#also ada handwriting reveal ..?
kurooscopy · 3 months
in every universe ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
i'm unfathomably late to this trend but idc bc it's been on my wips list for agessssss and i got possessed by the selfship gods the last couple days to finally do it (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) !!
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : masterlist
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader, ada wong & reader || model / penpal au
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, a penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! However, much like the name... the person you're writing to tends to be the person you actually admire... surely that's not the case for Leon?!
or, in which Leon, a rising model, is truly not immune to the Ada brainrot even as a model and stays up til 3 reading an ongoing 200k fic of Ada x reader written by none other than... you... and ends up recommending you your own fic through your penpal letters, and though you find it to be an interesting first impression, surely you can't fall in love with someone from just their handwriting? Besides, you have your own things to worry about! Like, maybe, that cute model?
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pilot post : twitter accounts : spotify
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leon (to eggs) / reader (to holiday) chapters/letters:
how do you like your eggs? / top holiday in your opinion?
scrambled? / new year's eve?
socmed bonus: new years kiss
steamed? / new year's?
boiled? / valentine's?
fried? / white day?
sunny side up? / easter?
blanched? / mid-autumn festival?
socmed bonus: mooncake fairy
baked? / halloween?
custard? / single's day?
runny? / thanksgiving?
socmed bonus: thanks given to you
poached / christmas
epilogue: first snow
Bonus! lights, baby, action
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notes: posting should be relatively regular? twice a week maybe? we'll see. oh, yes, also. the "secondary" storyline of reader writing fanfiction will be elaborated in "holiday" chapters (reader's letters)
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80 notes · View notes
Welcome to the workshop
Off the main hall, you see a door slightly ajar, a warm light spilling through the gap and casting long shadows in the otherwise dingy corner. Above it is an illuminated sign, bold round script painted on a frosted pane of glass lit by a yellowish bulb somewhere in the housing.
You push the door open and step inside, the groaning of the hinges announcing your arrival. The room is big with a high ceiling that slopes down towards the far wall, giving the effect of the place getting smaller the further in you go. The size of the room does little to offset the clutter gathered on shelves, in drawers, on trolleys and tables in cluttered assortments all over the place. Tins of tannic acid solution, numerous brown glass jars of salts, vats of potassium nitrate-sodium hydroxide solution set in big heating arrays, stacks of polishing blocks in pyramind-like heaps, brushes and tools in old tins sticking out like spines on a hedgehog. At the opposite side from the door is a large blackboard covered in looping handwriting. Pulling on the cords that hang from rollers above it would reveal large printed phase diagrams showing the eutectic points and phase lines of various common alloys. In the corner is a glass chamber, also fitted with a door and lit by a much brighter white bulb, full of equipment you can't quite see properly. There's a cluttered desk in the corner, piled high with papers and fine work tools, with a gloomy painting of a factory hinging down from the wall above it as if threatening to fall completely. A figure in grubby overalls with wild hair wrapped up in a coarse headscarf sits on an ominously creaking dark wood swivel chair, humming along to old swing music crackling from the speaker grill of a nearby record player, bakelite scuffed and scratched from use. Finally, in the corner, you see a heavy metal door marked with a yellow and black sign: Radioactive!
The figure, momentarily lost in her idle thoughts, snaps back to reality as you gingerly make your way across the room. She's about six foot, stockily built, with sleeves rolled up to her elbows
"Oh, hi there," she says with a smile, dusting her hands off on her work things and standing up, "Vivi must've sent you through. I'm Ada, nice to meet you."
0 notes
rainythefox · 5 years
Nightfall (Ch.8)
Synopsis: Pre-Resident Evil 1, slight-AU. Claire Redfield comes home to visit her brother Chris for the holidays but gets caught up in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Albert Wesker, the Captain of STARS, after stumbling upon dark secrets. She can't call the law; Wesker is the law, and she can't tell Chris. She is trapped...Claire/Wesker & Slight Chris/Jill.
AO3 Link
Chapter 8: Know When to Lie
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Claire turned the keys to the ignition off in the truck and got out. Morning rush was particularly slow and busy on her way back from the police station after dropping off Chris. Even with the freshly salted and bulldozed roads, there was still an accident. The younger Redfield sibling was just happy to be back home. She needed peace and quiet to figure out her next move in this life or death chess game. She was, at the very least, happy to see that the sun had finally come out after days of gloomy cloud coverage.
Hello big, bright yellow ball in the sky, you feel so nice!
If it hadn’t been so nippy from the morning chill, she would’ve stayed outside to bask in it. Sighing, Claire unlocked Chris’s house and went inside. She hung up her parka and Chris’s keys and went into the kitchen to get a bottled water. She paused, brows furrowing as she noticed the small, colorful piece of paper stuck on the counter top in an obvious place. She froze reaching for the refrigerator handle, staring at the elegant handwriting on the note. It definitely wasn’t hers and it definitely wasn’t Chris’s.
Her heart began beating faster as a chill ran over her. Someone’s been in the house…
Swallowing, Claire slowly reached over and picked up the note and read it. Raccoon Park, Angel Statue, Noon. Come alone.
Claire read it over and over again. She didn’t recognize the penmanship. Questions raced through her mind. Who wrote this? What did they want? Was this a trap? But the note wouldn’t answer any of these. The handwriting looked feminine, but that didn’t mean that Wesker didn’t put it here on purpose to trick her.
Claire grabbed her gun and searched the house. Nothing was out of place. She was all alone here. Whoever broke into the house to plant the note was a master at stealth. After confirming the house was safe, Claire went back to the kitchen. She wondered all morning whether she should go or not. She couldn’t risk it being a trap of some sort, whether by Wesker or someone else. But what if it was someone who could help her? Why risk losing that opportunity? If she went, Claire would have to play this smart and cool. She wouldn’t know what she would be getting into at that point.
Once she finally made up her mind that she would meet this mysterious note writer, Claire got ready. The morning hours dragged by excruciating slow it seemed like. She ignored any second guessing or stress attempting to get under her skin and stayed resolved. She drove to Raccoon Park and arrived a little early. After sitting in the truck for a few minutes, preparing herself for whatever could happen, she grabbed her gun and got out.
