#also anxious and nervious as hell
ilovereadingandstuff · 2 months
Farwell, my friend
Before the time comes, before the leaks of chapter 430 are out...
I just wanna say...
Thank you.
This fandom, this work, Horikoshi's work, and all I've experience since I discovered this show back at january 2020 has been a blessing to me.
So many people I get te chance to meet, so many nights and days laughing by heart because of videos, crying because of fanfics, rambling because of theories...
Just as we get to watch Izuku's and all class A and other characters' journies... we also experience the same in our lifes.
BNHA was that for me, at least.
You ALL are my family
BNHA was and IS a changing point in my life. Its story and characters has trascendent my personal life and they are my joy when feeling like I can't deal with reality anymore.
The fandom, as shitty and criticize as it is, is one I'm glad to be part on. Even when there are things I would gladly change and get rid of... or sometimes it exasperate me... the memories are still there.
And they will always be.
Last, but not least, thank you Horikoshi Kohei. Thank you for sharing your art and work with us. Thank you for being such a brave man by writing such a intrincate and beautiful story...with highs and lows, critize by many, in the mouth of thousands... but you keep going, reaching level I'm proud to witness and enjoy alongside you and all of us.
Thanks you.
And I'm just hoping, as I said before, that with this last chapter you could accomplished something that makes you proud and happy after so many years of hard work.
Hope our love travel far and beyond forever...
Plus Ultra ;)
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Um, can I have the sdr2 boys (if it's not too much) with an s/o that thinks they may be cheating, but they're actually trying to propose? Like they're busy all the time. Hopefully this isn't too much for you, I know you do dr1 a lot. You're one of my favorite imagine writers!
Awww Thank you so so much!!! I do DR1 a lot but I also love my DR2 and DRV3 babies so don't be afraid to request them. Okay, let's go to the imagine
I made Kazuichi, Fiyuhiko and Komaeda so so long so the rest are a little bit simple but I still find them cute, sorry for that
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Hajime Hinata
•He's been really distant lately
•Sneaking out whenever someone calls him
•Making up excuses to not assist to your dates...
•You don't want to think about it but you do
•It really seems like he is cheating
•And you are very sad now
•He tries to convince you to go with him to the beach
•On a date!
•You don't really want to go but you accept and try to talk to him about it
•"Hajime... is there something you are hiding me?"
•"What? No, not at all"
•You choose to trust him and forget about the issue
•Even if you are a little tense
•When nights falls you want to make him a little surprise and go tot he sand to write I love you on it
•And as you walk backwards you crash against something
•You turn around and it's your boyfriend
•In one knee and showing you a ring
•Oh, and you really though he was cheating on you
•He would never! He loves you enough to ask you to spend all your life with him!
•He gives you a long speech about all you two have been through
•And you can't really focus on it because you are too excited
•"S/O I love you, truly and forever, will you marry me?"
•You don't give him any answer, you just jump onto his arms and no words are needed
Nagito Komaeda
•He tried, he really tried so hard to make it cute
•But you know how his luck works
•The first thing he tried was to buy your favourite book and hide a ring on it
•As a reference for that love for books you two shared
•He took you out to a very fancy restaurant
•And you two had a great night
•And then he wanted to give you a gift, the book
•You opened it and no special reaction was given
•Of course you liked it but it wasn’t the reaction he expected
•Well, of course, you didn't know he was proposing
•Because there was no ring at all, it was lost
•He understood it pretty fast and tried another thing
•He tried to propose at the lake after a romantic day on there you two alone
•But a fish ate the ring
•And he tried to propose with fireworks
•But he ended up a little burned
• You started to doubt him, you knew he was hiding you something and all of those weird dates didn’t help, you liked him beiing extra romantic but he had been busy all week and at the end of every single date he looked quite... dissapointed?
• You know Komaeda would never cheat on you, he adores you 
• But it looked like he was cheating definetly
•Luckily, before you went absolutely mad or he killed himself trying to propose, he gave up
•"Look, S/O, I've been trying, really but it looks like my luck isn't on our side for this" he gave you his usual tender smile that smile that made you feel calm whenever you saw it "I love you and all of the bad luck from this world is worth it if it means I can spend my life with you forever, I know it is selfish to want someone as great and hopeful as you all for me and even more if there is no ring-"
• Oh, god, he wasn’t cheating, he was trying to propose all along!
•You cut him with a passionate kiss before he starts degrading himself
•"I want to marry you, Komaeda, I want to marry you because you are the greatest person I've ever met and I don't care about your luck, the ring or whatever you think of yourself, I want to spend my life with you"
•And after a long long kiss Komaeda finally says something
•"Yeah, I am definetely the lucky student, that's how I managed to find someone like you"
Kazuichi Souda
• Kazuichi had been working on his repair shop all week
• And you hadn’t seen him a lot in the past month
• But what made you more anxious was the fact that he hadn’t told you about waat he was working in
• He would usually spend hours talking about his inventions
• And you adored to listen to him because he loked too happy while doing it
• But this time he was keeping it a secret
• And you were a little bothered
• You didn’t want to admit it because Kazuichi was the most caring and attent guy you had ever met
• And he loved you deeply
• But he was also easily distrated by other people
• You knew he would never cheat on you
• But sometimes you were specially sensitive about it if he had been delusioning too much lately
• And that along with the lack of communication issue made you paranoid
• But then Kazuichi called you and planned a date for the next day
• You had to go to his repair shop and so he would bring you somewhere
• You went to his repair shop the next day 
• And the wall was projecting something
• He was trying to fix a projector all this time?
