#also apparently one of only 3 fics over 90k i've read this year lol
curiosity-killed · 3 years
28 for the fic ask meme!
orz tumblr ate my reply but then resurrected the ask so let's try this again
28. longest fic you've read this year
under this honey lake of sky by sealdog
Ranwan, arranged marriage, futuristic cultivation AU
“So, marriage alliances, to unite the sectors,” Mo Ran said, and then swallowed, trying to work the lump out of his throat.
“The other sectors were jockeying for alliances with Rufeng and Guyueye with their senior disciples,” Xue Zhengyong said, grimacing. “They’re missing out! Sisheng has some of the best disciples. Meng’er alone is worth at least four of those ninnies from Taxue Gong! Not,” he added belatedly, “that you aren’t worth four of them yourself. And I convinced them of it, too!”
“Please don’t tell me I’m going to be married off to four Taxue Gong disciples,” Mo Ran said faintly.
absolute delight, really lovely character work in a generally gentler and happier universe
end of year fanfic asks
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