#also I like that 'you could have joined up' is right there with silna's look when goodsir is like we are dying for the economy
antiqua-lugar · 5 days
I love that hickey is trying to insert himself into some kind of relationship with crozier but like every niche he tries is already filled by someone else. us irish should stick together - no, crozier's colonial parallel is silna. let me be the little guy on the captain's shoulder - no, that's jopson. surely the flogging will change something - yeah, for thomas hartnell. well he hates me now but he'll surely see my inner depths - no, that's fitzjames.
and then hickey finally technically succeeds at becoming like the only man crozier wouldn't forgive - he kills a whole family! he massacred the men! he makes him eat goodsir! he loots fitzjames' boots from his grave! he leads them to doom and worse doom! - and when he is giving his villain monologue crozier only reaction is just. you could have joined up.
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charlesdesvoeux · 6 months
terror rewatch time!!! i'll be using this post to comment on ep. 10 "we are gone" block the tag terrorwatch2 if you'd like :-)
"you and I once shared a drink, on a wednesday" goddddd. you are so obsessed.
crozier was thrust into leadership at what was at the time their absolute lowest moment and little eventually was also thrust into leadership at what was at the time their absolute lowest moment.
and like. what little says makes absolute sense. none of them have ever been in the arctic and none of them speak netsilik. crozier is indeed their best chance. also the breakdown of all hierarchy!!! "there has been a vote, edward". that's so cool. i mean honestly they were fucked either way. i don't think retrieving crozier at that point would have changed their fate. and I suppose on some level they knew it too. so why bother coming into conflict with hickey's camp?
le vesconte still tries to keep a semblance of rank by saying "no, I mean, you're totally in command of this camp- buuuut" when that is absolutely not true. the fact that it is a fellow lieutenant who makes this empty nod towards hierarchy is telling.
and crozier then saying "I know lieutenant little's nature, he'll be here with a dozen armed men"....... and like that is true. by his nature he would but. you know. outvoted!!!!! and to be clear I absolutely don't blame the guys who staged the coup against him. obviously leaving the ill behind is a shitty thing but I understand it; "well these guys are practically dead but we- WE still have a chance to live" except of course they don't. and then one day one of those guys who voted to leave will become one of the sick and then HE will be the one left behind until there's a lone man fruitlessly marching south and then. there will be none.
it's been so long. there have been so many deaths. goodsir can't even remember david young's name.
jopson's death scene :-((((
hickey actually has a pretty good read on crozier TO SOME EXTENT however he is just. soooo blinded by his own narcissism it becomes his undoing. "then why have me brought here at all?" because of his obsessive need to be seen!!!!
"i didn't have anywhere near an equal in this expedition except for you" babygirl there is something soooo wrong with you
"you must be a surpassingly lonely man, Mr. Hickey" even after everything. after all he's done. crozier still manages to muster some compassion for the man who ruined him.
"private armitage"
if he couldn't- and under the normal naval hierarchy he indeed could never- rise up to crozier's level, then he would bring him down to his
hickey just. knocking out tozer in cold blood. tommy reaching towards him.
oh my goddddd the jcr + barrow jr scene..... "then you're sure to find it" the way this immediately rings an alarm in jcr's head. horror dawning on his face as he realizes barrow jr. is NOT referring to the men he's referring to the passage.
"you think you're going back?" GODDDDD
"you could've just joined up" ICONIIIIIIC
the way some of the men ACTUALLY JOIN HIM IN SINGING WHAT.
robert golding desperately crying out "captain!". hickey's look of disbelief and betrayal as tuunbaq rejects his offering.
the look on silna's face as she sees goodsir's body.
the scene where he's just reciting the names of the crew.....
"close". but it was nothing. it was worse than nothing.
just. francis. his best friend right there, he hears his voice- but his back is turned. as another person has said here- eurydice refusing to be saved.
he was right in a way- aglooka may live, but francis crozier is dead. dead and gone.
oooooh I hadn't realized before that the song in the end credits is a distorted version of the silver swan. that's a nice touch.
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cawsaurus · 4 years
Adventures in watching The Terror when you’re legitimately face-blind
Re-rewatching Horrible from Supper
Aw, watch Young alive and well, talking with THartnell in the flashback scene
The first time I watched this episode I could tell there was something wrong with (Real) Hickey's face/hair, but assumed that my face-blindness was playing tricks on me and dismissed it.
Ah, yes, the crew filling the boats with *checks notes* cutlery and furniture. Fitzjames notes this, and perhaps inspired by the resource waste that was the Carnival, is against it.
Manson is hopeful that the Little’s party might have dinner ready for them, but is dismissed by a very pessimistic Gibson. THartnell disapproves of this and glares at Gibson, but continues working.
This is the first time I successfully recognized Armitage!!!! He's talking with a Robert Golding (???) who I've literally never noticed before.
