#also also if you love magic and happiness and checkerboards and yellow you should look up warioware twisted
funky-dealer · 3 months
YOUR NEOCITIES WEBSITE LOOKS SO COOL!!!!! it looked hard to make; how did you do it like that? i don't have much knowledge in HTML or CSS or anything like that (even though they're super easy to learn), so seeing a website like yours is so magical i feel like i am in a beautiful fantasy land with magic and happiness and checkerboards and yellow
GRAAHH TYTY tbh the layout of the site is this one that a lotta people use so i cant take credit for that part but everything else was fueled by passion and just kinda me thinking "i wanna put THIS on my site" and then just looking it up how i could do it on w3schools and if you cant find an answer on there then theres bound to be an answer on some old forum post somewhere
theres never not a good time to say this so everyone reading this: go learn html and css right now its soooo much fun and while it seems daunting at first it gets SO easy after like the first few weeks
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