#also at one point i bought a used gameboy advance from a friend plus a bunch of games
sraksha · 5 months
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
Honestly, i just love Link lmao
Twilight Princess was the first Zelda i tried to play as a kid, meaning i begged my big bro to play until he got to a wolf part and i would play that bit. And when he refused to play for me, i tried to play by myself but never got very far because i didn't understand english and i just wasn't very good at the game.
So that was my first exposure to LoZ and my next Zelda experience would come +10 years later and it would be my downfall.
I bought my Switch late 2018 when Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee came out and later when i was looking for more games to buy, i came across BOTW and went "Hey, i know that guy". I was intrigued by the open world aspect and the game just looked really fun so i bought it, played it and fell in love.
Eventually through BOTW i found LU and all the other AUs im reading and the brainrot has been real ever since. I've also bought more Zelda games and thanks to my switch membership i have access to the older games, but i've only finished Link's Awakening, ALBW, BOTW and Minish Cap lol. So many things to do, never enough time.
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ixellent · 3 years
Making a little collection post about these things that have helped me since the supply chain got fucked up really bad and also just in general! A lot of these are YT videos but some have supplementals I’ve added. DON’T WAIT until you need something to learn how to do it if you can avoid it. But this is not a list of “apocalyptic how-to’s”, we aren’t learning to make paper from scratch or sew our own clothes, we can’t all can our own veggies (and canning materials are short anyway), this is a list of depression-era-style fixes and right-to-repair concepts!
I know a lot of people who just can’t be assed to fix anything and that’s fine because then I get to have it and I do want to fix it. 
Bonus Negotiating tip for "getting to yes” on FB marketplace: say “thanks in advance, God bless” at the end of your initial message. Don’t forget to capitalize God. 😉 ● How to Darn Socks by Last Minute Laura - I want to add to this that it’s okay if you don’t do this perfectly or if it seems ugly when you’re finished, it’s probably still going to work fine! Embroidery needles and thread (sometimes in the form of a kit) are EASY to find at thrift stores, and especially used art supply stores. Related: 50 Hand Embroidery Stitches by Handiworks ● Simple Guide to Electronic Components and Soldering Basics by BigClive - Soldering is so so so handy to have some basic knowledge and skill in. I use it to do Gameboy mod kits but it also helped me feel confident in replacing little burnt out fuses, capacitors, etc. If I could have found a replacement relay I would have fixed my kettle! Pick up a multimeter if you can! Learn to use it! Related:  Soldering Is Easy comic by MightyOhm, and pretty much any Nintendo repair video, I recommend starting out on doing a simple shell swap or a gameboy IPS kit and going from there when it comes to electronics. Do not do a Joycon shell or a DS first.
● How to Replace an iPhone SE Screen by JerryRigEverything - There are a ton of videos or written tutorials for almost models of devices. I put this not because no one has ever heard of replacing your phone screen (lol) but because it is increasingly difficult to repair devices and with EXACTLY the right parts.You will often have to find your year model or even serial number and then do research on which parts are compatible/behave - usually someone will already have done the legwork so you’re like “aha this is the battery that will work in my 1st gen Paperwhite ereader”. Many phones and devices have pain in the ass adhesives so you “can’t” fix them. Do yourself a favor and get a good, plastic safe spudger and prying tools. Related: iFixit kits which are better than ever, Jailbreaking with Hexxa Plus ● Fix a KitchenAid Mixer that isn’t Spinning by ereplacementparts - I bring in this one because sometimes a scary, seemingly broken expensive item can be bought for very little and fixed very easily. There’s a YT video for like EVERYTHING. You will quickly learn to recognize how things GET broken and what their most likely problem is. I buy “untested” vintage point and shoot cameras all the time and usually they literally just need a new battery lol. Lots of things just need cleaned or need new grease or something, or have a broken trace/burnt fuse/broken plastics etc. See Soldering above. ● Oil Change on a TW200 by tdubskid - This is just to stand in as an example of some regular maintenance and familiarity with your vehicles. Not everything is as easy as a good ol’ Tdub but it’s worth getting the owner’s AND service manual for your vehicles so you can at least take care of it well so that it needs LESS maintenance and know when it is need of maintenance and how urgent it is even if you cannot perform it yourself. Plus, again, tons of YT videos and forum threads. Note: I highly recommend that if your vehicle is under warranty of any kind you don’t do your own oil changes/service or get service anywhere except certified dealerships until that warranty expires. Related: How to Change a Tire (plus jacking it up) by Chrisfix (this is a great full walkthrough! I KNOW most people have never done this - and check your spare once in awhile too)