She locked the truck and stuffed the keys in her pocket. Her gun was in the inside pocket of her parka; snug, secure, hidden. She shook more from nerves than the icy cold outside but fixed her scarf anyway. She walked through the park, heading for the angel statue mentioned in the note. There was only one such statue in the large park in northern Raccoon City.
The park was covered in snow, trees bare, not even a single crispy leaf left on a branch. The winter gave a certain beauty to the park, but it also added an air of solace. In spring and summer, the park looked quite different. Very few people were out here in the cold, even with the sun out. Claire passed a couple walking their dog, and the basketball and tennis courts were empty. Even the playground equipment was left forgotten, accumulating snow from the night before. The plaza and fountain, too, were devoid of most life.
Because of the bare trees, Claire could see Raccoon General Hospital just across the street. The sound of traffic could be heard faintly, but the cawing crows and skittering squirrels were closer. When she passed over the bridge of Circular River, the river that cut through Raccoon City, she knew she was getting close to the angel statue.
She found it near the entrance to the cemetery in the back of the big park. The lonely angel statue was old, tarnished and cracked. A few icicles dangled off of the angel, its shoulders and extended wings draped with snow. The forlorn, soulless face stared down at Claire, unmoving and vigilant.
Claire jumped, spinning as crows took to the sky with raucous caws. Saint Michael Clock Tower had just hit noon next door to the hospital. The twelve loud, hollow dongs echoed across the park. The final chime died away, swept away by icy wind. Claire stepped closer to the statue. She had made it on time, but no one was around. 
Sighing, Claire looked up at the angel. She felt so isolated and alone. It wasn’t even a week ago that she was here with Chris and Jill ice-skating on the other side of the park, oblivious to the evils of Albert Wesker. If only she hadn’t gone to the mountain trails the following morning, she would still be oblivious…and safe. She asked the statue silently…why? But the angel, melting snow streaming down her face like tears, did not answer her.
“Devils are attracted to angels, didn’t you know?”
Claire’s heart leapt to her throat, and she turned, hand going to the hidden gun in her coat. A woman approached her slowly, large sunglasses hiding most of her beautiful, ivory face. She had dark hair that shone like raven feathers and wore a black mink coat, a scarf, and a red dress with leggings and fur-lined boots. She looked like she had just stepped out of a fashion show, a model out on an afternoon stroll. Claire kept her cool. She didn’t recognize the lady at all, but something told her she needed to watch herself.
The woman’s red lips quirked. “And you’ve caught the interest of the worst devil of all, little angel.”
“Who are you?” Claire asked.
“Shh, we can’t talk here,” she answered. “Follow me.”
Claire didn’t budge as the mysterious woman took a few steps towards the cemetery. She paused, looking over her shoulder, pulling away her sunglasses to reveal honey-brown eyes and long lashes. “You coming, Claire? Don’t worry, you won’t need to use that gun in your pocket.”
Claire was intrigued but confused. She cautiously followed the woman into Circular River Cemetery. They walked the recently salted paths through the silent, empty graveyard. The numerous headstones came in all shapes and sizes, all covered in softening snow under the glare of the sun. The sound of water dripping from melting snow could be heard. Crows perched in the twisted, bare branches of the trees watched them closely. The two women finally stopped in front of a large, fancy granite headstone taller than them and shaped like a cross.
The woman looked Claire over, thinking to herself. The college student did the same to her, trying to figure out who she was.
“So? Who are you? What do you want with me?” Claire demanded.
“That’s not important. Tell me what happened between you and Albert.”
“Why? What are you going to do to me?”
The mysterious woman sighed. “Relax, Claire. I’m not here to kill you or get you into more trouble. I’m trying to understand what’s going on.”
Claire shook her head, standing her ground. “Sorry, lady, but I’ve been having a real hard time trusting people lately.”
“For good reason, it sounds like.” The raven-haired beauty chuckled. Her smile soon faded. “Alright, it’s only fair, I suppose. I’m Ada Wong.”
Claire stepped away from her, shocked. Ada must’ve read her expression, and slipped her sunglasses inside her pocket. “You’ve heard of me. How much do you know?”
“Annette Birkin mentioned you…that’s all I know, I swear.”
Ada raised an eyebrow. “So…Albert and the Birkins? Aren’t you getting tangled in quite the web? Tell me what happened between you and Albert.”
Claire’s shoulders sagged. “Fine…I was out running on the Arklay Hiking Trails and stumbled upon him and William Birkin murdering this poor guy.”
“Ned Finley. Trust me, he wasn’t a great guy. Regardless…you were caught by Albert?”
Claire nodded. “Blackmailed me. Said if I don’t stay quiet, he will kill me and my brother.”
“Your brother is a STARS officer, correct?”
“How did you meet Annette then?” Ada inquired, still looking Claire over as though she was trying to figure her out.
“Well, I tried going to Chief Irons, thinking he could help me. But he was in on it too, and he made William take me down into this underground facility run by Umbrella. I met Annette there.”
“Oh, boy…And Albert arrived there to get you?”
Claire didn’t like where this was going. “Y-Yeah…but he hid me from this Colonel Sergei guy first.”
Ada’s brows furrowed, lips quirking. “Albert…playing hide and seek with the Colonel over a college girl? What do you have planned?”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry, it’s just that you are quite different from his other…victims. When Albert gets control over someone, they’re usually pawns with certain knowledge or skills he can use for his own agenda. Innocent people like you, however...well, they’re usually killed...if they’re lucky. So the million dollar question here is…why you?"
Claire glared at her. “I’ve been asking myself that same question. But you know what? I don’t really give a fuck anymore, I just want out. I want my life back to normal and I want my brother safe! What is your part in all of this anyway?”
“Well, I’m suppose to dispose of you, for one.” Ada held up a hand when Claire reached for her hidden gun. “But killing innocent people just isn’t my style. I avoid it if all possible. So, I guess that leaves my part with determining what Albert wants with you.”