• You see then what is being projected
• It shows all of your relationship
• How you two met, how he felt in love with you, your first dates, your first problems, the moment when you two started to be really in love with each other, the tragedy, the killing game... absolutely everything
• And when you were on the verge of tears the projector started to sho things that hadn’t happened 
• Yet
• Like you dressing for your edding, a big family house,, picures of you to on it
• Cookig, cuddling, playing videogames, talking about his machines... all with matching rings in both your hands
• Some kids maybe?
• And it ends with two elders you on that house, spending all your life together
• And when you turn around and finaly see him he is in one knee giving you a ring
• And you were thinking you had lost him... you had been such an idiot
• He doesn’t really propose because he just can’t talk
• And you can't either, being honest
• You finaly manage to spit out a “yes” between all of your tears
• And then he is hugging you
• With sucb strentgh yuo breath, he is just way too nervious
• Your poor boy is shaking and his heart razes at lighting speed
• And once he calms down he whispers lots of “thank you”s to your ear
• I mean, he is so thankful for having you on his life... expect a lot of spoiling for the next few weeks
Gundham Tanaka
• Let’s be honest you have always been a little jealous of Sonia
• They were always so... close
• And he had been spending his time in her bedroom more than usual
• Canceling your dates to go see her
• To the point when you started to think that his Devas were sleeping in Sonia’s bedroom
• And you were paranoid
• And that was too much
• You were about to lose it when the Devas came to your room
• Carrying a little box with them
• You took it in your hands and opened it 
• To find a beautiful, pure black ring 
• It was a rather scary ring, you could almost see hell inside it
• But that was your boyfriend style and you loved it!
• You knew what this meant
• He wasn’t cheating with Sonia, she was helping him and the Devas prepare all of this
• “S/O my dear” It was your boyfriend behind you “there is no one as powerful and valuable as you in this world, and having you by my side has made my power increase" He took your hand in his "would you be the spouse of Tanaka the forbidden?”
• “Yes, yes, yes, of course I will!”
• He kissed your hand before putting the ring in your finger
• “I swear I will make you the happiest person alive, my queen/king of darkness” 
Fuyuhiko Kuuzuryu
•He asks Peko for help
•And after all your little talks Fuyuhiko knows what he is going to do
•Peko isn't either but she is your friend and can ask you something discreetly to find put what would make you happy
•He isn't the best with this things
•On the next summer festival, during the fireworks he will ask you to marry him
•You said you used to love the fireworks as a child and that Fuyuhiko was always handsome on his yukata
•He was fully prepared to make your week amazing and romantic and end it with the fireworks and the proposition
•Well, you said more things but those were the most important for him
•And you weren't suspecting a thing thanks to Peko
•But then things went wrong
•The Kuzuryuu clan enemies attacked
•And he didn't want you to know
•And a lot of yakuza's business had place during the festival
•And he couldn't attend it with you
•He was mysterious, angrier than usual and failed you on the festival
•And you realized then that Peko had been covering him all this time but he had been very distant
•And then those thoughts about him cheating appeared
•Nah, he would never cheat
•He was too sweet to do it, right?
•Peko accompanied you all night long
•It was to keep you save but you thought it was to make you forget about your boyfriend abandoning you on your favourite festival
•When the fireworks ended and you arrived at home all that you wanted to do was cry on your bed
•But then Fuyuhiko was there
•With a little box of fireworks on his hands
•"I'm late, I know, but those fucking morons- I... It took me longer than I thought to fix some problems but I'm here"
•"Problems? What kind of problems?"
•"Yakuza's problems"
•"You should have told me"
•"I didn't want to ruin your night and... I brought fireworks"
•You would like to be angry but you imagined Fuyuhiko with all of his bad temper and anger issues searching for a place to buy fireworks just to cheer you up and you couldn't help but to smile and thanks the world for sending you this wholesome boy
•You went to kiss your boyfriend and watched his special fireworks together when he pulled out a little box of pants
•He was not only worrying about not worrying you and making you enjoy the festival, he was also trying to propose to you
•He was definitely the best boyfriend you could have asked for
•And now he was going to be your husband!!!
Nekomaru Nidai
•He was untraceable all the time
•You offered him to do something and he was too busy
•He wasn't even going to the gym
•Something was wrong here
•And you suspected the worse
•Some days passed by and he kept being ilocalizable and you kept overthinking it all
•Until he asked you to go on a walk with him
•A mountain walk of course because it is Nidai, remember?
•And when you were about to ask him if he didn't love you anymore he disappeared
•And the next thing you saw was a plane on the sky writting with its fume
•It said 'S/O will you marry me'
•And behind you your boyfriend arrived in paracaidas
•With a ring in a box in his hands
•Man, he'd put as many passion onto this as he did usually
•And he almost make you lose your head!