● Learn to use hand tools and power tools safely. Go ask a family member or a friend to show you how to use them, I’m sure anyone who has them would LOVE to help you and show you what they’re working on. Get a manual impact philips screwdriver and a regular old rubber mallet and thank me later. See if someone’s grandpa is getting rid of their extra wrenches and sockets. Pick up cheap name brand power tools and their accompanying (watch the voltage) batteries and chargers when you can. People will act like you have to “pick a system” and have all one brand but who gives a fuck dude, I don’t. Get a little metal/wood hacksaw and a metal/wood file. Get safety goggles and some coated grip work gloves. Get a cheap soldering iron and some lead-free solder wire (and a fan lol.) Get a set of torx bits/drivers. Don’t be afraid to ask people how to do things. Give away or sell your tools when you don’t use them anymore. Last one but this is very important: Put stickers all over your toolboxes!
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purplesurveys · 5 years
If you had a parrot, what would be the first word you would teach it? I’d probably teach it something polite because I’ve noticed all parrot owners almost always teach their birds bad words lmao and it’s not that funny anymore. I wouldn’t be opposed to teaching them some lame slang too, like ‘it’s lit’ haha.
What food have you eaten the most lately? Instant noodles because my mom finally gave in to our requests and started buying packs of our favorite brand again. Some context: it was almost all we ever ate as kids, so she stopped buying it for a while (and rightfully so) because of all the unhealthy stuff that’s in it.
Where you ever a Pokemon fan? I was a huge fan from the ages of 8-10. It started when my cousin got Pokemon games on his Gameboy Advance, and then it spilled over to us watching the anime every night and eventually, I collected the cards and pogs as well. We also bought one of two volumes of the Pokemon Omnibus books that they released.
How would you describe the taste of water? It’s just tasteless to me, but then it tastes so refreshing. I know water isn’t good enough if there’s a certain taste that comes along with it, because it’s supposed to just be tasteless and crisp. 
Do you think books are going out of fashion? Not at all. All my friends are into reading, and they never grew out of their bookworminess. Which is honestly great, because I wouldn’t want them to end up like me, who was a big bibliophile as a kid but eventually stopped reading.
One thing you miss about being a kid: Being able to make friends with anybody, whether it be a day-long bond or a friendship for the long run. I know it’s not applicable to all kids, but I’d say I was one of those who was able to blend in at birthday parties or daytrips to water resorts and all that stuff.
What is the best product made from milk? Meh, I’m not the best person to ask about this given that I’m lactose intolerant lololol, but I doooooo love mozzarella and ricotta cheese.
How would you feel if your husband didn’t want to wear a wedding ring? I’d be pretty puzzled if my future spouse wouldn’t want to wear theirs. I’d understand if they removed it for work, but I’d raise eyebrows if they didn’t want to wear it, period.
Do you say Autumn or Fall? My Southeast Asian ass can’t relate to either.
What is your biggest “what if”? I don’t have any, because I make it a point to avoid thinking about them. I’ve heard so many of my friends mull over their what ifs and how miserable they are about them, so I know better than to dwell on mine.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen? I had a go-to answer for this many years ago, but I forgot the name of the movie by now and I’m honestly glad that’s the case. But other than that, one of the all-time worsts is the Jack & Jill movie with Adam Sandler, and a recent bad one (for me) would be Knives Out. Of course, I never liked whodunits and I generally dislike dialogue-y and fast-paced movies, so I’m pretty biased in citing that.
Have you ever spelled your own name wrong? I don’t think so. Mine was the less popular spelling of Robin, so I definitely remembered to spell it properly because everyone else was already misspelling it.
What do you want your wedding song to be? I’ve never given much thought about this. Sparks by Coldplay was one of our og songs, but the most that it is right now is just a mere option. 