Claire snorted and crossed her arms. “Yeah, let me know if you figure that out.”
Ada nodded. “I will. But you must promise me something, Claire, or both of us will be in dire straits.”
“What is it?’
“You cannot tell anyone you met me, especially Albert, and you need to stay out of trouble with him. Do as he says and don’t try to expose him. Just be a perfect little angel for that devil.”
“You’re crazy. I’m not gonna be his plaything!”
Ada softly laughed. “You kinda already are. And unfortunately, if you want your brother to live, you’ll have to play the part for awhile. At least until I figure out what he is planning. Albert isn’t the only danger, Claire. There are other people who may find out about you, and you and your brother will be dead no matter what then. At least use Albert’s leash on you to your advantage, he is obviously protecting you for a reason. Fighting him will only make him decide you aren’t worth the risk.”
She made a good point. Claire thought back to the whole situation with Colonel Sergei in NEST. “Fine, I promise, but only if you help me out of this mess.”
“That’s easier said than done. Until we figure out what Albert wants with you, I won’t be of much help. But I’ll do what I can.”
Claire was surprised in her answer. “Really? Even though you and Wesker are friends? Even though you work for Umbrella, too?”
“Albert and I are not friends, allies on occasion, but mostly we just use each other,” Ada answered with a frown. “As far as Umbrella goes, they aren’t the only one I work for, and it depends on my interests at the time on who I support.”
Claire knew she wasn’t going to get a better answer than that. It looked like she was going to have to put her faith into this mysterious woman, despite the warnings she received from the Birkins. Then again, she couldn’t trust their word either.
“Okay…I’ll do my best to stay out of trouble.”
Ada nodded. “Good. I’ll see what I can find out in the meantime. I’ll get in contact with you soon. I’ll leave here first. Wait five minutes before leaving after me in case we are being watched.”
The beautiful woman turned and started heading out of the cemetery, but only managed a few steps before Claire called out at her. “Is it true…did you beat Wesker at his own game?”
Ada was quiet at first, deciding her words carefully. “There’s more than winning or losing, Claire. I may have gotten the upper hand on him once, but the sacrifice I made to do so wasn’t worth it in the end. And I am still paying for it. It’s best to not play a game of chess with the Devil, because even if you win, you’ll still lose.”
Claire barely nodded, disappointed. Ada left the cemetery after that without even looking back. Claire remained by the large cross headstone, thinking over what just happened. She almost felt overwhelmed, her life was getting too risky, too complicated. She longed to return to the old ways being oblivious and safe. Ada may surprisingly be her best hope now, but Claire felt it in her bones that she still couldn’t completely trust the woman.
The younger Redfield sibling sighed, feeling a headache coming on. I need a coffee…
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Ada spent the next few hours after talking to the Redfield girl watching Wesker’s movements. He seemed consistently busy with STARS and so felt it was safe to corner William when he was least expecting it. If Ada was able to get William away from Wesker and Annette, he would probably talk, at least with her. She was persuasive enough. William didn’t trust her completely, but they did get along. 
Wesker being out of the picture long enough wasn’t a problem, so long as he was at the RPD. Annette was a different story. She did not like Ada and didn’t trust her at all. Ada hated dealing with her. And so when she found out that Annette was leaving NEST to go pick up their daughter Sherry, Ada took the risk and slipped into the subterranean base right behind her.
She knew if Wesker hadn’t already caught on to her snooping around that this would do it. Not just because of William, whether he stayed quiet or not, but because there was no reason for her to be down in NEST in the first place.
Ada got her Visitor’s wristband from the front desk with a special “All Access” chip courtesy of Lord Spencer and Sergei. With Annette out of the way, Ada’s stroll through NEST was a piece of cake. Most people knew who she was and didn’t bother her. The agent made her way to the West Section where she knew William would be. She arrived to his personal laboratory after stepping through the decontamination chamber. Ada wasn’t surprised that even her “All Access” wristband wouldn’t allow her entry.
Ada looked over her shoulder, making sure no one was around and pulled out her EMF Visualizer. She hacked the door and it slid open without a problem. She stepped inside and the door closed right behind her. The laboratory was large, clean, and a little disorganized and well-used. There were quite a few computers and operating tables. There was even a small living area with a bed, a closet, and a full bathroom and a kitchenette.
The lab was quiet except for the faint humming of the computers, incubators, and various other machinery. The most distinct sound, however, was that of William standing over his computer typing away. He had his thinking face on, and didn’t even bother looking up. Ada wasn’t sure if he just didn’t hear her or assumed she was Annette, as only the Birkins and a select few were allowed in here. It was humorous to watch for a moment, his mind racing calculations and solutions at an impressive rate. If there was anyone smarter than Wesker as far as virology and pathology went, it was definitely this man before her.
William changed his posture, putting more weight on his left foot as he paused in his typing to look down at some notes, chewing on his lip. Ada heard his pager go off a couple of times but the genius didn’t bother fetching it. Ada quietly approached, her eyes scanning over the computer screen, expecting to see intricate notes on Golgotha, the G-Virus, that he was always working on. Instead, she saw an interesting title with a few head-scratching terms. Project W? Surely you can do better than name a project after yourself, Will…
“Prototype Virus? What’s that?”
William jumped out of his skin, whirling around and blocking the computer screen with his body. His hand felt for the keyboard and he exited out of the program he was in. “Jesus Christ! What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Relax!” Ada laughed. “Geez, you’re jumpy.”
“Well, damn straight I am, you’re not supposed to be here!”
Ada put a finger to her lips, winking at him. He breathed heavily, still half-panicked. Ada ran her fingers delicately up his chest, leaning in close. William gulped, leaning back even further into his desk. Ada rubbed his shoulders, caressed her hands up his neck and the man almost melted in her fingers.
“Is that better, Will?” Ada asked seductively.
His throat was dry. “You…you should leave, Ada. Seriously.”
Ada pulled him away from the computer. “I won’t stay long. Promise. Help a girl out?”
