrowing his eyes slightly Commander Selmy gave her a long inquisitive look. She did her best to look back at him with as much confidence as she could muster at this hour. Just breathe, Dany. Whatever you do he'll know something's up anyway. Whatever his conclusion he just gave her a tight nod and warm smile.
"Right, I best be on my way now, have something for the lab." He lifted his hand slightly holding up a paper-bag.
"Oh? Has there been any trouble here?" She looked around the foyer for any signs of an altercation of some form, but saw nothing other than the usual few anxious relatives and a couple of nurses sitting behind the reception desk working quietly.
"There was a serious traffic accident earlier in the evening. A family of five was brought in, but no ID's so..." He trailed off. When anyone was admitted to the hospital without any kind of identification fingerprints and blood samples were taken to hopefully verify the individuals' identity that way.
"So standard operating procedure was followed. Got it!" She nodded absentmindedly eyes again scanning her surroundings. "But why you though?" Her head shot up, eyebrows furrowed, giving him a puzzled look. "It's usually something the City Watch handles, but you're Commander of the Gold Cloaks. Must be very high priority." She  tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. What in the Seven Hells is going on?
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, eyes looking over and behind her clearly avoiding direct eye contact. Looking very uncomfortable he cleared his throat and said, "Just a precaution. Wish you a good night Dr. Targaryen." He was out the doors before she could respond. What the fuck was that about?!
As she crossed to the private lift at the back of the foyer she was approached by Margaery.
"Dany! Didn't think you—"
"—you'd be back until tomorrow, yeah I know", she finished exasperated.
Margaery gave her an amused look trying to hide a smile. "Won't ask", she said smiling holding up her hands as if surrendering. "Since you're here though would you be up for doing me a favour?"
"What's up?"
"Grey is currently sitting watch at a dog we got in this evening. The poor thing was in a terrible vehicle accident. Thing is he's beginning to wake up and..." Margaery looked at her expectantly.
"And you'd like me to go have a look to see if I'm going to get my head bit off, is that it?" she asked with a smirk while crossing her arms over her chest.
"Exactly!" Margaery grinned.
"Give me the headlines as we walk." Work! Nothing focuses the mind like work! Maybe that's why I enjoy it so much? Who do you think you're kidding, Dany, that's exactly why you love your job! That and you get to help. Helping does make me feel useful. She could feel the anger from earlier slowly began to subside, her body felt more relaxed. The alcohol had done it's job now it was time for her to do hers, and with a task at hand she quickly felt sober again. Strange how the mind can clear up like that. Damn it Dany, pay attention to Marg now!
"He came in sedated so we had to work quickly. The x-rays only showed a broken front leg. Lots of bumps and bruises though and some burns, but overall just getting away from that alive is a miracle."
"How so?"
"According to Tormund the vehicle took a tumble downhill and burst into flames."
She gasped in shock. Poor guy! "What about the rest of the family?"
Margaery waited as she dropped her bag off by the door to their break-room. She heard Margaery sigh next to her. The normally optimistic woman was clearly hesitant.
"They didn't exactly get away that easily." Another heavy sigh. "The man was patched up by Dr. Lannister and is currently stable and expected to wake up sometime within the next few days. His wife on the other hand..." She trailed off and dropped her eyes to the floor.
Her heart dropped. Oh gods! "She didn't make it." The words came out only as a whisper.
Margaery closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. "Sadly no." She lifted her head again and looked at Dany, "but Dr. Martell and Robb were able to save the babies so I guess there's a bit of a silver-lining?"
"Babies? She was pregnant? How far along was she?!" She could feel her eyes grow big in horror. Does this story just keep getting worse?!
"Robb said based on weight and length they estimate she was about 36 weeks, so based on that alone the babies are quite well and safe." Oh thank the Gods, but there's a 'but' there's always a 'but'. "But" Yup, fucking knew it. "because of the rolling, falling and  various hits their mother suffered Dr. Martell wants to keep them under observation for a while just to make sure they're as good as can be. Robb's up there with them now."
"Wow! Can't even imagine what it must be like for him when he wakes up." She couldn't find any words to describe how she felt for that man somehow losing and gaining everything the same night.
They walked in silence until they reached the pens at the back of the vet wing. The smaller animals had cages where they could rest and heal, but the bigger ones had a pen. Basically fences only about 50 cm high as the animals kept there were not in a condition to stand up on their own, and this way also made it easier for the caretakers to check on them, change bandages etc.
