#also S1 Steve was far more complex than the haha funny man that we have now
kurokoros · 2 years
oh god I 100% agree with your stranger things post!! I was so confused during the first episode because I couldn’t remember 70% of the characters & I didn’t know if it was bc I have the memory span of a goldfish or if they were actually new ones. I wish I was more into it because I like some story elements but I just can’t get there. sorry for rambling in your asks gdkaga
Feel free to ramble away! I love talking (or complaining) about shows lmao
S1 was done so well because the season had a fantastic balance between the three plot thread groups (the kids, the teenagers, and the adults) and allowed those groups to interact seamlessly. Every single character felt integral to the story, regardless of the size of their role.
In contrast, S4 has so many characters that it feels like half of them don't need to be here. The Byers--the core of S1 that brought all of the plot threads together--don't have a place in S4. (I'm also just kind of sick of everything being connected to Eleven because ngl I've never really cared for her character post-S1)
Basically, like all other mega-hit shows that keep being given bigger budgets each season, Stranger Things has become over-written and bloated with new characters, while the old characters have virtually nothing to do. The series obviously looks extremely good, and the actors are fantastic, but the show has lost most of it's charm.
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