What is your favorite fairytale? I never liked fairytales.
True/False : If it’s meant to be, it will be. Not always. You have to work for it sometimes, too.
What electronic of yours dies the quickest? My phone, but that’s just because I had to pick and because, to be fair, I use it too much :(((( But I’m okay with the battery lives of all my gadgets.
Do you think we learn some useless things in school? Math and English have been pretty useless to me, but a lot of my other lessons, such as history, economics, physics, etc. still come in handy these days.
Do you feel like your life would be better without a certain person in it? Not really. I’m okay with the people I have now, family and friends alike. I tune out who I choose to tune out, and that’s enough for me.
Who has influenced your music taste the most? Athenna was a huge influence, which I feel bittersweet about now because I had to cut her out of my life a few years ago. She introduced me to Banks, Walk the Moon, and Twnety One Pilots, among other amazing artists. Gab has also been pretty influential – she’s made me a fan of alt-J, BP Valenzuela, Hozier, and a bigger fan of Coldplay.
What did you get your mom for Mother’s Day? We don’t really get her stuff. We greet her and have quality time together.
You go to the restroom and you see a huge spider, what do you do? Try to swat it out of the way.
what’s something you want but will probably never get? A PhD, because I’m too lazy to earn one haha.
Do you like reading scary books? I did enjoy reading my cousin’s Goosebumps as a kid, but I’m not into reading in general these days.
Is there a game your addicted to you? Currently, Luigi’s Mansion 3. <– Yooooo, my sister is OBSESSED with this game and watches playthroughs of it all day. She’s eyeing it as one of the next few games that we’re buying for the Switch.
Do you get embarrassed when your stomach growls in class? No. If anything that lets the teacher or prof know that I’m bored and/or hungry. Plus it’s an easy way to make the class laugh, and that’s always a good thing haha.
Do crying people make you uncomfortable? If it’s happy tears than yeah hahaha. If they’re sad tears I’m usually willing to be a shoulder to cry on. Would you ever marry someone your parents didn’t approve of? It’d be hard, but in the end it’s my relationship and they’d have no say.
Whats one thing you’re completely terrible at? Knitting. Origami. Any art stuff.
what is the nearest thing to you that is red? I’m very close to the wifi thingy that we have up on the rooftop and there’s a small red light coming from it.
what kind of camera do you own? I just use the one in my phone.
Do you look older or younger than your actual age? Younger. I’ve memorized the look of shock on people’s faces whenever I tell them I’m a senior in college.
Do you think tattoos are hot? No, but I don’t mind some tattoos.
What’s the worst thing about being a teenager? The confusion, all the hormones making you cranky all day, the pressure of which course to take for college especially when you’re nowhere near ready to make a choice.
What’s the best thing about being a teenager? It’s a period of experimenting, making strong friendships, and making mistakes and learning from them.
When did you last play Monopoly? I’ve never played Monopoly because I’ve never understood how it works.
Who do you trust with your secrets? My two best friends.
As a child what celebrity did you look up to? Probably Vanessa Hudgens back in her High School Musical days? Idk, she seemed like a good role model at the time.
Do you love food more than you love people? I probably do, haha.
True or False: you this read wrong Yup.
What do you usually do on a Sunday? My family goes to 9 AM mass, then we head out for lunch, go malling for a bit, take my sister back to her dorm in Manila, then we spend the rest of the evening at home.
Have you ever met anyone with the same Birthday as you? Yes.
Do you think underwater pictures look cool? I’ve never liked underwater photos ever since I saw that photo of that vacationing scuba diving couple with the dead girl in the background.
What is the most ridiculous law you ever heard about? Nothing comes to mind right now.
Zelda or Mario? Zelda (or Link, if you’re talking about the dude) story-wise, Mario for playability haha.
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godsavetheq · 7 years
1-30 c;
1: Do you try to stay away from walkthroughs?
Yes. I want to win through my own merit. But I need that old ass game guide magazine for Perfect Dark because I want to unlock all the things and beat all the things (Perfect Dark will be a recurring theme from start to finish so buckle up)
2: Company you're always loyal to?
For consoles, Sony for the most part. XBox is the devil. But I do most of my gaming on PC these days. 
