#also anything compatible looking around jay's passing i took out
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bluewinnerangel · 4 years ago
Louis and Harry looking obviously incompatible in 2016
A collection that got out of hand.
Inspired by this post, this is a collection of them honestly truthfully not matching whatsoever around the same times (the same day / very next time there was a pic of the other one, or no more than a couple of weeks apart) because they’re just sOoOooo different and obviously genuinely i JuSt DoNt SeE It.
Harry and Louis absolutely not being 2 peas in a pod in 2016:
Jan 6 - “let’s go watch football in winter and wear beanies that match each others clothes”
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Jan 9(H)/10(L)
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Jan 30 - the punk
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Feb 2(H)/3(L)
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Feb 14(H)/15(L) - they both look like they didn’t have time to get ready for the party and still they pulled it off and also nice matching shirts bros
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Cut because of course it’s long:
(is bla feel free to skip) I feel that if people can’t imagine them together it’s because they have this image of Louis that is just one aspect to him and a whole other aspect of Harry in their heads, aspects that don’t really overlap, don’t “fit”, that is most often the uh main look that comes with their public images, but if you look a little deeper you see these 2 aren’t that onesided, that the range on these badboys is huge actually, and yet somehow all these many sides keep finding each other at the same times over and over again. And so here’s this post.
Also this is not to compare them or “prove” anything as we’re going by appearances here and that doesn’t mean anything. People don’t have to look the same or give off the same vibes at all to have mutual respect, but they do, and it makes me happy, so much I just couldn’t stop pairing these pics up and it’s gotten so big it’s gonna be divided in seperate posts for each year yeah oops. 
also I might be wrong on some of these dates but I did my best
March 2(L)/28(H) - that one colleague that comes to work on a motorcycle and that one other one that works on a different floor and you just know they got a thing for each other
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I couldn’t pick a favorite of the following comfy in black matchymatch ones so have a bunch:
March 11
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March 11/12(L)/13(H)
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March 12(L)/13(H)
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March 16(H)20(L) - seethrough white shirt rights hours apparently
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I mean 
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Bonus keys
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March 11(L)/April 2(H) - More comfy black I’ll shake it soon but but just this thing of wearing all black/white with the exception of shoes in interesting compatible colors yk
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April 1(H)/26(L) - This wasn’t meant as some spot-the-same-colored-style-clothes-post but when this is there I can’t not? Their faces also just look older/tired here it fits bye
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March 25(H)/April 30(L) - A month apart but flannel rights.
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May 10 - look at them LOOK AT THEEEHMM COME ONN
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May 18(L)/19(H) - These were next to each other in someone’s archive and I thought they were both Louis at first and then both Harry and 
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June 16(L)/17(H) - Now that’s what I mean by looking compatible 
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June 21(H)/22(L) - judging you larry fav larry
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July 18(H)/31(L) - I was gonna go for compatible. Compatible. Not IDENTICAL NONSENSE. But they’re like this so here we are again.
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August 3(H)/6(L) - hey boys it’s not 2021 yet this is a post about 2016 ok could you not. 
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August 5  - yesss ~compatible~
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August 1(H)/8(L) - yeah more of the comfy sporty black yeah
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August 24(L)/September 2(H) - Idk why they suddenly look like entirely different people but it happened at the same time Harly Stills and Lewis Tompson here are still matchily married
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October 6(H)/25(L) - but yeah
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Orrr maybe this is a better pair
October 25(L)/November 25(H)
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And these
October 6(H)/31(L)
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COME OHHHNNN  If I’d know the source of the manip I’d link it but it was just floating around on google sorrysorry
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Nov 2
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Nov 3(H)/8(L)
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Nov 30(L)/Dec 2(H) tries to shut up about laurels
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Dec 20 - they said today we go cuddly and soft and WE MEAN IT
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Dec 29 - Cuddly and soft and smoll and 
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Dec 24(H)/29(L) - AAAHH I LOVE THEM
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NEXT UP 2017
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setsailslash · 5 years ago
Good god your askbox is open for prompts??? Well then how about this gem that you definitely didn't see coming: Bat Boys in a Jaeger. Which batboys and how many of them (because in canon we've had three several times now and WHY NOT FOUR I GUESS if you wanted to) is up to you. Though I will definitely tentatively request Jason be at least present somewhere. Extra points for ghost drifting (whether it's cute or romantic or sexy or horrifying or none of those is also up to you)
in which Jason is a little bit of Raleigh and Yancy and Herc and Chuck all at the same time. way more bruce&jason content than anticipated but all the boys are here despite very obvious favouritism lmao (can totally be read as something more but it’s gen!! :OO)
Jason remembers how a ghost drift goes in distant memory. 