•You run to him and hugged him
•And he spinned you around in his arms
•"I will take that as a yes" he said with his characteristically loud laugh
•That laugh that you loved so much
•And now you would hear it FOREVER!!!
Teruteru Hanamura
•He takes you out to the best restaurant on town
•Your house
•With him as the cook your dinner room will be the best restaurant you had ever been to
•He tries to decorate it as romantic as possible
•But being him it looks more like an acenary from an... adult movie
•You called him and no responses
•But still when you arrive home you love it!
•He has been so distant lately
•And with his constant comments to the people around you it was easy for you to think he would cheat on you
•But no, he was planning this surprise right?
•Yeah, sure it was that
•Your boyfriend's dishes were spectacular
•But your favourite plate was the dessert without any doubt
•And no, Teruteru wasn't the dessert even if he joked about it
•It was a beautiful pink an white cake
•And inside of it a ring
•"S/O, I had never met somebody like you, in you I found another family and I want to be with you forever, will you marry me?"
•"Of course yes babe!!" Is the only thing you say before kissing him
Byakuya Twogami (ultimate imposter)
•They didn't really know how to propose to you
•They had never had nobody that loved them for who they were
•They never had nobody who knew them at all
•Except you
•And they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you
•But how? They dressed up as joyero to ask the costumers about their ideas
•But then you saw them and another person (who were just they digused) and started to think he was cheating on you
•You know where dies he gets all inspiration from
•You eventhough it so much that you decided to ask them once they were at home
•"Oh, S/O, baby" they laughed "I wanted to make it special but it will only make it worse" he se puso sober una rodilla and you already knew what he was doing
•And you were so so happy
•"Yeees!" You answered before they could even ask the question
•You just jump over them tirandola al suelo and hugging then
•You were so so very happy and so were them
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whiskeycoloredhair · 3 years
“Looking for something?” from the Late Night Wanderings meme!
It was a restless night were he kept wandering all over London. Selling himself to gay men. Buying and using opium drops. Avoiding police officers and people in general. For some reason he searched his way to the graveyard. It wasn’t the first time he walked among the graves at the witching hours. Still it was chilling to be there at night. The silence was deafening. Darkness as long as the eye could see. Haunting shadows from gravestones and the iron fence surrounding it. A creaking sound heard as he slowly opened the gate. It made him jump a little while he quickly looked around to see if anyone was in earshot. No one as far as he could see. Though it was possible someone could be in hiding. There were bushes and thick trees in certain places. Also, someone could be hiding inside the church itself. Or behind one of the bigger gravestones. He knew people visiting a graveyard at night normally didn’t have the best intentions. Grave robbers, body snatchers or other shady businesses. Maybe even murder. Not that he had such intentions himself but it still made him extremly nervious and paranoid. Making his imagination flare up. In every corner he thought of vampires or ghosts even though he didn’t really believe such things existed.  He searched among the gravestones and found the fresh grave which belonged to the latest victim. Seeing fresh dirt made it more real. He was actually gone. It did actually happen. Not even the opium high could numb the icy feeling that filled his stomach. Then burning rage that made his eyes flood with tears. Julian read the inscription outloud. “Jeremiah Walken, beloved son and husband.” So he was married? Did she know about his sadistic hobbies? About the company he searched? “You destroyed my life.” He whispered and looked at the flowers. “You and everyone else.” His voice filled with spite. Hands became shaking.fists.“I hope you rot in hell, you sick bastard.” It was so tempting to destroy the grave. Crushing the flowers and dig out the coffin to destroy the body once again. But he didn’t do any of that. Don’t disturb the dead. It was something his mother would have said, ‘If you piss on a grave, god will piss on you in turn’. He laughed at the thought. God had pissed on him since his birth. The laughing died as he kept staring at the grave with mixed emotions. At least Jeremiah wouldn’t be able to hurt him or others again.  The second grave he visited belonged to Katherine Redwood. He grimased at the inscription, ‘Beloved daughter wife and mother’. Even though he’d seen it before it still annoyed him to see such kind descriptions. “You vile woman.” That was all he said before leaving the grave. If she was as vile at home he had freed those poor children. Maybe they didn’t even mourn their mother as people normally would.  As he started his familiar route he could already feel the tears well up again. He took out a yellow flower from his pocket and felt how much his fingers trembled. “My love, I’m coming for you.” He whispered softly. Though he didn’t get far when a voice was heard somewhere behind him. Making him stop moving. Eyes widened as he recognised said voice. A voice he really didn’t expect to hear again. At least not here at this time. Was he followed here? For how long? How much had the other seen or heard. Did he suspect anything? He must have been reckless. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. Making his expression more relaxed. Slowly. Ever so slowly he turned. ”My goodness you scared me.” He chuckled and placed a hand at his chest.  ”I was just searching for my mother’s grave and then I saw these fresh graves.”  Yes. It was him. The young noble that entered the bookstore not long ago. A meeting that still made him anxious everytime he came to work. Scared that he would return. ”And what are you doing here at this hour sir?”
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