#also I'm really not the biggest fan of xuanli
admirableadmiranda · 1 year
Hi! What's your opinion on the potential of some kind of reconciliation between between JZX and WWX after marriage to JYL in either a canon or au setting?
Hi! So I'm not opposed to it in theory, especially given that they have a neutral ground and reason why to get along in the future now, since they both love Jiang Yanli and she would want them to not fight every time.
That being said I'm often opposed to it in practice as usually the onus of behaving better and making the first overture is placed upon Wei Wuxian and it's treated as unreasonable for him to not trust that Jin Zixuan has changed for the better entirely when Jin Zixuan is usually still treating him as crappily as he did when they were younger without ever seeming to understand why Wei Wuxian disliked Jin Zixuan so much.
They have a negative history based off of Jin Zixuan deciding to take out his anger at his engagement on his betrothed, refusing to ever even consider her politely despite the fact that neither one of them had a say in the matter, and he can be very nasty to Wei Wuxian for not letting his angry words slide. I have read his and Wei Wuxian's altercations often enough to note that he never says a kind word to Wei Wuxian in the novel, no matter how he's talking to Jiang Yanli at the time.
Most all stuff I've seen with them reconciling tends to ignore all of the vitriol and stuff that Jin Zixuan slings Wei Wuxian's way and puts any difficulties on Wei Wuxian supposedly being unreasonable when in the novel, he never gets anything to confirm that he will be better towards Jiang Yanli now and has his concerns dismissed by Jiang Cheng when he brings them up. If it were a fic in which Jin Zixuan made the same awkward apologies and sincere attempts to apologize to Wei Wuxian, I would have no problem with the premise. It's just the part where it's only Wei Wuxian that has to improve his attitude that puts me off with it in canon or AU.
So in short, good idea in theory, have yet to see it executed in a way that actually makes me believe it!
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