Bruce was always good in that he is a blank slate, never brought a thing into their driftspace and took everything that Jason offered as his own. 
The after effect was a buzzing sense of weightlessness that echoed inside of him. He’s not floating or flying, he’s at the cusp of a sharp long drop. And it’s nothing he can grasp especially on their worst days when the feedback from their drift goes rampant between them even without any of the machinery that should make it possible.
But it’s real and it’s true.
Jason’s hand moving before his head could truly register the motion, already following the way Bruce moved his. He was a shadow connected at every place, sewn to the man he calls his co-pilot.
When Jason dies ten miles off of the Gulf of Aden, Bruce pilots their Jaeger back to shore all on his own. Circuitry suit burning the entire way through skin to scorch flesh, co-pilot torn from his head while they were still connected. 
That was the last time Bruce ever steps foot inside of a Conn-Pod again.
Coming back to the Jaeger Program was never supposed to be like this.
Jason looks at Dick Grayson, the Program’s golden boy and tells him: “You don’t want me inside your head.”
They have both had Bruce Wayne as a co-pilot, the difference being Dick came out unscathed while Jason died. 
“Let me decide that for myself, Jay.” Dick answers with a smile despite the dark bruises under his eyes. He is in his drivesuit and they are standing in the Conn-Pod next to one another.
There’s something a lot like trepidation crawling up Jason’s spine. His heart kicks up a beat, each pulse a thundering boom to echo inside his helmet. 
“Don't say I didn't warn you.”
He felt like the sharpened rough edges of something ready to shatter on impact on a good day, he cannot imagine how Dick could navigate that.
"Lil' win—"
"Don't fucking call me that."
Their LOCCENT officer chooses that moment to come over the speakers, and Barbara’s voice leaves no room for anything otherwise when she asks them both. “Ready for the drop?” 
For Jaeger pilots like them, it's an ingrained response. They echo one another when they answer, “Ready.”
[Neural Handshake Initiating.]
Three. Two. One. 
They drop.
It’s biological, this drift of theirs. 
It’s a fit of their heads that fit tighter than the way their drivesuits can pull across their shoulders. Even with each piece settling over top, giving them the necessary weight, it’s a pull that has them feeling electricity spark across their skin.
It’s a singe.
It’s not enough though.
Because they need all the warm bodies encased in cold metal and put to the test. Jason is one more in a long line of sacrifices. The Kwoon looks and feels the exact same when he steps foot inside of it once again. There is an air of indifference, and it’s funny to learn nothing is sacred anymore. Not even this. 
What truly stings though is the sight of Bruce standing on the sidelines in a dark suit.
“Drift compatibility doesn’t mean shit anymore, does it?” Jason spits out because the man might be the Marshal now but he was once Jason’s co-pilot too. And something hits like a dull solid pang when it is a replacement candidate standing on the other end of the mats, bo-staff in hand. 
Jason doesn’t wait for an answer, he turns to Tim Drake to say: “I’m not going to dial down my moves.”
“Okay.” Tim’s lips quirk upwards at both corners, vicious and sharp, his grip shifts where it curls around the staff. “Then neither will I.”
They each make their first strike against the other. And then again and again and again.
There is a rush of blood, exhilaration in their veins. Sweat at their temples and it drips. Tim is good even if it physically pains Jason to admit to it.
Maybe drift compatibility is not the joke here, maybe it’s Jason. Because he is on his back, pinned and stunned when Tim draws the last point between them, bringing it to an even score. It’s unmistakable, he knows this feeling.
The end of his bo-staff is millimeters from grazing at Jason’s throat.
“Three-three.” Tim says to him.
The world is coming to an end. 
If this isn’t the time for desperation, then there probably isn’t one.  They are the last stand, a last ditch effort, one final score if Jason's ever seen one.
Bruce goes as far as to test his own son with Jason. 
“I imagined him differently.” Damian says to start.
And Jason fucking scowls at the brat.
He feels them in his head, their thoughts lingering like an afterthought.
Having access to every crevice of someone else’s mind is not something to be desired, let alone a thing he would do to himself again and again and again like it’s a special kind of punishment he thinks he deserves. 
But. Bruce asked.