Ada slipped out of her coat and laid it over a nearby chair. William’s eye twitched, and he tried to back away, but Ada grabbed his wrists. “I just have a few questions, handsome, and then I’m out of your hair.”
A strangled sound came from William’s throat. “No…Ada…you don’t understand.”
Ada was sure her flirtations would quickly melt William, but he wasn’t budging. Barely. Just as she saw William gulp, his eyes darting to the laboratory door, her gut churned. She backed away. He was trying to warn her. Shit, he knows…
When the door to William’s laboratory slid open with a chime, Ada inwardly shuddered. She saw William’s puppy-dog look of an apology and moved away from her. Ada took a deep breath and gathered herself as the sound of boot steps filled the laboratory. The crispy static of a walky-talky buzzed in her nerves, but Ada slyly smiled and turned around.
“Albert…just who I was looking for.”
Wesker wore his STARS Captain uniform. She saw the buzzing radio on his hip, as well as the gleaming holstered Samurai Edge that has killed many an unfortunate soul. He didn’t have his headset on, but his shades were there as usual. William didn’t say a word, eyes flicking between them and shivering like a nervous, small dog.
“Ms. Wong. Fancy seeing you all the way down here. What brings you to the heart of William’s domain?”
Ada smiled innocently. “Business.”
A faint chuckle escaped Wesker’s lips, echoing softly in the laboratory and making his friend a little sweaty.
“Really?” Wesker sounded intrigued. “Are you here to kill William?”
“Are you here to steal his research and sell it to the two other companies you spy for?”
Ada flinched, but kept a straight face. “No.”
There was that devious smile that she both loved and hated. “Then you are not here on business, are you?”
“You’d be surprised, actually.”
“Oh? Do enlighten me, Ada.”
William couldn’t take the pressure, bursting out just beside them. “I gotta get some coffee! Do you guys want coffee? Of course you do! Everybody wants coffee!”
He beelined for the exit, but Wesker snatched his shirt and slammed him into the nearby wall. “Aww c’mon, Al! I didn’t say shit!”
“You forgot to ask our lovely lady here if she wants sugar or creamer,” Wesker said with a half-glare.
“Black is fine, Will, thanks,” Ada answered without taking her eyes off Wesker.
William eagerly nodded. Wesker let him go. The Golgotha researcher practically dematerialized he left so fast. Ada and Wesker glared at each other. Ada was going to have to play this cool. She regretted not sending him a coded message earlier. She should’ve known he would’ve caught onto her fast.
“I’m waiting,” Wesker growled. The man may have had unlimited patience, but he hated waiting longer than he needed to.
At this point, honesty would be her best bet here…with a few white lies. “Sergei’s asked me to investigate a strange matter. He thinks you didn’t kill a witness…a girl named Claire Redfield.” She smiled flirtatiously at him. “Lucky for you, I’m on your side. So, tell me the truth, Albert. What’s going on exactly?”
Wesker remained collected, just as he always did, even under pressure. “Is that right? What makes him assume that I haven’t disposed of her already?”
Ada cocked her head with a cute smile. “Do you really think he would tell me that much?”
Wesker chuckled. That was a good sign. “A valid point. But you already knew Ms. Redfield wasn’t dead, did you Ada?”
Ada’s heart skipped but she remained impassive. The possibility that Albert knew of her meeting with Claire in the park was slim. She couldn’t expose herself. After all, every interaction with Wesker was a test of wills, a game of calculation and strategy.
With a seductive smile, she pulled in just a little closer to the Devil. She tiptoed two fingers up his chest playfully. “Why do you say that, Albert? I actually had no clue, but thanks for confirming that she is, in fact, still alive.”
Wesker wasn’t fazed. “What will you tell Sergei?”
The agent shrugged. “Depends. What purpose does Claire have to you? She’s a nobody…a college student. It isn’t possible she could benefit you in any way.”
“Who said I was using her?”
“You use everyone to your own advantage. Even your best friend.”
His lips barely quirked. “In that case, I see many ways that Ms. Redfield could benefit me.”
“What are they?”
“Why should I enlighten you?”
“Just to satiate my curiosity. Do you want my help getting Sergei off your back or not?”
“Curiosity killed the cat, Ms. Wong. Besides, I look forward to luring Sergei where I want him. And Ms. Redfield could act as leverage in the process.”
He’s not going to reveal anything. Let it go, Ada…Best to stop while you’re ahead…
“Fine. I’ll get Sergei off your back for now, but seriously Albert you’re going to have to throw me a bone here because I cannot keep him at bay for long.”
“Sure you can, Ada,” Wesker purred with a leer. “After all, it is in your best interest that I stick around, is it not?”
She glared at him. “Maybe so. But it is also in your best interest that I stick around as well.”
“Touché,” Wesker chuckled.
“You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Isn’t that what we always say?”
“You want a bone? Then how about this…Let’s just say that if I can utilize Claire Redfield in the way that I want, better…opportunities will arise for the both of us.”
That caught her interest. It was distinctly vague, but it was the only kind of answer she would receive for now. And Ada wasn’t even sure how much of it she could trust, considering the source. All she knew was that it sounded as though Claire was going to be a pawn for one of Wesker’s power plays. Which meant she would most likely end up dead in the end. Poor girl. Ada actually liked her.
“What’s the matter? Bone too small?”
Ada softly laughed. “Nah, just too many splinters to chew on. It just sucks for the poor girl, is all.”
Just as the laboratory door slid open again, Wesker smirked. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of Claire.”
Ada thought that was a strange thing for him to say, even if he was joking. She didn’t have time to dwell on it though as William entered with a tray holding three cups of steaming coffee. He grinned at them, looking a lot more composed, and Ada wondered if it wasn’t just the tension between her and Wesker that had made him so jumpy, but the mysterious “Prototype Virus” she caught him working on.
“Did I miss the uncomfortable conversation that I aimed to avoid?” William asked.
Ada laughed. “Yes Will, you did. Good job.”
“Thank God!”