In the pen in front of her was a big fluffy ball of white fur with two red eyes squarely fixed on Grey. He's gorgeous! Teeth barred and a low growling.
"Hey there sweetheart", she said tenderly as she carefully stepped in front of Grey. "I know this is scary. Unknown surroundings, unknown humans, and bet that foot of yours hurt too." She was gently guiding Grey away from her and towards Margaery and the door. "I'm sure those wounds on your leg and shoulder is stinging as well." She kept talking in a calm and gentle tone until the dog stopped growling.
"Atta boy, just breathe, I won't let anyone hurt you." She was holding a palm against the fence letting him get a proper sniff.
Glancing towards Margaery she asked, "do we know his name?"
"His name tag said 'Ghost' which by the looks of him is a very fitting name I'd say."
Grey smiled and nodded.
"Ghost", she whispered. The dog looked up. Didn't care when Marg said your name? "Hmm like my voice, do you?" She couldn't help the smile forming on her lips.
She opened the gate of the pen and took a seat in the corner next to the dog's head. A bold move but a necessary one. For a few tense seconds the dog just laid there looking at her. Then, as if he'd made up his mind about something, he put his head in her lap.
She carefully stroked his head and neck. "I'm so sorry this happened to you and your family," she whispered, "and I promise we're all doing everything we can to make you feel better."
She moved a bit lower so that Ghost was resting his head on her stomach. That way she could rest a bit as well.
Last thing she heard before dozing off was Grey's voice, "How does she do that?"
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ktwrites · 6 years
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White Cloak & Red Dragon- Chapter 7
“You’re very quiet,” Luc noted as he dropped a kiss to the back of Rhaenys’s neck.
She was sitting between his legs as he rested his back against the headboard. Her hands absentmindedly played with his fingers and he knew she must be thinking about something. Most days after their lovemaking she would regale him with stories of their son and of Rickon, but on this day, she was ponderous.
He had been waiting for her in their secret room in the part of the Red Keep where guests and travellers lodged. She arrived not long after, already in her nightgown and robe. He loved seeing her that way and he knew that she had more than likely just come from putting their son to sleep. It was a refreshing thing to see in Westeros. Despite being members of the royal family, the members of House Targaryen were deeply focused on their family. Duties that would normally be handled by Septas throughout many great houses in Westeros, the Queen and her daughters handled themselves.
She had undressed before him without so much as a word, allowing him to gaze openly at her perfect form and then helped him removed his own armor, carefully placing it onto the table. Some nights she would push him back onto the bed and have her way with him, but on this night she had lain back on the bed and let him make love to her, holding him ever so close to her.
“Am I?” she asked and leaned further into him. Her head rested on his shoulder. “I suppose I’ve just been wondering if the gods will give us another son, or if they will give us a daughter this time.”
“Rhaenys...you’re sure?”
“Sure it’s ours? No, I suppose not. Sure I’m with child? Without a doubt.”
She felt his arms tighten around her ever so slightly. Perhaps she should not have told him. It was still early yet, but she had gone through two months now without having her moon blood. She and her family had moved to King’s Landing no more than three moons ago and she was already with child again. The seed was certainly strong, she thought. Even if she could not be entirely sure just yet, she felt certain it would be Luc’s.
It was difficult to believe that Arstan would be three soon. It had taken three years to get Sam an appointment in King’s Landing. When sickly Robin Arryn finally died a handful of months ago, Rhaenys had wasted no time in writing to her mother and father to suggest that her husband be made the new Master of Coin. He would serve them well, she wrote, and they would have the opportunity to spend more time with their grandsons.
Although she and Luc had seen each other over the years, it had been difficult at times to extricate themselves from their other duties to be together. She felt a pang of guilt wash over her when she had to reintroduce Arstan to Luc. Although they had seen one another at least once a year, the boy was shy at first around Luc when they moved to King’s Landing. The shyness had quickly faded though, and now Arstan referred to him quite affectionately as Yook, unable to pronounce certain words just right yet.
“At least I’ll get to see you through this time,” he said.
“See me get fat, you mean.”
“Nonsense. I overheard your sister tell your mother you were quite sick last time.”
“I think we both know now that she probably said it when she did for my benefit.”
“Yes, I was,” Rhaenys admitted. “At least for awhile.”
“And this time?”
“Not as bad. It was bad with Rickon, too which is what leads me to wonder if it’s a girl.”
“You’ve told him?”
“You know the rule,” she chided, pinching his arm.
The rule, he thought. The rule stated that neither of them were to bring up Sam while they were in bed together. It was easier that way. The time they shared was precious to them and she certainly did not want to spend it feeling guilty about something. He understood that much. Still, he could not help himself.
