#also Zionism ISN'T BAD!!! Stop drinking the fascist Kool-aid!!!
So, I don't know if this has been said or not but here goes I guess. Do any other indigenous people start getting real nervous when they see a bunch of white people flocking towards particular causes? Because even as someone who can pass as white, I start getting a bit twitchy about it. In particular, I'm talking about how many white people on both the left AND right have rallied behind blatantly antisemitic ideals as a result of the conflict in Gaza and have, as a result, either heavily implied or outright stated that these ideals line up with an idea they have that indigenous identities have a time limit for how long you can say your people come from somewhere while not living there REGARDLESS of whether or not it was outside forces displacing them rather then it being of their own accord. REAL fucking convenient there, I'd say, ESPECIALLY when it was colonization done by white nations that resulted in the death and displacement of MILLIONS of indigenous peoples across the planet, not JUST in the US. I think native peoples across the globe should start getting cautious REAL quick if they haven't already about that. I've been trying not to say too much about all of this since I'm not Jewish OR Palestinian and I don't want to detract from them and their voices and suffering OR spread misinformation, but I feel like this needs to be openly acknowledged in some way so maybe a few of us will be at least marginally prepared when they turn these tactics on us, because if we're being honest, the Jewish people are the global guinea pigs to see how easily governments can sell these ideas to the people about other groups that they find annoying and distasteful in some capacity(read refuses to trust in people and entities that have already abused them). Please keep this in mind as all this continues and try not to fall down the antisemitic rabbit holes on either side of you can. Support both your Palestinian AND Jewish neighbors during this time so they know they are safe with you, and know peace for BOTH peoples SHOULD be the end goal. So far @prismatic-bell has been my main resource to educate myself when I'm on here, so please check them out if you're interested, and stay safe everyone!
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