#also Luca: grossed out by reproduction in EVERY universe lmao
sunshine-luca · 2 years
[ 🍦 ] - going out for ice cream late at night (Izzy)
(i apologize in advance how dumb this is but this is literally how they all bullshit in my head at any given time in the day 🙃)
[sometime in the future]
“God, you’re so boring now we can’t go out clubbing,” Luca complained teasingly, nudging Izzy with his shoulder. “You just had to go and get yourself knocked up, didn’t you?”
Izzy nudged him back, a dollop of her expensive gelato going flying as she did so. “Hey, it’s not like we’ll never go out dancing again. Besides, isn’t your man keeping you busy with work of your own these days?”
Luca scooped up another spoon of salted caramel ice cream. For a brief, insane moment, he’d considered trying something different like hokey pokey or choc chip but in the end, he’d found his favourite and had no interest in exploring other options.
A bit like how he felt about Ryan the first time they’d met. “Yeah, it’s been pretty fun. And Ry is really happy to be back in the air so much.”
“Is it weird? Having to step back now that Skye’s son is older?”
“Nah. I like having Ryan to myself to be honest. And plus, it means I can come visit your lame ass more often.”
Izzy blew a raspberry in his direction, making him laugh. He was teasing. There was absolutely nothing lame about Isobel Morrisini, queen of the Italian underworld and close ally to the O’Riain clan. She perched beside him on the edge of the penthouse’s private gardens, watching the eternal city that was Roma pass by below, beautiful and serene. From here, the ancient coliseum and scattered ruins were bathed in gold light. Luca loved visiting Izzy and Nico in Rome, but already he was homesick with the insistent tug calling back to the highlands and the stones.
“How far along are you now?”
Izzy rubbed her belly, the swell there only just starting to be obvious through the flowery sundress she wore. “Almost eight months. Sometimes it feels like it’s taking forever, sometimes I worry it’s going too fast. We’ve both wanted this so much.”
“I’m glad Vito’s gone now,” Luca said quietly, digging around for the last dregs of caramel. “You won’t have to look over your shoulder anymore.”
Izzy gave him a telling glance. “Nor you. Lainey’s gone?”
“Yeah. Ry dealt with her. I should have let him deal with her years ago when she first started her shit but I was… I dunno. I think I was kinda smug. I didn’t know she could be so dangerous.”
“I don't think anyone could have. But she’s gone now. They both are. Now we get to live the rest of our lives with the men we love.”
“Yeah,” Luca brightened then swung his legs around to climb off the edge. He helped Izzy up too. “God, if Nico sees you like this, he’s gonna freak.”
Izzy laughed. “Oh, he knows. He just knows better than to argue with me now.”
“Still, precious cargo and all that.” Luca gestured to her belly.
“Do you want to feel him kick?”
“The ice cream must have woken him up. He’s moving around.”
Luca found himself morbidly curious. Not that he hadn’t been around babies, Kate and Skye pumping them out like it was going out of style, but it was another thing entirely to feel one moving around on the inside.
It kinda grossed him out a little.
Izzy laughed at the expression on his face. “Luca!”
“What! Sorry, I know it’s the miracle of creation and blah blah, but like, isn’t it just, fucking weird? Like… that. In… there. I’m-“
Luca pulled a face, only causing Izzy to laugh harder. “It’s really not that weird.”
“Not to you,” Luca sniffed, but he gingerly poked her belly, only for Izzy to roll her eyes and flatten his palm against the curve of her stomach. “This feels very hetero,” he muttered, only for Izzy to shush him.
At first there was nothing, then a tiny little flutter. His eyes widened. “Holy shit!”
“See,” Izzy looked smug. “Not so weird.”
“Wow. Okay,” Luca pulled his hand away. “So if it’s a boy, you’re gonna call him Luca, right?”
Izzy covered her mouth, trying to hide her laugh. “Um. No.”
“Come on, it’s a good name. And I totally just bought you that gelato and snuck you onto the roof so like, naming your first born after me totally seems like a pretty good deal.”
“Your husband’s black credit card bough the gelato,” Izzy corrected, sweeping past Luca in a swirl of flowing sundress.
He trotted after her, undeterred. “Do you know what Luca means? Bringer of Light. Ry says it's perfect because I remind him of sunshine. How cool is that?”
“Luca-“ Izzy started.
“See, just look how much you already love saying it.”
“Oh for god’s sake,” she melted against him, clutching his arm and finally giving up on holding in her laughter. He giggled right alongside her until they made it downstairs and back onto the street. Across the road, the gelato sign was still lit up in a neon glow and the two black cars flanked its shopfront, ready to take them home once they’d had their fun.
Izzy’s hand tightened on his arm. “You know. I’m not sure I’m ready to go home yet.”
“Aren’t your feet aching? And other pregnant lady stuff? Kate always complains about her back hurt-ow!”
Izzy pinched his side, hard. “You are such a brat.”
“I know,” he grinned then tugged her back across the street. “Come on, let’s get seconds then!”
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