“But no. He doesn’t know yet. I wanted to tell you first. No one else knows. Not even my sister.”
“I hope it is a girl. A little girl as beautiful as her mother.”
“She’ll be my first child born during Winter.”
“Mine, too,” Luc grinned.
“I shouldn’t have stayed so long, my love.”
“And yet I wish you could stay longer.”
Rhaenys sighed as she pulled away from him, reaching for her chemise and pulling it over her head as she stood from the bed. Sam was playing cards with her brothers that night as they always did each week before the small council meeting and after she had put the children to bed, she had sought Luc out. They would only spend an hour or so together before she felt the need to be back in her own chambers. He had the night watch this sennight and so he slept during the day.
“How many more days are you on night watch for?” she asked, tying her robe around her waist.
“Five. Why?”
“Arstan and Rickon have been asking about the White Sword Tower ever since you mentioned it to them.”
“I’d be happy to take them there and show them around. And you as well.”
“I”m afraid once you show them they will always want to visit.”
“Help me with my armor before you go?”
“You know I hate that,” Rhaenys sulked as she watched Luc fasten his breeches. “I much prefer taking it off.”
“Don’t sulk now,” he said, handing her the breastplate.
“I can’t help it.”
“D’you think I like it when you put your robe back on?”
Luc pulled her into his arms once she had finished with buckling his armor and tilted her chin up so she was looking at him. If she was indeed carrying their daughter and she was half as beautiful as her mother, he would spend the rest of his life chasing boys and young men off with a stick or a sword. He let his thumb trace over her bottom lip before he cupped her cheek. Rhaenys covered his hand with her own, holding it in place and closing her eyes.  
“You haven’t answered me,” he whispered.
“No,” she finally said. “I don’t imagine you do.”
“I certainly don’t. Sometimes when I notice you’re wearing a new gown, I think of how quickly I can get it off.”
“That is most unbecoming of a man of your station.”
“I’m afraid it can’t be helped and it’s mostly your fault.”
“My fault? How is it my fault?”
“Well it certainly isn’t my fault you look the way you do.”
“Oh, I see,” Rhaenys said knocking on his armor. “And you think that I’m unaffected by the sight of you walking about in your armor?”
“I don’t know,” Luc said, leaning down to whisper into her ear as he toyed with the knot on her robe. He brushed his lips along the shell of her ear, nipping at her earlobe as he continued to kiss a path down her neck.
“We can’t.”
“We could…”
“No,” she moaned. “If we do I’ll not want to leave at all.”
Their secret was conditional on their own ability to follow rules. True enough, they had succumbed to their desire and love for one another, but she would not ruin all of that because she had gotten greedy. It was bigger than them now. They had to think about Arstan and his future as well as the new child’s future.
“You’re right, my love. Of course you are.”
“I don’t enjoy being right. Not in this instance.”
“Rhae, before you go…”
“What is it?”
“I meant what I said earlier,” Luc said. “I’m glad I get to see it through this time. I don’t have to rely on second-hand information from your sister. I know we can’t be sure it’s mine but-.”
“I feel it in my heart of hearts,” Rhaenys finished for him. “This child is ours. The gods work in mysterious ways. I’ve stopped trying to understand it. All I know is that I prayed for more children. Month after month I prayed and they’ve answered my prayers. My father always says that the gods have fashioned us for love. I believe that I was made to love you and to bear your children.”
“Is it true you can feel the babe moving around?”
She smiled softly at his question. He was a soldier and so much of what he knew about life and the world was informed by that. It did not surprise her that he did not know about such matters.
“You’ll be able to, but not just yet. You’ll be the first person to feel it. I promise.”
“And… we can continue to meet like we do?”
“We can,” she smirked, pressing herself against him and reaching up on her tiptoes to kiss his chin. “A midwife from Essos once told me that it was perfectly normal as long as I feel comfortable. And you know very well how relaxed you can make me feel.”
“Oh,” he replied as the color rose up in his cheeks.
“Luc, are you blushing?”
“Kiss me goodnight before I have to go.”
He bent his neck and kissed her, holding her close to him a little bit longer before reluctantly pulling away. They were never sure when they would be able to spend moments alone together. Often it was a spur of the moment decision. Sometimes they were able to plan their rendezvous days in advance. Sometimes she was unable to come at the last moment. Whatever the circumstances were, he cherished each minute he was able to spend in her arms.
“Goodnight, my princess.”
You can also read it on AO3
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