#also I'm gonna change my rules a bit so go check the pinned post again
mtfreader · 1 year
I'm back!
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doggendoodle · 2 months
so I got a message expressing discomfort with my tags on their nsfw post, and the user in question blocked me after sending the message - as is their right, but it does mean i can't explain my tags to them. so i'm expanding a bit on my tags here, and i'm gonna link to this post in my pinned post to hopefully make future situations like this go smoother. but:
TL;DR, if some or all of my tags on a post of yours make you uncomfortable, please feel free to inform me so I can change them - but do not accuse me of holding beliefs I do not.
also, to explain the tags themselves:
in addition to my general nsft tags, i also tag for specific body parts (namely T&A, genitals, and large stomachs). i mostly reblog nsft posts of men, but because i do occasionally reblog women, and people who aren't men or women, i have separate tags for men and women for each body part, which i tag in addition to my general tag.
an example, for clarity: on a post of a man showing his ass, i'd tag it "fat asses" and "men's asses". similarly, for a woman showing her ass i'd tag it "fat asses" and "women's asses". this is just so i have an easier time searching if i want to find asses of a specific gender. some of my nsft tags (like "nsft bdsm") aren't separated by gender because i do not care enough to stratify them out.
anyway, the explanation of what spurred me to make this post is below the cut, since it isn't the most important thing here but i still feel the need to explain myself (and admittedly vent a little)
the person who messaged me (who i'm not naming and whose post i've already deleted my reblog of) had two issues with my tagging of their post.
the first was that they didn't appreciate being gendered, which is fully valid. i tagged it "women's tits" as their own post was tagged with wlw tags, but i'm more than happy to remove gendered tags from my reblogs if an op asks.
but the second was an assumption they made in their dm to me, that because i tagged their post with "women's tits", that i must believe that
all women have tits, and
only women have tits.
of course, this is patently untrue, both the belief and the assumption that i hold it. my blog by volume is overwhelmingly men i find hot, and my general tag for tits is likewise overwhelmingly men. so i can only assume the message was sent immediately upon seeing my tags without checking my own blog first.
and again, them being uncomfortable with my tags is not an issue. if they'd decided to block me without a word because my tags set off alarm bells or gave them bad vibes, that would be more than fine, it's their blog and their rules.
it's them going out of their way to message me accusatorily with an assumption of my beliefs on gender, based on them misunderstanding my tagging system, that i take issue with.
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dreamingmanip · 3 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: None (if I need one let me know in my ask!)
Prompt: NONE
Word Count: 1,860
A/N: Okay, this time I didn’t use any prompt from my board on Pinterest. I came with the idea last night (thanks insomnia), and I thought I could make it in 2 parts. Let me know what do you think in my ask, is always open for you. If you want t, like it and reblog it. Thank you very much! 
A/N 2: I’m gonna pin this imagine so you can easily find it on my page, I will do the same when posting part 2. :)
A/N 3: This awesome gif is from Pinterest but, it comes from Wattpad. Her account is Ariana-Fic and you can find it in her fic “Soldiers in Intelligence”.
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Being a cop wasn't easy, putting your life in danger to protect and serve others sometimes wasn't successful. It was 50/50, every morning you will be walking out home not knowing if you could come back.
It had been three weeks without a person in the unit. Detective Jay Halstead had been wounded in a crossfire in a covert operation; when one of you got hurt everyone took responsibility even if it wasn't that way, only for some it was harder to try not to blame yourself for what happened. You had blamed Hailey for not covering Jay enough even though you knew it wasn't her fault, you even avoided her a few days after that. 
She was her partner way long before you were assigned to Intelligence by Sergeant Voight.
Narcotics helped Intelligence in a case; it was your case but somehow their case intertwined with yours at some point, both departments agreed to work to stop the overdoses in the area. You were the best at CO, so it made sense for Sergeant Voight to pick Jay, one of his best undercovers for a purchase. Your skills didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the Intelligence Unit, even for someone with experience like Jay. After the case was over he offered you a spot in his Unit, you doubt it for a moment, you were good in Narcotics, good pay, accumulated vacation days, Voight wasn't known for being a patient person and some co-workers encouraged you to take that step by commenting on how crazy you must be not to accept such an offer. 
You were well received by all, perhaps except for Sergeant Trudy Platt, who didn't like strangers or new people in the district. Jay was among the first to congratulate you when you arrived, for a moment you thought you'd be partners but Voight wouldn't break his dream team, so he paired you with Kevin Atwater, whom you've been entrusting your life and darkest secrets to ever since. 
Atwater was the first one you told about the nights you stayed late with Jay in Molly's, he was the first to know how those late nights became visiting his apartment, to end up arriving together one morning, to the district. He had told you about Voight's rules and how he was firm with them after Jay's last relationship had gone bad with his partner and that had affected his way of working a bit.
Jay and you decided to go slowly, the only one who would know about you two would be Kevin, it was agreed at least, but Hailey Upton was very good at her job so she soon realized what was happening between you. She had supported you, although she did not agree to hide this from her sergeant, she wanted to see her partner happy.
They were all at their desks, doing paperwork on a case they had closed the day before, when Trudy appeared on the stairs.
"Guess who came back from her mandatory break."
You looked up from the papers in front of you to look at a smiling Jay Halstead, who was looking at Trudy with a raised eyebrow.
"Nice to see you too, Trudy."
"Yeah, now try to get away from the bullets for a while, I don't want to have to worry about any of you for a long time."
