#also I know ipsi will always be the real fav her but a geologist can dream
emmasbadbatch · 11 months
Star Wars OC - Ellora Clev
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Welcome! This is a short, temporary information sheet about my OC (I am currently at 13,000 words with various stories and excerpts about her life), Ellora Clev! Please enjoy, she is my pride and joy 💗
Name: Ellora Clev
Species: Human
Born: 42BBY
Designation: Engineering Corps - Geological Division (Former), Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research - Project Celestial Power (Former)
Overview: Ellora Clev was a geologist in the Republic Engineering Corps with a special interest in mineralogy and speleology. Usually based on Coruscant, she would regularly attend field missions for duties such as mapping surveys, sample and core extractions, and navigational assistance. Her research was valuable intel for the GAR during the Clone Wars, which continued to rage on throughout the formative years of her career.
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Ipsi the Tooka: Ipsi is Ellora's tooka. They met on a remote planet named Athol-3. The full story can be read here!
She has very 'I just live here' energy, contenting herself with sleeping and exploring wherever she goes. She doesn't take kindly to strangers, and has an unusual distaste for Crosshair, but cares deeply for Ellora.
Ipsi is small by tooka species standards, only measuring approximately half the average length and height. Her most striking feature is her bioluminescence, which causes her fur to glow a vivid green colour.
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Clone Force 99: Ellora met the Bad Batch when they were assigned to assist her with a highly dangerous mineral extraction mission on a planet named Calyx. The air was highly corrosive and caused weapons such as blasters and detonators to become damaged and explosive. Together, they worked as a team to complete the mission successfully (with some minor major shenanigans).
Ellora and Tech quickly hit it off, becoming friends and enjoying the time they spent together exchanging research notes and learning from one another. Soon, Ellora became friends with the rest of the squad, slowly winning them over with her sense of humour. The exception to this was Crosshair, who elected to keep his distance.
Post Order 66: Following the fall of the Republic, Ellora was inducted into the Advanced Weapons Research unit of the Imperial Army. She found herself transferred to Kamino to continue her role as a field geologist extracting rare minerals. The Empire had taken a keen interest in kyber crystals, and Ellora was paired with the Elite Squad, led by Crosshair, to carry out numerous missions (under the pretence the crystals were for energy research). Here, the pair reunited, but tensions ran high. Under the influence of his inhibitor chip, now at full intensity, Crosshair's cold attitude continued. However, promising signs showed early in Ellora's arrival to Tipoca City. He began to train Ellora in secrecy, teaching her how to fight and to handle her blaster properly. Her lack of combat skills made her a liability to the team, and Crosshair endeavoured to train her so that she was proficient enough to protect herself. Slowly, their friendship began to develop.
Waning Loyalty: Ellora continues her missions across the galaxy to acquire target minerals that are of interest to the Empire. The purposes of her research are kept secret, and any questions Ellora makes are placated with benign studies. Soon, she becomes suspicious.
Her rapidly evolving friendship with Crosshair provides her with someone to confide in, and she shares her concerns with him. Crosshair is confronting his own doubts, with his inhibitor chip now malfunctioning after his injury on Bracca. Before they can investigate further, Ellora is taken off world, back to Coruscant. She becomes panicked, hearing that Tipoca City was destroyed in a devastating storm. Fearing the worst, she was met with a mixture of relief and horror upon discovering that Crosshair was alive, but in extremely poor health.
The pair reunite once more, now working primarily as a team of two. The Empire was choosing to allocate less and less resources to clones, and questions were beginning to appear surrounding Ellora's loyalty. Through all of this, Crosshair and Ellora are a vital support to one another, and they are almost inseparable whenever they aren't attending to their respective duties. Their care and attachment are beyond that of a conventional relationship.
Breaking Point: Missions were becoming increasingly challenging, and it soon became obvious that they were being passively discarded by the Empire. Ellora confessed to Crosshair that she wanted to leave and start a new life with him. At first, he humours it, but soon the thought becomes Ellora's light in the ever suffocating darkness they found themselves in. Crosshair cared deeply for her, and was enraptured by her vivid daydreams. He agrees to help her leave, but realises that going with her will pose a much greater threat to her safety. Knowing that she won't go through with her desertion alone, he attempts to wait until the last moment to convince her to leave by herself. During Ellora's escape, Crosshair tries to reason with her to go by herself, but she refuses. He makes the ultimate decision to force her to leave.
Navigating Alone: Having spent all of her adult life in the Engineering Corps or under the Imperial Army, Ellora found navigating the galaxy alone a formidable task. With few credits and limited equipment, Ellora did what she could to survive whilst remaining off the Empire's radar. This meant sometimes having to make morally questionable decisions. Combined with her grief from losing Crosshair, Ellora struggled significantly to keep going. Ipsi helped Ellora through her darkest moments, and continued to do so.
Ellora's main source of income was selling rare and valuable minerals that she had either collected herself, or bartered from sellers who weren't as knowledgeable on the true value. Through this line of work she met a pirate named Phee Genoa, who valued Ellora's eye for the unique and illusive when it came to crystals.
Arrival on Pabu: Phee and Ellora quickly became close associates, exchanging intel frequently. But in a dangerous galaxy, Ellora keeps her past a closely guarded secret. Despite this, Phee invites her to Pabu after Ellora is badly injured during a run-in with bounty hunters. Shortly after her arrival, Ellora discovers that the Bad Batch are living on Pabu. The squad are still recovering after their recent mission to Mount Tantiss, where they successfully rescued Crosshair, Tech and Omega. Tech was the most severely wounded, still recovering from a fall he took on Eriadu, with Crosshair also suffering significant physical trauma after being relentlessly tortured.
Their reunions were painfully sweet, and Ellora was very excited to be introduced to the newest member of the squad, Omega. Her reconciliation with Crosshair came last, with complicated feelings on both sides about their separation remaining strong. It had been over a year since they had seen each other, but any resentment or contempt Ellora could have possibly held immediately dissolved. It was like no time had passed at all, but they had both significantly changed, and they had a long road ahead of them to recover.
The Future: Ellora is passionate about Pabu, feeling deeply for the cause. Wanting to help other refugees of the Empire find a new home, Ellora became involved in initiatives to help find new places across the galaxy like Pabu. Using her skills in geology, she became a surveyor with a small team, but often undertook fieldwork to chart new planets which would be suitable for settlement by those fleeing the new regime. Crosshair would most often accompany her on these expeditions, and although they never truly enjoyed the life that Ellora had spoken of so fondly, they felt they were helping to make the galaxy a better place.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Ellora. Please enjoy some Ipsi content for getting this far :D
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