#also amber got kinda close to taem p fast too
katrinawritesthings · 8 years
hi yes i love biker au very much it's very good i re-read it all the time thank you so much for sharing it with us!!! i was just wondering if u could maybe talk a little bit about idk when taemin was first adopted by jinki??? because you've said it was very important for both of them and i just wanna know every little detail about their relationship in this au because it's so Wholesome and i love it just thank you so much for writing it
! high kicks ahh thank you friend uwu this is v sweet
and also lies on the floor bc i Love biker au and biker au ontae they are good and pure
i’ve been meaning to write a part about their first week for a while but i keep not getting around to it lmao but
it was a lot of taem doing many many many little tiny smiles bc like Yeah he’s had the whole No Emotions Allowed Thing practised to perfection for years by the time he was sixteen but he’d just rly never been this constantly happy before and he had to get used to it before he could act like it didn’t exist
before long he was back to being a sleepy lil asshole tho
and i think they stayed at kyuhyun’s place for the first few days and taem 100% kinda wiggled into the spare room jinki was in like “hey,,, uh,,, wanna,,, let a kid sleep with you,,, maybe,,,,” and jinki’s like “what really” and taem’s like “Look this is a new place and i don’t fucking know anyone and i’m not used to sleeping alone and just let me sleep in your bed with you god”
and he’s all huffy and blushie and jinki’s just like lmao but accepts rly easily bc he doesn’t mind sharing a bed with anyone and Especially not with his new lil nugget child
so taem wiggles into bed with him and holds his arm and jinki’s like “rad look at me letting my kid sleep with me when he’s nervous,,, being a good dad,,, this is what good dads do right” and taem’s like “idk how would i know” and jinki’s like Hmm
bc like??? it’s only just now really settling in that this is a Big and Important thing that he’s done
and he resolves to do the Best That He Possibly Can at it
and it took them a lil bit to get used to each other as a constant guardian/kid thing with rules and guidelines and whatnot instead of a “that lil shit kid that would always bug jinki every time the gang stopped at that one restaurant for lunch every month or two” kind of thing but they figured it out
tbh the first time jongtae met was only a few weeks after taem was adopted and they were already p okay by then
all taem wanted was to be away from his hometown and have someone let him be him and help him when he needed it and that’s what jinki gave him
and for all of his hesitance and worries and uncertainty jinki never Once regretted his decision
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