For games, the Creative Assembly (which makes the Total War series of grand military strategy games). Although my loyalty is being tested because their cranking out fantasy Warhammer: Total War games like hotcakes now, presumably because their SEGA corporate overlords like the money they’re making off them. Though apparently they have a separate team that’s pretty far into developing the next historical Total War game so I’ll come back around when that comes out, probably.
3: Best game you've ever played?
What a hard question. You know I have 111 games in my Steam library? We’ll say 100 because some of those are like expansions of other games or test servers of WIP games. So 100 games just on PC, plus god knows how many PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, N64, GameCube, and Wii games I’ve played. It comes to a point where I can’t objectively single out one game from all of my favorites, so I’ll take “best” as meaning like highest production quality and best execution of the game, and I’ll hand it to Resident Evil 7. So professional, so fun... so Shoney’s.
4: Worst game you've ever played?
Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015. Yes that’s a real game, it costs like $1 and someone bought it for me on Steam and it is the simplest, stupidest game that it probably belonged on a free online game site to justify its existence in some way.
5: A popular series/game you just can't get into no matter how much you try?
Well there’s a lot of popular games that I can’t get into, but that’s partially because I’ve internalized that I hate them without having given them much of a chance (looking at you, Dota, League of Legends, Overwatch (Or as we in the trade call it, “$40 Team Fortress 2″))
But now that I think of it, World of Warcraft. I got my free trial and played it some with Perry & Good Old Boys™ from Steam, but I just did not enjoy myself. I also had a prejudice against this one before I played it but at least I tried it and confirmed that I didn’t like it.
6: A game that's changed you the most?
Fallout series I guess. Kind of got me into post-apocalyptic stuff, RPGs and the like. Kind of opened the door for fantasy for me somewhat. I generally don’t like fantasy and I like to make the distinction between sci-fi and fantasy to justify my liking Fallout but truthfully half of the shit in Fallout is too over-the-top to qualify as like realistic fiction. Still haven’t played Skyrim because it’s too fantasy, but I’d at least consider it because it’s not all that different from Fallout if I’m willing to excuse the magic and shit.
7: A game you'll never forget?
Surgeon Simulator. What a titan of ridiculously clunky medical malpractice. 
The Stanley Parable because that game messes with you and is comedy gold
POSTAL 2 because rarely does a game execute low-quality production and lack of taking itself seriously so beautifully 
Hotline Miami because it fucks with you even worse than the Stanley Parable. I mean seriously, what a rollercoaster ride of mental fuckery. Am I a good guy? Am I a bad guy? All I know for sure is I’m killing a copious amount of Russian mobsters while masked figures in my head whisper nonsense at me and everywhere I go I see my dead best friend and........
Rollercoaster Tycoon (the old one for like Windows 98) because muh childhood
Destroy All Humans! 2 because they just don’t make any alien games that compare to it. Also muh childhood.
KHOLAT because it’s like a clinic in how to do horror right. And it came out at a time when it was a sad time to be a horror fan because Resident Evil was all “hurr durr our games need to be like Call of Duty” and there were no new Silent Hill, Outlast, or Slender games coming out. Of course eventually Resident Evil got good again, Outlast 2 came out, Silent Hills was SUPPOSED to come out (RIP)
Kerbal Space Program. I held out on this one for so long because I was turned off by the little green alien people and I figured it wasn’t serious. But holy fuck it’s actually like the best simulation of running a space program and designing rockets and shit oh my god like they train Astronauts with that game no lie.
8: Best soundtrack?
Slender: The Arrival. Honorable mentions go to Hotline Miami and Supreme Ruler: Cold War
9: A game you turn your volume off every time you play it?
10: A game you've completely given up on?
Five Nights at Freddy’s, like, all of them. I can’t beat all of the levels in any of them. I beat the five nights in the original FNaF but not the edgy sixth night. Didn’t even get that far in the second or third. Kinda lost track of which is which too...
11: Hardest game you've played?
Fucking Perfect Dark. I’ve been playing that game effectively for my entire conscious life and only just this summer have I begun to win A FEW levels on Perfect Agent difficulty. For context, I beat the entire game on Special Agent difficulty years ago, but at the time, I could not even beat the first level on Perfect Agent. 