Kevin and Adam were the first to approach him, joking and patting him on the shoulder. Kim and Hailey were next, giving him a loving hug before heading back to his places. You had stood up to lean against your desk, your arms crossed over your chest, Jay leaned closer, although he kept some distance, the mocking smile still on his lips. You were the first to speak.
"I see you survived, Halstead."
"Hey, don't say it like that, I'm going to think you're not happy to see me alive."
You pressed your lips together so as not to smile because of his comment, it was the game that both played in front of everyone else, the sarcastic comments to pretend that they were not getting along as well as they should. You nodded and looked at him.
"It's good to have you back."
Jay's smile widened and he put his hands on his hips.
"Look at that, you're happy to have me here."
You rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair when Voight left his office, leaning against the doorframe.
"How are you Jay?"
Jay nodded his head looking at his boss.
"Good, Sarge."
"Good, because I just hung up with the Superintendent and he wants to acknowledge what you did. Tomorrow there will be a public event, downtown."
You all clapped for a moment, before Voight continued speaking.
"Now try not to die until tomorrow."
Without saying more he returned to his office. Jay went to his desk to catch up on all the overdue paperwork, from time to time you looked up to observe him, you were glad to have him back but the moment you knew about the award, you felt a bitter taste in your mouth. Why were they going to decorate him when he almost died? 
You stood up and went to the coffee room, took one of the cups on the wall and poured yourself some, you still felt that bitter taste in your mouth. You heard footsteps behind you and looked over your shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
Jay asked, taking another cup, reaching for the pot and pouring himself some coffee as well. You leaned a little to look towards the door, checking that no one was around to hear you. You started to get tired of that, checking over your shoulders to see if no one could hear your conversations or whatever you were doing behind closed doors.
“Uhm, yes, I’m just a little tired. We have been in some paperwork duties from a few cases from the past weeks.”
You took a sip from the cup, making a little grin at the taste of the coffee.
“Well, just for the record, I know when something’s bothering you. We have been together almost a year.”
He looked satisfied with himself, and you couldn’t deny it because he was right, Jay knew you so well almost since day one. You looked at him and gave him a little smile, his mood was good after dealing with a grumpy man at his house because he couldn’t get back to work after being shot, and you definitely didn't want to be the one to screw it up. 
Kim walks into the room without realizing the interruption she just made or how you take a little more distance between you two, starts a little chat with Jay and you decide to go back to your desk.
Later, in the locker room, you were finishing picking up some things from your little blue locker, putting them in the gym bag you were carrying that day when Kevin appeared next to you, opening his own locker.
"I don't see you so happy today, you were quiet for most of the day, man you didn't even laugh at Ruzek's nonsense. I thought having Jay back would make you feel better."
You sighed and took a seat on the bench, rubbing your hands over your face before looking at your best friend. You played with your lower lip a bit before speaking.
"Kevin, am I crazy for wanting more in this relationship? I mean, we've worked well without anyone knowing, what difference would it make if we did from the knowledge of Voight, of our friends?"
They both fell silent when an officer entered the room and moments later he left the room, you clenched your fist and struck the cold metal in front of you, you felt frustrated and helpless. Kevin sat next to you, rubbing his hands together as he took his time answering you.
"Y/N, you are a pretty strong woman who knows what she wants, don't let anyone make you feel like you can't, not even some of my friends. If you want, I can talk to him, you know man to man" .
His comment made you laugh a little, releasing a bit of the tension in your chest, you bumped his shoulder with yours, pushing him a little.
"Thanks Kev. I don't think that talk is necessary but I will take it into account for future problems."
"Whenever you need me, girl."
You took your bag, Kevin had helped you lift your spirits but you knew you had to do something with your feelings, for better or for worse. 
Jay was in the kitchen when he heard you arrive, a smile formed on his face as he came out to greet you, an ice cold beer in his hand and a hockey game in the background on television. He walked over to you to kiss your forehead, took your bag and set it aside by the door.
"It took you a little longer than usual to get here, I'm sorry I didn't wait for you. Trudy wanted me to fill out some forms for tomorrow and I left earlier."
You couldn't look at Jay without stopping to think about the consequences that your words would have, you knew about his past and you didn't want to be the evil witch who would ruin what you both had until that day. You settled next to him, resting your head on his chest while he watched the game and he made imaginary shapes on the skin of your arm.
It took you a few minutes before you could form a sentence, your voice lacking the strength you had gathered all the way to his apartment.
"Jay, what if we tell Voight we're together?"
Your voice caught his attention, looking at you completely confused.
"Y/N, we both know that we can't say anything at the moment if we want to continue working in the same unit."
You slowly sat up again, turning a little so you could face him, Jay was sure of what he was saying, it showed in his face and in the confidence with which he had spoken.
"Jay, I'm tired of having to hide from everyone, like what we're doing is wrong. Voight will understand if-"
"I've been through this before Y/N, I know what I'm talking about. I also refused to hide my thing with Erin, but things changed. If we tell this to Voight he will remove someone from the team and we know it will not be me."
You felt the air come out of your lungs, as if someone had hit you, Jay realized his mistake when you stood up, he began to move his head trying to speak, he left the beer on the coffee table trying to take your hand .
"Y/N, it's not what- it's not what I meant ..."
Unaware of your movements, you started to take your things in a frenzy, Jay seemed to be talking to you but you couldn't identify his words or what he was trying to tell you, you just left.
To be continued...
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