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After Ada left the laboratory, William brought up the video feed of the security footage and watched her make it halfway across NEST before feeling better. William sighed in relief but when his eyes caught Wesker’s hard glare behind his sunglasses, he shrunk a little. Shades or no shades, expression or no expression, the Golgotha researcher could read his partner like a book. After all, they had known each other since they were kids.
“Hey. Don’t give me that look. You knew before me,” William huffed.
Wesker folded his arms. “You really should pay more attention to your surroundings, Will. She hacked her way right into this laboratory and you were alone.”
“Awww. I love it when you care. Thanks, bud! I mean you’re right though.” William tapped his chin in thought. “Maybe I should start requiring her to go through a metal detector or have a full body search when she visits NEST.”
His friend shook his head. “You’re an idiot sometimes.”
“Don’t be a dick. I’ve been up for 33 hours.”
Wesker snagged him by the shirt again, the power in one arm almost lifting his friend right off the floor. William covered his face. “Not the face! It’s still sore from Claire! I told you, I didn’t say shit to her!”
Wesker sighed. “You sure are paranoid today.” The STARS Captain brushed William’s shirt off and fixed his tie for him. “I honestly don’t care whether you disclosed anything to her or not.”
“I sure hope you know what you’re doing allowing a mole like her to live. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s nice and I like her and everything, but I can’t risk my research.”
“Relax. She’s an asset. You don’t have to worry about her. At least for now.”
“Even as she’s snooping around for Sergei? If he finds out about all we’ve done…”
“It’s in Ada’s best interest to help me over help the Colonel. Trust me.”
William made a face. “I hate when you say that. It gives me anxiety.”
“Have I ever given you a reason to doubt me?”
“No, but your ploys often put me in stressful situations, regardless.”
Wesker chuckled. “You exaggerate, my friend. I do no such thing.”
The Golgotha creator folded his arms with a skeptical look. “Oh yeah? Then why are you here?”
“I need you to relay a message to the Redfield girl.”
William tossed his arms in the air. “Ya see?! Exaggerate my ass, Al!”
Wesker shrugged, frowning. “I suppose you're right. Perhaps you shouldn’t relay the message. Perhaps I should dispose of her instead.”
“Yes, my thoughts exactly!”
The STARS Captain rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But then…there goes my plan to lure Roth out into the open and identify who he is collaborating with. Such a shame. I guess the Ashfords will get away with stealing our research.”
William’s face fell and he soon glared at Wesker. “I fucking hate it when you do that. Fine, whatever, what’s the message?”
Wesker clapped William on the shoulder so hard, the sleep-deprived scientist half-crumpled with a yelp. “That’s the spirit, Will.”
William rubbed his shoulder with a grimace. “Yeah…sure, bud. So, what do I need to tell her?”
The faint smirk that rose on Wesker’s lips reminded him of the Devil. There were times when William thought they were one and the same.
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“It’s true, he really said that!”
Jill laughed. “Holy shit. He really has it out for you, doesn’t he?”
Chris shrugged. “I don’t have a damn clue what I did to him. I’m only an asshole to him after he’s been an asshole first.”
“Somebody probably just pissed in his cornflakes as usual. Although, the other day, I did hear Marty say he walked by Irons' office while he was talking with the Captain and all he could hear was screaming and cussing and then it got real quiet.”
“Twenty bucks says Wesker told him off. He doesn’t like him anymore than we do. He seriously doesn’t take any of Irons’ shit. I don’t know how he gets away with it sometimes. I just hope it wasn’t about me. I haven’t talked to the Chief all week.”
Jill turned down the next road in her car. The snowy suburban neighborhood was quiet and didn’t have much traffic. “Wouldn’t be the first time that Wesker raised hell with the Chief over his treatment of you or any of us for that matter. I wouldn’t worry about it. No telling what it was. Those two bump heads all the time. More than likely Irons was already pissed at someone else and just decided to take it out on you. Since he hates your guts anyways.”
Chris snorted. “Yeah. You’re probably right.” He frowned, looking over at his partner as she turned down the road to Chris’s house. “You sure you’re gonna be alright tonight?”
Jill glanced at him with a lop-sided smile, reaching over and smacking his shoulder. “I’ve worked double shifts just as much as you have, Redfield. I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, I know. Just looking out for you.”
Jill’s cheeks flushed. “Thanks, partner. But seriously! How are you going to get any work done tomorrow without me, Barry, or Wesker around? I feel sorry for Enrico having to deal with you, Forest, and Joseph. At least we know Brad and Richard will stay out of trouble.”
“What? We’ll get plenty of work done, thank you very much!”
“Wesker, Barry, and I made bets on who Enrico will flog first.”
“Haha, real funny. And it will be Forest of course…or Joseph. Eh, doesn’t matter. When you’re not there with me, the days are never as good.” Chris quickly cleared his throat, cheeks burning and stumbled on his next words. “A-And if Claire hadn’t have here, I would’ve totally gone with Barry and Robert to the gun convention in Norton.”
“Oh so Robert is able to go? Will Emma be staying the night with Moira and Polly?”
Chris nodded. “Yeah, apparently Kathy’s going to-”
He stopped mid-sentence, seeing his house coming up, but something was off about it. Chris’s heart twisted. His truck was in the driveway, which meant Claire should’ve been home. The house looked fine. But what caught his eye was the fancy, silver BMW parked at the curb in front of his house. That’s gotta be the same BMW that Ralph was talking about!
“Who’s that?” Jill asked.
“Pull over!”
“Pull over here.”
Confused, Jill did as she was told, pulling her Mustang over to park beside the curb just down from the house on the opposite side of the road. She turned the car off, looking over at her best friend as he stared unblinking at the house.
“What’s going on?”
“You know how I was telling you Claire’s been acting kinda weird? Well, Ralph told me he saw her get out of a BMW after Claire had told me she drove the truck around yesterday. This has to be the same car!”
“Maybe it’s a friend of hers?” Jill suggested. “I can’t picture Claire outright lying to you.”
“Me neither, but there’s something…off about this.”