Tozer knows well that when you're being pursued by a bear you don't need to outrun the bear, but the person next to you. And he hopes that the person next to him happens to be Hickey. He doesn't seem to think much of him at this point, and yet a few moments later he agrees to join him.
Gibson is also skeptical about the Inuit helping them.
Morfin is looking like shit. Collins rushes to help him carry Goodsir's stuff... which allows him to hear Goodsir as he tells Bridgens about possible treatments for Morfin's illness. Coca wine, huh?
Hickey still can't lie worth shit, but is VERY good at leveraging people's moments of vulnerability. Here he has Gibson be the one to suggest they leave the others behind. Also present: Manson, Tozer, Armitage, Golding. And thus the core group of the mutineers is established.
Gibson mentions there are 40 men in their party, the other 50 were sent with Little to set up an outpost. So there’s just 90 people left? It should be 105.
Tozer suggests they wait until they're on land to leave, so the rest of the group will help them haul the supplies through the ice
Hickey already aiming for rank here
I see 7 men being left behind in the ship
They leave the ship on April 22 1948
Compare Ross the elder riding atop a boat during his march vs Crozier hauling with his crew
Blanky compliments THartnell's eye for reading the ice. In a different world where THartnell lived, would he have become an ice master?
Hickey watches Hodgson consideringly. What does Hickey see? Is this related to Crozier complimenting THartnell?
Shipping aside, I don't think Collins and Goodsir where close before this point because: 
COLLINS (When told to open up): I've tried, sir. GOODSIR: Well, you haven't tried with me.
Some excellent active listening from Goodsir. Can recognize some techniques. However he's overwhelmed by Collins explanation. He wasn’t ready for it.
The way Crozier puts Goodsir under his wing ("We share a burden, you and I, keeping this (the secret of the tins)") reminds me of how how he praises THartnell. I get the feeling Crozier is very conscious of how important it is to build relationships with the crew. If only he had had more time I think he could have prevented the mutiny
I like to think that Hickey is gleeful that someone is agreeing with him at last that the dog is being treated better than them. This is probably the point where he gets the idea to eat Neptune. The discord server confirms the men having lunch with him are Armitage and Pilkington.
Hickey catches Goodsir dragging Silna out of the line for food.
Morfin and Tozer are the ones to find out the rescue mission failed. Fitzjames confirms that they only made it 18 miles before dying. I see at least 5 corpses.
Crozier wanted to go with Fitzjames over the ice wall before the others in case there were any other unpleasant discoveries at the other side e.g. Little's party not making it
Crozier asks Little indirectly if he saw the rescue party. He's not going to tell him?
Right away Tozer wants to arm more men. He suggests Armitage, Crispe, Manson, Seeley, Coombs, and lastly Hickey. If you add Gibson, Golding and Pilkington to that  list, that's 10 people total that are on the mutineer’s side. Hodgson will later reluctantly join them (11 people)
Crozier is suspicious.
There are only 8 marines left.
CROZIER (pointedly, to Tozer): It's going to be difficult to surprise us on such level ground, hm?
Crozier memorized where everyone was from to be able to use it at key moments. Here he uses it to try and convince Morfin to stay alive.
Morfin commits suicide by Tozer :(
Between the sledge party (~5?), the men left in the ships (7) and Morfin, the body count for this episode is now at 13. Later Hickey will stab 2 people, bringing it up to 15.
THartnell reaches out to comfort Goodsir, but Goodsir shrugs him off
By the way Goodsir is hyperventilating it looks like he's having a panic attack. Thank God Silna is there to comfort him.
Crozier asks THartnell to find out who else helped Hickey get Silna
After Jopson complains about Crozier shaving his job away:
CROZIER: I need to hold a command meeting this morning for Captain Fitzjames ande the lieutenants. I'll let you gather them. JOPSON (with the slightlest hint of sarcasm): Oh, thank you very much, sir.
Jopson is such a little shit, I love him so much.
While the other officers discuss the situation with the tin cans, Hodgson is send out with THartnell and Manson to bury Morfin. He peers down at the little mound under which Morfin lays.
And then he comes back and finds out they had a big talk without him and that Jopson was promoted. A steward! Promoted to lieutenant!
And that... that's the moment of vulnerability Hickey exploits.
Hickey doesn't tell Hodgson what happened to Morfin. He asks him. He's most successful when he lets others talk.
Hickey says the food would be divided into "nearly a hundred portions", so there's less than 100 people alive at this point.
HODGSON: God, blind me.
He's so ridiculously Victorian.
Was there ever a more Hickey sentence than "Survival is a nasty piece of business, but we do what we have to do."
I like that Hickey recognizes he's more suited to be a powerful man's right hand man. He likes running things from the shadows.
Why does Hodgson send Hickey with Irving???
Hickey has to adapt here. By his expression I don't think he was planning on encountering those Inuit at that point (and how could he be?) I think he decided to kill the other two on the spot.
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