It’s one thing to have nothing buzzing inside of his head, and another to have it full to bursting at the seams. To Jason Todd, drift compatibility is akin to having a conversation with a stranger in the pouring rain or shrouded in the dark of an alleyway, and finding a thing that he wants to hold on to for the rest of his life.
He is Dick watching his parents' death. He is Tim stepping foot inside of his first Shatterdome. He is Damian being kept out of the pilot placements despite his perfect simulation scores.
They fill his head with their thoughts, and they press into the core of him until they become him.
Jason didn't ever think he could experience this so many times. They are his last moment when that last thread of his connection to Bruce snaps, and he's dragged under the waters of the Gulf of Aden streaked in Kaiju Blue.
From beneath the waves, it glowed neon green when the bright lights of their Jaeger passes over him. Bruce burned during his last run, and Jason did too.
Jason inhales and they with him.
He is suited up.
And so is every remaining Jaeger pilot they’ve got left in the program: Dick standing with Damian next to Tim at the other end of the hallway leading to their Conn-Pods.
“When you drift with someone, you feel like there’s nothing to talk about. I don't want to regret all the things I never said, Jason.” 
It is a testament to how long he’s been waiting to hear this from Bruce when his eyes are prickling in what might actually be tears. It’s salty and it stings.
“B, you don't need to.” He lets the man tug him into his arms, and his voice gets muffled but that’s okay too. “I know them all.” Jason tells him. “I always have.”
It’s a lie, but it’s a very good one. Jason has always known Bruce in that painfully intimate way, understood the man for who he is and who he cannot be for Jason even if push comes to shove comes to out right blows. And there were plenty of that even during their best days. 
Jason has spent a long time resenting Bruce. 
Maybe it's about time he moved on from that.
The world has been coming to an end for a while now, it would be ending on a good note if they do not have to die inside of one another’s head once more.
When he makes the drop into driftspace this last time, he thinks of all their good times.
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spinjitzu-comics · 8 years ago
Lloyd Garmadon Headcanons
My headcanons for The Child™ Lloyd, as requested by that anon who asked who my favorite Ninjago character was.
Bear with me on some of these because I’ve only watched up to the end of S5 (they don’t have anything past that on Netflix) and I dunno much about the later seasons past Hands of Time involving some serious timeline bullshit of Homestuckian proportions.
Sometimes he has nightmares where his dad is accusing him of betraying him and yelling at him for sending him to the Cursed Realm. He wakes up sobbing and usually with a lightbulb blown because his powers surged while he was dreaming.
The first time he ever kills someone, he doesn’t think much of it at the time. But when the reality of what he did sets in after the adrenaline fades, he locks himself in his room for a week and refuses to talk to anyone. He’s never really the same afterwards.
He hates it when people treat him like a child, but he also hates being given too much adult responsibility.
“Kai I don’t care if I was 10 when I met you I’m mentally a teenager dammit don’t treat me like I’m little.”
When he’s depressed, he’s extremely self-destructive in one way or another. Sometimes it’s actual self harm, others it’s self neglect like not eating or sleeping.
He’s less likely to cut himself than he is to purposely give himself bruises.
His least self-destructive tendency is working out excessively, until he strains his body so much that he can’t move for about 15 minutes.
He color codes his clothes most of the time, but sometimes he just can’t can’t be bothered to or he doesn’t feel like wearing green so he’ll wear dark jeans and a black jacket or hoodie.
Sometimes he thinks about Morro and wonders if he would have ended up the way he was if Wu had warned him that there was a chance he wasn’t really the Green Ninja.
He also thinks about all the things that Wu doesn’t tell any of them until its too late and it makes him really mad.
He cries every time he thinks about his dad for more than 5 consecutive minutes.
Kai is his best friend in the whole world but sometimes he really resents him and he can’t figure out why.
He looks up to Zane and/or Nya as sort of pseudo-mother figures when his own mom isn’t around.
He’s really good at drawing and painting but he prefers not to because he thinks people will take him less seriously if they find out.
His preference is nature drawings, namely vines and flowers because he can repeat patterns and such and he finds it calming.
He prefers to paint when he does do anything artsy, and usually uses watercolors.
When he draws/paints anything other than flowers/vines, he tends to do portraits of people in oil pastels. So far he’s got portraits of his mom, dad, Kai, Zane, and Cole... He’s planning on drawing Wu, Jay, and Nya at some point too.
He holds grudges like a boss... But only against people who deserve it.
That said, he can be incredibly petty if he wants to be and there are a few boys from Darkley’s that he has grudges against for things like “he looked at me funny”.