“Are you sure? It could be harmless and you’re just taking your protective brother instincts too far. It’s happened before.”
Chris thinned his lips. “I just want to make sure!”
His partner nodded, and they waited patiently in the car, keeping an eye on Chris’s house and the parked BMW in front of it. Nearly ten minutes of watching and waiting, Chris growing more restless by the minute, the front door finally opened. Chris leaned forward, trying to get a better look. He scowled, feeling a heavy weight drop in his gut. The blond man was tall, slim, and a bit older, in his thirties Chris was sure. And just like Ralph had said, this guy looked like he was a doctor of some sort by how he was dressed.
The stranger didn’t stick around. He went straight to his car, unlocking it with a keyless fob, the BMW chirping faintly, and got in. He drove off quickly, a little over the speed limit, and Chris turned in his seat to read the car’s license plate as it left.
Got it…
Chris logged the license plate number away. He could look it up tomorrow at work and do some further investigating into this whole -
“Christopher Lloyd Redfield, stop scheming.”
The STARS sharpshooter snapped his head towards his partner. “What?!”
“Don’t deny it. I know that look. You better not jump the gun on this just because it’s Claire. Talk to her first. There’s probably a logical explanation for all of this.”
Jill had on her “mom glare” the guys often joked about, but was actually kinda scary. Chris nodded enthusiastically, raising his hands and clearing the squeak from his voice. “Alright, alright. Sheesh!”
Jill slugged his shoulder for good measure and turned the car on. She drove the rest of the way to the house and pulled into the driveway.
Chris rubbed his arm. “Damn you’re mean sometimes.”
Snickering, Jill put the car in park and turned to him. “Oh, whatever. You know I’m right.”
“Well, duh, but you didn’t have to mom glare me and call me Christopher.”
She shrugged with a heartfelt smile. “Just getting my point across. I’m protective of Claire too, but she is an adult. And you two clash all the time over your…over protectiveness. You taught Claire how to protect herself. She’s strong and smart. Got a good head on her shoulders.”
“I know that! I just can’t help it!”
Jill touched his arm. “I know. And it looked to me that Claire could’ve pummeled that guy easily.” When Chris snorted a laugh, Jill squeezed his bicep. “See? You agree. Now…talk to her first and go from there.”
“Will do,” Chris said and put his hand over hers on his arm. “Thanks, partner.”
He opened the door. Jill playfully glared at him. “Try not to get in trouble without me there tomorrow, alright?”
Chris flashed her a smirk and winked. “No promises.”
Jill rolled her eyes and backed out of the driveway. Chris waved goodbye and walked to the front door, eager to get out of the cold. He paused as he opened the door, a strange feeling coming over him, one he knew. He turned and looked out to the street, the neighboring houses sitting quietly. Except for the sound of a barking dog the next street over, the neighborhood was peaceful. Normal. But he sure did feel like he was being watched for a moment.
Shrugging it off, the older Redfield sibling entered the house. He found Claire folding laundry in the living room. She didn’t look up, dazed and deep in thought. Chris cleared his throat and she snapped to, smiling his way. She continued folding laundry effortlessly as she greeted him.
“Chris! Hey! Didn’t hear you come in. How was work?”
“Hectic,” Chris replied, trying to gauge her behavior. “How’d your day go?”
She looked away from him to focus on matching socks. “Boring. Just stayed here all day and did some chores for you. You’re welcome.”
Chris smiled, though it was weak. “Thanks, Sis. But you didn’t have to.”
“I know. I just get bored sometimes. Your turn to cook though. Just saying.”
Chris chuckled. “Alright. I guess I can do that. How’s the hand?”
“Much better!”
Chris scratched the back of his head, unsure how to proceed. Claire wasn’t going to say anything. He could tell something was bothering her. His sister was oddly distracted as of late. And Chris had a feeling it had to do with whoever the man in the BMW was.
“So uh, I saw a man leave here just earlier. Who was he?” He tried his best to sound plainly curious, but he knew his sister would read right through him.
He swore he saw her wince, but she just smiled and sat the socks down and reached for another shirt. “What, worried I’m bringing boyfriends into your house, big brother?”
“Is he a boyfriend?” Chris tried not to panic.
Claire rolled her eyes. “Of course not. He’s just a friend.”
“What did he want?”
The glare he received from his sister told Chris he wouldn’t be getting anymore details anytime soon. “Just let it go, Chris. It wasn’t what you think it was. I’d rather not get into an argument over something so stupid.”
His sister reacted just like she normally would in such a case. But Chris couldn’t help but feel that something was still amiss. He let it go for now, but he knew he would have to start watching Claire closely. 
He gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Sis. Long day. What say you and me go grab some grub instead? Too tired to cook.”
Claire accepted with her own smile. “Sure, Bro. Sounds good.”
He sensed her relief to have dropped the subject. Chris would look up the man’s license plate tomorrow…just to be safe. What are you hiding, Claire?
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echologies · 4 years
Dear Zach,
                                                         refractions in a circle is a nice mind tickle
I read A Tale for the Time Being my first year at Brown in a class w/ Ada Smailbegovic called Tiny Politics: Non-Monumental Ecologies and Poetic Forms of Attention. 
c@b sums up that course pretty well:
This course will examine how poetic forms of attention can offer a different sense of the shifting temporalities of change in the age of the Anthropocene, allowing us to stretch our range of perception to non-monumental rhythms that may be at play below the thresholds of human perception, but also the vast swaths of geologic time that may supersede them.
I remember being enthralled with how Ozeki invited my obsessive lingering on handwriting as [ ]
she says it pretty early in the book herself: Print is predictable and impersonal, conveying information in a mechanical transaction with the reader’s eye. Handwriting, by contrast, resists the eye, reveals its meaning slowly, and is as                     intimate as skin.
I think about this often, and a lot.
in the book, Nao’s personhood is sculpted and chiseled through her traces, her handwriting
she had adolescent purple handwriting that was sprawled and peppered with slang and intriguing colloquialisms
which carried a cost to Ruth’s desire to dig into the Nao’s Hello Kitty lunchbox of traces:
“Her first impulse when she’d started the diary was to read quickly to the end, but the girl’s handwriting was often hard to decipher…”
 “...She did decipher the dates, though.” 
numbers are easier to read even in illegible handwriting, enabling Ruth to mark the language in time even if she could not understand it.
