#also I’m sorry if my music taste is not the best ahahah
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giulzart · 2 years ago
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“Now, I’m slowly building up a throne
From all the sticks and stones that you have thrown
But all your words still haunt me like a ghost”
Violet dealing with the post Seven break up. Let’s just say it wasn’t a pretty sight. Also, the song is Cursive by Voila and Kellin Quinn.
| Big thanks to @infamous-if and go read it!
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catgirlforkaeya · 3 years ago
baking cookies
kaeya x gn!reader
fluff + crack
warnings: lowercase + not proofread + swearing
a/n: aaaa i love baking cookies so i decided to write this!! also i added a pinned post to my profile so maybe go check that out if u have requests ahahah— also i’m sorry this is short i rly didn’t know what all to add
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baking cookies was obviously hectic with kaeya there in the kitchen
he was the one who wanted to do it but you barely got anything done because of his teasing (evil little shit)
half the time he was behind you with his hands wrapped around your waist, placing small kisses to your neck as he looked over your shoulder. you tried your best to ignore it but sometimes you couldn’t help it and would end up facing him having a whole make out session
he’d also try to eat half of the ingredients (cookie dough, chocolate chips, etc) to which you’d have to swat him away like a cat
he also tried to add wine into one of the batches for some reason??? his logic was “it would enhance the flavoring”. you knew he was mostly fucking with you but you still hit him in the side with your elbow
“y’know, i think we should add wine to this,” kaeya reached up to the cabinet and grabbed one of the bottles, opening it before it even got set on the counter.
“what..?” you slowly turned your head to look at your boyfriend. you furrowed your eyebrows at him in utter confusion.
“you’ve never heard of it before?” he reached for a glass and poured himself a small drink. “alcohol enhances the flavoring in cookies!”
“where the hell did you hear this from—“
“i heard someone mentioning it at the tavern.”
you just rolled your eyes. you did your best to ignore kaeya giving puppy dog eyes beside you. a few laughs came from you when you’d look over at him. god he was an idiot sometimes. (your idiot tho <3)
“cmon babe it’ll be g- OW—“ you cut him off by elbowing him in the side. you didn’t even hit him that hard but he had a dramatic ass reaction that made you genuinely worry for a second. (he apologized for worrying with you afterwards)
he’d try to feed some of the dough to you too. it was honestly sweet, but you had to stop him after a bit because you noticed a change in the amount of dough in the pan
he was a fucking menace and just did everything he could to be one if he had the chance/felt like it
he did help though, more than you’d expect. he’d take the bowl from you when your arms started to get tired of mixing (even would massage the muscles later if they were still sore). he would grab stuff that was too far up for you, help put stuff in the oven, would take over entirely if he saw your legs were getting tired from standing (he’d set you up on the counter so you were still in there), and much more that made your heart melt a little each time he’d do it
to your surprise kaeya was actually a really good baker?? like he knew how to work everything, would follow the recipe step by step, got all the measurements right, etc. his dough would taste fucking amazing too
once all of the cookies were done you two would sometimes slow dance in the kitchen to christmas music. foreheads pressed up against each other as your bodies swayed to the music, giving small kisses and giggling here and there. sometimes kaeya would pick you up just to fuck with you. her either spin you around or just hold you there, staring into your eyes with a small smirk. you two probably looked like lovesick fools (which you in fact were) but it was completely worth it
all the cookies you two made ended up tasting amazing. they felt nostalgic to the both of you, memories of making cookies in the kitchen with your families would come rushing back. it was a bittersweet feeling
you ended up making waaaayyyyy too many cookies for the two of you, so you decided to hand them out. you two gave them out to your close friends (klee ended up taking a majority of them)
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years ago
Lol I’m literally on the treadmill while reading this 😂
Awww yes !! You pull Dylan in first and then me w Jamie and Jack and then everybody just says fuck it and jumps !
It would be amazing to have friends that share the same interests as me, it’s kind of hard right now because my friend group fell apart. But I’m glad we are talking and that we share the same interest 💗that’s why I’m always drawn to people who take sports seriously! So that’s why I think we would have a great connection w the team☺️
Ahahah we would be a chaotic group, everybody’s just talking loudly and laughing . Awww holding hands 🥺 you and Dylan hehe. But also skating backwards would be fun! Haha everybody tripping.
Ooo I can’t believe you went without shoes lol 😂
My social life is so bad right now lol , but honestly I just wanna achieve something
Yesss I love working out too - #workoutbuddies
Going to the gym w them would be fun- the music would me amazing hehe.
Ooo you could teach them how to swim like you do!
hahha i love that for you 😂
yeah i definitely feel like once a couple people jump in, everyone else is just like fuck it let’s all go. and then we could all climb back up and try to do tricks while we’re jumping and have a contest lol
ohh i’m sorry about your friend group, if it makes you feel better the same thing is kind of happening with mine. at this point i’m just focusing on my sports and school instead of having a good social life lol. but yeah i’m super happy that you started sending asks, because we have a lot of similar interests and you take sports seriously too 💖 and yeah i think that we would have a lot of similar interests with the team too, so we would get along really well with them
yesss we would be so chaotic and loud, imagine just walking past an entire hockey team (+ the two of us) lmaooo. lmaoo i would die if we started rollerblading backwards, it’s actually so hard. but yeah then if i was holding hands with dyl i would definitely accidentally trip and pull him down with us, and then people behind us wouldn’t be paying attention and end up tripping over us to lol 😂
yeah i was really surprised that they let me in bc they’re usually like no shirt, no shoes, no service but i think they saw me holding my rollerblades and felt bad for me so they let me in lmaoo
yesss #workoutbuddies i’m happy i’m not the only one who genuinely enjoys working out lol. i think it would be sm fun to work out with them, and we would have the best music bc they literally have the same music taste i do lmao. and yesss i could teach everyone how to swim, that would be so fun. i tried to convince my soccer coach to let us do a swim practice i lead, but she said no lol
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