He was kicked out of Darkley’s for “lacking the motivation to be a villain” (canon), but in reality he didn’t really want to be evil, he just wanted to be able to make his dad proud of him, which is why he kept trying even after he was expelled. If he had really wanted to be evil, he probably could have taken over Ninjago in half the time it took his dad to attempt it.
No matter how old he is or what universe he’s in, he always has a sweet tooth. Always. He just learns how to control himself after a while.
In same-age AUs, his friendship with Kai has the very real possibility of turning into something else due to how close they are and how compatible their personalities are.
It’s still possible in the main/canon timeline, but it’s less likely because even if he liked Kai, Kai would probably be incredibly hesitant due to Lloyd really being so much younger than he is and Lloyd wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
He lowkey thinks that Cole and Jay are secretly gay for each other.
He also thinks they both might be a little gay for Zane.
Loud noises and big crowds make him uncomfortable, but absolute silence and total loneliness terrify him. He has a hard time finding a proper balance of sound/silence and the right amount of people.
When in a situation where he has to sit still for long periods of time, he spends the majority of it bouncing his knees, drumming his fingers on stuff, and chewing on the insides of his cheeks and on his bottom lip.
In modern/real world AUs, fidget cubes are his best friends.
In the High School AU, Lloyd is outwardly sarcastic and sassy to everyone around him, but below that salty exterior he’s actually a really sad and vulnerable kid.
He’s super sensitive, too, but he’s trained himself to hold in his emotions until he’s alone.
Any time he’s criticized or yelled at, he cries.
If someone calls him out on how he acts, he gets hurt deep down but externally tells them something that rhymes with “Duck Glue”.
When he finally reaches his “rebellious teenage phase” he ends up with a really foul mouth for a couple months but grows out of it. He still drops the occasional F-Bomb from time to time but mostly he manages not to curse.
When the day finally comes that Sensei Wu dies, all the ninja are utterly devastated. Lloyd is the only one who doesn’t collapse into emotional turmoil, remaining, for the most part, outwardly calm.
Kai takes it entirely the wrong way and explodes on him about it, saying a lot of things that he later regrets very much. (”You don’t even care, do you?” “I guess I should have expected something like this from Garmadon’s son.”)
Lloyd locks himself in his room afterwards and doesn’t come out until Cole talks him into coming out to eat something because he’s hungry. He spends a few weeks being entirely apathetic to Kai but eventually their relationship recovers and they go back to being bros.
When he gets frustrated he spars with Cole to take out some of his aggression. It works pretty well for both of them because they can both fight almost at their peak without having to worry too much about hurting each other.
Somehow, some way, he still has a little bit of his Golden Power locked up somewhere. He knows it’s there but refuses to try and use it because the longer he leaves it alone the more it starts to replenish itself. He kind of hopes that one day he’ll have it all back, but even if he did he’d only use it in extreme situations.
Some of the Devourer’s venom did get passed on to him, but his Golden Power and status as the Green Ninja kind of quash down the “evil” aspect of it, making it surface mostly in small ways.
When he gets really, really, really mad, his eyes turn red.
He has little fangs and whenever he’s so mad his eyes turn red, they get bigger and sharper.
He’s a really good liar because hey you know snakes are deceivers.
Also his whole grudge-holding thing? That’s another thing caused by the venom.
Movie Lloyd (Luh-loyd) has some severe depression, anxiety, and abandonment issues that are constantly perpetuated by Garmadon being an huge deadbeat.
Every time Bad Blood played in the trailer it was because Luh-loyd was thinking it because he’s secretly a meme lord.
If Lloyd and Luh-loyd ever met, Luh-loyd would probably resent the fact that Lloyd’s dad actually knew his name and cared about him, but then would immediately feel bad about it when he finds out that Garmadon is Garmadead.
Okay seriously I have more but I think this is more than enough for one post.
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biofunmy · 5 years ago
Not Quite Dating, but Certain About Forever
Rabiah Gul had a couple of goals in mind when she first met Marcus Harun. First, she wanted to show him that she was the savvy New Yorker he was expecting. She also wanted to return home knowing he was the man she should marry, even though she had no intention of kissing him, hugging, or holding his hand.
Ms. Gul, 27, of Middle Village, Queens, and Mr. Harun, also 27, of Hamden, Conn., met in July 2018 on Muzmatch, a website that matches Muslim singles. Both had signed up because they sensed that meeting a religiously compatible partner in their daily lives might be a challenge.
