#also I think I might just end up ditching my page of sketches format in favor of just small drawings like here
mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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Commission Sheet!
If you'd like to order a commission from me, please contact me through Notes on dA, through the Contact Page on my website, or through one of my social medias linked at the bottom of the description so we can discuss details & pricing directly! Please include your name and the type of commission you'd like as featured on the Commission Sheet, or if you're inquiring about something not listed, a brief description of what you have in mind. Also, if you have a preference for whether the finished artwork is digital or traditional, please let me know otherwise I'll choose which format myself! Terms of Service (Short vers.)
• Certain details based on individual orders may affect the overall cost of your commission.
• Commission Options, Prices Listed, and Terms of Service are subject to change at my (MysticSparkleWings) discretion.
• I will not accept commissions that could be considered NSFW (Not Safe for Work), including but not limited to sexually explicit, heavily violent, or graphic imagery
• I reserve the right to decline ANY work that I do not personally feel comfortable with for ANY reason.
• I prefer to take full payment upfront, but I can take half upfront and half after completion upon request.
• I accept payment through PayPal or DeviantArt's Cryptocurrency (Points ) • Finished piece .PNG or .JPEG files will be sent directly to the commissioner upon completion and once payment has been made in full.
• Once a commission is ordered I will do my best to have it finished within one month, or a reasonable amount of time decided based on the complexity and urgency of the order.
• If for any reason you are not satisfied with your commission upon completion, contact me. Terms of Service (Long vers.): Please see this document.
Happy New Year everyone! :D
I decided that with the New Year I would finally change over from having a long, boring written Commission Price List with no examples to a fancy new Commission Sheet, like I’ve seen a lot of other artists use. I even made a piece of art especially for this! (Which will be uploaded separately later on because that whole thing is a story in and of itself.)
It’s cleaner, simpler, and overall I think this way is a little more uniform and easier to understand.
Unfortunately, I did have to “trim the fat” a little on my Terms of Service to get them to fit on the sheet properly, so I’ll still be keeping a Google Doc of the more thorough ToS on hand, just to be sure everything is crystal clear.
I’ve ditched the different prices for USD or Points for the time being, but I’m still a little iffy on that, so I may update this later and add different (lower) prices for Points back in. Or, I may decide to leave it as-is and use dA’s Commission Widget to take them, which takes a 20% cut, as if the prices were 20% cheaper for Points . We’ll see. I may also update this to include an "additional Characters" price add-on. I didn't include it this time as I'm not sure how I feel about multiple character scenes (I haven't been asked to do one as a commission yet) or on how much I would even charge for extra characters. (I'm thinking it would vary depending on if you chose "Sketch" or "Flat Color" or so on.) For now, if it comes up, I'll decide on a case-by-case basis.
Other than that, I tried to include everything I thought was strictly necessary, including a difference between doing Character artwork or scenes/backgrounds, and other things that aren’t listed as there are some things (logos or more graphic-design type work) that I’m willing to do but have to price on a more case-by-case basis. I also still couldn’t let go of giving the option of digital or traditional artwork, although I will add here that if you don’t care or don’t have a preference that’s fine too!
Also, originally I wasn’t planning it this way, but I ended up using a visual style similar to my Meet the Artist piece, and I have to say I think that works out quite nicely.
The file for this thing is HUGE so even though things seem small zoomed out, you should be to zoom in and see everything nice and clear to get a better look!
That said, if you’re interested in commissioning me or know somehow who might be, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me either via Notes here on dA or through my website and/or social media (linked below)!
Here’s to a New Year and with it, New Art! :D
Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings
Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182471426257
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eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182429039677
0 notes
eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182402886112
0 notes
eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2CMTuWT from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182395230137
0 notes
eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2CMTuWT
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182372647437
0 notes
eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182335479567
0 notes
eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182324598562
0 notes
eliaandponto1 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE
0 notes
taleshalance4 · 6 years
How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan
Was Lao Tzu thinking of law offices in the 21st century when he wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” in the 6th century B.C.? 
Without question. There’s a reason the e-book, The Paperless Law Office, is the most popular one my team has ever produced: Lawyers understand the criticality of ditching physical files, but a lot of times they get hung up how to start what seems like a herculean task.
For those struggling with going paperless, let 2019 be different. If you follow this month-by-month advice and take it step-by-step, by the end of the year you’ll be set up for success going forward.
January: Commit to Starting Slowly and Chipping Away
Do you want to go paperless? Commit to it, and realize that after this 12-month plan is over, your office will operate with a lot less stress and waste. According to legal technology speaker Bryan Sims on a recent episode of the 10-Minute Law Firm Podcast, going paperless is the single most important thing you can do to run a more efficient law practice.
So this month make a commitment: You will chip away at going paperless step by step. You will approach the project with grit and determination, never getting knocked off track by setbacks.
You will overcome resistant employees, removing them from their roles if need be, because you deserve a more profitable and stress-free enterprise.
February: Determine Your Process
We’re taking things nice and slow, so before we rush headlong into purchasing bunch of expensive technology, we must first sketch out a process.
Specifically, you need to define how you will handle two situations: first, how you will handle internally created documents and second, how to handle externally created documents. For more information and to get some ideas, watch this recording of a webinar we did with Sims last year.
Once you define this process, create a checklist that your staff must follow. Discipline is key here: everyone must follow the same steps or chaos will ensue.
