#also aquawood? kinda?
pyjamaart · 9 days
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My version of a Fully Charged Aquaman :D
You all know that Aquaman is one of my favorite robot masters. And since he didn't appear in Fully Charged, I spontaneously decided to imagine what he could have looked like. I had a vague color palette, the word aquarium and some free time, so I made it happen.
This version of Aquaman used to work at a water treatment plant (maybe even together with Waveman), but quit his job because he was following his dream of becoming a famous comedian. That dream didn't really work out, since all of his jokes were sewage related and most people couldn't stand them, leading to Aquaman being banned from pretty much any stage in the entire city.
With his hopes and dreams crushed, he started trying to come up with other business ventures to keep him afloat, which eventually led him to build aquariums for a living. But not just boring pet shop aquariums, no no, ginormous, fancy, if slightly tacky aquariums for rich people. Like in that show that's very similar to "cake boss", but instead of giant, shitty cardboard cakes they build giant, shitty aquariums. That's the kind of stuff Aquaman sells to people.
Eventually, he gets really into it, even though at the back of his mind there will always be jokes about shitting ones self.
Now you may be asking "Why does he keep fish in his body? Isn't this animal cruelty?" and you may be right about that, IF they were living, breathing fish, but in actuality, all the fish Aquaman puts in his aquariums are robot fish. Even the ones he always carries around in his body. They're like his little companions. They have different personalities, always judge him when he makes stupid mistakes... Like true friends.
Now for all of you people hungry for robot yaoi... You all know that I'm really into shipping Aquaman with Woodman. And even in the Fully Charged continuity, I'm gonna make exactly that happen.
I feel like they have a similar dynamic to their classic counterparts, as in, Woodman is the only person to laugh at Aquamans stupid jokes, which makes Aquaman fall head over heels for him. Though in Fully Charged, Woodman is quite the troubled individual (paranoia and trust issues), so it's probably gonna take a little time for Aqua to get through to him.
Aquaman also used to be friends with Drillman Sr., after spending many days building and maintaining the giant aquarium in his (former) company building, before he sold it off to Skyraisers Inc., who got rid of the aquarium shortly after they bought it. I feel like he exclusively calls "our" Drillman "Junior" or something, to differentiate between him and his old friend.
Aaaaand I think that's all I wanted to tell you about him. I have a few more ideas for Fully Charged versions of classic robot masters, like Needleman, Swordman and Flashman. Maybe I'll draw them some time in the future. But if I don't manage to do that, I could tell you a little bit about one of them here: So Needleman, for example. I said on a post here a while back that I think Drillman probably got his affinity for music from his mother, or in this case, his (second) dad. I also said that whoever his second parent was is not in his life anymore. Not because they died or anything, but because they were sick of Drillman Seniors shit. I mean, understandable.
Some time ago I joked that Fully Charged Drillman inherited the looks of Classic Drillman and the crippling depression of Classic Needleman, lol. So I decided to turn that joke into my actual headcanon.
My Fully Charged version of Needleman was a punk musician, who got his name from the studded leather jacket he always wore and the needles on his head that were arranged in a way similar to a mohawk. I imagine he and Drillman Senior had a loooot of differences, which eventually led him to leave the country to kickstart his career as a musician shortly after they had Drillman (Junior). Man, the fact that they both share a name sucks so much when I'm trying to write about them. But yeah, that's even more fuel to Drillmans already giant pile of daddy issues.
I've rambled enough again. I promise to deliver you more robot yaoi by the end of the week. Probably. (It's Fireman and Waveman btw.)
Jenny out.
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