Offline, though, their lives looked quite different.
Ms. Gul is a lifelong New York City resident born into a large, mostly female Pakistani family. In addition to her parents and three sisters, she was raised in close contact with an aunt and four cousins, all girls, who also live in Queens. Mr. Harun is as suburban as Ms. Gul is metropolitan. He and his younger brother, Eunes Harun, were born in Connecticut to a Bangladeshi father and an American mother who shepherded them through soccer, Boy Scouts and apple-picking trips each fall.
Fascination with their contrasting lifestyles wasn’t what connected them on Muzmatch. Instead, both liked each other’s commitment to weaving traditional Muslim values into a modern approach to life and work.
“Marcus was very thoughtful when he said ‘Hi’ on the site,” Ms. Gul said. “He wasn’t superficial. He wasn’t the stereotypical guy who would say, like, ‘Cute pic.’ For some girls, that’s fine. But for me it’s a turnoff. I’m more than my picture.”
Mr. Harun also told Ms. Gul that he appreciated the emphasis on religion and family in her profile. And he was impressed by what she had achieved professionally. Ms. Gul is a tenant lawyer. After graduating summa cum laude from the City University of New York in 2013 and the University of Dayton with a law degree in 2016, she went to work representing low-income New Yorkers facing evictions and substandard living conditions at Boom!Health Legal Services, a nonprofit organization in the Bronx. She recently left Boom!Health for a personal hiatus and, after passing the New York Bar exam, is now looking for a new position.
For her, the plight of New Yorkers caught up in housing disputes is personal. “Housing law connects to my childhood,” said Ms. Gul, who wears a head scarf in public, and whose first name is pronounced Robb-yah.
Her parents, Gulraiz and Kalsoom Masood, arrived in New York from Pakistan in the 1980s. “They came to the U.S. not knowing the language, not knowing the culture and without much money,” she said. “Being exposed to tenants from marginalized communities facing unwarranted obstacles and seeing how many low-income residents were unrepresented tapped into a place of sympathy for me.”
Ms. Gul’s social consciousness also has taken on artistic expression. At CUNY, she wrote a comedic monologue called “Wudhu,” Arabic for “purifying process,” about her personal experiences trying to find New York City public restrooms where she could wash her hands, arms, face and feet before praying five times a day, a Muslim ritual. She performed the monologue at John Jay College, a CUNY senior college in Manhattan, as an undergraduate. By the time she was in law school, it was being performed as far as Indonesia and Ireland by other women.
On Muzmatch, “I was pretty wowed by her, and by how she balances religion and family and friends and having a career,” Mr. Harun said. “I love that she’s so into her career, and that she’s not the type of person who’d do a basic job at anything. She goes above and beyond no matter what she’s doing.”
The same might be said of Mr. Harun, a producer at MSNBC in New York who started his climb up the broadcasting ladder when he was in eighth grade. In 2006, his parents, Harriet and Mohammed Harun, let him build a news studio in their basement. The show he created there, “24 News Now,” got picked up by a public access station after he rounded up 20 fellow high school students from across the country to be reporters. When the local Fox News affiliate in Hartford, Conn., heard about the show, Mr. Harun was the subject of a news feature there. After he earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2014 from Quinnipiac University, from which he also received an M.B.A. in 2015, he went to work at the station as the executive producer of the “FOX61 Morning News.” He began his job at MSNBC this past May.
The commute from Hamden is long, but the timing was right. By then, Mr. Harun wanted to spend as much time in New York with Ms. Gul and her family as possible.
Mr. Harun and Ms. Gul talk reservedly about meeting on Muzmatch. “At no point during the process of getting to know each other did we call what we were doing ‘dating,’” Mr. Harun said. “The process of meeting and falling in love that you might describe as dating was different for us. We had the intention all along of finding the person we wanted to marry.”
This was why, when they decided to meet in New York on July 28, 2018, Ms. Gul wanted to make sure she and Mr. Harun both left feeling the other was spouse material.
“I remember thinking, O.K., he’s traveling all the way from Connecticut,” she said. “I need to make it special.” By then, though, they were already spending hours talking on the phone.
Though Mr. Harun had visited New York several times, he was game to play tourist. When she asked what he would like to see, he sent her a picture. The Brooklyn Bridge was the backdrop.
“It was Dumbo, an area everyone flocks to,” Ms. Gul said. She arranged a meeting at Brooklyn Bridge Park, which afforded a view similar to the picture. There, they sat and talked. And fell in love.