March: Establish Naming and Filing Conventions
As part of your process review, you and your team might get hung up how to name something and where to put it. This may or may not come as a shock, but these sorts of discussions can become quite passionate.
For this reason, I recommend defining your overall folder structure and file naming conventions separately from your overall paperless workflow. It will build momentum and make things simpler.
For suggestions, or better yet a or a complete playbook on how to name your files and structure folders, a guide created by paperless lawyer Andrew Kucera can help you.
April: Get Desktop Scanners
It’s time to make the plunge and buy hardware. And the best move is to get desktop scanners and put them on everyone’s desks. It doesn’t make sense to have one central garbage can in your office, does it? So it doesn’t make sense to have one central scanning resource either.
You are a document professional, so get the best document tools. Do not get multi-function devices, such as printer/copier/scanner/fax machines. These devices compromise functionality since they support so many tasks.
I share the opinion of many legal tech experts that the best solution for desktop scanners is the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. For approximately $400 (at the time this article was written) these machines come with PDF creation software, process 25 double-sided pages per minute, and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks.
May: Choose Online File Storage Provide
I recommend choosing an online storage provider that syncs automatically with your desktop or laptop and am a big fan of Google Drive. I already use Gmail, Google Calendar, other G Suite tools, and Google Drive plays really well with them.
I recommend smaller law firms look at specialized document storage tool like Dropbox, Box, iCloud, or OneDrive. Larger organizations might want to stick to NetDocuments, Box, or Google Drive.
Now stop and smell the roses! Summer is coming, and at this point, you’re pretty paperless: you’re scanning documents, have processes defined, have consistent file and folder conventions, and you’re backing your documents up securely. Nice work!
June: Automate Your Billing and Collections
One of the biggest forms of waste in a law firm is sending out paperless bills and waiting for checks. This onerous process requires many people-hours, is a slow way to collect revenue, and is out of step with how many modern clients want to pay.
Furthermore, you end up collecting a much higher percentage of your invoices with electronic billing, which more than compensates for credit card fees.
Instead of printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing, and sending invoices, with paperless billing you click a button and invoices are emailed out to clients. They can then pay online with debit or credit cards and you have your money the next day.
To learn how to embrace paperless billing, this e-book can get you started.
July: Automate Simple Documents with Document Assembly!
Consider the humble engagement letter: imagine if you could collect information about a new client during your intake process and then instantly generate a document.
Document assembly allows you to click a button and create a document from fields you’ve saved in a database. It scares attorneys, especially ones who are not very technically-savvy, but the reality is it’s not too tough to do and the benefits are amazing.
July is usually one of the slower months for law firms, so use it to expand your knowledge and add this critical skill to your toolset.
There are many ways to start – you are probably already using Microsoft Word, so learning about Mail Merge fields will help you get started. This is how Rocket Matter’s and other practice management software document assembly tools work.
There are also more powerful tools such as HotDocs, which are better suited for more complicated document production.
August: Use Summer Slowdown to Scan Backlog
You have a decision to make: do you want to scan all of your documents or just your active cases? Personally, I’m lazy. I prefer to scan only the active stuff I’m working on.
That said, there is a lot to catch up on even if you’re only scanning your active files. It’s best to approach this task little by little, and start doing it gradually throughout the year. But when August hits and business slows, take advantage of the downtime to really make a dent in your scanning backlog.
September: Embrace Mobile Paperless Tools
If you haven’t done so already, start taking advantage of the tools you can use on the digital Swiss Army Knives we carry with us at all times: smartphones and tablets.
Smartphones allow for scanning-on-the go functionality. The cameras in the latest models are incredible, and perfect for getting a document quickly into your system.
iAnnotate makes it possible for you to write on PDFs using a tablet—this is just one of many PDF tools you can find for markup. And the online document storage tools you implemented in May pay dividends: no matter where you are (as long as you have a data plan or internet connection), you can pull up your files.
October: Automate Pleadings and More Complex Documents
It’s time to take the next step with our document assembly project that we started in July. Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dipped your toes in the waters of doc automation with your engagement letter and are happily and efficiently onboarding clients.
Now it’s time to really ratchet up your efficiencies! Make a list of the top 10 documents your law firm creates on a regular basis and convert those into document templates.
Spend some time learning what Microsoft Word can do with mail merge fields, such as if-then-else logic, prompting for questions, and special formatting. You will be amazed. You can switch pronouns based on gender, swap paragraphs out based on conditions, and significantly reduce the errors as well as time in document production.
November: Realize it’s Okay to Still Use Some Paper
Not everything need be digitized. Even the most paperless of law firms still use paper. Paper is still great for note-taking. For me, no stylus and tablet can reproduce the beautiful tactile experience of writing with my favorite pen. And handwritten notes are still special, even more so in our noisy, social media-infected world.
December: Reflect on Success, Plan Improvements for 2020
Congratulations! You did it! It took twelve months, but you took it nice and slow, and now you don’t have to spend 15 minutes looking for files. You can view them from anywhere you are. You can work from home more. You have more time on your hands because creating documents takes a single click. And you’re collecting more money than ever because of your conversion to electronic payments.
Our work is not done here. Now that you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s time to scout for more inefficiencies in your processes. What can you do better? How can you run an even better firm for 2020?
The post How to Go Paperless in 2019: A Month-by-Month Plan appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from http://bit.ly/2sOvfmE from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/182306243432
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