“There was no way of really knowing how slow or fast that might have been, but there were clues: the changing hues of ink, as well as shifts in the density or angle of the handwriting, which seemed to indicate breaks in time or mod.”
it’s really nice revisiting that story now, as I leave digital traces that are legible perhaps only in their type. and maybe also in the vain of what is shared or common.
I like thinking on what clues we leave here in -- 
and I like remembering the Hello Kitty lunchbox I had in elementary school.
/ Aïcha
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katiezstorey93 · 7 years
Traveling: Paris couture tour
Back in Paul Gallico’s Mrs Harris Goes To Paris (1958), a London char woman, Ada ‘Arris, puts her heart on buying a Dior evening gown after glimpsing such a creation from the attire of one of her wealthy clients, Lady Dant.
After years of scrimping and scraping Mrs Harris journeys to Paris. When there she sets up a fight against the first prejudice she encounters at France’s finest haute couture house, unwilling to entertain her. Gallico’s allegorical narrative shows that the comprehension of what things in life can be surprising and just how far someone will go to attain their dream.
Within the Yves Saint Laurent Museum.
Looking at the faces of those queueing in the torrential rain early on a Sunday morning to see the Christian Dior Couturier du Rêve (Programmer of Dreams) exhibit, with their expressions of reverential awe and delight, it’s obvious the soul of Mrs Harris resides on.
The display, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the home of Dior, comprises over 300 gowns and more than 1,000 accessories made between 1947 and the present day, including some by Dior’s more recent creative directors like John Galliano, Raf Simons and Maria Grazia Chiuri.
But the extravaganza in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs also brings home the fact that Dior (1905-1957) spared the French fashion business and revived national pride after the Nazi occupation of much of the nation. One moving exhibit is a letter composed by Dior to his dad about his sister Catherine, a member of the Resistance that is French-Polish, imprisoned in the concentration camp of Ravensbrück women.
Back in 1947, when his revolutionary New appearance was revealed by Dior, he also introduced Miss Dior cologne, in honour of his sister.
The exhibition, interspersed with a lot of images by artists like Renoir Monet and Salvador Dalí, movie footage and functions by photographers ranging to Irving Penn and Richard Avedon, leads up to some finale.
A hall of mirrors, like that in the Palace of Versailles, features a dazzling collection of stunning night dresses and a light show — starting at “dawn” throughout the Palace windows and finish with a display of the night sky constellations plus a cascade of golden stars.
January 2018, the Dior exhibition, combined with Fortuny runs until 7.
A rare treat is to see Mariano Fortuny’s (1871-1949) controversial Delphos gowns. The silk, loose, finely styled “Grecian” dresses, ornamented with Murano glass beads have been worn with no underwear and made a sensation when found in 1907, freeing women from the corset. The Delphos springs back into shape when unfurled, when rolled up into a ball.
An ideal hotel, just 200 yards from the Louvre and the Dior exhibition is the five-star Grand Hôtel du Palais Royal on the rue de Valois, a silent side-street alongside the Palais-Royal, the former Royal Palace that was notorious for its glittering parties, gaming, intrigue and debauchery.
The 18th-century 68-room hotel, also a member of Small Luxury Hotels that has 520 independently-owned hotels across 80 countries was renovated by architect Pierre-Yves Rochon. Rochon has accepted this Palais-Royal’s concealed garden courtyard sanctuary that the buildings around the hotel, along with the artworks of the Louvre. Its most contemporary features incorporate the Carita spa and pub, the Le Lulli restaurant, fitness centre, along with a hammam.
Lots of the suites and rooms have balconies with views across the Paris rooftops.
Rooms are elegantly furnished and guests are welcomed with complimentary treats like a plate of French macarons, flowers, fruit juices and bottled water on arrival. The spoiling proceeds in the baths that have a variety of luxury Atelier toiletries.
Children, dogs and cats are also welcome. There is a kids’ area with toys, scooters offered for family excursions, along with a children’s menu.
Completing the trio of style destinations, and also one that enables people to set foot into the salons in which shows were saw by clients or arrived for fittings and throughout the entrance hall, would be the Yves Saint Laurent Museum on Avenue Marceau.
At the center of the museum will be your design studio, in which Saint Laurent (1936-2008), famed for his signature creations that reimagined menswear in fashions for women — for example Le Smoking, also a tuxedo-style trouser suit, safari suits and trench coats — worked in his desk cluttered with postcards, pencils and paperweights, not forgetting the dog bowl on the ground.
If a single day of large style is too much of a culture shock after an Air France flight of two hours from Scotland, complete then the ideal antidote is an evening out in Oh My God She is Parisian! — a one-woman comedy show, in English, composed and performed by Julie Collas.
Collas’s one-hour show every Friday and Saturday evening in the Théâtre BO Saint-Martin, debunks the myth of this elegant Parisian, pokes fun at political partners like President Macron and Brigitte along with Donald Trump and Melania, also takes the viewer into the mind of this rude Parisian, waiters, also subway users, childcare hassles and far more.
Despite being a newcomer to the comedy scene, Collas, who made a decision to change her lifestyle after the Bataclan terror attack in November 2015, is bringing crowds from around the world eager to get a hilarious crash course about the “actual Paris”.
Following this type of rousing evening a visit to Spoon 2, Alain Ducasse’s new restaurant in the Palais Brongniart, the former French Stock Exchange about the Place de la Bourse, will keep the “choice Paris vibe” going. Ducasse, who’s among the planet’s most decorated chefs, also spotted a niche in the marketplace.
Dishes served in the casual restaurant where diners comprise Zahtar shoulder of lamb with yogurt, shrimp cake, set their own cutlery and dried bonito fish.