12: Shortest time you've beaten a game in?
When I got GTA V for Christmas several years ago I did almost nothing but play it all day every day and beat it in a few days.
13: A game you were the most excited for when it wasn't released yet?
Probably Total War: Rome II. Honorable mentions go to Saurian, Resident Evil 7, Silent Hills (RIP)
14: A game you think would be cool if it had voice acting?
I dunno, I feel like most games that SHOULD have voice acting DO have voice acting. Nothing comes to mind.
15: Which two games do you think would make an awesome crossover?
I got nothing.
16: Character you've hated most? From what game?
I have to do it. Ashley from Resident Evil 4. I don’t care if you are the President’s daughter, you are useless and annoying.
17: What game do you never tell people you play?
I mean, games that I don’t like I guess.
18: A game you wish your friends knew about?
I got nothing, my friends know about most such things.
19: Which game do you think deserves a revival?
Spore, 100%. Nobody before or since has saw to completion a game where you literally design your own organism from a microscopic sea creature, evolving onto land, gaining sentience, building a civilization, uniting your planet and pushing out into space to build a space empire. It deserves to be remade, and done right this time.
20: What was the first video game you ever played?
The first REAL video game was GTA 3, but I may have played something stupid before that.
21: How old were you when you first played a video game?
I dunno, young.
22: If you could immerse yourself in any game for one day, which game would it be? What would you do?
Kerbal Space Program. I’d finally make that manned mission to Duna (Mars), baby. It has eluded me for so long, and to see it with my own eyes... 10/10
23: Biggest disappointment you've had in gaming?
Rome Total War - Alexander expansion. It seemed like such a simple thing. Make an expansion for Rome Total War about Alexander’s Empire. It was the most pitiful thing I’d ever seen. I mean, I know the original Rome Total War is old as dirt, but the base game and the Barbarian Invasions expansion were pretty good.
24: Casual, Hardcore, or in the middle?
In the middle. I tryhard sometimes and just fuck around other times.
25: Be honest; have you ever used cheats (like ActionReplay or Gameshark)?
I mean... do the cheats in GTA 3 count that spawn a bunch of guns and tanks for you? I didn’t use them to beat the game, I just wanted to fuck around because that’s the best way to play GTA 3 :P
26: Handheld or console?
Given those choices, console. Never was too into handhelds after Gameboy Advance. I had a DS Lite and was into Scribblenauts on that for a while, but since then, nah.
27: Has there ever been a moment that has made you cry?
Don’t think so, but it hit me in the feels when John Marston got killed by the crooked wild west cops in Red Dead Redemption.
28: Which character's clothes do you wish you owned the most?
The only thing that comes to mind is Trent Easton from Perfect Dark because he has like a fucking red velvet suit and it’s so ridiculous like he’s the head of the NSA you’d think he’d wear a black suit but no, bright red. I’ll take 20.
29: Which is more important, gameplay or story?
Don’t make me choose. Depends on the game I guess. I like Perfect Dark despite the fact that its storyline is an incoherent mess. Try to follow along.
It involves a plot between Cassandra de Vries, owner of a shady arms manufacturing corporation with private paramilitaries on the march in every corner of their corporate HQ as well as all over the city streets (I, too, voted for Trump so that he could legalize corporate-owned private armies) that also has a massive underground research lab hidden inconspicuously under the city of Chicago; Trent Easton, the fashionable Director of the National Security Agency, whose goons start shooting up Air Force One in a plot to kidnap and clone the President of the United States, and a mysterious tall blonde man known only as Mr. Blonde who wears evil clothes and, unbeknownst to the other two conspirators, is a massive alien dinosaur thing that sounds like a jaguar in disguise who eventually kills both of them once they’re no longer useful. But don’t worry! The plot to give the dinosaur aliens a super-weapon fails when some guy sends his on-staff professional mass-murderer to go kill endless corporate militias and NSA agents to get to the bottom of it with the help of a flying laptop that has developed a moral code and a different race of aliens who look much less impressive. Or something. So that game makes a compelling case against storyline, but in other cases it’s not so XP
30: A game that hasn't been localized in your country that you think should be localized?
Everything that I care about is localized to the US.
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