“I get emotional just thinking about it,” Ms. Gul said. “He literally was my long-lost best friend. We talked about everything, from Kanye West to deeply intellectual things. The conversation just kept flowing.” Still, a kiss or hug goodbye was not in the offing for religious reasons: “According to Islam, any form of touching, kissing, holding hands or any sexual intimacy at all is reserved for marriage,” she said.
Ms. Gul met Mr. Harun’s parents soon after on the family’s annual apple-picking excursion. She had never been to Connecticut. “I had my first apple cider, my first apple cider doughnut,” she said. “And I got to connect with his family through this very cherished family tradition.”
Ms. Gul introduced Mr. Harun to her family around the same time. “I met a whole boardroom of people just sitting in her living room,” he said. “And they were so welcoming, even though I knew through the whole thing that having someone come and meet your daughter is a very big deal.”
By the time Mr. Harun started commuting from Hamden to the MSNBC offices, he was visiting Ms. Gul and her family regularly. Typical get-togethers included trying out New York restaurants Ms. Gul discovered on Instagram and hanging out in Brooklyn Bridge Park. The fact that they would one day marry was a forgone conclusion. And, according to Ms. Gul’s youngest sister, Faiza Masood, the happy outcome of an ideal courtship. “Rabiah and Marcus are similar in so many ways,” Ms. Masood said. “They’re both so passionate about what they do, and they’re both funny and independent.”
Mr. Harun’s marriage proposal was a reflection of their personalities.
“There was a little bit less pressure than some people might have because we were both interested in pursuing marriage,” he said, “but I wanted to make it special.”
With the help of Rumanoff’s Fine Jewelry, in Hamden, he designed a platinum ring showcasing a family diamond given to him by his mother.
Then, on June 30, he drove to Queens for what Ms. Gul thought would be a typical get-together. Her first clue it was anything but came when they walked to get icees. The vendor handed her an envelope; Mr. Harun had arranged a scavenger hunt that brought the couple to half a dozen of their favorite spots around Brooklyn and Queens. “I had gone around to all these places and shown them a picture of Rabiah and said, ‘When she orders, hand her this envelope.’” Each envelope had a clue leading to the next location. The hunt ended where their in-person courtship began, at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Mr. Harun had a professional photographer waiting, as well as his family and Ms. Gul’s family. With the bridge as a backdrop, he got down on one knee and asked Ms. Gul to marry him.
Her yes, despite its inevitability, was an over-the-moon one. “Just the fact that he executed it in such a thoughtful, attentive way,” she said. “I was overwhelmed.”
On Dec. 15, at the Chateau La Mer in Lindenhurst, N.Y., the couple welcomed 175 guests for a wedding meant to celebrate their American-Muslim identity. Ms. Gul, in a tea pink lehenga sparkling with platinum and gold rhinestones, walked down a carpeted aisle accompanied by her parents to a stage set with a gilded settee. Mr. Harun, in a black tuxedo with a red bow tie, awaited her. The couple sat side by side on the settee for a ceremony in Arabic and English performed by Imam Omer Bajwa, the director of Muslim life at Yale.
“When one marries, one is pleasing God,” the imam said, asking the assembled to pray that Ms. Gul and Mr. Harun would bring each other happiness and tranquillity. After an exchange of rings, he pronounced them married. They were married in the Muslim sense; because the couple found out belatedly that the imam was certified to marry people in Connecticut but not New York, their legal marriage took place Dec. 10 at the office of the New York City Clerk.
The religious ceremony, before their family and friends, was more meaningful for both. “The City Hall ceremony allowed us to be married in the eyes of the law,” Mr. Harun said. “Being religiously married by the well-respected imam was what we preferred.”
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On This Day
When Dec. 15, 2019
Where Chateau La Mer, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
Split the Difference Mr. Harun and Ms. Gul will move to New Rochelle, N.Y., after a honeymoon. “We wanted a place close to the city, where my family is, but also something close to the suburban life Marcus grew up with,” Ms. Gul said.
Cross-Cultural Meal A buffet dinner held in the same room as the ceremony featured dishes like chicken biryani and baked ziti. Instead of alcohol, which is forbidden at Muslim weddings, guests ordered ginger ales and Diet Cokes from bartenders in crisp black suits.
Bright Past, Bright Future Kenneth A Venit, one of Mr. Harun’s professors at Quinnipiac, praised Mr. Harun’s commitment to educating those around him about Islam. “When he was a journalism student, he came to my Global Community class and explained Islam through his eyes.”
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