#also Scott but at least he gets some good banter with Logan ig
bread-blogs · 14 days
Ever think about how much more devastating the last stand could have been if scogean was canon?
I think they could have really done something with the fact that in the beginning Scott and Logan are both grieving Jean in their own way, and yeah I still think Scott would be devastated and distant and unable to teach and Logan would begrudgingly fill in for him while trying to pretend to move on in life. But I think they would have had a moment, something quiet at night where Scott is in their bed and Logan goes to join and it seems like usual that Scott has his back turned and is curled in on himself unresponsive to the world, and maybe Logan takes a long look at him deciding to sit on the edge of their bed with his back also towards Scott as he tells him that he’s still hurting too and he doesn’t think it will ever stop. And I don’t think that would have changed the outcome, not in the slightest.
Scott still goes to meet Jean. He dies. And on that day when he hears Charles call out Scott’s name through his mind he runs fast and he doesn’t stop until he’s there, standing in Jean’s grave site. But she’s not dead, and there’s no way to describe the feeling, because it’s not just relief or love or hope, it’s everything and nothing and too much with something dragging all of that down. There’s little sign that Scott was ever there, only his glasses and a faint smell of him drifting through the wind, but no other traces can be found, so they go back with an unconscious Jean and it should feel like a victory, it shouldn’t feel hollow.
The next part comes as something like a switch flipped, only the light was never going to stay on, it just blinks and fizzles in front of their eyes. Logan is still so caught up in Jean, swept away by her, until it hits him and it hits him hard because he can still feel Scott’s glasses in his pocket and he has to ask the one question he’s afraid of to his core, “where’s Scott?” And it almost snaps Jean out of it and Logan can see her again but she’s in pain. He doesn’t want to believe it. Just a few hours ago he was grieving Jean and now she’s home but the one man who would have welcomed her back so warmly, with sorrow now freed from his heart, is gone. All is left is Logan. And Jean’s not really here.
Now skipping ahead a bit (a lot) to when Logan has to decide whether or not to kill Jean (yes he’ll still do it). He does it for her, because he knows she’s far past out of control and has done the unthinkable. She killed Scott and although he’s always going to guiltily wonder if he thought killing her was just because of that, he has to do it. And it tears something new in him, he had grieved her as a hero before, now he was left with ashes.
He’s lost too much, and yet he continues.
A lot happens throughout the movie that I think sets up the Wolverine well, mostly just the fact that Logan is grieving a lot of people that’s why he ends up basically exiling himself, but the Jean dreams just seem so off to me as they just didn’t have that relationship because Jean was very intent on staying with Scott.
Basically it would have been more emotionally impactful to me if they did actually have more of a relationship past sexual desire, but Scott was in the way of that, just like how Jean is in the way of the two of them, and Logan is also putting a road block in the middle of their relationship. They’re all in each others way so they should just all kiss already.
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