#also apparently my uni does not increase you enrollment fee for long time students either
bowithoutadaemon · 1 year
... I think I'm gonna drop my Friday courses.
I know I want to do a graded presentation in one course. And a paper in another.
One of my weekly Friday courses got changed into a "one week long, 6 hours a day, (same time and day as the course I picked that was advertised as this but also has weekly online things going on,) surely you'll remember things for live if you hear them for once week?" course. Another of my Friday courses got turned into"not weekly but every second or third Friday, missed the first day? Sorry you already missed like 20% of the course and I'm not uploading shit so fuck you students!" course. So I kinda wanna drop both of them. Because fucking hell, no thank you.
And the remaining Friday course starts at 8am. .... which is too early... and I don't wanna go
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