#also added the unusual ecolo tag bc it’s implied (plus they’re in that form for a decent amount of time)
turtle-clown · 2 years
In which Ecolo has feelings
Aka turtle is back on their bullshit: AiColo edition
Heads up, Im not very experienced in writing things for puyo puyo so this is probably off in some way. Also this has a very abrupt ending which is partially on purpose (bc I thought it would be funny)
[Note: this is actually technically pre AiColo, however it’s very much implied there are feelings goin on in here]
Every now and then, Ecolo would wander their way towards somewhere or something that has living beings, this time they came across the SS Tetra. They decided to pay the crew a visit (and maybe torment them a little), so they floated their way towards and into the spaceship. As far as they could see, everyone was doing the same tasks they seemingly do everyday; which is very boring if you ask Ecolo, which is kinda hypocritical since all they do is float around in space. But eventually they started to notice a sound coming from somewhere, somewhere on the ship someone was whimpering like a dog. So, out of curiosity, they followed the noise.
Eventually they found themselves in a room (they guessed that it was a bedroom, though they couldn’t tell due to how it looked), and looking at the source of the sound. In the corner, the engineer of the spaceship, Ai, was curled up in a ball whimpering. Normally, they wouldn't have cared that much, yet… there was something in the back of their mind telling them to help him. The only problem was that they had no idea how to comfort someone (they had a hard time dealing with emotions, both theirs and other peoples), and yet they wanted to try.
“Um, hello?” Amazing start Ecolo, ten out of ten. Almost immediately, Ai managed to back himself further into the corner (if that’s even possible) and started barking at them (it’s more of a yip really, they just don’t know what word to use). While thinking of what to do, they recalled something they heard about what to do when Ai is in this state. ‘The best way to calm Ai down is to battle him, that always brings him back to his senses.’ That didn’t exactly make sense to them, besides it doesn’t seem… right to battle him in this state. Lowering themselves to get more on his eye level they reach their hand out. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you alright? You're okay.” He still seemed unsure however; eventually they realized it probably had something to do with the fact that they’re not exactly tangible. Realizing this, they changed form, becoming more humanoid. Which seemed to work since he looked less afraid, so they got closer, ending up sitting next to him.
Being closer meant that they could see more of what Ai was like in this state (for example he was crying at the moment), although there is something unexpected from being this close. He started to latch onto their arm, like he was hugging it. It was at this point they started to try and process what they were feeling; previously they had never really had this specific emotion before, it was similar to when they were around Ringo but… different. (In the back of their mind, they thought for a second that this is what amitie was talking about that one time, but they quickly killed that train of thought. Love was meaningless to them, it’s just some word humans use for things they like). Ecolo was snapped back to reality as Ai did that whining noise again, and despite their mind yelling at them about this, they pulled him closer into their arms.
Eventually the noises stopped, which was good, they assumed. Although they were more surprised by Ai talking. “I… apologize for having you assist me through this.” This was the first time he ever talked to them; they didn’t really know what to say, so they continued to sit in silence. After a long beat of silence Ai said something again, this time it was a bit more… concerning to them. “How did you change form? I don’t recall you doing something like this last time I saw you.” How does he remember that? He shouldn’t remember that. Even if he remembered after the two worlds were separated again, their existence hasn’t been remembered by anyone other than Ringo. “You… remember me?” “Of course I do, you would be very hard to forget.” He chuckled at that a little, they didn’t find it as funny.
Much later they got up from the floor (mostly because Ai said he should probably check on things, Ecolo because they didn’t really want to be there anymore), once again Ai talked. “It was nice seeing someone from the puyo world again, even under the circumstances.” He smiled at them, they got that feeling again. “Uh… Same.” After giving the (honestly very lackluster) response, they promptly turned into their usual form and floated through the wall, out of the ship.
Back in the vacuum of space they attempted to clear their head, yet they couldn’t stop thinking about the SS Tetras engineer. No matter how hard they tried, he wouldn’t leave their thoughts. Later on Ecolo would return to the SS Tetra to give Ai a note. The note said ‘get out of my universe’.
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