#also LT has pirates and dragons...... what else can u ask for
mistninja · 1 year
if you're still up for it, thoughts on the part of rote that is the most underrated to you? :]
Oh this one is really good!
So, you can basically divide rote in "fitz books" and "non fitz books" and because a lot of people only care about fitz there isnt a lot of content for the other books :( i think the Liveship Traders trilogy is criminally underrated, i honestly think its one of the best parts of the series, even better than some of the fitz books!
Liveship Traders is so good, it follows several members of a merchant family and the trouble they face due to political and economic changes in their city, and it deals a lot with gender roles because most of them are women and they are forced by circumstances to take on leading roles, and the story also deals with slavery and the cycle of abuse and it has the absolute best villain in rote. I wish more people talked about these books because i love these characters!
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