#also I’m picturing her trying to suffocate herself with her pillow at nigh
Florist Kaisa sees tattooist Johanna roll up the sleeves of her fuzzy sweater to reveal full sleeve tattoos. Think about it.
Bro. My brain is short circuiting just thinking about it. I pity the state Kaisa would be in if that happened
I just pictured them having neighboring parlors, both with big glass windows, so Kaisa sees this scene while she’s going about her day and just. Drops the vase of flowers she was holding. It takes her a couple of seconds of blushing and staring at Johanna (thankfully distracted and sketching tattoo ideas on her notebook) before she comes back to herself and notices that there are broken shards, spilled water and a ruined bouquet by her feet.
She still goes to bed that day wondering what the tattoos were, and chastening herself every time she thought about it
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