But any visit to Paris, the world capital of odor, could be incomplete without some mention of cologne — Dior explained: “a woman’s cologne tells more about her than her handwriting” — along with a visit to the Grand Musée Du Parfum housed within a 18th-century mansion, previously Christian Lacroix’s couture house.
The Syndicat Français de la Parfumerie, supports the museum, which opened in 2016, representing 66 perfume homes. It tells the story of cologne from its roots thousands of years tracing its history as the greatest aphrodisiac in Mark and Cleopatra Antony to their latter-day avatars Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
Diane Thalheimer, the museum’s olfactive profiler, says when it has to do with memories and odor “everybody has their own truth” and institutions.
The museum’s hands interactive exhibits also supply whiffs of cannabis, tobacco, absinthe and also “boudoir liberator” (we’re in Paris…) and it has even maintained a whisky profiling workshop, therefore it would appear that accessorising a Dior production may not be so difficult after all.
Air France offers 42 direct flights from Scotland from Aberdeen and Edinburgh airports. Fares start from #89 including taxes and fees. To book see www.airfrance.co.uk or call 0207 660 0337.
Book a stay in the Grand Hôtel Du Palais Royal with Small Luxury Hotels of the World from #327 per night (two sharing) on a room only basis.
Www.slh.com/palaisroyal or call 08000 0482 314.
Paris Shopping Tours: www.parisshoppingtour.com, [email protected]
from network 8 http://www.jewishtoursistanbul.com/traveling-paris-couture-tour/
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adaktyang · 7 years
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IMAGINARY BAUHAUS MUSEUM GOES GORKI . @ Palais am Festungsgraben . . Nr. 2 BERLINER HERBSTSALON: . November 13th - 29th, 2015 . . Every Gest Counts, 2015 . A performance by Ada Kai-Ting Yang . . ‘Every animal leaves traces of what it was; man alone leaves traces of what he created.’ is a quote by British theatre author and poet Jacob Bronowski. . . When I entered the space for the first time, I noticed that there were several traces on the red car- pet. The existing material on the floor makes me wonder what was the history this carpet could be revealing? I deal with the scene and also start to imagine a new narration based on it’s appearence. Therefore, I act as an investigator and wearing all in white. I label myself as a (in) visible labor. . . The carpet is my only clue. It tells me a deleted history.
I wonder if it is possible to use our body to intervene in a puzzling space? And how does our body relate to the interior architecture? Casually, I invite a couple of audience to strike a pose, so that I can ‘make a drawing’ about them. The function of the traces made by white masking tapes is only temporary. And the lines are all adjustable. They highlight an institutional ‘left-over’. Further more, the event artist and the collaborator can create a new fictional story together in regard to the respond to the situation. . . By the end of every performance, I would use pencil to write down autobiographical quotes about traces. Those handwritings reveal like a diary. It presents some sort of intimate measurement in public. Those words are personal, light-hearted; some are even meant as a sense of humor. The purpose of it is to reflect our time in present with a minimal absurd method.(在 Maxim Gorki Theater)
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adaktyang · 7 years
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IMAGINARY BAUHAUS MUSEUM GOES GORKI . @ Palais am Festungsgraben . . Nr. 2 BERLINER HERBSTSALON: . November 13th - 29th, 2015 . . Every Gest Counts, 2015 . A performance by Ada Kai-Ting Yang . . ‘Every animal leaves traces of what it was; man alone leaves traces of what he created.’ is a quote by British theatre author and poet Jacob Bronowski. . . When I entered the space for the first time, I noticed that there were several traces on the red car- pet. The existing material on the floor makes me wonder what was the history this carpet could be revealing? I deal with the scene and also start to imagine a new narration based on it’s appearence. Therefore, I act as an investigator and wearing all in white. I label myself as a (in) visible labor. . . The carpet is my only clue. It tells me a deleted history.
I wonder if it is possible to use our body to intervene in a puzzling space? And how does our body relate to the interior architecture? Casually, I invite a couple of audience to strike a pose, so that I can ‘make a drawing’ about them. The function of the traces made by white masking tapes is only temporary. And the lines are all adjustable. They highlight an institutional ‘left-over’. Further more, the event artist and the collaborator can create a new fictional story together in regard to the respond to the situation. . . By the end of every performance, I would use pencil to write down autobiographical quotes about traces. Those handwritings reveal like a diary. It presents some sort of intimate measurement in public. Those words are personal, light-hearted; some are even meant as a sense of humor. The purpose of it is to reflect our time in present with a minimal absurd method.(在 Maxim Gorki Theater)
0 notes
adaktyang · 7 years
Tumblr media
IMAGINARY BAUHAUS MUSEUM GOES GORKI . @ Palais am Festungsgraben . . Nr. 2 BERLINER HERBSTSALON: . November 13th - 29th, 2015 . . . Every Gest Counts, 2015 . A performance by Ada Kai-Ting Yang . . . ‘Every animal leaves traces of what it was; man alone leaves traces of what he created.’ is a quote by British theatre author and poet Jacob Bronowski. . . . When I entered the space for the first time, I noticed that there were several traces on the red car- pet. The existing material on the floor makes me wonder what was the history this carpet could be revealing? I deal with the scene and also start to imagine a new narration based on it’s appearence. Therefore, I act as an investigator and wearing all in white. I label myself as a (in) visible labor. . The carpet is my only clue. It tells me a deleted history.
I wonder if it is possible to use our body to intervene in a puzzling space? And how does our body relate to the interior architecture? Casually, I invite a couple of audience to strike a pose, so that I can ‘make a drawing’ about them. The function of the traces made by white masking tapes is only temporary. And the lines are all adjustable. They highlight an institutional ‘left-over’. Further more, the event artist and the collaborator can create a new fictional story together in regard to the respond to the situation. . . . By the end of every performance, I would use pencil to write down autobiographical quotes about traces. Those handwritings reveal like a diary. It presents some sort of intimate measurement in public. Those words are personal, light-hearted; some are even meant as a sense of humor. The purpose of it is to reflect our time in present with a minimal absurd method.(在 Maxim Gorki Theater)
0 notes