#also attending were the broerrrs and three friends of Sander from the academy
jackfrostsander · 3 years
Happy 21:21 and Happy New Year to Sobbe and the whole WTFAM! 🎆🎇🎉🥳🍾🎊🥂
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Dec 1st, Tuesday 11:37
It was an odd feeling to walk through the hallways of his shool again, almost impossible to believe that it only had been a couple of weeks instead of month. Next week they even would have a couple of classes to attend again at school.
Jens took the stairs down, only one or two other students crossing his path on his way out. He never had seen the building this quiet and empty. At least not to his memory. It was pretty eerie.
Robbe and Moyo were already waiting outside by the gate, laughing about something when Jens crossed the school’s yard to join them on the pavement, immediately taking off his face mask. Finally. He was only just able to catch a glimpse of Luca sending his two friends a salute as she got on a bus.
„You made it.“ Robbe exclaimed proudly, the first to spot him coming closer, quickly followed by Moyo fist bumping him as he reached them
„Barely. I literally wrote the last sentence as the time was up. I couldn’t even proofread the thing.“
„You are not alone. Robbe had just told us that he gave up reading it over and over again halfway through, and just handed it in early. Same here, man. So if we fail, we fail as broerrrs. Together.“ Moyo finished his brief little speech, that didn’t really comforted Jens at all. They had been done with the test ten minutes earlier than him, he had seen them leave, while desperately writting his thoughts down. But at least it was well-intentioned, he guessed as all three of them sighed.
It wasn’t that Jens didn’t know French. He could understand and speak it just fine. It was just having to write and answer all these long ass texts in an awful short period of time that always killed him. So he probably would be fine in the end, wiggeling his way through well enough to pass. He hoped at least. Math on friday was a whole other beast to survive.
„I failed so hard.“ Aaron shouted whining from the courtyard of the school, as him and Lucas were on their way to meet them. Poor Aaron, Jens thought sympathetical, but still amused at the comical devastated face their friend made. And certainly he wasn’t alone, as the other two boys waiting next to Jens also grinned at Aaron stumbling over.
„Come on, it won’t be that bad.“ 
Moyo definitely had stepped up to be their motivational speaker today, trying to keep up the morale of the group. Even if he was quite shit at it to be honest.
„No it was super bad. Urgh. I don’t want to fail my last year.“ 
„You wont.“ His tone was rather matter of fact, as Jens caught Aaron’s gaze to sound and look as assuring as it was possible for him in that moment. At least it seemed to work a little, when Aaron nodded and even smiled gently, when Robbe patted his back lightly.
„That’s exactly what I told him as well.“ Lucas said, having also just written the German test with Aaron. Jens was so sure that his boyfriend must have aced it. He looked rather unbothered by the whole two weeks filled with tests ahead of them. Which probably stemmed from Lucas studying just as much, if not even more than them. Jens would know, sitting next to him at home, being easily distracted by everything, while his boyfriend miraculously managed to concentrate on his notes.
„So Geography tomorrow, huh?“ Moyo asked, recieving a positive nod from everyone in their little circle. Geography was managable. Jens wasn’t too worried.
„Oh fuck,  guys, we should probably go.“ Robbe had just taken his phone out to check for something, apparently the time, when he picked up his backpack from the ground between his feet.
„We? Who is we?“ Aaron looked confused between them, as did only Moyo, unaware that it answered his own question, while wondering if he had forgotten aboout something important.
„Sander has his photoshoot today, and Lucas here promised to model, if you remember four weeks ago at the park?“
„Oh right. What kind of photos? Skating?“ 
Aaron actually seemed interested asking for Jens to explain further, who of course had no idea either. Sander didn’t really give anything away on sunday, other than the time and place to meet. Which was some apartment of a fellow student from the academy, the three boys had been told, cuddling on the sofa. And that was kind of it. Jens believed that not even Lucas had much more information, other than the clothes he would be wearing. 
„It’s an editorial.“ His boyfriend provided, looking not quite convinced that he knew what he was talking about. So last but not least Robbe picked up from there.
„Basically their group is putting together a magazin this semester, one is doing texts, another layout, a third the cover and so on. And Sander takes the photos. He already did some studiowork for fake adverts and stuff last week. Today is a bit more fashion, a bit more...“
„Alright, that’s enough information.“ Moyo declared, stopping Robbe in his explanation, who did right away, not particular affronted by their friend’s dismissive tone. Still his best friend rolled his eyes at the tone Moyo had used. Sometimes this boy should learn to be a little less of an dick, Jens thought.
„We really need to leave anyway, so I guess we’ll see you tomorrow?“ Robbe said instead, followed by all of them bidding goodbye, promising to meet in front of the school at half past nine again.
„For sure!“ Aaron happily said, waving them goodbye, as the three boys turned to walk down the street, Lucas and Jens basically trusting Robbe to know where he was going. 
Jens wasn’t even sure, what he would be doing the whole time, as he only had agreed to come too, when Lucas had asked him, rather nervous about the whole thing. So he guessed he’d just sit around and watch the boys doing their stuff. Hopefully it wouldn’t take to long. Lotte needed to be picked up by five today.
They had crossed a couple of streets by now, school far behind them, and Jens found Lucas taking his hand. It was, he believed the first time they did outside of their houses. He smiled.
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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